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To be a good friend, you must first be honest and true. You must be open-minded. However, you must remain good friends without anyone coming between the two of you. People are always encouraging others to say the wrong choice of words to other friends. To be good friends, you must show each other respect.

Secondly, friends will never turn their backs on each other, no matter what others try to do. Good friends will help if there are problems with your personal situations, others may have a “but don’t count your eggs before they hatch” mentality. But after all, friends should be able to discuss secrets or share things. Good friends will always encourage each other to do well in anything. They might encourage them to go back to school, or take up something they like—anything other than trying to make each other’s life difficult. A good friendship is about teaching each other what others may not know about friendship. Friendship is truly special between two people.

However, friendships can be hard to keep when you live miles away. It can bring sadness. But just talking to someone can help bring a smile upon a friend’s face.

Third, you can have conversation just about anything when you think it would bring a smile, and leave them with happiness and peace—especially if they have not seen you in a while. Knowing how to be a friend only brings more friends happiness. Just remember that encouraging a friend means a lot. It’s just like discovering a new option in your life. You can find friends at your workplace, church, or library. Just meeting people can bring pleasure to your life.

However, you could also have friends that are not true and honest. You have to be careful who you choose to be your friends. Some people you can not trust—there are people in the world who are just plan evil. God teaches each of us to love one another as you would love yourself, and teaching your children to respect each other as they grow along with their friends. Speaking profoundly and guiding them in the right path in life means showing how much you really care for others as friends. Just be honest and true—not only to your friends, but to yourself as well.

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