Episode 6
Sophia was shocked. Bruno was
covered in dirt and mud. He had
a small cut on his cheek. There
was dried bl0*d on his forehead.
His shirt was bl0*dy and messy.
He staggered into the room and
sat on the long couch. He looked
really bad.
“What in hell happened to you?”
Sophia asked.
“We got attacked. Some heavily
armed men ambushed us as we
entered Lokoja. I had to create a
diversion. I made myself the bait
while I asked Marshal to proceed
as planned.” Bruno replied.
Sophia picked her phone and
made a call. She called Gbenga to
call off the search party. She had
found Bruno. She also asked her
personal assistant to get her
private doctor to come to the
mansion. She hung up. Bruno
looked a mess. She asked him to
go clean up. She called the
General and informed him of the
recent development.
“I want to know exactly what
happened. Have you asked about
the boy? Where is Marshal?” the
General queried.
“Bruno was badly wounded. He
was almost passing out. My
doctor is currently seeing to him.
I will get him around and have
him tell me everything.” She
“S, you are really beginning to irk
me! Don’t contact me unless you
have something tangible to tell
me. I gave you a mission. You
had your orders. You have made
a mess of it. I do not need
crumbs. I need results. You have
24 hours.” The General said and
finished. The line went dead.
Marshal drove like a mad man.
Their driver had just been shot
and he had taken hold of the
wheels. He looked in the rear
view mirror. The boy was scared
as hell. The green Kia Optima was
still in pursuit. d–n it! He took a
sharp left. The tires screeched. He
was driving at 100km/hr. He was
not scared. His adrenaline was
pumping. He needed to shake off
these guys. He took another right
and got on to a lonely path. His
attackers were nowhere in sight
but he knew they were not far
behind. He stopped the car in the
middle of the road, opened the
door and got out. He pulled Sean
out from the back and walked
with him into the bush. He
pushed Sean ahead of him as
they walked through shrubs and
bushes. Marshal heard a car stop
in the distance behind. His
pursuers had found the car.
There was a chance they would
find them if they were smart
enough. Sean was slowing them
down. He brought out a syringe.
Sean was walking ahead, trying
to find his way through the
covered bush path. He was tired.
Marshal quickly got close to him,
injecting the contents of the
syringe into Sean’s neck. Sean fell
in a heap.
Marshal heard voices. His
assailants were getting closer
and he had Sean to deal with. He
slung Sean on his shoulders and
walked faster, making sure he hit
his legs firmly on the floor with
each step. He had walked for a
while when he felt himself step
on a metal.
“Thank you Bruno.” He said to
He put Sean down carefully and
opened the metal lid. It opened
into a small hollow tunnel that
led to a secret outlet across
town. He descended the ladder
into the tunnel, carrying Sean
with him on his shoulders. He
closed the lid shut. He locked it
with a huge padlock that had
been there and continued away
from the place. He did not expect
to be followed. It was the perfect
detour. There was a car waiting
for him when he got out of the
15minute walk out of the tunnel.
He was exhausted. He had been
through a burdened night and
early morning. He dumped Sean
at the back of the car and got
into the passenger seat. He
pulled the lever by his seat and
the chair moved backwards. He
relaxed on it and heaved a heavy
sigh. He tried to call Bruno.
Switched off. He sent a text.
“Package secure. Took the
detour. Heading towards safe
He closed his eyes and drifted
into a much needed sleep.
Bruno woke up to find Sophia
staring at her. He got up painfully
and sat up, caressing his head.
He felt much better now and
hungry. He looked at Sophia.
“How long was I out?” He asked.
“Six hours. How do you feel?”
Sophia asked, getting up and
pouring herself some wine.
“I feel better. Can I have some of
that?” He asked pointing at the
bottle Sophia was holding.
Sophia poured another glass and
handed it to him.
“I need to know what happened.
Everything.” Sophia said. She
settled down in a chair opposite
Bruno and crossed her legs.
