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Episode 51

Eva drove out of the parking lot, moving
slowly and carefully so as not to arouse
suspicion. The Colonel lay low at the back
seat of the car, instructing Eva to take it cool.
There were agents following them and they
needed to be thrown off track. If they
suspected anything, they would corner Eva
and have her smoked. That would be the end.
“How many cars do we have on our tail?” The
Colonel asked, still crouched at the back seat
of the car.
“I am seeing two sedans. They are doing a
very good job and they are alternating very
well. Only a trained eye would notice this.”
Eva replied.
“Good job girl. Now follow the road that leads
through bar beach and get to Bonny camp.
You have to take Onikan through to Awolowo
road and enter the Total filling station there.
That’s where we would lose them.” The
Colonel said.
“What happens when we get to Total, dad?”
Eva asked.
“Let’s just say, I have got friends of mine.”
The Colonel replied and continued.
“Just make sure that we get there in one
piece.” The Colonel finisged.
“How is Sean doing?” Eva asked.
“He is still alive. How long that remains so
depends on how soon we can get to him.” The
Colonel replied.
Just then, one of the Sedans, a Toyota Quest
overtook them and moved into their lane,
driving just in front of them. The jeep behind
continued to drive closer while the one in front
reduced speed drastically.
The Colonel could not pretend anymore. They
could not afford to be busted this way.
“Do you notice what is happening, girl?” The
Colonel said, getting up and sitting on the
“Yes Dad. They are trying to box us in.” Eva
replied with a smile.
“You know what to do don’t you?” The Colonel
“I was born for this Da Vinci. Hang on” Eva
They were in a Ford Mustang which had iron
suspenders and a strong metal barricade
around its front and rear lights. Eva changed
gears and stepped on the accelerator, hitting
the car in front of them. The Toyota Quest in
front of them swerved left and right, in an
attempt to gain balance after the collision.
Eva stepped on the brakes, swerved right and
overtook the car in front of her. She switched
gear again and stepped on the accelerator,
hitting the 80km/hr mark on the speedometer.
A Toyota Tundra came out from nowhere, hot
on the trail of Eva’s vehicle. It was closing
gap fast and would make impact soon. Eva
stepped on the accelerator. They had just got
to Bonny Camp and were speeding towards
Onikan roundabout. Eva was going at 100km/
hr now trying to out run the Tundra. The
Colonel saw that the Tundra kept gaining
speed and was almost close. Eva would not be
able to out run it.
“Hit the brakes girl and swerve left when I tell
you” The Colonel commanded, taking out
a .23 semi-automatic caliber pistol from his
As Eva stepped on the brakes in little
continuous pumps making the car jerk
forwards a few times, the Coionel pressed a
button to wind down the windows. Jerking and
slowing down from the huge speed that they
were initially driving at, the car gradually
slowed down allowing the Tundra to catch up
with them. The Tundra came left, trying to hit
the rear of the Ford so that the car would skid
and spin off the road. The Colonel was
watching the Tundra carefully from the rear
mirror. As the Tundra almost got to the tail of
the ford, the Colonel shouted,
“Swerve! Now!!”
The Tundra narrowly missed hitting the Ford
as Eva swerved hard to her left crossing the
road. The Tundra failed to make impact with
the Ford, causing it to lose control and swerve
right. The moment was perfect for the Colonel
because the driver was now directly opposite
him. He bent forwards at the window and shot
two straight bullets at the driver which caught
him on the neck and on the chest.
The car continued to swerve right until it fell
into the lagoon.
They reversed and turned into Onikan
roundabout moving into Awolowo road. Eva
sped forwards and the Colonel checked his
bullet chamber, winding up the window. A
BMW X6 appeared on Eva’s rear view tail.
“We have another stalker. Any instructions?”
Eva asked,
“Just head to the filling station as instructed.
I will handle things from there.”
Eva sped through Awolowo road, running the
red lights and swerving away from slow cars.
There were two cars behind her now, trying to
catch up with them and they were doing
impressively well. In no time they got to the
filling station and drove straight into the
garage with the door closing behind them.
One of the cars trailing them continued along
the road while the other also turned into the
filling station, but parked inside. The driver
came out and approached an attendant
asking that he needed to align his wheels. He
used that opportunity to study the garage and
hope that the garage door would open and
Eva would come out any moment.
