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Nimi wasn’t expecting the reaction on Kemi’s face when she told her the news about the recent development between herself and Dapo. She felt in places where her friend was concerned, she would feel bad if she heard the news later or from her cousin himself. She had only been trying to be careful but seeing that the relationship was already budding, she knew her friend had to know, afterall, it had all started from the moment they went visiting Lara. It was when her friend asked them to study together for the coming test that weekend she decided to spill.

“You can’t be serious…” Kemi laughed and Nimi felt slightly hurt that her friend was laughing at the thought.

“But I am. We’ve been going out for a while now and I think it’s pretty serious.”

Her friend’s laughter died down and she looked straight into her eyes realizing she was serious.

“Oh my goodness, you’re serious aren’t you?”

“That’s what I just said.”

“But you can’t. I mean do you know what you’re putting yourself through? Does Lara know about this? What about his family? Have they seen you two? Is it serious or just dating?”

“Is there a problem I don’t know about?”

Kemi shook her head already defensive. “I’m just surprised that’s all.”

“That a girl like me is hanging out with your famous cousin Dapo Kitan. Yeah, people like him should be seen with more of societal people…, I get it.” She threw on her glasses and forced a smile. “I think we should focus on what we came here for.”

“C’mon Nimi, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. I was just surprised that’s all.” She tried reaching for her hand but she withdrew slightly.

“You’re not the first person who’s going to pass me that look so I get it. Dare too was thinking I’ve turned to a golddigger or a slut overnight because he had been there when Dapo came to pick me from school on a certain day. The last place I wanted you to hear the truth from was from the wrong source hence my telling you.”

“Haba, I’m not like Dare and I would never think of you that way. To be honest, I was just jealous…” She confessed feeling ashamed about it.

Nimi was surprised. They were cousins for goodness sakes. “What do you mean?”

“I mean the other day I was just teasing you about your love for Jesus and you not ending up as an old maid and then this news hits me like wow! Are you kidding me. I know you’re not a slut or a gold digger so Dare is just talking like a typical jealous man who is resorting to retorts over admission. You know me I always admit my feelings to you everytime.”

Nimi tried to smile.

“I’m sorry, please forgive me, I’m just baffled. I mean Dapo is an amazing guy. He’s just too amazing I’ve always known he would end up with someone like him. Loving, caring, kind and a Jesus freak. So yea, you two suit each other well.”

She laughed out loud this time.

“So babay…” She shifted closer. “Gist me, gist me so I can yab his ass well. How did he toast you? Did he say come and meet me under the mango tree.”

“Kemi, you’re not normal.” Nimi chuckled beaming brightly.

“All these years, so you did not know that one before.” She rolled her eyes playfully. “Oya, give me gist na. How did he woo you? Hopefully, he didn’t use his jaz on you o.”

“What Jaz…” She got curious

“Jaz that all those fine boys use na.” Kemi tried to quickly redeem herself before she babbled unnecessary things. “Have you two kissed?”

She shook her head aware that her friend was trying to change the topic. “We are saving it for our wedding day.”

She grimaced. “really?”

“Uh huh.”

“And Dapo agreed?”

She nodded. “Yup.”

“Dapo agreed to not kiss till marriage?” Her face had that ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ look.

“Are you surprised?” She was tempted to ask Kemi about her cousin’s past but she did not want anything that would pollute her mind against her new found love. She wanted to hear about his new life and not his old life. The look on Kemi’s face revealed too much she was unwilling to admit but she wasn’t going to allow a third party ruin their relationship. If he was notorious with women in the past, then it wasn’t her business. Her business was how he planned to live life with her now and for the rest of their life together, God helping them.

“I’m impressed.” She managed. “I’m just wondering how you two are going to be able to keep that promise. I get your no premarital sex part but kissing.., c’mon babe, don’t you think that’s being too harsh?”

“On who exactly?”

“On the both of you. On him because, well…, you know he’s a guy, and a hot walking chocolate at that, forgive me if I happen to see my cousin that way but that’s what those crazy women call him. And then you, I know you have the guts to carry through but have you ever wondered what if you get tempted? I mean what if he gets tempted and he wants to touch you, are you going to allow him? Like y’know give it a try as a first time?”

Nimi saw danger ahead as the conversation was leaning towards the thoughts she’d been battling with recently whenever they were together. Thoughts she’d chosen to leave at the feet of Jesus so she could focus more on how they could build each other rather than how they could explore each other’s bodies. That was sacred and she wanted it to remain sacred, no matter how much the world wanted to make it look normal.

Her body was a living sacrifice unto God and she couldn’t afford to grieve the HolySpirit. Any sex outside God’s intent was a bad foundation to lay a relationship on and would crumble. It would no longer be the beautiful and intimate and sacred act God had taught her it was.

Her love for God would not make her give in.

Or could she?

She swallowed. “I trust in God to strengthen us both. Besides, we try not to do things that could encourage our flesh and we’ve pulled through since then.”

Kemi relaxed and she sighed. “That’s great then. Maybe I’ll take a cue from you guys if I happen to get into a relationship sometime.”

Nimi laughed. “You speak of it like it’s something far away.”

