Some guy who is looking for his 15 minutes of fame claims he's so petrified of the Kardashians that the sight of a semi-naked Kim on TV makes him vomit with disgust.
Speaking to reporters, 24 year old retail assistant Mike Amess from Exeter said he breaks out in a cold sweat whenever he sees or hears any member of the Kardashians on his TV.
'Just hearing the sound of the Kardashians' nasal voices or catching a glimpse of them on screen makes me feel nauseous and shaky. My hands get clammy, my breathing gets heavier and I start sweating. Sometimes, I get teary and want to retch.'Mike, who is gay, says his fear of the Kardashians started when he watched Kim's sex tape with Ray J when he was only seventeen. Continue...

"I was raised Catholic and growing up, I tried to repress my sexuality and deny that I was gay. Loads of the boys at school were going on about how good Kim Kardashian's sex tape was. I thought I'd give it a watch in the hope it would turn me on. I downloaded the video and watched it secretly in my bedroom. But the sight of Kim writhing around with her huge bum and the sound of her horrible high-pitched wailing repulsed me. I really wanted to be aroused by her so I kept watching it but she made me feel more and more upset.
"By the end of the tape, I had burst into tears. The experience left me terrified and I never wanted to see Kim's face again. I have come to terms with my homosexuality now but my dread towards her has never left.'
'Kim and her sisters look and sound so similar - they're a mess. They make my stomach churn, I hate it.I dislike everything about them, especially their physical appearance. I don't understand how anyone could find them attractive.I can't stand their voices either. They're so whiny and shrill - it really gets under my skin.'
'It's impossible to get away from Kim, let alone her whole family. Every website or magazine you read has them plastered all over. I really enjoy reading the news but if I see Kim on the cover of a newspaper or a big picture of her across a website, I won't go near it. It makes life really difficult. Sometimes, I miss out on a lot of important news or celebrity gossip because I have to avoid anything which features the Kardashians.'