Eva parked above a round manhole covered by
a metal lid. On the Colonel’s instructions, they
uncovered the lid and climbed down the man
hole which was supposed to act as drainage
but had not been used in many years. The
manhole led to a tunnel which in turn led to
an opening behind the filling station. There
was a car waiting for them as they got out of
the man hole on the other side of the tunnel,
with The Colonel taking the wheel and Eva
getting in beside him.
“Now, we finish this.” The Colonel said as he
started the ignition.
They sped off north and headed towards

Episode 52

Sean was not really happy to be the pawn in
the take down operation but they were left
with no other option. Eva would not be able to
manage it properly and using the Colonel was
totally out of the question. Confronting
GhostCorp in a head on, direct attack was
also going to achieve no positive result. Sean
had been the perfect candidate. Sophia was
crazy about him, and he had perfectly
mastered the art of infiltration. So when
Sophia caught up with him in the bathroom
earlier in the day, he was glad she fell for the
bait. He had worn false flesh-like finger prints
on all ten fingers. These prints were designed
to serve as false prints so that his real finger
prints would not be left anywhere. Most
importantly, it served as an imprint device. All
he had to do was to put a little pressure with
his fingers on any desired spot for three
seconds and that spot was marked. No one
could see it except you had on a specially
designed pair of UV glasses which only the
Colonel had at the moment. Sean had been a
very important agent for GhostCorp and as
such, he knew almost every operation mode
that was in the rule book. He was very
confident that Sophia would not want to risk
creating a scene in an attempt to bring him in.
She had only one option: Stealth.
For GhostCorp this meant rendering the
desired target helpless and unable to struggle
during pickup or takeout. Sean had been the
leader of the team that designed the Serum
Approach. The other members of the team
were Sophia, Tawo and Shina. Together they
designed a serum which had a very complex
chemical composition. This serum was meant
to take out or demobilize intended any target.
The serum was so complex that it changes
and rewrites its organic structure on its own
after eight hours. This meant that there was
usually a very unique preparation to be done
anytime the serum was to be administered.
The side effect was that the serum had no
specific antidote because whenever the serum
is prepared, the one-time antidote is prepared
alongside it, and if not administered in eight
hours, the victim dies. Due to the unstable
nature of the serum, there was only one
antidote for each preparation. Every antidote
expired after eight hours and a totally new one
had to be created. No single antidote could
work for separate preparations of serum. The
serum was that deadly. Whoever prepares the
serum, prepares the antidote. It was a
powerful tool and had served GhostCorp well
in the past.
However, Sean had worked hard and put in a
lot of effort to develop a universal antidote to
all possible chemical structures of the serum.
It had cost him a great deal of money and
several lives were lost during the laboratory
testing but at the end, it was worth it.
Knowing that this could well be Sophia’s line
of attack, he had taken the antidote just
before peeing. It was a tiny red round tablet
which sat on his forefinger. He put the tablet
under his tongue and waited for it to melt.
Just as it melted and he began to pee, Sophia
came in. At first he was scared that she might
actually chop off his organ but when she
began to whisper seductively into his ears, he
relaxed. The two agents came in and
overpowered him, injecting him with the
serum. He immediately felt drowsy and closed
his eyes. Three minutes later, the antidote had
battled with the serum inside his bl0*d stream
and won. He regained consciousness and felt
himself at a very high altitude. He opened his
eyes slowly and carefully to catch a glimpse of
where he was and who he was with. He
opened his left eye just wide enough to see
himself sandwiched between the two guards
with Sophia in front with the pilot.
They got to Beehive and the agent kept Sean
on his shoulder. Sean desperately needed to
imprint on the surrounding so that The
Colonel would have an idea of where they had
been. As they got to the third floor and about
to step out of the elevator, Sean carefully put
his forefinger on the board beside the button
that took them to the third floor. He made
sure he did not stretch or shift his body
weight so that the agent doesn’t get aware.
Sophia was stepping out first and the agent
would follow later. That gave him all the three
seconds he needed to imprint beside the
button that said, “Third Floor.”
Sean’s joy knew no bounds when he heard
Sophia order the agent to drop him by the
wall. It was an opportunity that he utilized to
the fullest. He imprinted on the ground and on
the wall around him as much as his deceit
could allow him to. At intervals when he got
the opportunity, he imprinted on the walls
when the agent was not looking. He watched
Sophia carefully as she opened a secret door
and stepped inside, ordering the agent to
follow her. He picked Sean up and carried him
into BeeHive.