She shrugged smiling sadly. “When a girl gets burnt, not once, not twice, what’s a girl gotta do?”

“Pray and trust?”

And Kemi smiled. “You say it like it’s that easy.”

“It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.”

“Wise woman.”

“Not me, those are the words of C.S Lewis. He was a wise man and an atheist turned Christian too.”

And they both smiled.


“I think this is the best meal I’ve had in months or years perhaps.” Dapo praised Mrs Adeyemi after helping himself to a bowl of boiled rice and efo riro filled with assorted meat and fish and stew to top it all and plantain by the side.

“Thank you ma for this and the warm welcome. I’m grateful.”

“Ah, well we’re glad there’s someone who has come to eat Nimi’s food other than her family members” Mrs smiled.

“She told me a friend is currently staying with you so she’ll pack some home for you which can last for some days perhaps. I hope that’s alright by you?”

“It gladdens my heart to be here. Thank you once again.”

“And don’t forget, you’re welcome to our home anytime. It may be small but it’s ours and we are happy to take in as much as we can.”

“A home is where love is, and that’s what I see here.”
She nodded and settled on a chair to face him while Nimi assisted in clearing the table with Tolani taking it as a cue to leave Dapo with her mother.

“Are you aware you’re the first man my daughter is ever going to bring home?”

He nodded. In the two months they’d been together, he was beginning to learn so much about her and he prayed to God he wouldn’t break her heart. The more he learned how beautiful she was inside and the kind heart she had, the more he got scared of telling her his greatest guilt that tugged at him whenever he just wanted to forget about it.

He’d thought he would get over it soon, but it seemed to surface often when he was alone especially when she was with her younger sister.

He would have to muster up courage to tell her and he just prayed her heart could take it.

Everything in their relationship was going fine. He’d thought of telling Lara about it but he wanted to arrange a dinner with his family and introduce them all together. Lara had been so occupied with IK and her wedding coming up and so the chance to even tell her kept slipping away. It wasn’t something he wanted to do over the phone or when she was in his house arguing with his friend. It was something special happening in his life and he wanted to take time out to tell her.

“I’m glad you made your intentions known to her from the start. My daughter doesn’t play games with people’s hearts either. If there is no road down a path, she doesn’t drag people along and I’m happy you two think alike. To be honest I wish her father was alive right now because I think he’s a better person at doing this. I’m a woman but I know when I see love in my daughter’s eyes. The love she has for you.

I just have one advice for you. Always be honest about your feelings with her. I know there’s no relationship that doesn’t have its ups and downs but if anything is going to separate you two, let it not be a third party. I’ve known Nimi to be a strong woman who isn’t really moved by what people think of her but deep down inside, she has a fragile heart. Once she lets people in, the only thing that can take them out of her heart is God because she still keeps choosing to see the good in people. I don’t know if entering a relationship with you is God’s way of shuffling what’s inside to the outside but I pray that no matter what happens, you two will honor God above all.”

“Yes ma.”

“My daughter is a jewel, please treat her like one okay?”

“She’s come to mean so much more to me.” Dapo replied.

Mrs Adeyemi blinked back tears that threatened to surface and smiled at him. If this was God’s will for her daughter to be with this man who spoke wisely and respected her, then she couldn’t be happier. She tried not to imagine her grandchildren already. Pretty little things running around their house while she tried to put them in order. She thought of her daughter. She had a small stature and though she didn’t turn a man’s head twice, she loved God above all else and had character. She was beautiful to her, more beautiful than any other girl she couldn’t even compare. She worried that her smallish and slim structure may have a hard time housing babies but she shook the worry out of her head. Had she not looked the same before meeting Kayode and she had borne three hale and hearty children.

Nimi would be fine she assured herself. Her eyes settled on her suitor once again and she suddenly saw what had scared her the first time she’d set eyes him on him standing beside her daughter. Dapo Olakitan was well built and broad. He had the kind of face she would have warned a girl with morals to flee from and was surprised but glad when Nimi told her they shared the same beliefs and believed in honouring God till the wedding day when they would share their first kiss.

She always knew her daughter would end up with God’s best but she never could have guessed he would come in form of a Kitan. The last thing she wanted was a family that thrived on attention, media and fame. But Dapo seemed not to be involved in the family tree with what she’d heard and that sounded fine to her.

“Nimi” She called out. “Bring the young man a glass of water…”

“Ah Mum, I can help myself with that thank you very much.” He laughed rising from his seat and heading towards the kitchen.

“Hmmn, okay o. Eyin awon omo ojo isiyin.” She said more to herself than to him rising up to find her way to her room.


It was already late by the time Nimi followed him downstairs to his car and they stood together by the bonnet sharing words and laughter wishing the night would not end and if he could stay longer. She knew she was growing to love him already and could not contain the funny feeling at the pit of her stomach whenever he looked into her eyes or laughed at something she had said. She loved when he held her hands and how his huge hands covered hers like he could protect her. Her fingers slid into his and she rested her head on his shoulder wishing she could do more.

In all her life she’d always felt she was strong enough to handle anything but the budding relationship between them clouded her senses so much sometimes she found it hard to think.

