“I’ll sit with you and nothing will
go wrong.” he said assuringly.
“Okay. But firsty explain
probability to me.” she said.
He opened his textbook and
started the explanation.
Within 15minutes, she had
known the rudiments and likely
questions on probability.
The invigillator distributed the
question papers and the answer
booklet for the theory section.
They were asked to answer nine
questions out of fifteen. Segun
started working the the
questions and within the first
one hour he was able to answer
six questions while his
temporary seatmate, Olanike was
able to answer three on her own.
Segun did the last three
questions including the
construction and he allowed her
to copy his answers. She didn’t
bother copying the construction
because it is very difficult to copy
She succesfully answered eight
questions while segun answered
the required nine. Which
guaranteed them of passing the
The invigillator collected the
answer booklet and gave them a
three hours break as stipulated
in the timetable. Segun and
Olanike got out of the hall at the
same time and they went to a
nearby snacks shop where they
bought a meat pie each and a
can malt each. The bill settled by
Nike kept on thanking him foor
the snacks and most especially
the mathematics paper he helped
her with.
They walked aimlessly around
the school compound for some
time before segun suggested
they go to a nearby centre where
his friends are writing their
Episode 17
“so where should we go?” she
“Ikolaba grammar school.” segun
“Do you have friends there?” she
“Yeah.” he replied.
“But, am afraid o.” she said.
“Why?” he asked.
“Emma is writing his exams
there.” she warned.
“Forget about him, nothing will
go wrong.” he assured.
“Okay.” she replied.
They got to the main road and
boarded a bike and off they went
to Ikolaba. They got to the front
gate of the school and segun
brought out his phone and called
“Hello.” segun said immediately
Mike picked the call.
“Hello. Where are you?” Mike
“I’m in front of the gate.” segun
“Okay. Am coming. What are you
wearing?” Mike asked.
“You might not notice me but am
with a girl dressed in a yellow
gown top and a black leggings.”
segun described.
“Nike abi?” Mike asked.
“Yeah.” Segun answered.
Segun dropped the call and
turned to Nike. “He’ll soon be
“Okay.” Nike replied.
“Let’s go somewhere he could
easily pick us.” Segun said.
They both walked towards a fig
tree opposite the gate, when
they both sighted Emmanuel and
six other guys coming towards
“Let get out of here.” Nike said
“We are not going anywhere.”
Segun said.
“Segun please don’t fight them.”
she advised.
“I won’t. You know am
outnumbered.” Segun said.
Emma and his boys Joined them
in no time.
“Hey boy.” Emma greeted.
“How far.” Segun replied.
“What are you doing with the
girl.” A member of the gang Tony
“Which girl?” Segun asked.
“My girlfriend.” Emma said.
“Your girlfriend.” Segun asked
“Go down on your knees.” Tony
“Go down for what?” segun
Episode 18
Another member usman
removed a dagger from his
pocket and showed segun.
Segun was scared.
“Guys please, we can settle this
peacefully.” he pleaded.
“Who are your guys?” Usman
barked moving towards him but
he moved back.
All these Nike was pleading with
them and telling Segun to obey
them. To which they all paid less
attention to.
Segun studied the guys properly,
they were all dressed in red T-
shhrts and black jean. Segun
sensed cultism.
Segun discovered they had
attracted onlookers.
“Okay please lets leave this open
space.” Segun said.
Immediately usman tried hitting
him with the dagger but segun
was fast enough to hold him as
he head butted him on the chest
as he reeled in pain backwards.
The rest of the squad excluding
Emmanuel attacked him as they
pushed him to the ground and
started hitting him. Olanike was
begging Emmanuel not minding
the onlookers.
“What’s going on there?” Micheal
“Who are you?” Tony yelled.
“You dey craze. What are you
doing to the boy?” Akin a well
built boy with thick voice asked
angrily.(he was also Segun’s
Then the battle began, the two
squads faced each other, within
a short period of time, it seems
like Segun’s team are leading
because Emma’s team boys are
begging for their lives before the
school security men disengaged
Emma and his guys left in
annoyance but not after
promising Segun a rematch.
Segun sustained a number of
injuries as he was bleeding.
Having watched the whole
drama Omolayo and Jummy
pushed their way out of the
crowd as they came to segun’s
aid by applying some first aid
drugs on the wounds.
“Segun. Are you alright?”
Omolayo asked.
“Yeah. Am okay.” segun replied.
“Let me help you with water.”
Nike said as she tried removing a
bottled water from her school
“No, don’t bother yourself.”
Omolayo said and looked at her
murdrously before she hissed.
Segun and his friends walked
round the school, leaving Olanike,
Jummy and Omolayo behind. By
the time they arrived Olanike was
nowhere to be found.
Segun dialled her number but his
calls were rejected.
He left ikolaba and went back to
his centre only to see Olanike
alight from a bike. He ran to her
but she walked into the school
compound. There he met Caleb,
his seatmate.
“Hey, shegzy.” Caleb greeted.
“How far.” he replied.
“What happened to you in
Ikolaba?” Caleb asked.
“I’ll tell you later.” Segun told him
as he ran past him in chase of
“Bad news spread faster than
good news.” he thought to
Episode 19
Segun ran after Nike as she
increeased her pace.