Carefully Sean waited and plotted, looking for
the right opportunity to snap out of his faked
comatose. He listened while Sophia killed
Agent Nedu, dictated orders and took the life
of the young woman who came forwards. Ten
minutes later, the General called Beehive.
Sophia with the agent tagging along decided
to go meet him in the floor above them. That
was the opportunity he needed.
The Colonel drove like a man possessed,
running the traffic lights and hardly using the
brakes. Eva sat beside him strapped in her
seat and praying that The Colonel would drive
faster. With every second that passed, she
feared that she might lose Sean. The Colonel
very well knew how important Sean was to the
whole operation. He was the key to bringing
down GhostCorp. He was also the source of
Eva’s morality. He calmed her, steadied her,
and acted as a fulcrum for her. He was her
anchor. If anything happened to him, she
would lose it. She was going to go over the
edge, uncontrollable. And in that state she
was dangerous. Very dangerous.
The Colonel glanced at her briefly. She was
focused on the road ahead, her mind
wandering far away. He took his hand off the
gear and put it on her left lap, squeezing
gently. She looked at him. He smiled at her,
trying to reassure her that all would end well.
She gave a plastic smile in return and turned
her face back unto the road. Still driving at
incredible speed, The Colonel took out his
Iphone and launched the application that
acted as a monitor for Sean. He handed it to
Eva and asked her what she could see.
“He is still alive. I think he is in BeeHive. The
red dot has not moved.” Eva replied.
“Good. We cannot afford to waste any more
time. How many guns do you have on you?”
The Colonel asked.
“None.” Eva replied.
“Good. You will have mine. You know how to
handle Twin Silverballers?” The Colonel asked
with a smile, facing his daughter.
“You need a demonstration?” Eva retorted
turning to meet his gaze.
The Colonel smiled. Just as he took his eyes
back to the road, a huge tipper carrying gravel
appeared from nowhere and turned into their
side of the road. The Colonel was already on
high speed and could not step on his brakes.
In a swift second, he swerved hard to his left
to avoid collision with the tipper. He ran onto
the low curb, the street lamp breaking the
car’s side mirror. Taking his feet off the
accelerator and stepping on the brakes slowly,
the Colonel swerved back onto the road. There
were few cars on the road and the asphalt
ahead of them was free. On another day he
would have stopped, parked and given the
truck driver something he would never forget
in a hurry. But this day he had more important
agenda to catch up with. He was back on the
freeway now. He tested his brakes, checked
his steering and studied the car for any form
of problems. He did not notice any issues with
the car. The sound was fine. Handling was
still intact. They were now ten minutes away
from Bee Hive. He stepped on the accelerator
again, pushing up to 100km/hr.
Eva shrieked.
“The dot is not blinking anymore!!!” Eva cried,
handling the iphone to the Colonel.
The Colonel reduced speed, taking the iphone
from her. The dot signifying Sean’s location
on the GPS was no longer blinking. It could
only mean one thing. The Colonel put the
device off and back on again. This could not
be happening.
“Be Calm Diana.” The Colonel said.
Eva was ready to explode. A mixture of
feelings welled up inside her. She watched the
Iphone with eagle eyes, hoping that the red
dot would come on any minute as the Colonel
launched the GPS application. They waited.
Three minutes. Five. Nothing.
“Sh1t! Sh1t!! Sh1t!!!” Eva said hitting the
dashboard with her fists.
“We need to hurry. He may still be alive. Suck
it in Eva. You need a clear head.” The Colonel
barked. He increased speed to 120km/hr,
trying not to think about what may have
happened to Sean.
Eva nodded and bit her lower lip. Different
mixtures of emotions were threatening to burst
from her insides out. She tried to hold herself
together. It was not really working but she
just had to. A few seconds later, a message
came in on the phone. The Colonel opened it.
“DaVinci, I’m going solo. Hurry. I need you.”
It was Sean.
“Your boyfriend is alive” The Colonel said,
passing the phone to her.
The Colonel could see her countenance lifted.
Even though he was also relieved and
delighted, he kept a straight face.
They got to Bee Hive but parked about twenty
meters away from the main building. They
walked quickly to the gate, with Eva watching
their back. The Colonel took out a small palm
torch from his back pocket. The torch was a
password decryptor. It had a small screen at
the neck which cracks the password once the
rays hit the keys. He pointed the torch at the
password panel at the gate and saw the keys
that Sophia had pressed.
