Dapo was pleased when he saw his mother’s caller ID. He had thought to call her first but she beat him to it.
“My love.” She cooed sounding pleased and excited. There must be some good news she had to share. Well, wait till she heard his.
“Good evening mum. I was just about calling you.”
“Oh wow, they say a mother’s womb never stops reaching out to her son.” She chuckled. “How are you my prince.”
“I’m fine, great even. How’s your end? Dad and Lara?”
“Your father is fine, Lara is yet to get back from work so I can share the good news with her.”
“Oh, what good news?”
“I was just going to tell you about it. Do you remember Toke Owoyomi? That young beautiful girl you went to University of California with?”
Oh God no, not my old ex
“You mean my ex?” Why was she asking him about it when he was sure to remember who she was. They had been family friends and in Uni they had hit it straight off before they broke up since he wasn’t ready for commitment at the time. He had been insanely attracted to her the first time he set eyes on her.
But that was it.
“Yea, it’s been how many years now? I remember you two were really into each other then before the breakup. She just arrived from the UK yesterday and her mum called me to give me the good news. And guess what, she’s having dinner with us this weekend.” She giggled excitedly.
This isn’t happening.
“Uh mum, that’s what I was calling to tell you about. I plan on bringing my girlfriend for dinner this weekend so it won’t be possible for me to see Toke.”
“Your girlfriend?” His mum sounded surprised and slightly upset. “When did you have a girlfriend that you didn’t tell me about?”
“Well, that’s why I’m calling you to tell you now. And I would love her to meet you guys on Saturday for dinner.”
“Is she someone we know?”
He expected the question.
“No, she’s not but I’m sure if you get to know her, you’ll love her. She’s perfection in the flesh.”
“Oh wow, hearing you say that makes me think you are madly in love with this girl of yours.”
He smiled sheepishly thinking of how he’d placed her hands on his chest last night. Her eyes on him was something he wanted to see for the rest of his life.
“I think I am.”
“Then bring her over. I’ll love to meet the woman who has finally captured your heart after all these years. She must be something.”
“Thanks mum. So will you get something ready for us?”
“Are you telling me? I’ll join the maids in preparing the family’s favorite dish on Saturday. And your Dad must be home. I’ll have to tell Sharon that there would be a next time for Toke since you have plans already.”
“Thanks mum, I love you.”
“Love you too my prince. And say Hi to your sweetheart for me.”
“I will. See you on Saturday.”
And He hung up.
He exhaled deeply. He would have to sort out the Toke issue, but it was a good thing His mother was pleased to see his beau.
He just prayed she would like her and nothing would ruin the get together.
Sumbo Kitan stared at her phone and smiled sadly wondering who the mystery girl was. She was tempted to send out her agents to do a little research but she thought against it. Dapo was her son and he may not like it if he found out.
Besides, she did not want people snooking into her family business. Dapo had sounded excited. The girl must be something. She had thought Toke coming back to Nigeria would mean the beginning of something for the duo but she guessed things were happening differently. Even Chief had been excited about Toke’s return.
The girl was really beautiful and intelligent bagging her degrees from several prestigious universities. Their family was also well linked with top people in society and she believed this would pave way for her son’s business.
Though Dapo insisted he was doing well in his business, it was nothing compared to his father’s. His stubborn pride in His faith kept him from obtaining so much more.
She wanted to look on the bright side. Her son was a man now. She’d always called him her prince because he looked just like one and He was one in her eyes.
The thought of having a grandchild was swimming in her head when she heard someone coming through the door.
She already knew it was her daughter Lara announcing her presence with her heels. Didn’t she get tired wearing them? Sometimes comfort prevailed over looking sexy.
“Hello Mum.”
“Hello my love, how was your day at work?”
“Just there, my girlfriends came over and we had some fun.” She smiled. “All work and no play…”
“Oh, speaking of girlfriends, Toke just arrived from the UK yesterday after finishing her PhD….”
“Same Toke Owoyomi, Dapo’s ex?”
“Long time ago ex.” She laughed. “I always thought the duo would end up together but life has a way of happening I presume.”
“Like! Those two would have heads turning when they have kids. Cute babies alert.” Lara chuckled. “Mum, do you know we can do some match making?”
Sumbo shook her head laughing. “No dear, I just called your brother this night and told him that she would love to come over for dinner on Saturday but he says he’s bringing his girlfriend.”
“Are you also unaware?”
“I don’t understand.” She frowned. “So Toke is not coming?”
“You just heard what I said.” Sumbo stood up to stroll to the kitchen. “Your brother is bringing his girlfriend for dinner so I will have to call Toke or her mum Sharon to cancel.”
“Don’t call them yet. Let me call Dapo tonight and see if he will change his mind. It’s just one dinner date that’s all. Imagine Toks coming all the way and we now cancelling on her. I think that’s pretty unfair to me. His girlfriend can come next time.” Lara replied not revealing anything.
“Okay o. Do get back to me on whatever your brother decides. Or you can even call Toke after you’ve spoken to Dapo on the verdict. Can you do that for me sweetheart?”
