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Corper John EPISODE: 1
It was around 6 am when John woke
up, he tried to get up and say his
morning prayers when he noticed that
TJ, his childhood friend had slept with his
leg over
his chest, he pushed his
leg aside and cursed TJ when you go
dey drink too much , Adebayo John
was a 23 year old corper who hailed
from Ogun state , he and his friend
Timmy Johnson 23 whom also hailed from
state have been together
since childhood, they both attended
the same primary school, secondary
school and university, and surprisingly
they were both posted to Enugu state
for their NYSC. They had finished their
NYSC and
were going back home that
morning, John was not really excited
that morning because he was
returning home to his busy father who
never had time for him and his mean
step mother who hated him because he
was the only
male child in the family,
Johns mother had left him with his
father because he was a drunkard and
beat her up every time he drank, he
had met Johns step mother at a club
where he usually drank. John quickly said
his prayers
and went to have his
bath, when he came back TJ was still
sleeping, John kicked him and said
mumu you no go go bath, TJ then said
weray and went out to have his bath.
John had finished dressing up when TJ
came in, John
was dressed in his
Corper outfit, while waiting for TJ to
finish dressing up he took his time to
cross check his luggage, he then
remembered that he had not picked up
his novel, at least that would entertain him
throughout the long journey to
Lagos. John and TJ went to have their
breakfast of moin moin and pap at
mama Nkechis buka, they then set out
to the main road to look for a taxi to
take them to the motor park, they waited
for about 7
minutes before they
saw a taxi, after a minute of
negotiating the taxi driver then agreed
to take them there for 200 naira, they
then set off on the 15 minutes journey
to the motor park, John looked sideways at
TJ, TJ was
the last born of
a rich family of 3 girls and he was the
only male child, his 3 sisters were
based in the U.S with their mother,
while his father was a busy business
man who rarely spent a week without
traveling, TJ
was handsome, he was
the ladies guy but he was not brilliant
in terms of academics, he graduated
with a second class lower, TJ also had a
knack for getting into trouble. They
got to the park and alighted then settled
their taxi
driver, it was then TJ
tried hiding his face when he sighted
somebody in the garage , John noticed
TJs action and asked oh boy wetin
happen? TJ said padi mi na one of
those girls I see o, make we do quick go
enter bus,
they hurriedly entered a
bus with a Lagos sign on it, while in
the bus TJ put his head on the seat to
hide his face.. …….

Corper John EPISODE: 2
John, still a little bit surprised asked,
which girl be that? TJ with his head still
on the chair, its one of those girls who
claimed I impregnated them, Job burst
into an uncontrolled laughter which
attracted some
passangers in the bus,
so you dey run from your responsibility
abi? Which kind responsibility? Na only
me they dey follow sleep? If she see
me for here she go hook me down
come embarass me for this park. Luckily
for TJ the
last passanger
entered and they set off, but TJ still
had his head on the chair, John with a
smile on his face tapped TJ on his head
and said Baba Junior carry your head
up, TJ grinned and said you don dey
craze. John
checked his wrist watch,
they had set off around 8 am, John
then took a moment to survey the
faces of those in the bus, they were six
corpers in the bus including them, 4
guys and 2 girls, one of the girls of which
he knew,
her name was Joy and
she was one the few girls he admired.
Joy Parker was epitome of beauty, she
was an half-caste, her father was from
England and her mother was from
Nigeria, John had seen a lot of girls in his
lifetime but
he could swear she was
the most beautiful girl he had ever
seen, after a while John picked up his
novel and got busy, he was reading
the broker by John Grisham, he was in
the 5th chapter when something
happened. ……..