Bruno cleared his throat.
They were driving in cruise
control when they saw a car
parked in the middle of the road.
It was a bl0*d red Toyota Quest.
As they slowed down, a bullet
pierced the windscreen and hit
the driver on the forehead.
Perfect hit. The windscreen
cracked. Blood splattered
“Duck!” Bruno whispered as the
three of them huddled beside
each other at the back. They
heard footsteps approaching. A
gun was cocked in the distance.
Bruno signaled to Marshal that
he was going out of the car to
meet the three men who were
almost at the car. Marshal was to
get the wheel, start the ignition
and drive away with the package
as fast as he could. Marshal
nodded. Sean was about to
throw up. Marshal looked at him
with a cold stare. Sean
swallowed the phlegm that was
in his throat. Bruno opened the
door and came out of the car, his
hands stretched out.
“I’m unarmed.” He said, crawling
out of the car and assessing the
From the corner of his eyes he
could see Marshal moving
stealthily to the driver’s seat. The
three men approached. Heavily
“Where is the package?” One of
them asked. He was almost near
the car now. A few yards away
from the driver’s side of the car.
In one swift move, Bruno put his
hand at his back and pulled out a
pistol. He shot the approaching
man on the leg as he ducked and
rolled on the ground into the
bushes. At exactly the same time,
Marshal started the engine,
shoved the dead driver out and
drove wildly at the other two
assailants. They did not expect
this sudden surge and left the
road in time. Marshal drove into
the push, passed the car that
was parked in the middle of the
narrow road and back onto the
road. He was pursued by the
other assailants who entered
their car and followed him. The
man Bruno shot was cursing and
looking for him in the bushes.
Bruno was at a vantage point. He
could see the man approaching.
He quickly sent Marshal a text on
the location of a secret hide-out.
He also sent another text to the
driver who would pick Marshal
up. The driver replied his text.
Marshal hadn’t. The man was
getting closer, cursing as his left
thigh oozed bl0*d. He said a
quick prayer and hoped Bruno
would read his message. His
phone rang. It was Bruno. The
id1ot had given away his
location. He cut the call, put off
his phone and slipped it into his
socks. The man looked in his
direction and moved faster
towards him. The man saw the
weeds move. He shot rapidly in
the direction of the movements
where Bruno was trying to
escape. The bullet got him in the
arm. He groaned.
The man stumbled forwards.
Bruno saw him just in time. He
aimed carefully and shot the man
in the head. His brains splattered
as he slumped on the ground.
Bruno was in pains. He took of
his jacket and tied it around the
wound. He tried to crawl out of
the bush until he got tired and
decided to rest. He slept off till
the very early hours of the
morning and found his way to
the mansion.
Sophia sighed.
“Where is your phone?” She
He brought it out and put it on.
He saw Marshal’s message. He
showed it to her.
She smiled.
She called Shina.
“Shina. Beauty has spilled as we
suspected. She is the mole. She
took the bait. Take care of her
after the operation.” She hung
Just then she felt relieved. As she
got up to refill her glass, Bruno’s
phone rang. It was Marshal.
“I am down. Package jumped me.
He is on the loose. I am at the
safe house.” Marshal said.
Bruno got up to leave.
“Where are you going?” Sophia
“I have got to take care of
business.” He said, relating
Bruno’s message to her.
“The boy knows you. He might
jump you too. I guess this is
where I step in. I’ll handle this.”
Sophia said and smiled. naijacarD.com
She grabbed her car keys and
headed towards the safe house.
Episode 7
Detective Ahmed Haruna woke
up startled. His phone had been
ringing nonstop. He felt his head
banging. He picked the call.
“Hello. What? When? How?” he
asked with a very croaky voice.
He listened for about two
minutes then replied,
“Oh my God!” He said sitting up
and continued, “Keep a
perimeter around the crime
scene. No one takes or touches
anything till I get there. You
understand? I will be there in
twenty minutes.” He hung up.
