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Lara blinked and saw Nimi sitting beside her on the bed reading from a book and stroking her hair softly. She couldn’t say for how long the girl had been there or for how long she had slept.

But she just had the most peaceful sleep in months. It felt like a miracle. She tried to remember what had happened and felt guilty though Nimi had thrown something on. She had given her one of her hoodies to wear and she looked beautiful all of a sudden, like an angel with a halo over her head.

“Hey..” Nimi smiled and shifted and she could tell the girl was kind of scared.

“Hey.” She reached out to touch her hand and smiled. Hopefully that would assure her that she wasn’t going to hurt her again. Maybe she was some guardian angel sent to her. She’d been here at the nick of time. “Thank you once again.”

“It’s okay.”

“I’m sorry, I really am. I— “

“You were upset and confused. I’m glad you’re fine really.”

She nodded staring at her. Her eyes settled on the book she was reading. It was her bible.

“Oh, I saw it among your things. I picked it up because it looked cute and I found the translation interesting.”

“Oh my brother bought it for me. Do you like it? I’m sure he can get you one if you ask him.”

Nimi nodded and touched her head. “How ae you feeling?”

“Hungry.” She chuckled and tried to sit up. “How long did I sleep?”

“5 hours.”

“Wow, that’s more than a nap.”

Nimi nodded.

“Is my brother around?”

Nimi hesitated. “Uh, yea he was around to check on you but had to go back to work when he saw you were doing fine. I pulled him out of meeting y’know.”

She swallowed feeling hurt that he must have left because he still did not want to see her. “I understand and it’s fine.”

“Your mum isn’t back home. Would you like me to call her?”

“No, please don’t. She’s been through so much and the last thing I want her to know is what I almost did to myself.”


“Can we go downstairs and grab something to eat? I’m having a headache as well. I think it’s the alcohol.”

“Sure, what would you like to eat?”

“I’m sure the girls will make me something while I binge on ice-cream.”

Nimi laughed. “I don’t think ice-cream is the best option for you now.”

“Oh please don’t do the health police thing on me right now.”

“No, to be sincere, I think you would have to take it easy on your stomach and we could go see a doctor to be sure you’re fine.”

“But I’m really hungry!” She whined.

“Okay, let me make jollof sphagetti for you.”

“For the both of us.” Lara beamed. “The girls can make it.”

“No, I think I would rather make this by myself.” She smiled. “How do you like your food? Spicy or non spicy.”

“A little spicy should do but babe, you don’t have to do this…”

“I want to. Besides, Dapo is coming back so he would get to eat out of it too.”

Her face brightened when she heard her brother was coming back. “Oh awesome then. Cook for the whole house.”

“Don’t push it.” She winked rising from the bed and looking at the mirror to check her image once again. Lara saw her standing and trying to adjust the hair. The hair looked like something she’d fixed newly and had been messed up by her anger. Though she had helped her wash the alcohol off, it didn’t change the fact that it had become rough. She would need to loosen the hair soon. She felt sorry as she had probably spent so much on it. The bangs across her head were rough and she tried to comb it.

She came up beside her looking into the mirror and she observed her predicament.

“Aww, come, let me help with that.” She reached for a brush on her dressing table and tried to help her comb it.

“Sit down.” She ordered and Nimi obeyed facing the dressing mirror. “I can help you loosen it and you can fix it at the salon tomorrow.”

Nimi shrugged. “I feel bad because I spent so much on it, but it’s fine really.”

“C’mon, I need to fix my hair too, maybe we should go together.”

She smiled as the girl kept brushing her hair and relaxed. “Okay if you say so.”

She watched Nimi as she kept looking at her table that was filled with so many of her creams and make up and luxurious accessories. She suddenly wanted her to be her new friend and share things with her. Gone was the memory of how she’d seen her as a gold digger. If she had died, then all those things would have been useless anyway. Besides, she wanted to compensate for her wrongs.

Nimi looked into the mirror and blinked realizing she’d been caught and looked away immediately.

“I was thinking…” Lara began brushing the hair softly. “If you could spend some time here with me, y’know. We could hang out and have fun.” She allowed the thoughts settle in and continued. “I would really love you to stay.” The fear of sleeping in her room alone gripped her again and she continued. “We could share my room, it’s big enough for the both of us.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Lara.”

“Why? What’s wrong? Are you still mad at me? You promised you would not leave me.” She panicked.

“Okay okay. Can you give me time to think about it?”

She nodded. “But can you spend the night?” She dropped the brush and bonded the hair while running her hands on the fringe. When she was done, she went to stand in front of her and revealed one of her fears. “Today was the first time in months I’ve slept without dreaming of someone watching me or coming into my dream to—“

Nimi looked up then and saw the fear in her eyes again. She reached for her hands. “What’s the problem? Talk to me Lara.”