Suddenly the woman beside him had
an asthma attack, as she tried to use
her inhaler it fell outside the bus
through the window, John immediately
shouted at the driver to stop, when the
bus finally
came to a halt, John got
down and sprinted back in search of
the inhaler, he ran for about 50 metres
before sighting the inhaler, when he
picked it up he ran back to the bus like
a mad man and handed the inhaler back
to the
woman, she then used it
and it stopped the attack in a matter of
seconds, John looked sideways only for
him to see that Joy was staring at him,
John was immediately taken aback by
her captivating beauty, she had a light
skin and
beautiful brown eyes, they
had eye contact for about 5 seconds
before Joy finally looked away smiling ,
after the woman had calmed down she
thanked John for his help and prayed
for him. Joy knew a trustworthy guy
when she saw
one and to her John
would be trustworthy, she had only
seen him a few times around camp but
there was something about him that
interested her, after being cheated on
by her ex boyfriend, Joy decided that she
was done
with Nigerian men but
maybe John was an exception. TJ was
glad he was returning home, home for
him meant he could go out with his
fathers cars, go clubbing, bring home
girls and move at his own free will, he
his ordeal with different
girls with different sizes, shapes and
skin colour, he was a player unlike his
friend John, he felt sorry for John who
didnt really know what fun was like,
his attention was drawn back by the
screams of the
people in the bus, when
he looked to see what was happening
TJ said oh damn because trouble
was ahead of them
Right in front of them stood six men
armed men, the driver thought about
making a run
for it but thought again
when he saw a plank full of nails right
In front of him, he had no option but to
stop the bus, the armed men ordered
them all out of the bus, and asked
them to drop all their valuables and
money, the
passengers immediately
began to comply, the only thing John
could think of at that moment was the
safety of Joy, he hoped the men would
do nothing more than collect their
money and leave them alone but he was
wrong, the
woman who had an
asthma attack earlier suddenly fainted,
no one dared go to her aid, the leader
of the armed men ordered the corpers
and four other passengers into the bus
where they were blindfolded, the next
thing John
heard was gunshots as the
remaining passengers were killed in
cold blood, the driver of the bus tried
to escape but got six bullets into his
back as a result of his action, the men
then got into the bus and drove off,
Johns heart
started to beat fast he
was half glad that Joy and TJ were in
the bus with him, though he didnt
know this men but he knew one thing
about them dont mess with them ,
TJ had his heart in his mouth, he had
never had a
gun pointed at him before,
he didnt know where these men were
taking them to but he knew it could
not be good.

Corper John EPISODE: 3
Joy was so scared that her heart
pumped like a pumping machine, she
had different questions racing through
her mind like Who were these people?
Where are they being taken to? What do
they want
from them? Why were
they the chosen ones? John noticed
that the bus suddenly slowed down
and took a turn, now there were off
the tarred road, he knew because he
could tell from the buses sound and
movement, he
heard one of the armed
men talking about how much they will
be paid for bringing ten people, one of
the men said If na 100,000 naira per
person then e mean say na one million
naira we dey collect, now John knew
where they were
being taken to, they
were going to be sold by the armed
men to ritualists who would pay them
100,000 naira for each of them, TJs
worst fears were confirmed as he also
heard their conversation, is this how his
life is going
to end? He thought,
the bus had continued along the rough
road for 30 minutes where it had taken
different turns than they could count,
they drove for another 20 minutes
before the bus finally came to a stop.
