Two men were sitting in a bar and the following conversation took place:
MAN 1: I cant takes this any more!
MAN 2: What is the matter?
MAN 1: My wife cheated on me!
MAN 2: That is horrible! So what did you do?
MAN 1: I did what all men will do.
MAN 2: I trust you, that man must have gotten the beating of his life.
MAN 1: I did not beat him, I just told him to buy me a drink.
MAN 1: I cant takes this any more!
MAN 2: What is the matter?
MAN 1: My wife cheated on me!
MAN 2: That is horrible! So what did you do?
MAN 1: I did what all men will do.
MAN 2: I trust you, that man must have gotten the beating of his life.
MAN 1: I did not beat him, I just told him to buy me a drink.