He took his wristwatch from the
bedside table and checked the
time. 6:37 am. He looked behind
him. Rita was fast asleep, covered
up under the duvet. They had
had a wild night, getting high on
weed and alomo bitters before
engaging in different s3x
positions. She came twice riding
him while he later turned her
and came into her from behind.
They slept off thereafter. She was
his tonic after a very hard day’s
job. They always met in her
house every Saturday night. She
looked so angelic. He did not
want to wake her but he had no
choice. He tapped her gently. She
stirred but did not wake. He
tapped her again, adding a little
more force this time around. She
turned, opening her eyes slowly.
“Hmmm…what is it honey?” Rita
“Do you have some aspirins in
the house?”
“Yes I do. In the Kitchen.”
Ahmed got up Unclad and went
into the kitchen to get the
aspirins. Rita began to get h0rny
under the sheets. The sight of
Ahmed’s perfect round as5 and
great body always drove her
crazy. He returned with the
aspirin and a glass of water. She
licked her lips at the sight of his
huge d1ck and his perfect abs.
Ahmed took the drugs and
accompanied it with water. He
sat on the edge of the bed, his
back to her, his muscles ripping.
She touched his skin. He did not
move. She continued, tracing her
hands to the side of his chest
and caressing his nippl3. He
turned to face her. Then he
kissed her on the lips. She
responded, moving close to him
and wrapping her arms around
his neck. He disengaged the kiss
and pecked her on the forehead.
He moved away from the bead
and got his briefs from the floor.
He wore them.
“What are you doing? Where are
you going?” Rita asked, a frown
appearing on her very pretty
“Duty calls honey. I have to go.”
Ahmed replied. He was wearing
his jeans now.
“Should I make breakfast for
you?” She asked.
“I can’t tell. Looks like a serious
case. I will call you baby.”
He finished wearing his clothes
and gave Rita a light kiss on the
lips. He got his car keys and left
Rita’s house.
He got to Law School Bus Stop to
meet a small crowd of people
already at the scene. He made his
way through the curious crowd
shoving his ID card in their faces
as he screamed “Make way.
Excuse me, leave the road
please.” Even if he did not have
his ID card on him, his
intimidating stature and his
rough face was enough for any
sane person to leave the way. His
face was harsh and strong with
his forehead having permanent
wrinkles. His voice was throaty
and hoarse, his lips black from
marijuana smoking. He had very
broad shoulders with rippling
biceps. He stood at 6ft. 5inches
and always wore very tight black
He bent and got into the yellow
tape area. The medics where
talking to a few pressmen and
some other officers where
huddling around the crime scene
looking for more evidence. There
was a body by the lagoon in
white cloth. He moved close to
the body and bent down. He
pulled away the white cloth. The
white, lifeless and decaying body
of Agent Mercy stared him in the
face. He removed his dark shades
and looked at the body closely.
He saw the gunshot wound. He
looked at her hair, her face. He
was looking at her arms when
he noticed something. All her
jewelry was not touched. All
except her wristwatch. He called
for a forensic agent.
“Get me a UV torch and some
gloves.” He commanded.
He took out two white gloves
from the pack handed to him
and collected the UV torch. He
put it on and scanned her wrists.
There were distinct finger prints
on her wrist where her wrist
watch has been.
“Where is Tunde!!!?” He
screamed at no one in particular.
Tunde came out of the police van
parked beside the ambulance
inside the crime scene. He had
been making a phone call.
“Let me call you back please.” He
hurriedly hung up.
“Good Morning sir. Seen anything
spooky?” Tunde said bending
beside Ahmed.
He ignored the greeting.
“Do you notice anything?”
Ahmed asked pointing the torch
at her wrist and using his finger
to show him what he meant.
“No sir.” Tunde said.
“Look harder, dumb head.”
Ahmed said angrily.
