UNN Post Utme Form 2015 – Exam Date, Cut-off Mark
Unn post utme 2015 update. The University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) invites applications from candidates who made the institution their First Choice in the 2015 UTME and scored 200 or above for Post-UTME Screening Exercise.
Online Registration commences on Monday 27th July 2015.
Eligible candidates are to visit the UNN portal on http://unnportal.unn.edu.ng/ to Generate Payment Invoice and confirm Eligibility Status before proceeding to pay a processing fee of Two thousand naira (N2,000) only through the e-Transact platform for online registration at any branch of the following Banks:
(i) UBA Plc. (ii) Zenith Bank Plc. (iii) Access Bank Plc. (iv) First Bank Plc. (v) Fidelity Bank.
Candidates are to return to the School portal and complete the Post-Utme screening form online by clicking the Fill POST UTME Application form button on the portal.
The computer Based Test screening will be conducted at the Nsukka campus of the University as follows:
(A) DAY ONE: Tuesday August 11, 2015
FACULTIES: Agricultural Sciences, Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry, Health Science and Technology, Veterinary Sciences and Engineering.
TIME: 9:am – 11am – Veterinary Medicine (All candidates) Agricultural Sciences (All candidates).
11:am – 1:pm – Medicine and Surgery (All candidates) Dentistry (All candidates).
1:pm – 3pm – Health Sciences and Technology (All Candidates).
3pm – 5pm – Engineering (All candidates).
(B) DAY TWO: Wednesday August 12, 2015
FACULTIES: Law, Arts and Education.
TIME: 8am – 10am – Law (All candidates) Arts (Mass Communication).
12pm – 2pm – All other departments in Faculty of Arts.
2pm- 4pm – Education (All candidates).
DAY THREE: Thursday August 13, 2015
FACULTIES: Biological sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physical Sciences and Environmental Studies.
TIME: 9am – 11am – Biological sciences(Plant Science and Biotechnology, Microbiology, Zoology and Environmental studies and Combined Biological Sciences).
11am – 1pm – Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) Pharmaceutical Sciences (All candidates).
1pm – 3pm – Physical Sciences(All candidates).
3pm – 5pm – Environmental Studies (All candidates).
DAY FOUR: Friday August 14th, 2015
FACULTIES: Business Administration and Social Sciences.
TIME: 9am – 11am – Business Administration (All candidates).
11am – 1pm – Social Sciences (Economics, Public Administration and Sociology/Anthropology).
1pm- 3pm – Social Sciences ( All other departments in Social sciences).
Venue for the screening is Nnamdi Azikiwe Library (Digital Laboratory), University of Nigeria, Nsukka campus.
NOTE: All candidates are required to bring the following for the screening exercise.
i. A copy of ONLINE form duly completed
ii. 2015/2016 JAMB slip.
No GSM handsets, calculators or any other extraneous material should be brought into the screening halls.
Blind candidates should register online but they are not invited to the screening exercise.
The details of the screening for direct entry will be announced later.
Application ends on Friday 7th August 2015. Those who fail to register within this period will not be screened .