Was this how it was to be in love, to be in a relationship that she was so sure about? She’d never seen herself as the mushy one and where they had hidden all these years, she could not fathom. She just realized that the desire to be closer to him each and every day was beginning to grow and even holding of hands was beginning to mean something more to her.

“Are you alright?” Dapo asked as if he’d been reading her mind.

She nodded. “I’m fine, my mind was just somewhere else.”

He smiled into her eyes then. “To be honest, when I kept believing God to send you at the right time, I never could have imagined I wouldn’t be kissing my girl senseless.”

Nimi felt hot and was glad her complexion did not have the ability to blush and show.

“But you came and you just swept that under my feet and I knew yes, she’s the one.” He laughed and she shook her head joining him.

“Really?” Her brows were furrowed.

I’d thought I was unrealistic and strict with the kissing part. Kemi’s words flashed in her mind but she swept them away immediately. She wasn’t backing down on their decision.

“Well yeah, I mean it’s been 7 years since I dated someone after knowing Christ and it didn’t go so well because we kissed and somethings happened before we broke up. I mean I was just getting to know God then and I had felt I was ready to enter a relationship with a good Christian girl but it ended up in shambles because I was clearly not hearing God well and just was probably looking for where to ease my sexual tension and she wasn’t too grounded either. We didn’t do anything but we came close and we both felt guilty for days.”

“Oh wow.” Nimi could suddenly relate with the way the girl had felt. She allowed her mind drift to if she hadn’t been strong enough on her resolve. Would she have allowed him touch her when he wanted to? She knew it usually didn’t end in kissing as she had heard from fellow Christian couples. The more chances you give, the likelihood of it giving way to other things. In her drawing close to God each day, the desire to honor him was what mattered. With her lips and her body and she knew Dapo wanted to do the same.

Over the weeks they’d been together, she had learned so much from him that made her see how passionate he was for Jesus. He talked about Jesus and his eyes sparkled. It was like he was drinking something and she knew the feeling. She showed him her bible journal and all the things she’d prayed about and what she talked to God about and it was like he understood her all at once. He didn’t see her letters to God as something pitiful or childish, he saw them as so much more and he even asked questions about certain things she wrote.

She didn’t believe in soul mates, but she felt like she would fit into Dapo perfectly the way Eve fitted into Adam. They talked about kids and the future, they talked about church, fellowships and personal devotionals and how they would prefer to share tasks in the home. She knew his hobbies and how his favorite childhood sport was tennis though he often spent some time watching football and basketball in his adult years. She knew his favourite color was blue and white, knew he loved plantain and fish stew or vegetable soup. She also knew how he liked his spaghetti assorted and how he appreciated desserts after food though she was still learning how to make his favourite.

They both knew their soft spots, their beliefs about everything and how each person handled conflicts. She doubted there was nothing they did not know about each other and if there was more, they would learn more.
Jesus wasn’t just a name to him but so much more. The way He was to her. The One who had made a way into God’s presence and was God Himself. The beauty in His word, Dapo could relate. Her heart couldn’t be happier. God was really giving her the desires of her heart and she couldn’t thank Him enough.

Something told her it might have been hard to resist Dapo especially when she was getting to love him.

He was a guy that could make a girl turn to jelly just by staring at her.

“And then you come into my life after so many years and give it to me straight. No kissing before marriage. It was like, bam! There you go. Keep it clean.” And I’m like, “Thank you Jesus. Just the girl I need to keep my lips in place”

Nimi giggled at his analysis and shook her head. “You’re so funny.”

“And you’re beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

When she saw him smiling into her eyes, her laughter died down suspecting he had something important to say. “I was thinking of lunch at my parent’s house next week. I’d like to officially introduce you to my nuclear family first of all before the other Kitans hear about it though.”

She giggled again.

“So, are you up for it? I don’t want to rush you if you don’t think you’re up for it yet.”

She inhaled deeply. “What about Lara, do you think it’s okay to tell her together with your mum or you would rather let her in first?”

“She’s been so busy recently and so I felt it would come out nicely if I introduce you at once. It makes it decent and official y’know.”

Something tugged at her heart but she couldn’t place it. “It’s okay I guess.”

“Happy much?” He reached to touch her cheeks and that sent the sparks flying through her body.

She nodded unable to mouth the words.

“Or if you want me to charge into your office on Monday and just demand that I see her because I have something very important to say, I could do that for you. Anything for you for your wish is my command.” He reached for her hand and placed it on his heart.

She gulped scared at the way her body eagerly responded to his. She could feel his heart beat.

So strong.

“Feel that right there, without you in my life, it’d be beating at the normal pace. That’s what you do to my heart. Do I do that to yours?”

She nodded.

“Good.” He smiled and dropped her hands hugging her briefly before wishing her goodnight.

She watched him drive off before she realized she’d been standing there all alone by herself thinking of how much she’d like to fast forward things already.

Love is patient

And she knew she would still have to wait and get tried in the process. She wasn’t sure how she would cope or if she would survive but she trusted God to see her through.

Much love. xo!

Original story by ITUNU TAIWO owner of http://myglowingscenes.com

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