“Oh, I see them now. Finger
prints.” Tunde said animatedly.
“I want you to do this yourself.
Get me those prints by 12 noon.
Do not give this to your boys to
handle. This is a sensitive case. If
you do, I will find out and I will
have you controlling traffic by
Monday. Am I clear?” Ahmed
“Crystral clear sir.”
Tunde waved at one of his boys
and they brought him a small
white plastic bag. He handed it to
“This was found while the boys
were looking for evidence at the
bank of the lagoon. Seems like
the bullet that did the job.”
Tunde said.
Ahmed took the plastic bag,
opened it and put the bullet in
his palm, rolling it over.
“This bullet was fired from a .23
automatic pistol. Out of
circulation. Silenced. You can tell
from the charred edges. I will
keep this.” He said to Tunde,
putting the bullet back in the bag
and into his pocket and
continued, “Comb the entire
perimeter. Let me know when
you find anything.” He finished,
getting up and pulling off the
He walked away from the scene,
got into his car and dialed a
number adding *4567# behind
it. It was a secure line. Only he
and 3 other agents could call the
line. It was the direct line for the
Head of Intelligence Operations.
“Ma, it was Agent Mercy. She had
been compromised. I have some
leads. Give me 8 hours ma. Thank
He hung up.
Episode 8
We drove in silence for a while,
navigating bends and going
through bushes. I felt Sophia’s
eyes on me as I looked far ahead
in the distance, eagerly hoping
that we burst into a busy major
road. We turned left for the
umpteenth time and I began to
feel nervous. Where was this
woman taking me? I was sure
that we were going in circles
now. We should have gotten to a
major road by no because we
had been driving close to twenty
minutes. I wanted to question
her but I thought twice about it.
After all if not for her help, the
Macho Man may have caught up
to me and who knows what may
have happened.
“Can I make a phone call on your
phone ma?” I asked
“Sure. Why not?” She replied and
handed me her Samsung S4. I
tried to make a call on the phone
and for some reason the call was
not going through. I complained
to her and she said that it was
because of the environment we
were in, assuring me that once
we got out of the bushes, I
would get better reception. She
asked who I wanted to call. I told
her I wanted to call the police. I
noticed a very brief flicker of fear
in her countenance, but she
quickly hid it. I may have seen
wrong though.
A few minutes later we hit the
freeway. I relaxed a bit. I was
glad that we were on a busy
road and we were at least seeing
other cars. I asked her where we
were. She said we were in
Kubwa, Abuja. She offered to
drop me at a park where I could
board a bus back to Lagos. I
could not thank her enough. We
slowed down suddenly and
parked the car away from traffic.
She turned off the ignition. We
were in the middle of nowhere.
Cars were zooming past us at
light speed. I became
apprehensive. She looked
worried. I was scared. She pulled
a lever beside the steering wheel
and got out of the car. I followed.
She opened the bonnet and
hooked it with the metal to
support it. Everything was
sparkling new. No dirt, dust or
oil. I wondered what could be
wrong. Her arms were akimbo as
she scanned the cars that
zoomed past us. She did not
make any move to stop anyone.
My hands were on the edge of
the bonnet trying to look for a
fault that was invisible.
She walked up to me.
“Did you find anything?” she
asked me.
“Still looking ma’am” I replied,
trying to find the solution. I knew
absolutely nothing about fixing
I was still looking for the fault
when I heard her say,
“This would only hurt just a
I tried to turn but it was too late.
She tweaked an artery around
my neck with her thumb and
forefinger in one deft perfect
That was all I could remember.
Detective Ahmed sat in his large,
heavily furnished office, the
blinds drawn. He put the fan at
the highest and made sure the
air condition was blowing at the
lowest temperature. This was the
only way he could think. He was
still shaken at the death of his
most trusted colleague and
friend. He was disturbed. Agent
Mercy was the best undercover
agent the academy had ever
produced. She was recruited into
the Intelligence Operations at 19
and had successfully carried out
4 undercover jobs. Even in the
last one where they thought her
cover would be blown, she had
successfully maneuvered her way
and got out unscathed. She was
under cover as one of the
strippers in the joint owned by a
Mafia Boss. He was wanted for
drug trafficking and child abus3.