“If I tell you, you might be scared to stay.”

“Nothing is impossible for Jesus.”

“Someone keeps molesting me in my dream. Before, I could ignore it, but now, it’s just too much to bear. Not one, not two. Sometimes it gets bad the pain wakes me.”

She stared at Nimi wondering if she would be scared. The girl looked calm. This her Jesus must really be doing something good for her.

But could she have him too? Would He make all this pain go away? Would he make her past go away? Dapo had told her before, even IK.

He just felt too good to be true. There had to be a price. No one accepted people into their life and not want something in return. Penance maybe? She could do penance if he wanted that.

He wants more than penance, he wants your soul.

But Nimi seems so good. If he has her soul, she doesn’t look it. She was willing to love me still, irrespective of how bad I treated her. Is that how God is? Does he keep loving even when he knows all that I’ve done? She looks so happy and bold and she’s just an angel.

It’s all a scam.

Nimi reached for her hand and her thoughts dissolved into thin air. “God who asked me to come to you knows what you’re about, and so if the plan is to stay, I will. He’s crazy about you. That much. You just have to  open your heart to Him dear. He’s been knocking ever since, cutting through every obstacle to capture your heart. Don’t you see it?”

She kept staring at Nimi. There was something holding her back but she couldn’t place her hand on it. Such acceptance was just unbelievable.

“I wish I could, all I just see is you.” She mumbled sadly.

Nimi gave her an encouraging smile. “Soon love, you’ll see it and it’ll blow your mind away. Just be sure your heart is open.”

She nodded.

“I can read the bible to you tonight before you sleep.”

“You would? Like a bedtime story?” Those words of assurance caused a spark inside of her she could not explain.

She saw Nimi hesitate. Maybe she’d said the wrong words. “I’m sorry, did I say…”

“No, it’s fine.” It was like she’d gotten a confirmation somewhere before replying her and she wondered how she did it. Like she had some invisible earpiece that she was listening to before smiling once again.”

Lara’s stomach growled and Nimi sprang up from the stool. “Time to cook!” She reached for the door and turned to her. “Are you coming or you’re going to let those monsters in your stomach keep growling.”

She giggled and went to join her.


When Dapo got to his parent’s house, it was late and he struggled with his tie as he found his way in. He would have to sleep over since Lara had suicidal tendencies and Nimi could not be with her forever. He was considering taking her to see another psychiatrist if the one his mum was paying for was not doing their job well. He knew it could be spiritual but he also did not want to take chances. At least if they were giving her those pills, she would have less time to think of suicide or get depressed.

He knew part of him was still mad at her but he kept telling himself he was fine and he’d forgiven her. But part of him couldn’t help but wonder if she was taken somewhere to prevent her from interrupting in his life as she’d always done. He loved her with his whole heart and she hadn’t cared about how she hurt him or wanted to keep lying to him.

So what if he had not returned to the house when IK got her message. She’d have married Soji and that one would have kept beating her and using her. She would still be living her old messed up life.

When Nimi called, he thought Lara was pulling pranks again. Like the type she’d pulled when Soji had been cheating with her friend. Her childish pranks that sought attention. But when he saw his fiance and the house and his sister’s face and her wrists, he knew it was no lie.

But right now, he was still finding it hard to trust her.

When he got inside, he was shocked when he found his sister and his mum and his fiance at the table laughing and eating dinner. The aroma of the meal made his mouth water and he swallowed.

It smelled like something Nimi had made.

Was this a dream?

“My prince.” His mum greeted when she looked up as he strolled into the dinning room. “How was your day love?”

Had she been expecting him?

“Nimi told us you were coming over so don’t be scared. I’m not a psychic yet.” She chuckled and he looked over at Nimi and couldn’t believe how good and relaxed she looked in a burgundy hoodie and nice pair of slacks. He suspected it was Lara’s. He didn’t think Nimi owned something like that. Besides, she had been wearing something different when he came in the afternoon. He was going to get her more of these outfits. He could imagine her in them already, sitting on his couch and snuggled into him while they watched a movie. If he wanted to get naughty, he could sneak  a hand underneath…

He shook those thoughts away. What in the world was happening to him? He was very tired. Probably why he was allowing stray thoughts just on seeing Nimi. He suddenly remembered it’d been long they shared a kiss.

“Why don’t you go upstairs, take a shower and come join us. I told the girls to work on the spare room since you’ll be sleeping over.” His mother continued as he strolled towards them and looked at Lara.

“Are you alright?” He asked his mind obviously not on her.

She nodded staring at him with her doe eyes. He wasn’t going to be deceived this time.

“Hey sweetheart.” He reached to touch Nimi’s shoulder and she beamed at him. “Hey you.”

“How was your day?” She asked.

“So-so.” He planted a kiss on her forehead and went to greet his mother since she sat at the other side of the table. “Good evening Mum.”