They were
there, John thought, they
were at the place where their lives
might end, their blindfolds were
removed and they were ordered to get
down from the bus, as they got down
lo and behold they were in the middle of
inside a very thick forest,
right in front of them stood an
uncompleted building with hefty and
heavily armed men, they were about 7
in number, one of the guards said they
don come o, the leader of the armed men
ordered them to line up in a
straight line and move into the
building, John wondered how any
human being in their right senses
would think of building a house in such
a thick forest in the first place, as they
were moving
into the building, John
noticed that a car was parked beside
it, it was a Range Rover SUV, John
quickly crammed the number of the
vehicle AA 885 AKD as they were about
to enter into the building John thought,
was that the
last car he was
going to see? Well if it was, it was a
nice one and damp and smelled of
death, escaping was not an option as
they were surrounded by hard looking,
heartless and hefty armed men, they
were lead to a
dark room they called
dark room they called
the dungeon, where they were
chained. TJ said to John on the bright
side well pray to God for forgiveness
and end up in heaven prayers! John
hadnt thought of that, he began to pray
to God for
forgiveness, he asked
God to find them a way out of this
smelly, dark dungeon, he had not
finished praying when one man walked
in carrying injections all filled with a
substance that neither of them knew
about, the man
began to inject each of
them with the substance, as he was
injected, John began to recite psalm
23, he had not reach thou anoint my
head with oil when he suddenly felt
dizzy, as his eyes were about to close
the last thing
he saw was Joy who was
already unconscious
It was almost evening when they woke
up, they must have slept for about 5
hours, it was then John noticed that he
was Unclad
and all his hair was
shaven, not only him but all the guys
who were in the dungeon, he looked
towards Joys direction, she was
untouched and so were the remaining
women in the dungeon, he and Joys
eyes met, he
was a little shy, he liked
the idea of being Unclad in front of her
but not under such circumstances,
their clothes were in the center of the
room, John felt uneasy, he was not
used to being Unclad in front of women,
but he knew
TJ was, he had to
find a way to free himself and get out
of this mess along with Joy and TJ at
least, he looked at the far end of the
room and noticed that some of them
were weeping, John studied the room for
points, the window was not
an option as it was high, very small
and had a hard burglary barricade in
front of it, he looked up at the ceiling,
the door was not an option either as
two armed men were outside guarding it,
he looked
at Joy then he had an
John looked at Joys hair and noticed
that she had a hair pin, can you throw
me your hair pin? John asked politely,
okay Joy replied as she removed her
hair pin and
tossed it at John, with his
shackle bound hands he pick up the
pin, as he tried to use the pin to pick
the lock of his chains, the door opened
and 3 men came in and took the four
other people who were not corpers, John
heard one
of them say something
about beheading them and using their
organs for money rituals, John silently
prayed to God for a miracle, as the last
armed man was about to close the
door he mistakenly shut the door on the
bunch of
keys attached to his belt
hole, the keys fell inside the room as
the man shut the door, that was the
fastest prayer that God had ever
answered him, now he had to act fast,
heaven had helped him now he had to
help himself,
he got back to picking
the lock as he was sweating as if he
was inside an oven, he was relieved
when he picked the first lock, he had
never done such before but he had
now put the movies he watched into
good use, as his
left hand was free he
used it to pick the second lock,it took
about 3 minutes for him to pick the
lock until it opened, with both his
hands free he stretched to where the
key was but he was just a few inches
short, he looked
around and
remembered their clothes which was in
the middle of the room, he stretched to
where the clothes were and took his
boxers and used often it to try to get
the key, He threw his boxers over the
bunch of keys
and pulled it nearer,
now he had the keys, he had tried 3
keys before the fourth one opened the
shackles on his feet, now free, he out
on his boxers and went to release Joy
first, he tried the keys that released him
first and it
opened all her
opened all her
shackles, he tried it for TJ too and It
worked, when TJ was free John have
him the keys to release the other 3
people while he dressed up, when they
were all released and dressed up, John
had a plan to
get them out of there..