“Of course Mum. You go and do what needs to be done, I’ll sort out the rest.”
“Okay love, there’s food in the kitchen or you can ask Samira to make you something else if you wish. I need to get some water and rest. I have some places to be tomorrow.”
And she was gone.
Lara smiled shaking her head. So Dapo was still insistent in calling Nimi his girlfriend and even wanted to bring her home. Wait till he saw Toke on Saturday. Nimi would stare at the duo before her and she would see how she did not belong to her family.
Maybe then, she would step back.
She was going to call Toke tonight, greet her and give her the go ahead to come over on Saturday.
“Are you alright?”
Nimi forced a smile when she noticed her sister had a worried look on her face. Even Akin, her younger brother looked up when Tolani asked the question. She had suddenly lost her appetite ever since the incident that happened in the morning. Though she told God to help her get through this phase of her life, her flesh couldn’t help but bring back memories of how Lara and her friends had made fun of her.
The way she ran into the toilet, it was obvious the others in the office would soon hear about what had happened that was if they hadn’t heard yet. She had told herself she did not want to go back to that office. When she got home, she’d gotten on her knees and told God she did not want to go back.
God couldn’t be asking her to go back. This whole love thing was just hard.
It’s not about you
Abba, don’t you see how she hurts me so? Don’t you care that she dragged me in the mud right in front of her friends? Did you see how she embarrassed me? I’ve been nothing but good to her.
I died for her too
Well, I know that, but it’s just hard. How can I cope?
You’ll cope.
My grace is sufficient for you. I will not give you anything greater than what you can handle without a way of escape.
She sighed with tears still in her eyes.
I don’t know if I can talk to Dapo right now. I see his texts and his messages and I’m just tempted to think they’re lies. Every single word he tells me. After what I heard about him, how am I so sure his old life won’t resurface?
Whose report shall you believe?
She dug her face into the pillow to hold back more tears. The HolySpirit tried to comfort her, but she was struggling with her feelings at the moment.
“Stressful day at work.” She replied trying to prevent further suspicion and took a spoonful of rice mixed with stew.
“Sorry, I’m sure brother Dapo would have called you to console you. At least you’re lucky. We that don’t have boyfriend, we gatta encourage ourselves in da lord.” Tolani chuckled.
If only you knew.
She had spent extra hours to shower when she got back. Did she really smell like a toliet cleaner the way the girls mocked?
“Tolani, can I ask you something and please be honest.”
“Sure sis.”
“Uh, do I have body odour?”
Her sister grimaced. “Of course not, did someone say you have body odour?”
“I’m just asking.”
“You can ask your bf because I might just be the wrong person to ask.” She winked at her.
Nimi shook her head. “You don’t know when someone is serious. Simple question, how do I smell, you’re referring me to Dapo like he’s a god of some sort. You’re my sister and I needed an honest answer.” She stood up from the table and pushed the chair back inside.
“Akin, please help with my remaining food. I’m not really hungry.”
And she was gone leaving her sister speechless.
“What did I do?”
Akin shrugged. “Your big mouth perhaps. Maybe she’s on her period or something.”
Tolani smacked the back of his head. “One word from you again and I’ll smack the front of your head this time. Mschew.”
“If I do my own you will say I’m unfair now. I’ll just be unlooking.”
His sister frowned. “And is that English? Abeg eat and clear table before Mum comes back from fellowship jare. Unlooking ko, Belooking ni.”
Nimi was reluctant to pick the phone when Dapo rang her for the 4th time that day. She knew she should have picked so as not to have him worried that she did not reply his text as usual but she wasn’t in the mood.
What was he going to say this time?
Lara’s friends had talked about the gossip tale of him and a senator’s ex wife. Were there other parts of his life she needed to know? What if she was in danger? What if the woman threatened her that she was dating her ex lover? It was one thing for Lara to tell her she wasn’t worth a dime, but she couldn’t put her life on line because of a man.
Just because of a woman he never bothered to tell her about?
Were there other women out there that she wasn’t aware of? Women that would come to the surface once they got married and even tried to lure him into their bed?
A leopard does not change its spots.
The crazy thoughts kept swimming in her head and she felt she would need to reconsider the relationship thing and if she could handle it all.
She reached for the phone.
“Hi.” She managed.
“Baby, you had me worried. I’ve been calling your line but you were not picking, you wouldn’t even answer my texts.”
She was tempted to yell at him or tell him everything his sister said to her. She suddenly got upset that if he had told Lara about the relationship thing, maybe it wouldn’t be this bad.
But he had kept stalling.
“Today was quite stressful.”
“I’m sorry sweetheart, look, if you need sometime away, I can ask my sister to reconsider and hire someone else. If it’s the money you’re thinking about, I can send some into your account, go to a spa and get some massages to help you relax. Go shopping with your sister and get some nice clothes and shoes…”
She closed her eyes. Did he just say he wanted to send her money? So brother and sister thought that money was everything to her?
Did he even think his sister loved him the way he thought she did? If he had heard everything they said about him, maybe he would reconsider calling her sister.
