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Episode 26
“Jummy. What are you doing
here?” Segun asked.
“Is that a welcome.” she asked.
“Answer my question.” segun
“Good afternoon sirs.” she said
greeting Tope and Wale.
“yeah. Good afternoon. How are
you?” they both chorused.
“Am fine o.” she replied.
“What’s your own name?” Tope
“My name is Jummy.” she replied.
“I am Tope and my friend here is
Wale.” Tope said.
“It’s nice meeting you guys.” she
“The pleasure is mine.” Tope
Segun stood at the entrance
looking at his brother and the
unexpected visitor.
“Have your sit.” Mary said before
leaving the sitting room to
change from her school uniform.
“Thanks.” Jummy replied.
“Are you guys classmates?” Tope
“No, we met at the centre.” She
“So, how did you know he lived
here?” Tope asked.
“I got the description from
Omolayo(his cousin).” she
“Oh! I see.” Tope said.
“I just decided to suprise him
with this visit.” Jummy said
“That’s nice.” Wale said.
“won’t you entertain your guest
and stop looking like you’ve seen
a ghost.” Wale said as everyone
bursted into laughter.
Mary came out with a photo
album and a fashion magazine.
On a tray lays a soft drink bottle
and a glass cup.
She drew a stool closer and
dropped them there. She sat
down beside jummy and they
got talking. She began telling her
things about the photos and they
clicked real good.
Segun went inside his room and
put a call through to Akin(his
classmate. One of the guys that
helped him fight against Emma
and his gang). He explained his
ordeal to him and Akin told him
what to do.
He came outside and went close
to Jummy. He began acting
normal and he took her by the
hand as they both went outside.
He showed her round the
compound and they ended the
journey in the garden very close
to the kitchen.
“Jummy.” He called.
“Yes.” she answered.
“What do we gain from this
friendship?” he asked.
“I don’t get you.” she replied.
“Why don’t we take this
friendship to another level?” he
“What are you insinuating?” she
asked feigning ignorance.
“Jummy. Do you accept me as
your boyfriend?” he asked
kneeling down.
“Yes!” she said in excitement as
they both hugged themselves
real tight.
Jummy left towards evening after
she bade Wale, Tope, and Mary
goodbye. Segun saw her off to
the bus-stop and waited till the
bus was out of sight.
“Now i am in love. To hell with
Olanike.” he said happily.

Episode 27
Segun woke up early tuesday
morning and dressed up. He
went into the dining room and
ate the breakfast with every
member of the family. He finished
eating and left for his centre.
He removed his phone and
dialled Jummy’s number. She
picked the call after the first ring.
“Hello angel.” he greeted.
“Sweetheart, good morning.” she
“How was your night?” Segun
“It was fine and yours?” she
“Not bad.” segun replied.
“Did you dream about me?” she
“Yeah. Where are you?” he asked
in reply.
“Am at the bus-stop. What about
you?” She asked.
“Give me fifteen minutes and i’ll
be there with you.” he said.
“Don’t keep me waiting o.” she
“Alright ma’am.” He said and she
bursted into laughter.
He hurried into a waiting bus
and off he went.
Segun got out of the bus and
walked towards wema bank
where Jummy was standing.
“hey!” He called looking
“Don’t greet me o.” she replied
faking anger.
“Did i keep you waiting?” He
asked innocently.
“No o, you didn’t.” she replied
hitting him playfully on the
“Lets go.” Segun said.
They walked hand in hand
towards their exam centre. They
got into Loyola college chatting
happily like new couples(which
they truely were). They walked
accross the football pitch and
found Emma and his guys seated
under a tree.
The guys stood up and blocked
their way. Jummy shivered in
“Hey guys. I don’t have time for
all these.” he said.
“You don’t have time when you
snatched my girlfriend abi.”
Emma said.
“But you broke up with her
yourself.” Segun defended.
“Are you mad?” Emma yelled at
“No, i am not.” Segun replied
with confidence.
“Oya bring you wallet and your
wristwatch and we’ll let you go.”
Tony said.
“It is better i die than surrender
my properties to buy my
freedom.” Segun said angrily.