Bison was in the slaughter room when
he noticed that his keys were not with
him, he quickly retraced his steps in
search of the keys, he searched
everywhere but
could not find his keys,
he then remembered that he had not
searched the dungeon, with his pistol
in his hand he ran to the dungeon, he
then ordered the two guards to open
the door, when the door was opened,
Bison could
not believe his eyes
The room was empty as all the
prisoners had escaped through the
ceiling, he raised an alarm and
informed all the men that the prisoners
had escaped and he needed to have
them back, all
the men ran out in
search of John and his mates because
prisoners meant money, John and his
friends ran through the back of the
building into the forest as fast as they
could because sooner or later their
captors would
find out that they had
escaped, before they could say Nelson
Mandela 6 armed men were after
them, it was now a race of life and
death called stop and you are dead, TJ
had been in a similar situation before
when he was
being chased by cultists
in his university for dating the
girlfriend of one of them, that time he
ran through the school premises to the
nearest police station or else he would
have surely been beaten to coma, he
had then called
his father who had
then called the commissioner of police
to get the cultists arrested, they ran
through the forest without knowing
where exactly they were heading to,
luckily for John the men had not
collected his wrist
watch, he checked
the time as he was running, it was 4:20
pm, as they continued running one of
the male corpers whose name was
Chidi fell and twisted his ankle, they
had already ran far ahead before TJ
looked back and
noticed what had
happened, none of them dared go back
to rescue him, John felt sorry for Chidi
as the men pounced on him and
dragged him back, one man dragged
him as the remaining 5 continued the
pursuit, as
John and his friends ran on
they jumped over a pit which was full
of bones and skulls and produced a
bad odor, John concluded that that was
probably where the men dumped the
remains of their victims, they ran and
turned left but
the men kept pursuing
them, they arrived at a cliff which had
a river at Its bottom, John and his
friends looked back, there was only
one thing to do
John looked down at that river, it was
flowing fast, he
looked at TJ who
nodded at him he looked back and saw
that the armed men were closing in on
them, he held Joys hand and said we
all jump at the count of 3 okay, by then
the men were 50 feet apart from them
shouting stop!
stop there! With Joys
hand in his John counted 1, 2 , and at
the count of three the youth corpers
Jumped down the cliff, by the time the
men got there, John and his friends
were half way down the cliff, the men
turned back
disappointed, Bison was
going to be mad at them……….. Splash!
John and his friends landed into the
river, they tried to swim as the strong
river current carried them along, he
held on tight to Joys hand, no matter
what happens
hes not going to let go,
hes not going to let go,
he didnt bother much about TJ, he
knows hell be fine, he looked back and
saw that the other male and female
corper were doing well, they journeyed
along the river as the current continued
to push
them down the
river, Johns heart raced as he sighted
something that looked like a crocodile
ahead of them, his heart pounded
even faster as they got near it, it was
then he realised that it was just a log of
wood, he felt
relieved as his heart
beat reduced, he and Joy held on to
the log of wood as their Journey
continued, TJ looked to his side as he
saw monkeys on the trees beside the
river chattering and jumping happily, for
one second
he wished he could
take their place, he had had enough
worries for that day, he looked at John
and Joy floating away with the log, he
smiled a bit, he knew John liked Joy a
lot because he had told him about her
before, he had
never seen John go
crazy about a girl before, at least he
was happy for John whose dreams
were coming true but maybe not the
way he had wanted or imagined it, the
river slowed down as it brought them
into a larger
river, this was probably
the end of the river , he thought, he
was right, it was the end of the river
but the beginning of a new journey as
they felt something like ropes pulling
them into the river, they tried to scream
for help but
their words
became bubbles as they were dragged
The corpers struggled for air as they
were drawn down deeper into the
river, suddenly a bright light shone and
they all
became unconscious
became unconscious
Joy was the first to wake up in the
unusual environment, as she opened
her eyes a tilapia fish passed in front
of her, she was shocked as she noticed
they were
underwater and she could
breathe, John and the rest too woke up
and were shocked but amazed that
they could breathe underwater, as
they tried to move they realised that
they had been tied down by some
mysterious sea
plant, as they tried