There was no single evidence
against him, but the Agency was
sure he was not innocent. So
they sent in Mercy and she did a
wonderful job.
The Ghosts had been a mystery
for many years, even before
Ahmed and Mercy came into the
Agency. However, three years
ago, James an alleged member of
The Ghosts was said to have
come out publicly to say that he
wanted to confess his crimes
and demanded 24-hour police
protection. That was his mistake.
He should have confessed when
he had the chance. He was
murdered in his sleep, in a house
protected by four trained agents
at his bedroom door, other
agents on the roof, in the
opposite holuses and scattered
everywhere around his house,
protecting him. Yet they still got
to him. He was found dead the
next morning.
Mercy’s death meant only one
thing: This was not a matter to
be handled lightly. He logged
onto his computer and entered
the encrypted password. He
clicked on the Mercy file. Her
picture popped up, alongside her
personal details and
achievements. He was not ready
for this. He closed the file and
logged off, shutting down his
He locked his office door and
pressed the conmbination codes
to permanently lock it. It was
8pm. Rita had called him a
hundred times but he had not
picked. He dialed her number.
“I am coming home. Okay. I am
fine. See you soon.” He finished
He got on his power bike and
sped off towards Ajah. He loved
speed. It helped him clear his
head. He did not notice the blue
truck speeding towards him in
the opposite direction. But he
always had very sharp instincts.
He was a second quicker. He
quickly slowed and jumped off
the bike into the nearby shrubs
before the truck made impact.
The noise was deafening.
Ahmed rolled far away from the
collision into the shrubs. He could
not feel his left leg. He pulled out
his phone and dialed a speed
code. It sent a signal to
headquarters, informing them
that he was in trouble and they
could track his location. A team
was sent to his location
immediately. His eyes were
closing; he barely heard what
was going on around him.
The last thing he heard from the
crowd confirmed his fears, the
driver of the truck was nowhere
to be found.
Sophia’s phone rang. The General
was calling.
“This is code Amber. Gather all
Super Agents and the Tactics
team at the Watch Tower. We
meet at 21:00 hours.”
She panicked. There was trouble.
Episode 9
Sophia dropped the call and
looked beside her. Sean was
lying down on the couch,
breathing steadily. He had been
injected with valium and should
be asleep for 12 more hours.
Everything was finally back on
track. She had Sean. Eva was
secure in the Charge Room. All
logistics were finally getting back
into play. She was behind
schedule by 20 hours. Timing
meant everything to The Ghosts
Corporation. The General was
definitely going to chew her raw.
In their code of law, it was better
to excommunicate yourself, go
off the radar and hope you are
not remembered, than fail an
operation you were supposed to
deliver. The General gave Sophia
a 24 hour window and she got
the job done. She smiled to
herself, and then frowned. She
had worked with incompetent
fools and had trusted them to
come through. She would deal
with them later when she got off
the General’s whipping. She
knew the other attendees of the
General’s summon were already
aware of the proposed meeting.
But orders are orders.
She composed a text and sent it
to the Super Agents. Shina,
Ambrose and Tawo. Together
they were called The Deadly
Quartet. The four of them were
in line to succeed the General.
Ambrose was the Tactical Genius.
His specialty was planning
operations, attacks and
infiltrating impossible fortresses
with a very short deadline. If
there was a place that could
never be breached and you
wanted someone to go in and
come out unseen, give the job to
Ambrose. He never failed an
operation. He always worked
alone. He loved men and was
known to be in love with any guy
whose as5 could take his huge
d1ck. He was the highest paid
member of the four.
