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Episode 6

He unfolded the paper and read
the words scribbled on it.
“The battle line has been drawn. I
pray you don’t loose your life cos
you have gotten entangled in a
web of trouble.”
Segun sighed and stood up
facing the enraged Emmanuel.
Meanwhile Olanike had left her
seat for Segun’s seat.
Immediately she got there, she
collected the paper from Segun
and read what was written on it.
She looked at Emma with an
angry face.
“Emma! Why are you doing this?”
“Hey! You’d better stay out of
this.” he retorted.
“Segun please don’t do
anything.” she advised.
Segun tore the paper into pieces
and gave it back to emma before
walking angrily out of the hall.
Leaving Emma and Olanike
“What do you think you are
doing? She asked.
“What does it look like?” he
replied with another question.
“Leave the guy out of this. We
aren’t dating. We are just
“friends my foot. Continue being
friends with him, since he is
more important to you than me.”
He said.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“You can’t deny seeing my
messages on whatsapp
requesting to see you outside. He
“What message? I didn’t see
anything of such.” she said
bringing out her phone from her
“Oh my God! I don’t knw you
sent me a message. Infact my
phone is in silent mode.”
“Your phone is silent mode to
avoid disturbance right?”
“Yeah, but not disturbance from
“Save it for all i care.” he cut her
short and walked away angrily.
“Emma!” She called after him but
got no reply.
He met segun by the door and
blocked him from entering.
“Hey! Let me in. Segun warned.
“Do your worst.” emma dared
Segun held him by his collar
causing him to gag and leave the
way for him to enter.
Just then the invigillator entered
into the class. Paying no
attention to struggling boys.
“b——s. See how they are
fighting in public.” he said
The whole hall bursted into
“Only God knows what they are
fighting for.” he said.
“They are fighting because of a
girl.” a boy shouted from the
“You see. They were sent here to
write exam but they are chasing
girls.” he said and hissed.
Segun went back to his seat and
waited for the distribution of the
question and answer booklet.


Segun was busy writing and
supplying answers to the
questions given to them.
“WAEC in trouble.” he thought to
“Submit everybody.” the
invigilator shouted. Signifying
the end of the theory paper.
The students all stood up at once
and walked towards the front to
submit their answer booklet
causing pandemonium. Segun
waited till everything had settled
before he stood up and
submitted his booklet and sat
down patiently waiting for the
OMR sheet for the objectives.


The students all trooped out of
the exam hall signifying the end
of the paper for the day.
Segun came out and was
surprised to see everybody talking
and pointing at him. He
pretended he didn’t hear them
as he continued walking towards
the gate when he saw Olanike
walking in front. He increased his
pace and caught up with her.
“Nike?” he called out.
“Yes.” she answered coldly amidst
“What’s wrong with you? Why
are you crying?”
“Am not crying.”
“But tears is in your eyes.”
“Please i want to be alone.” she
“Okay. Can i have you number?”
he found himself asking.
“No problem.” she collected his
phone and typed her number.
“Thanks.” he said.
They walked on in silence till they
got to the bus-stop where they
went their separate ways.

Episode 8
Segun got home around 5:30pm
and was surprised to find his
father in the sitting room.
“Good afternoon Dad.” he
greeted prostrating.
“Welcome boy.” his father
“How was your paper.” he asked.
“It was fine.” he said handling
the question paper his father.
He looked at it for some minutes
before giving it back to him.
“Best of luck.” he prayed.
“Amen.” he answered.
He made to leave the sitting
room but his father called him
“Segun. What happened to your
“Erhm. Nothing sir.” He replied.
“So you mean my eyes are
deceiving me.”
“No sir. It’s just that i hit my face
on the window frame of the bus
i boarded home.” he lied.
“Okay. Just make sure you take
care of yourself.” he advised.
He knew his father didn’t buy his
lie but he possibly can’t tell him
he fought a guy because he was
talking to the guy’s girlfriend. He
would be in trouble if he said so.
He entered him room, changed
his clothes and took a shower
before coming downstairs to eat
his lunch. Once he is through
with eating he went back to his
room to sleep. As he lay on the
bed his phone rang. He checked
the caller ‘unknown number’. He
picked it up.
“Hello” the caller said.
“Hello. Please who is this?” he
“It’s me jummy.” the caller
“What’s this girl’s problem.?” he
asked himself.
“Oh! It’s you.” he replied.
“Yeah.” she answered.
“How did you get my number?”
he asked.
“I collected it from Omolayo.” she
“Okay. So how are you doing?”
“Am fine. I just want to say ‘hi’
and to ask if you didn’t feel any
pain from that guy’s hits.”
“Not at all.” he answered.
“Thank God you’re okay.” she
“Thanks for your concern. Good
night.” he said and ended the
[“What’s wrong with me? Why
did i end the call when she was
the one that called.”] he thought
to himself and smiled.


“What’s this guy’s problem sef.
I’m showing him face, yet he
kept on proving hard. Who will
see a girl like me and say he
didn’t see an angel.” she thought
and hissed angrily.