struggling to free themselves a voice
echoed what are you looking for in my
kingdom you worthless and wicked
human beings ? They looked around
but could not find anybody, you fish
eaters disgust
me and do not deserve
to be alive, I dont know why my
daughter rescued you people from the
drowners but you are going to face the
panel tonight, it was then that the
merman showed his self to the corpers,
he was very
handsome and had a the
trunk of a human being and the rest of
his body from his waist was like a fish,
John had heard of mammy water, he
had even seen them in movies like H2O
but he never imagined it was anything
as beautiful as
that, the merman swam
towards them and looked at their faces
before swimming away, then another
figure approached them, it was a
mermaid, the most beautiful thing TJ
had ever seen in his life, she came
towards them and
told them how she
had rescued them from the drowners,
she also told them that her father, the
king hated human beings and was
going to put them on trial, if they were
found guilty they would be eaten by fish,
she also
told them that they had
to pick one of them to be their lawyer
and that they had an hour before trial,
she then swam away, they spent the
next 45 minutes debating who would
be their lawyer as John and TJ both
studied law, they
finally agreed that
John should be their lawyer as he had
taken good decisions for them, they
had not waited too long when some
huge mermen came to lead them to
trial They were led to another part of the
river where a lot of mermen and
mermaids were, it looked like a place
where they had their events , then the
trial began, the opposition lawyer
started by accusing humans of murder
and pollution
of their water world, he
pleaded with the court to give the
humans the justice they deserve which
was death, then John was called to
defend his friends, he first started by
greeting that judge and the entire
members of the
underwater world, he
then asked the opposing lawyer what
his best food was, the opposing lawyer
replied and said he eats underwater
plants, John then said he was also
guilty of murder because the plants also
had life, he
said that if the plants
could move and talk they would also
put the merman and mermaids on trial,
he explained that fish was one of
mans best food and that man even
reared them for food, he went ahead to
say that they
were some humans
who kept fish as pet, he narrated their
ordeal in the hands of the kidnappers
and begged the court to have mercy on
them as they all had families to return
to, when John had finished speaking, the
court jury
then swarm away to
then swarm away to
decide on the outcome of the trial, TJ
chuckled as the jury swarm away, he
could not believe his eyes, they were
being tried by fish, he was guilty of
eating fish ranging from cat fish pepper
soup, tilapia,
Titus, sardine and
many more than he could count, in fact
fish was in the moin moin they hand
for breakfast that morning, the jury
were back and they were not smiling,
they told the judge their decision and
went back to
their position, the judge
cleared his throat and said here is our
decision, after hearing from both
lawyers, this underwater court finds
the humans
Not Guilty! You are therefore discharged
acquitted, John and his
friends heaved a sigh of relief as the
judgement was passed, John was the
happiest amongst them because he
had won his first major case, it was a
special and unique one, it was
underwater against
the mer world, he
knew he was destined for great things,
he went to give the opposing lawyer a
hand shake, the opposing lawyers
hand was the softest and smoothest
hand he had ever touched, he was full
of Joy, he was
the man of the moment,
Joy stepped forward and gave him a
hug, yes! he deserved it, the rest of his
friends stepped forward and hugged
him too, TJ gave him a pat on his
cleanly shaved head and said thats my
boy, the
princess of the underwater
world came forward gave John
something that looked like a Pearl and
whispered something in his ear, John
looked at the pearl and nodded his
head in understanding
It was time for them to leave the
underwater world, they were lead
upwards by hefty mermen who helped
them swim to the river bank and
quickly swarm back to their underwater
world, finally
they were
they were
free from the water world, TJ had seen
the mermaid tell John something in his
ear, he wondered what she might have
told him, maybe, she was asking for his
bb pin or his twitter handle, TJ chuckled
as he
thought, John looked at
Joy, she was dripping with water as
her Corper vest stuck to her skin, he
could now see her sexy and lovely
body, she saw him looking and smiled
at him, John looked back at the river
which was now
calm, if there was a
world record for longest time spent by
a human being underwater without air,
they had now broken it, he looked at
his watch which he could not see
clearly, whatever the time was, the day
was far spent
as it was already