4 9 6 1 6.
He pressed them and the gate opened.
They walked inside the compound, with Eva
walking with her back to the Colonel, facing
the gate, with the silenced twin Silverballers in
each hand by her cheeks. She was watching
every spot, every angle, just in case there were
in for an ambush. They got to the door
leading into the building and the Colonel used
his password decryptor again. As they were
about to enter, Eva stopped the Colonel
pointed to a spot on their far right. The spot
had a reddish liquid on the tiled floor.
“Blood” Eva whispered.
They walked slowly and stealthily to the point
and the Colonel bent to access the situation.
Just then they heard footsteps. The Colonel
backed up on the wall and carefully turned so
that only a fraction of his left eye could see
who was approaching. It was one of the
guards that took Sean from the movies. Eva
was crouched besides him. In eight or nine
steps, the agent would get to them. He turned
only his head and whispered to Eva who had
got up and was not standing close behind
“Agent. 6 steps till he gets to us. I’m going to
jump him. If I fail, weaken him.” The Colonel
Eva nodded.
The Colonel began the count down with his
fingers, showing it to Eva.
After he counted the last number, the Colonel
stepped away from the wall and into the path
of the agent. The agent was shocked and
surprised. Before he could find time to react,
the Colonel gave two quick jabs. He gave one
punch to the agent’s right lower rib cracking a
bone, and then the other punch to his Solar
plexus. The agent gasped for air, staggering
Just then the radio with the agent cackled to
“Mario, where the hell are you? What is taking
you so long? The madam wants you
immediately. Come in, over.” came a male
voice from the other end.
The Colonel didn’t hesitate. He went behind
the agent and snapped his neck from behind,
letting him fall in a heap. He dipped his
hands into the agent’s pockets, looking for
anything that might be helpful. He found a
bunch of keys, an access card and the key to
a G-Wagon. He took the items he found and
side stepped away from the corpse. He moved
towards Eva.
“Let’s go. We need to hurry” Eva said.
The Colonel nodded, walking briskly away from
the scene and quickly through the door. He
brought out the special UV glasses that were
inside his mafia suit and handed one to Eva.
“Put this on. We should see Sean’s markers
from here.” The Colonel said walking ahead of
her and wearing his own pair of UV glasses.
The Colonel looked left and right on the floor
they were on and his eyes caught Sean’s
imprint on the door of the elevator.
“Here. Follow me.” The Colonel commanded.
They walked into the elevator and the Colonel
found Sean’s imprint on the panel beside the
third floor button. Eva saw it too.
“Bless you Sean.” Eva whispered with an
expectant and eager look in her eyes.
The Colonel pressed the button to take them
to the third floor, and then turned to look at
Eva. He was very worried about her. He knew
that she was capable as a field agent and
could very well take care of herself. But right
now a bit of fear gripped him. He suddenly
doubted if she could handle herself given the
emotional conditions surrounding this
operation. He needed her to think clearly, have
a straight and calm head. He had told her
countless times. He could not snap at her now
that they were very close. He heaved a very
long and heavy sigh. Eva looked at him.
“Dad, I will be fine. I have everything going on
well right now. Trust me.” Eva said, pointing
her forefinger at her head as if to say she’s
thinking straight.
The Colonel smiled. Just then there was a
short elevator sound to tell them that they
had reached their destination.
“This is it Diana. Let’s do this.” The Colonel
said, bringing out his silenced .45 automatic
caliber pistol.
Eva took out the silenced twin Silverballers
from her hips, one in each hand and waited.
The elevator opened.

Last Episode

The General paced the room, eager and
waiting. How could Sophia decide to betray
him like this? Where did she get the audacity
to? Was she working for someone? Did she
know something that he didn’t? Different
questions ran through his head as he waited
for her to arrive. He had taken her in when she
was just a kid. Trained her, schooled her, and
made her what she was. And now she wanted
the Corporation for herself?
“No! It cannot be!” The General exclaimed
smashing the glass of water in his hands
against the wall.
The steel door opened inwards and Sophia
walked in, accompanied by the agent who was
acting as her guard.
“Why am I not surprised? You even have the
access codes to this room. And is he
necessary?” The General asked, nodding at the
agent but maintaining eye contact with
Sophia ignored his question and moved to her
left to the part of the room that had a small
round table and two chairs. It was the
lounging area of the office where you could
relax, have a drink and even take a nap. After
she had settled well and poured herself a cup
of juice, she said to the General,
“Would you care to join me please?”
