Dear SKILO9JA readers
I dated this nincompoop for four years and in that four years, I had
five abortions for him. The last abortion was particularly traumatic. We
broke up four years ago and within a year he was married to someone
else. He has two kids with his wife who is a co-worker he cheated on me
with. I moved on with my life and fortunately met a great guy in 2012. I
married him in early 2013 and a year later I haven't gotten pregnant
yet. I went to see a doctor in December last year and after carrying out
tests he asked me if I'd ever had an abortion. I initially lied but
owned up after I realized how serious it was. The doctor said that I may
have destroyed part of my womb but will keep treating me and I should
be hopeful. I know that my ex and his wife are expecting their third
child and this makes me very angry. I may never be able to have children
and the cause of all this is living a fulfilling life. Short of having
him killed, I don't know what else to do. The anger I feel inside is
immense and I'm gradually losing my sanity. I wrote an email to my ex
and copied his wife explaining what was going on with me, and they both
ignored me. How do I forgive this man and myself? There's nothing I want
more than to be a mum. I'm going out of my mind and I am so bitter. Can
anyone help.
Meanwhile, (this is Linda writing now) I will be MIA for at least 16
hours. I'm going to the US and won't be able to blog for a bit as I fly.
As soon as I land, I will continue blogging. Thanks guys and God bless
every one of you...