“Look at the good side, it would also make you look good before you meet my parents this weekend.”
She rubbed her hands on her head.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to make it this weekend.” She deadpanned.
“Why, is something wrong?”
“I don’t feel too well.” She wasn’t ready to reveal anything to him. She wasn’t lying. She really wasn’t feeling too well emotionally and mentally.
“Goodness babe, did you go to the hospital? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Have you taken something?”
He wasn’t letting her go easily and he sounded so genuinely worried.
What if he wasn’t
“Look Dapo I have to go. Today has been really stressful for me and the last thing I need on my plate is interrogative questions. Goodnight.”
And she hung up and switched off her phone. Hopefully he wouldn’t be able to reach her till she had read her bible for the night and drowsed off.
Nimi jerked immediately her sister tapped her back to reality. She rubbed her eyes and frowned. What did the annoying girl want right now? If she was taking her space on the bed, the least she could do was push her gently not wake her up.
“What is it?”
“Your boyfriend is around o.”
Her eyes widened. “What?”
“Dapo, he’s here. I told him you were sleeping but said He wasn’t going anywhere till he takes you to see his doctor. He mentioned he had called him ahead that you were not feeling fine.” Tolani stretched to touch her sister’s head for any sign of fever but frowned when she didn’t notice any.
Nimi slapped her hand away irritated that Dapo actually drove all the way because he was convinced she actually wasn’t feeling well.
She looked up at the time. 10p.m
Oh goodness, what would her mum think or say?
“Abi are you pregnant?” Tolani giggled mischieviously
Nimi rolled her eyes. “Ehn na, you’re the one that put the baby there abi, or it flies upon people, naughty girl.”
“Ah, me I was just curious o, because the way Mum was looking worried, I had to put two and two together when she kept staring at your boyfriend after he said you were ill, had informed his doctor and drove all the way here, one can’t help but wonder if nkan ti n shele labe( something is happening beneath)
“That your mouth, I’ll tell Pastor Muyiwa that it needs special deliverance on Sunday.” She stood up from the bed and threw something on glad that he hadn’t barged into her room and saw her in her night dress. She tried to spray something while Tolani found her way out of the room. Her weaves were still looking modest.
When she stepped out, Dapo stood up immediately coming towards her.
She had told herself she would not be moved when she set eyes on him but she could not even contain it when he touched her head and ran his hands along her arm rekindling those feelings for him all over again.
“Are you alright baby? Your family said they’re not aware of your illness. What’s wrong?”
She shook her head. “Dapo you shouldn’t have come.”
“But why won’t I? If I was in the States and you told me that, trust me, I’ll be booking the next flight to see you.”
She looked into his eyes and she didn’t know when a tear fell. His eyes showed what he felt for her. Why had Lara made her doubt? Why had she doubted that God wanted her to be with this man.
He took her in his arms and she didn’t hold back.
Her mother and Tolani left the living room when they saw it was more of an emotional sickness than physical.
“I’m just scared Dapo and I was so worried and tired…”
He released her and held her at arms length. “What happened? Did someone threaten you?”
She shook her head trying to wipe the tears away not willing to let him know what his sister had done. It would only make things worse and God wouldn’t want that.
“I heard gossip about some woman trying to get to you and I just got angry and upset wondering if…”
“If what?” He brushed her tears away with his thumb and the action made it hard for her to focus.
She flung her arms against her sides frustrated. “I don’t know okay. I know what God has told me but I doubt because I’m scared that you might get tempted or you just want to use me.”
Dapo looked hurt and his eyes showed it. “You listen to gossip?”
Well, I was forced to, by your sister and her gang.
“I don’t, I overheard it.”
“But do you believe them over me? Over what God has told you about me?”
She struggled with her feelings and looked away.
He pulled her chin so that she could look into his eyes. “I want you to tell me what you believe about me Nimi. I need to be able to know if you can handle all of this. I never told you my life was pure, neither am I proud of what I did in my years without knowing Jesus. What I promise you is this life after Jesus.”
She inhaled deeply, the girls’ laughter echoing in her ears.
“Is there something else I need to know before I ‘overhear’ something else again?”
Dapo swallowed. Maybe this was the time to tell her about his other past.
“I think there’s something you should know. It’s something that has torn me apart for years. I was battling with how to tell you but I guess this is the best time to do so.”
Nimi managed a nod, wondering how many attacks she was going to receive tonight. She saw his face and how he battled with his emotions. She had never really seen him like this. Was it something very terrible?
“I don’t know if you’re ready for it.” He said.
“I am.”
“Then maybe you should sit down.”
She settled on the chair and he sat halfway beside her reaching for her hands.
“Promise me you’ll not stop loving me when you hear this.”
“I need to know what happened first Dapo before I can promise anything.”
He sighed. He was going to say it once and for all.
“I killed a girl, she was Lara’s friend at the time, and she was only 15 years old.”
Much love. Xo!
Original story by ITUNU TAIWO owner of http://myglowingscenes.com
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