She picked up her phone and
dialled Omolayo’s number. She
picked the call immediately.
“Hullo!” Omolayo greeted from
the other end.
“What’s you brother’s problem?”
jummy asked angrily.
“How did it go?” omolayo asked.
“He was just behaving so weird
and the most annoying part was
that he ended the call.”
“But you were the one who
called him? Layo asked.
“Abi o.” jummy replied.
“Maybe he didn’t want you to
waste your credit.” layo said
“I thought you are in the best
position to advice me, that was
why i called you. Mtcheeew.” she
said angrily and ended the call.
Immediately she switched off her
phone and laid on her bed to


Segun picked up his phone and
dialled olanike’s number. It rang
for some seconds befor she
picked it up.
“Hello.” he greeted.
“Hello, who is this?” she asked.
“Am i speaking with Olanike?” he
“Yes. And may i know who this
“It’s me segun.” he informed.
“Okay. How are you?” she asked.
“Am fine and you?” he replied.
“Am good.” she replied.
“I just called to say ‘hi’.” he said.
“Oh! That’s very good of you.
“Don’t mention. goodnight.”
“Yeah good night.” she replied.
Segun ended the call and laid
down on his bed to sleep.


Segun came out of his room
dressed in a white T-shirt over a
blue jean and a gucci palm
“Where are you going?” Mary
“Micheal’s place.” he replied.
“Mtcheeew.” she hissed.
“I don’t know your problem with
this guy.”
“I have no problem with him. I
just dislike him.” she countered.
“God will help you.” he prayed.
“Buy something for me when
you’re coming back.” she said.
“Something like….banana? He
“Do i resemble a monkey? She
said and bursted into laughter.
“Okay, see you later.”
With this he dashed out of the
house into the main road and
walked to the next street where
micheal’s house was located.
He knocked on the door and
micheal opened the door for him.
“My guy how far? Micheal
greeted extending his hands.
“Am okay o.” he replied shaking
his hand.
He entered and sat down on his
favourite chair close to the door.
“Oga how far about the Olanike
of a girl you told me?” Micheal


“Hw far about the Olanike of a
girl you told me?” mike asked.
“I still dey on top am o.” segun
“Hope sey her boyfriend no dey
fumble sha? Mike asked.
“Him just dey form hard guy.”
segun answered.
“You just have to treat his Bleep
up.” mike advised.
“I’ll see to that.” segun relied.
“But you need to change your
strategy concerning the girl. You
have to be more caring and more
considerate of her feelings and
you’ll see that sky is not the
limit.” mike adviced.
“Okay boss.” segun said and they
both bursted into laughter.
“Won’t you come and chill with
me in my centre?” micheal asked.
“I’ll come but that will be on
saturday. When we’ll write
mathematics. He replied.
“Okay. Just bring girls along.”
“A cousin of mine is even in your
centre.” segun informed expertly
changing the topic.
“What’s her name?” mike asked
“Akinola Omolayo.” segun told
“So, she’s your cousin. She
happens to be my seat mate.
That girl make mad sense o.”
mike said.
“Don’t try anything with that girl
o.” segun warned playfully.
“You dey craze. No be another
person’s cousin you dey target?
Mike replied.
“what’s your own? Segun asked.
Segun brought out his phone
and opened his 2go application
and loaded jummy’s picture and
showed mike.
“Oh my Goist! Micheal exclaimed.
“What’s that?”
“This girl set o.” mike said.
“So, how does that one concern
me.” segun asked irritatedly.
“And you said she dey give you
face?” mike asked.
“Yes nau.” segun replied.
“O boy you better act fast so you
don’t loose two things at a time.”
mike advised.
“So what are you insinuating?
Segun asked.
“What gave you the assurance
that Nike will break up with
Emmanuel?” mike asked.
“I don’t know.” segun said.
“If you devote all you effort on
Nike and you neglect Jummy.
Jummy will find solution to her
problem.” Mike stressed further.
“But, she’s not my type.” segun
“Sit down there and said, she is
not your type. I pray you don’t
regret it.” mike said.
Segun stayed with Mike till
around 3pm talking about
sports, girls and their ongoing
examination. Before segun left
for his house. On getting to the
junction of his street he
remembered what Mary sent
him. He quickly bought apples
and kept it inside a polythene
He got home and gave it to her.
“You are the best brother in the
world.” she said.
“It is only when i do something
for you that you know that i am
your brother.” segun said.
“Whatever, your food is on the
dining table.” she informed.
As he was about to sit down to
eat his phone rang. He checked
the caller, it was Jummy. He
considered ignoring it but on a
second thought, he picked it.
“Hello.” Jummy greeted.
“Hi.” he replied.
“How are you.” she asked.
“Am good and you?” he replied.
“Am fine.” she replied.
“Segun?” she called.
“Yes?” he responded.
“I want to tell you something.”
she informed.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“Erhm…erhm….segun, i don’t
know how to say this, it is
strange, but i have no choice.”
she said.
“Say it now.” segun replied
–to be continued

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