Tawo was the super spy. He was
the king of multiple personalities,
and the master of deception and
disguise. He had eight different
names, 5 different passports, and
was a citizen in 3 continents. He
spoke English, French, German,
Spanish, Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa,
Swahili and Italian. He was the
youngest of the Deadly Quartet
and also the coolest. He was also
responsible for bugging phones,
cars and people. He designed a
special application which could
make him connect with any
satellite he chose and track
anyone, anywhere in the world.
He was the General’s only son. He
was not close to his father and
secretly wished him dead. The
General knew this but could not
afford to have him silenced. He
was his only surviving bl0*d.
Besides, Tawo was hard to
extinguish. He was the most
difficult member to find or reach.
You don’t find him. He finds you.
The Deadly Quartet was hard to
kill. Only the General knew all
their weaknesses.
Time was 9pm. Along with the
Deadly Quartet, the Tactics team
consisting of Bruno, Marshal,
Gbenga, Mark, Iyke, Francis and
Brenda was also invited to the
meeting at the Watch Tower.
They gathered in the large Oval
Office. Bruno, Marshal, Gbenga
and Mark sat on one side of the
room in a semi-circle, talking in
whispers. Iyke and Francis sat
together but were farther away
from the group. They were not
talking. Brenda was busy with
her blackberry phone. Sophia
was sitting at the top of the
conference table, cleaning her
nails. She looked so beautiful.
Ambrose was sitting 4 feet from
her, his legs crossed. He was not
Tawo breezed in at 9:13pm. As
he sat down, a voice came in
from the speakers above. It was
the General.
“Thank you for coming late,
Tawo nodded and waved to the
“Welcome agents. I can see that
we have all been familiarizing
ourselves. There is cause for
worry. Our organization has
been infiltrated. This has never
happened before. Good job by
Sophia and Shina. The threat has
been nullified. However, this is to
warn you that you should be on
the alert now than ever before.
There could be others like her as
there is also a more desperate
detective who wants to get
behind the situation. Temporary
steps have been taken. Good job
by Tawo and Ambrose. Be on the
lookout. As from now, you will
resume normal jobs at various
offices assigned to you. You will
find a file under your pillows
when you get home. Show up at
your respective offices and live as
normal a life as possible. You
would be contacted if we need
you. That will be all.” The voice
went dead.
As the agents got up to leave the
room, the voice came back on
“Super Agents wait behind.”
10 minutes later, each Super-
Agent had been assigned an
order. They also had identical
files under their pillows, but they
were instructions not job
descriptions. Operation
Subterfuge was activated.
Detective Ahmed woke up to find
himself in a very strange place.
White tiled walls, strange smell
and a very small and
uncomfortable bed. He tried to
move but he felt a sharp pain on
his left wrist. There was a drip on
his wrist and a small amount of
bl0*d had formed at the tip of
the needed. How did he find
himself at the hospital? Which
hospital was he? He remembered
just a little part of the earlier
events. He was riding his Power
Bike. He had a collision. That was
all he could remember. He
pressed the emergency button.
“Nurse!!!” He called out. No
“Nurse!!!” He called again
screaming as loud as his
strength could carry and
pressing the emergency bell a
million times.
Seconds later, a young man in a
long white apparel came in to his
room. He was all smiles as he
approached his bed.
“How may I help you Mr.
Ahmed?” the doctor asked with a
smile on his face.
“It’s Detective Ahmed. Please
doctor where am I? Where are
my phones? How long have I
been here?” Ahmed said, trying
to sit upright.
“No no no pls Detective. You
need to relax.” He said pushing
him gently back on the bed and
continued, “You lost quite some
amount of bl0*d and we have
been monitoring your condition
for a while. When you wake up
you will get all the answers you
seek. Please just relax.” He
He took out a syringe and drew
some liquid from a finger size
plastic container. He tapped
Ahmed’s free hand and found a
vein. He injected the contents of
the syringe inside Ahmed and
removed it from his body.