It was more of a demand than a request. She
had the General by the balls and they both
knew it. He could decide to take her out, but
that would be detrimental. He needed to know
what was really happening. He needed to know
why she was going rogue. Was she working for
someone? Did she want money? All these
questions needed answers. The answers he
got would shape his decision. He walked
grudgingly to the lounging area and sat
opposite Sophia. He had an unreadable look
on his face. It was a look that Sophia had
seen uncountable times, that it did not mean
anything to her anymore. She just smiled.
“A cup of juice, General?” Sophia asked.
The General just stared at her, trying to read
her mind. He was trying to connect with her
resolve, trying to get some form of emotional
weakness, any form of spiritual connection. He
was very good at it and had used it on her a
lot when she was still his loyal lieutenant. It
was not working this time.
“Does he have to be here?” The General asked
“Is that important? He is here just in case you
try anything funny. I have never trusted you
Marcus.” She said, finishing the orange juice
in her cup.
“I knew you never have. I was not counting on
that.” The General replied.
“You wanted me here. Did you summon me for
small talk? Or you would like to really get to
the point. I have things to attend to.” Sophia
The General was fast losing his grip. He was
no longer in control. He needed to take control
but how? He did not want Sophia dead, at
least not yet. He could finish her in seconds.
He thought for a few seconds. Maybe he had
to. She was proving really difficult. She had to
go. But the guard she brought in was going to
complicate issues. He could not kill two
professionals at once. He decided he was
going to warn Sophia.
There was a small button inside his right shoe
by his big toe. He squeezed the big toe
against the button, sending a signal to
Ambrose who was hiding in the store, inside
the room they were in. The store was directly
to the left of the Sophia. The door opened and
Ambrose came out, gun in hand. It all
happened in seconds.
Ambrose shot at the guard, releasing four
bullets as he came out confidently from the
room he was hiding. The bullets hit the guard
on the chest, belly and face. The guard fell
sideways, hitting his head on the brick wall.
Sophia was very well aware of her
surroundings. Immediately the door opened
and Ambrose came out, she kicked the table
from under with her legs, sending the top of
the table forwards in the air, hitting the
General’s face. In a split second, she took out
her .43 gold plated automatic pistol from her
hip, turned and shot at Ambrose. The single
bullet caught him in the g—n area. He
screamed, fell down holding his ball5. She
turned immediately to face the General who
had been hit by the top of the table. He
crawled on his back, moving away from
Sophia as she walked towards him, pointing
her gun at him. He crawled backwards until he
got to the wall and could not move anymore.
“Keep crawling!!!!!” Sophia screamed, shooting
the wall just above his head.
The General kept still, bl0*d dripping from his
forehead down the side of his face.
“The agent Ambrose just killed was my pawn. I
knew Ambrose was in here but I did not know
exactly where. I was counting on you to want
to use him against me. But deep down, I
hoped that I was not in the same category as
your other fallen Lieutenants. I hoped I would
be indispensable. I hoped that I was more
than an agent to you, that no matter what
your love for me would let you keep me. I
served you. I killed for you. I loved you as a
father! And this is what I get? You want me
dead? Huh?” Sophia said slowly, firing another
shot a few meters to his left.
The General just stared at her breathing
slowly. He did not say a word.
“Answer me goddamitt!” Sophia said, pointing
the gun at the General’s head.
Just then a voice said from the entrance of
the main door.
“Drop the gun Sophia. He is not yours to kill.”
Sophia turned to see Sean standing by the
door, an SPG rifle in his hands. He winked,
smiled and nodded to her to move sideways.
She melted at the sight of Sean.
Sean waited for about three minutes after
Sophia and her bodyguard had left Bee Hive
before he opened his eyes slowly. The
illumination of the room almost blinded him,
as he had deliberately had his eyes shut for
too long. He got up slowly, turning to look at
all the people in the room. He stretched his
joints and twisted his upper body. His joints
made cracking sounds as he twisted. He felt
pity for the young lady who was still on the
ground, her lifeless corpse decorating the
mahogany floor. He took out a tiny pen from
his back pocket. It was a low voltage
electrocuting neutralizer. He hit his chest with
the pen, sending tiny but powerful electric
waves through his body. The electric signals
went straight to his heart, neutralizing the
tracker that had been previously inserted by
the colonel. He took out his phone from the
inner b—m pocket of his blazers and sent
the Colonel a message. He moved to Nedu’s
table, put his hands under the long table and
ran them to and fro while his eyes scanned
the frightened BeeHive officers.