Episode 28

Emma move towards but segun
was fast enough to knock him
out of the way. He told Jummy to
run. He moved to the second guy
and knocked him out in a simillar
manner thanks to ‘ray mysterio’s’
smack downs. He was
overpowered by the third guy
who hit him with a stick on his
head. He fell down and felt like
passing out but gathered
enough strength as he stood up
and ran for his dear life. The guys
pursued him as they ran towards
the exam hall. Segun sensed the
danger in running into the exam
hall because that was where
Jummy ran to quickly diverged in
his tracks and ran towards the
School chapel. He jumped a
flower lawn and climed the stairs
and descended through the
other side, he was in the junior
Emma and his guys turned back
when the discovered they has
lost him. Segun adjusted his
clothes and walked back to the
examination hall. He found
Jummy on the stairs.
“Jummy.” he called.
She stood up and hugged him
happily. “Are you okay?”
“Yes i am.” he replied.
“Hope they didn’t hurt you? Oh
my God, your head is swollen.
She was massaging the swollen
part with her hands.
Nike ascended the stairs and
found the two of them standing.
She made to walk past them.
“Nike. Good morning.” Segun
“Good morning.” she greeted
dryly and left them in their
Jummy hissed loud enough for
her to hear.
“Why did you do that?” Segun
“I hate that girl.” Jummy replied.
“But why?” Segun asked.
“She is a devil. Look at what she
has used her waywardness to
inflict on you.” Jummy said
pointing to his wounds.
“They are bound to happen.”
Segun defended.
“Just be careful.” she advised.
“Okay darling.” Segun said as
they both walked into the
examination hall.

Episode 29
After the paper Segun waited for
Jummy outside the exam hall.
Nike hurriedly came out and
walked towards Segun. She
handed him an envelope and
waited for his reaction. Segun
opened it and discovered it was
an invitation card to her birthday
party on the 4th of October.
“Will you come?” She asked.
“Yes, i will.” he replied.
“I’ll really appreciate it.” she said.
Jummy came outside and joined
“Baby let’s go.” she said.
“I’ll be with you shortly.” he said.
“See you later.” she said.
“Alright.” Segun said and walked
to where Jummy was standing.
“What’s that?” Jummy asked.
“Invitation card.” he replied.
“For what?” she asked.
“Birthday party.” he replied.
“do u plan on attending?”
“Yes, i will.” segun answered.
“But what is so special in that
girl.” Jummy asked.
“There is nothing special in her,
She is my friend and i have to
support her on her birthday.”
“Let go on a date on that day.”
Jummy said.
“No problem, provided you’ll
follow me to her birthday.” he
“No way, am i going to her
birthday.” she replied.
“Then we go on no date.” he
“I know you love that girl.” she
said angrily.
Segun was suprised at her
sudden outburst. Jummy walked
away angrily, leaving Segun
behind. Segun didn’t bother
going after her.
“Segun, what’s the matter?” Nike
asked from behind.
“Nothing. Its just a little
misunderstanding.” segun
“Hope its not about my invitation.
Because i can hear you talk about
going somewhere.” She said.
“Its not about your invitation.”
segun said.
They continued walking towards
the main road.
“So, how was your paper?”
segun asked expertly changing
the topic.
“It was good.” she replied.
They got to the bus-stop where
they will go their seperate ways.
“See you tomorrow.” she said.
“yeah, Biology practicals right?”
he asked.
Segun hopped into a commercial
bus and Nike crossed the road.
“Oh my God! See maturity. She
didn’t feel jealous at all.” he said
to himself.

Episode 30
Segun got home and took a
shower. He laid down to sleep
when his phone beeped. It was a
message from Odunayo(one of
the girls in his class) requesting
him to join them in Titilayo’s(the
school’s head/senior girl) house.
He hurriedly changed his clothed
to a blue long sleeves shirt over a
black versace pant trouser and a
black vickers. He picked his
wrapped gift and kept it inside a
fancy polythene back. He got out
of the house, put on his
sunshade and off he left for titi’s
He got to the front gate and saw
an inscription “HAPPY BIRTHDAY
He went inside and saw all
members of his class chilling and
having fun. Pamilerin(the social
prefect) was the M.C.
“Now let us welcome our
brother, the disciplinarian and
the sportman, Shegzy.” pamilerin
Everybody present stood up and
gave him a standing ovation.
Segun felt on top of the world. He
went to the designated stage
where he shook hands with the
m.c and went to the high table
where the celebrant and the vips
were seated.
He hugged Titilayo and he took a
snapshot with her.
He sat down on the hightable
where all other prefects were
They enjoyed themselves till late
in the evening when everyone
started going home.
Segun went to present his gift to
the celebrant when he saw
Emma and his guys taking
photographs with Titilayo.
“Segun. Meet my cousin
Emmanuel. Emmanuel meet my
friend Segun.” she introduced.
Emma moved forward and Segun
moved towards him. Hatred
clearly written on their faces.
“We can’t fight here. But we’ll see
ourselves in a more isolated area
where no one will separate us.”
Emma said in a clear whisper.
“Oh! Yeah.” segun replied.
Segun dropped the gift and left
leaving a suprised Titilayo staring
at him as he left.
–to be continued–

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