“Nike… Nike..,” he called as he ran.
She ignored him and entered the
exam hall but took the other exit
and got out again to the back of
the hall. Segun entered the hall
and couldn’t find her. He asked
the candidates in the hall but
they all claimed they saw no one.
He got out and began searching
for her. He saw her afar, seated
in a deserted part of the school.
He ran towards her.
“Nike, what’s wrong with you?”
he asked angrily.
“Did i tell you anything is wrong
with me?” she replied.
He walked up to her and held her
hand as she made to leave.
“Are you crying?” he asked got
no answer.
Getting fed up of the whole
“Okay, why did you leave Ikolaba
without telling me?” he asked.
“Ask your cousin.” she replied.
“Omolayo! What did she do to
you?” he asked as he made her
to seat down.
“You need to see how she
blasted me. Saying i am a s–t
who gets involved with cultist
and then decided to put an
innocent guy like you into
trouble by forcing myself on
you.” she explained.
“Am very sorry about that.” he
“It’s okay.” she said.
“Let’s get back to the hall, so we
can settle down before the paper
commences.” he advised.
“Okay.” she said as she stood up
and followed him.
“Can yo do this paper on your
own?” he asked.
“Yes. I’ll try.” she replied.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Yes.” she replied.
“And am very sorry for all i put
you through today.” she
“Oh! It’s nothing.” he assured
They both entered the
examination hall five minutes
after the commencement of the
“Where are you two coming
from?” the invigillator asked.
“Sir, we don’t know the paper
had already started.” Segun
“You are silly. Don’t you know the
break is over?” The man asked.
“Sir, its not yet 2.30pm. Which
means the paper is not yet
supposed to start.” He defended.
“Look at this boy. b—–d son of
a thousand fathers.” the man
“Point of corrections sir. I am not
a b—–d and you have no right
to call me one.” he replied rudely.
In a blink of an eye the
invigillator had slapped him.
He wanted to retaliate but Nike
held him back.
“Segun don’t try it.” she warned.
“I am old enough to be your
father. So don’t dare try rubbish
with me.” the man warned.
“You can never be my father.”
segun said angrily.
“please sir, we are very sorry for
coming back late. We thought the
paper will start by 2.30. Nike
explained kneeling down.
“God bless you my daughter. I’ll
allow you to write the paper for
your sake.” he said as he gave
them the objective question
paper and the OMR sheet.
“Thank you sir.” Nike said.
Segun walked to his seat angrily
and left Nike with the old man.
Nike begged on segun’s for
sometime before the invigillator
told her to go.
Episode 20
Segun got back to his seat and
began shading the answers on
the OMR sheet. In less than thirty
minutes he was through with
the paper. He looked around the
hall and discovered he was the
first person to finish.
“Some people are so dull. Look at
them; battling with these cheap
questions.” he thought and
He rested his head on the locker.
He looked up about fifteen
minutes later to see that just half
of the class were still writing. He
copared his question paper with
that of Caleb to know if he was
given the exact question paper.
candidates submitted their OMR
sheets including segun. He want
outside to wait for Olanike but
she called him back.
“Segun. Please wait.” she said
He stopped and looked at her.
“Yes, what is it?” he asked.
“Let’s go and beg that man.” she
“Which man?” he asked.
“The invigillator of course.” she
He hissed angrily. “And why
should i beg him?” he asked.
“You know he can write a report
about us, which could affect our
results.” she explained.
“It can’t.” he said.
“And what gave you the
assurance that it can’t?” she
“Based on what i did in the
papers will make Waec have a
rethink.” he bragged.
“Segun let’s go and beg him.” she
“Am not going anywhere.” he
“Segun!” She called him.
“I’ll be waiting for you outside.”
he said and walked down the
She went back inside the hall.
“Excuse me sir.” she said.
“What can i do for you?” the
invigillator asked.
“Please sir. I came to beg you.”
she said kneeling down.
“You don’t need that.” the man
“I need to, so that you won’t
write report about us.” she
“I actually thought about writing
a report, but for your sake. I
didn’t.” he said.
“Thank you very much sir.” she
“Stand up.” he said helping her
“Thank you sir.” she said again.
“You are such a good girl. What’s
your name?” he asked.
“Olanike sir.”
“Keep up your good morals.” he
“Okay sir.”
“You better advise your
boyfriend. He lack morals and he
is proud. That will take him
nowhere.” he advised.
“Okay sir.”
she helped him carry the sack
containing the answer booklets
to his car.
She dropped the sack on the
back seat and turned to leave.
“Are you going towards the GRA?
So i can give you a ride?” he
“no, don’t worry sir.” she said
The invigillator drove off and
Nike started walking towards the
main road. Segun ran after her.
“Nike! Why can’t you tell me you
are ready?” he asked.
She ignored him and stopped a
“Nike!?” he shouted.
“I don’t make friends with
people like you. You are too
proud and temperamental for my
likening. Try and check yourself.
Then you become my friend.
Mind you, you lack morals. Good
bye.” she said as she mounted
the bike and the bikeman
zoomed off leaving him stunned
and suprised.
–to be continued–
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