“This baby should be here somewhere.” Sean
said to himself, stretching further beneath the
table so that his hands could touch the edges.
“Ah ha!” Sean proclaimed as his hand hit
He pulled out an SPG riffle, corked it twice and
“May I have your attention please?” Sean said,
tapping the table with the gun.
The officers in Bee Hive looked at him, many of
them very scared. They had just watched two
of their colleagues murdered in cold bl0*d
without reason and here another gun slinging
maniac was calling their attention.
“Who works after Nedu here?” Sean asked,
raising his voice so all could hear.
Nobody answered. No one was ready to die.
“I am not the bad guy. All I want to do is to
take down this Corporation, so I suggest you
start planning new exits, new jobs, and new
safe havens. I need to know who works here
after Nedu or what you just witnessed Sophia
do would be child’s play.” Sean threatened,
corking his gun threateningly.
A short man stepped forwards, very chubby,
and wearing a pair of huge framed lenses. He
stepped out of his chair but remained on the
same spot. He was too scared to move.
“Please, don’t be afraid. Do come forward.”
Sean urged him pleasantly.
The man walked slowly forward and stopped
just a few meters in front of Sean. Sean
approached him gun in hand and put an arm
around his shoulders. He walked with him
back to the table. Putting his hand into his
tight right pant pocket, he brought out a flat
microchip and handed it to the man.
“This is a virus. It erases every data from the
corporation data and writes into the registry
of the backup servers, stopping them from
automatic data backup. It also cripples the
firewalls so that they are weakened to fight
against the intrusion. Can I count on you to
carry this out perfectly?” Sean asked.
The man nodded weakly.
“What is your name?” Sean asked again sitting
on the table and facing him.
“Patrick sir.” The man replied weakly.
“Patrick, I do not plan for any one of you to
die here tonight.” Sean spoke slowly and
deliberately. Then he raised his voice as he
continued so that the whole room could hear
his voice.
“Your life and the lives of those in this room
depend on this one small favor that I ask of
you. Would you please follow my instruction
to the letter?” Sean asked conclusively.
“Yes I will.” Patrick answered meekly.
“Could you be more audible for the sake of the
rest of your friends here?” Sean said.
“Yes I will!” Patrick said raising his voice.
“Good. Very good. I go in peace. Don’t make
me find you Patrick.” Sean threatened,
handing the chip to him.
Sean stepped out into the corridor and
retraced his steps the same way Sophia came
in. As he walked into the enclosure, he put his
hand over the keypad and pressed the
passcode to take him to the floor above him.
Just as the enclosure was about to move, he
caught a glimpse of familiar figures in the
It was the Colonel and his beloved Eva. He
quickly stopped the elevator from moving and
got out of the elevator. Eva could not believe
her eyes as she saw Sean come out from a
hidden enclosure on the wall. She ran towards
him and jumped at him, hugging him tightly.
She kissed him fully on the lips as he held her
tight, kissing her back. She held on for a while
kissing and hugging him tight. After what
seemed like an eternity, she let him go.
“I feared you were dead!” She said, still
holding his hands in hers.
“I am here sweetie. Flesh and bl0*d.” Sean
The Colonel approached him and shook him
by the shoulder.
“Good to see you Bravo.” The Colonel said.
“Missed you too Davinci.” Sean replied.
“So what is the next step now?” The Colonel
asked looking at the rifle in Sean’s hands.
“Sophia has gone up to the control room to
meet Marcus. I am going to intercept them
there. You will come with me, while Eva will
stand guard here at BeeHive to make sure all
goes as well as planned.” Sean finished.
The Colonel nodded while Eva hugged him
tight again before letting him go. They left Eva
in charge of Bee Hive as the rest of them went
upstairs to meet the General. As they
approached the door, they heard gun shots.
They immediately rested their backs on the
wall by the door, waiting for the gun battle to
subside. Then Sean heard Sophia raise her
voice. She was talking to the General. He
tiptoed to the door and keyed in the passcode,
the door opened noiselessly. Sean peeped first
to assess the situation. Sophia had his back
to him as she lashed out words at the
General. As she raised her gun at the General,
Sean stepped in.