“That would help you relax” the
doctor told Ahmed.
“Thank you” Ahmed replied.
The doctor smiled, took his tray
and walked towards the door.
Ahmed’s eyes had begun to
close. He opened the door and
turned to Ahmed. He walked
back to him and spoke very
“By the way I am not a doctor. My
name is Tawo. You have been
poking your nose into business
that is bigger than you. The crash
should have killed you. You are
lucky to be alive. Ï just injected
you with a form of Amnesia
virus. When you wake up you will
lose all memory of the past five
weeks. I was never here. Good
day Ahmed.”
Tawo shut the door behind him
and left the hospital. He got to
the car park drove out and
headed towards Apapa Oshodi
He sent an encrypted text to
“I’m done. Your turn to move.”
Episode 10
Sophia got out of the shower
dripping wet, with a towel tied
around her br3asts. She had
another towel on her head as
she walked into her huge
bedroom and sat on a stool,
facing a large mirror. There were
different kinds of tubes, creams
and plastics around the table on
which the mirror stood. She
picked a small plastic tube and
pressed the content into her
palm. She rubbed it gently on her
face, concentrating more on her
cheeks. She stood up and
loosened the towel around her
br3asts. She admired herself in
the mirror, smiling as she
caressed her flat stomach and
cupped her firm and DD br3asts.
She left the mirror and walked
towards a door, opening it.
Different dresses and shoes
stared her in the face. Thw walk-
in closet had different sections.
Shoes, jewelry, gowns, Shirts, and
suits. At another part of the
closet were stacks of folded
jeans. She picked one pair of
jeans and chose a long necked
As she got out of the closet, her
phone beeped twice. There was
a message from Tawo. The
General had told her that she
would be the next to move and
that she should not check the
contents of the file under her
pillow until she had heard from
Tawo. She clicked the message. A
box popped up asking for a
password to decode it. She
smiled. Typical Tawo. He liked too
much ‘effizy’. She typed her
secret code and the message
“I’m done. Your turn to move.”
She sighed and exited the
message. Her phone suddenly
went blank then came on with a
new message.
“Self-destruct sequence
complete. Press ok to begin
factory reset.”
She did not panic. She had
expected that. She went under
her pillow and got out the file. It
seemed very light. She put her
hand inside it and got out a very
tiny piece of paper. Neatly typed
on it were the words:
“Initiate Operation Eva”
She did not know what that
meant. She was confused. What
was Operation Eva? She already
had Eva in her custody. So what
was this about? Her phone rang.
It was the General. She picked.
“Evening General.” Sophia
“I can see the perplexed look on
your face. I’m sure you have
heard from the Chameleon.
Haven’t you?” the General asked.
Sophia looked round. How in the
world was he able to see her?
She scanned the walls and
corners of the house. She did not
notice anything unusual.
“I got his message. But I do not
think I have any information on
the file I got sir.” Sophia replied.
“You don’t need to scan the walls
for any device. You are wearing a
jean and a round necked top. I
am the General. You are my
Lieutenants. I keep watch over
you. It is for your safety, and for
the safety of the corporation.
Someone will deliver a file to you
in a few minutes. It is all
paperwork. Take your time to
study every detail. Your move is
next. Do not disappoint me
Sophia Dirisu. Any questions?”
Sophia was surprised. The
General never called her by her
full name before. This must mean
a lot to him.
“Could I get the file electronically
sir? It would make it very easy
and convenient to work with.”
Sophia requested.
“I do not completely trust anyone
in this Corporation. No one. Not
even you. But there are some
levels of trust I can vest in certain
people. This is a very sensitive
case. I am not convinced we have
flushed out all the spies that have
infiltrated us. Electronic
messages can be traced. I cannot
risk that. The package being
delivered to you has been sent to
six different addresses before
getting to your house. There’s a
finger print and pupil scanner
attached to the package which
gives ONLY YOU the clearance to
access it. Any other form of
intrusion will trigger the
automatic self-destruct option.
