From a male Love N Singles reader on Facebook
I am 29 years old and I got married to the love of my life who is 3 years younger than I am. We have a 2 year old cute son and my wife is preggy with the second. My problem is that I have a mighty sex urge and libido but my wife is my complete opposite in bed. We dated for 4 years before we married and she became pregnant immediately I disvirgined her. Throughout our courtship, we never had sex but we use to enjoy hours of kissing and romance. I never thought sex was going to be an issue in our relationship till we married and she gave birth. Each time we make love she either complains that my penis is too big and painful or that I take time to cum. I have tried to increase her interest in sex through every means I know of, I use porn to make her horny but whenever we eventually have sex I feel depressed and sad because it won't be any fun. Sometimes in the process of romance, she'll cum over and over again then she'll just sleep off leaving me awake all night. I have discussed the issue with her time without number but she keeps promising to get better .I'm afraid that this is pushing me into cheating which I swore to myself never to do. I need advise from mature LIBers please before I go crazy. Thanks