Eva was pacing on the floor of Bee Hive,
making sure that all the agents were behaving
and injecting the virus into the Corporation
when she heard sound behind her. She turned
quickly to find out what it was that suddenly
made the sound but she was not quick
Agent Ope stood at the entrance of Bee Hive
with a .23 semi-automatic pistol, smoke
drifting upwards from the nozzle of the gun.
Eva had ducked, rolled on the floor and fired a
shot of her own catching Ope in the neck.
Blood guzzled from the hole, flowing like a
fountain. He fell on the floor slowly, trying to
mumble incoherent words. Eva got up from
the floor holding her stomach. Ope had shot
her. Blood flowed from the gunshot wound,
painting her hand red. She gasped for her as
she staggered to the door, trying to exit. As
she struggled with her feet walking past Ope’s
lifeless body, clutching her stomach and trying
to breathe, one word repeatedly came out of
her mouth, although barely audible:
“Drop the gun Sophia.” Sean repeated, raising
the SPG threateningly at Sophia.
Sophia dropped the gun beside her and kicked
it just a few meters away. The Colonel strolled
in with confidence, walking past Sean and
towards The General. Sophia was looking at
Sean, her back to the General. She wished she
could just disappear with him and forget this
whole bl0*d bath.
Suddenly, the General moved. He pulled out a
jack knife from his boots and sprang up
acrobatically from the floor. The Colonel
aimed at him but did not shoot because
Sophia was in the line of target. The General
held the knife to Sophia’s neck, pushing it
gently against her soft fair skin. A little bl0*d
trickled from the contact.
“Drop the guns. Both of you, Now!” The
General ordered.
None of them moved. Sean saw the look of
fear and helplessness in Sophia’s eyes. He
could not believe he felt something for Sophia
after all. Sophia did not want to die.
“I said drop the guns motherf#ckers!!!” The
General screamed, pressing the knife further
deep on to Sophia’s flesh. The bl0*d was
rushing faster now and Sophia had begun to
squint. Sean could not take it anymore.
He bent carefully and dropped his rifle on the
ground. He stood and raised his hands.
“Happy now?” Sean asked.
“Your turn!” The General screamed at the
The Colonel did not care who died and who
did not. He wanted Marcus dead. He raised
his gun higher, targeting Marcus’ head.
The General knew that he could not win the
battle. Sean saw the glint in his eyes.
Everything happened like slow motion.
In one sudden move, the General slit Sophia’s
throat with the knife, pushing her on the floor.
As he bent to pick the gun Sophia dropped,
the Colonel opened fire on him. Sean had
already bent and picked his rifle. Standing on
one knee, Sean emptied his bullets on the
General while the Colonel continued to shoot
at him too. The General managed to stagger
and get up, trying to shoot. They rained
bullets on him, while he staggered. His white
starched shirt covered in bl0*d. As he tried to
pull the trigger of the gun, Sean gave a
precise shot to the middle of his head.
His brains splattered across the room and he
fell to the ground. His body was still shaking
as Sean and the Colonel walked to him. They
rained the remaining of their bullets on him
until his body stopped moving. Sean spat on
his corpse.
He moved to Sophia and bent down. He held
her hand and closed her eyelids. She looked
so beautiful even in death. He wished things
had ended differently.
Just then an alarm began to sound in the
whole building.
“DEFCON4 activated. 50 seconds till self-
destruct.” A computerized voice said.
“What the hell is that?” Sean asked.
“Marcus had programmed GhostCorp to end
with his death. This building self-destructs
once his heart stops beating. We need to
move. Now.” The Colonel explained as the got
out of the room.
They got to the Bee Hive floor and saw a trail
of bl0*d. The followed it and turned the
corridor to see Eva coughing bl0*d and
breathing heavily.
“This is not happening! Baby, I am here. I love
you. Stay with me. Come on. Stay with me.”
Sean said, lifting Eva and resting her on his
arms while he knelt.
“Se..ee…aaaa…nnnnn” Eva said with labored
“I looo….ooovveee……” She said but coughed
out more bl0*d.
“20 seconds to self-destruct.” The Computer
“We need to leave Sean. There’s no time.” The
Colonel said.
Sean lifted Eva, carrying her in his arms like a
wedding bride. They hurried out of the
premises with Sean repeated assuring Eva and
tears in his eyes, even though her eyes were
“I love you baby. Stay with me. Stay with me.
Stay with me.”

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