These are hard times my dear.
Let’s work with it. Good night”
Sophia heard her door bell ring.
Always on time. She opened the
door, signed the delivery form
and got the package from the
dispatch rider.
She went to the backyard and
opened the door to a thatched
hut. She usually came in here
when she needed to think. She
was sure no wires were run
She opened the package.
I woke up startled. I did not
know how long I had been out. I
surveyed my environment. I was
in a very large room. It was
spacious and beautifully
decorated. I wondered how I got
there. I got up from the bed and
my feet fell into very comfortable
loafers. I walked to the door and
opened it. There was a small
passage in front of me after
which was a spiral stairwell. I
looked down at the sitting room.
Luxurious chairs of exquisite
taste. There was a huge plasma
television on the wall. The walls
were decorated by beautiful
paintings and work of art. A
transparent chandelier hung
from the ceiling. I walked down
the steps slowly taking in the
sights. My stomach rumbled. I
was very hungry. I took the
remote control and put on the
television. A documentary
channel was showing.
Just then the door opened and
Sophia entered. She smiled at me.
I was in shock. I remembered
that she was the last person I
was with before I found myself
“Sean, we need to have a small
talk.” She said.
I knew there was no point
arguing with her or making any
form of trouble.
I sat down and listened to
everything she had to say.
Bruno drove into a heavily
guarded compound. He wound
down the window at the gate
and showed his ID to the military
officer. They nodded to each
other, the barricade was cleared
and he was allowed entry into
the Fortress. He took the elevator
to the third floor. He got out and
took the corridor to his right.
There were doors left and right.
He got to room 125 and
surveyed the door. He brought
out a special UV torch and
scanned the door knob. He was
looking for finger prints. They
were none. He removed a card
from his wallet and slipped it into
a slot in the key hole. The light
changed from red to green and
the door clicked. He got a
handkerchief from his pocket
and turned the door knob. He
stepped inside.
All of a sudden, he felt he was
not alone. His instincts were
never wrong. He brought out his
pistol and became very alert. He
walked slowly to the center of
the room. He did not see the
movement on time. There was a
gunshot. He fell on the floor in a
loud thud. His head banged and
he felt himself drowsing away. A
tall figure stood in front of him.
He pointed a gun at Bruno and
removed his mask.
“Where is the girl?” the man
asked softly.
Bruno winced. He tried to get up
but the man put his feet on his
chest and corked his gun. He
wore a very angry smile.
“I am going to ask only one more
time. Where is Eva?”
Without warning, Bruno kicked
the other leg of his attacker
while bending to his right just in
time to avoid the bullet from him.
The man fell, hitting his head on
the only couch in the room and
his gun falling out of his hand to
the further side of the room. He
got up and ran towards Bruno,
trying to head butt him on the
stomach. He caught Bruno on the
rib with his forehead, sending
them both spiraling into the
center table. Bruno was on the
ground writhing in pain. The tall
attacker got up and headed for
the gun. He picked it and turned
to face Bruno.
Bruno was no longer on the
ground. He turned to look for
Bruno but he seemed to have
disappeared into thin air. He
moved towards the door. He was
alert, holding the gun by his face
and watching for any sign of
Bruno. He heard a sound from
the other side of the room. He
walked slowly to the place the
sound came from. He found
nothing. He heard a gun cork. He
turned. That was his last moment
alive. Bruno shot him from close
range, the bullet piercing his
forehead. He fell down. Dead.
Bruno pushed a shelf of books
away from the way and tapped
the wall twice. A secret,
transparent keypad materialized.
He pressed some numbers and
the stone wall opened inwards.
Eva was in a chair, drugged. She
was in deep sleep.
His orders were simple. Get her
to the mansion.naijacard.com
He got her on his shoulders and
left the fortress.
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