evening, they continued their journey
with great precaution as they could not
afford another negative surprise that
day, they found an orange tree in their
path and plucked some oranges to cure
their hunger,
John watched as TJ
devoured an orange, he just hoped
there was no orange kingdom to arrest
them again, they finally decided to
spend their night under the orange
tree, they would wake up in turns to
keep watch of
the others, as John lay
down to sleep he looked at the bright
side of their Journey, he had gotten a
clean hair cut and shave from his
kidnappers and he had received a very
valuable jewel from the mermaid, he had
also won
his first major case in
court, he was also closer to that girl he
loved, a cool breeze blew as John fell
into a deep sleep. Shh! no noise
They awoke to the sound of birds
chirping in the forest, the sun was about
Tomiwa, the other male
Corper had slept off while keeping
watch over them, he forgot to wake
John up to keep watch, John stood up
and looked around, his back ached
from sleeping on the ground, he looked
at Joy, he
was glad she had
survived all what they had gone
through, he somehow felt responsible
for her safety, Becky the other female
Corper was crying and lamenting that
they would not get out of the forest, Joy
closer to her and comforted
her telling her all was going to be all
right, John knew she was right, they
didnt know which direction they were
going, but he knew that once there is
life, there is hope, they went in search of
what to eat,
luckily for them they
found a pawpaw tree with ripe fruits,
they shook the tree until two pawpaws
fell, that was their breakfast, they
needed water so they set back to the
river they had just come from, but they
were careful
not to go to close to it, as
they drank and washed their hands,
legs and face, it was the first time any
of the had voluntarily drank water
from a river , did they have a choice?
Now which way will they head? John
called their
attention so that they can
decide, Tomiwa studied geography, so
using the position of the sun he got
their bearing and suggested they head
west, what did they know? They rarely
knew anything about geography, they
set off on their
journey, John was the
journey, John was the
one Who was in front, they had walked
for two hours when they got to a wider
road that was not tarred, they were
glad because it meant they were closer
to civilization, they navigated the road
for 10 minutes
when they suddenly
heard a voice saying stop there
Their hearts saddened as he stepped
out of the bush pointing his gun at
them, they recognized him instantly,
he was one of Bisons men, he made a
sound and two other men
came out holding swords, make una no
even try run or else I go shoot una leg
comot for una body, the man said in a
deadly serious tone, na una go dey
allow make Bison para for us abi? una
own don
finish today, he continued,
oya in a straight line the second man
ordered harshly, they dared not
disobey men with swords and guns,
ironically the lined up according to
their height with Becky in front followed
by Joy then
John was behind
her after him was Tomiwa then TJ was
the last on the queue being the tallest,
two men stood behind them while the
other one who was holding the gun
lead the way
Thousands of kilometers away, Mr
Adeboye was in his sitting room
sipping his red wine from his glass cup,
he was a little worried because his only
son, John was expected from Enugu the
day, he had read in the
morning paper how 9 people were
found shot dead in Enugu state, he
had dialled Johns number several
times the previous day and even that
morning, it was time to take action, he
could not just
sit there and do nothing,
just then Kemi his wife came to the
sitting room and greeted him, she
seemed less concerned about Johns
whereabouts, he knew she disliked
John but he didnt know it was up to that
extent, he
hissed as she walked
away, he stood up, picked his car keys
and set out
John and his friends had walked for
about 15 minutes with their abductors, he
had never
killed anybody in his life
before but he could swear he was
going to kill these men with the
slightest chance he had, they had
threatened their lives enough, he
remembered the fighting skills he had
been taught
when he was at the NYSC
The DPO sat in his office in deep
thought, that morning was not a good
one for him because he just got a call
from the commissioner of police who
threatened to
sack him if the criminals
who killed those 9 people which the TV
news and newspaper broadcasted
were not arrested, he had been
receiving reports of kidnapping in the
community and now was the time to
act………………………………. The man
held the gun suddenly stopped and
said my guys wait I wan piss , John
was alert, now was his chance, he
looked back at TJ who understood him,
using his hand to signal to TJ he counted
down with
his fingers 5,4,3 he
was ready to die trying 2,1


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