“Good evening my darling.” She allowed him kiss her and smiled into his eyes. “I’m glad you’re sleeping over to be honest.”

He laughed. “I know if it was possible, you would tie me up in this house.”

“Well, you’re soon going to become a family man so I can’t unfortunately.”

“Let me wash up and come join you guys.”

And he was gone.


Lara saw the affection Dapo showed to Nimi and their mother and she felt sad. Dapo had not even kissed her and even barely touched her. His eyes did not even show any affection for her. What could she do to make him love her again? To forgive her. Maybe she could beg him again. Now that he was sleeping over, she would get the chance to talk to him. She could even tell Nimi to beg him on her behalf. He would listen to her obviously. But she would have to tell the girl what her brother found out before she could convince her. Maybe Nimi would run away if she heard about the Aisha incident, but she could give it a try.

Tomorrow perhaps.

“Mummy, I want Nimi to stay with us. She can even be my therapist.” She said as if Nimi wasn’t there.

Sumbo laughed shaking her head. “Honey, it doesn’t work that way. Nimi has no idea about what you’re currently going through and…”

“But I want her to stay. Her Jesus works just fine for me. I was able to sleep without those nasty pills this afternoon and I felt better when I woke up.”

“Lara..” Nimi cautioned. “One step at a time.”

“Well, maybe I’ll move to your house then.”

Nimi looked at her in shock and didn’t know when she burst into laughter. “You’re funny.”

Mrs Kitan watched the both of them. “So you’ve started speaking Jesus too?” Her eyes were on Lara and she looked surprised.

“Well, not really. But she was with me, I woke up and saw her praying for me and I just felt peaceful. It sounded like she was reading something I can’t place my hands on. But it felt good. She’ll be sharing my room with me if you don’t mind.” She said as a matter of fact than a request.

Her mother smiled softly, almost as if she could not express her joy. “Of course sweetheart. She’s in our family already so the house is hers as well. I’m just wondering if Dapo won’t be jealous you’re sharing his wife to be with him. You know how jealous your brother can get when it comes to Nimi here.”

“Well I’m just his sister, it’s not like I’m a guy that wants to snatch Nimi from him.”

“And who wants to snatch Nimi from me?” Her brother’s voice interrupted them and she went quiet watching him scared she might say something he might not like. He smelled of sandalwood and had donned a pair of joggers and a cotton shirt as well.

Their mother looked at him and laughed. “I was talking to your sister here since she wants Nimi to spend time with her. I felt yourself and iyawo had private plans of your own and it’s not realistic to let her sleep over every night in her room. It’s why I had the spare-room tidied. It’s big enough for you two.”

Dapo who had been feeding himself out of Nimi’s plate suddenly choked up on his food and had to reach for a glass of water which Lara willingly offered him.

“Are you alright?” Mrs Kitan asked.

He nodded and Lara saw him glancing at Nimi who was already embarrassed. “I’m only spending a few nights here mum. Besides, Lara can spend time with her now. After we get married, it might not be so easy to get my wife to be alone with her. I’m afraid I don’t share that easily.”

“Oh.., I see.”

“Let me take this to the kitchen…” Nimi spoke up.

“I’ll have the girls take it…”

“Don’t worry I can do this, besides I would like to wash my hands.” Nimi insisted and carried her plates hurrying off.


Dapo came into the kitchen and saw Nimi stalling at the sink as she washed the plates she’d used. Shaking his head, he went towards her and stood behind her.

She couldn’t look into his eyes for fear she might see something there.

Oh God, please don’t make this hard for me. One at a time. I don’t know if I can handle Lara and her brother at once.

Reaching for her arms, he squeezed gently.

“I’m sorry my mum had to embarrass you out there.” He mumbled against her ears and she nodded allowing his arms to bring her comfort. “It’s okay, I’ll leave before weekend. I’m certain you won’t even sniff me while you’re here. My mum doesn’t understand why we’re doing what we do.”

She smiled glad that he was the one taking the step this time.

Daddy, thank you.

“You look nice by the way.” His gaze strolled to her and he asked her to turn around so he could see her.

Dabbing her hands on the napkin, she obeyed and folded her arms across her chest. “Look who’s talking.”

“Look at the way you’re looking like one badass chick.” He reached for the hood and pulled it over her head in a silly manner. Nimi laughed when she realized what he had done and reached to sprinkle water on him. He retaliated and the two kept on till he was so close to her she could feel his chest on hers.

And before she could say anything else, he kissed her.

Feeling too vulnerable and weak to object, she gave in and allowed him kiss her till she felt she would collapse from her emotions flying all over the place. She clung to him for support allowing him bring up familiar memories with his touch.

“I’ve missed you.” He mumbled when he broke free and stared into her eyes.

“Me too.” Her hands rested on his chest and she could feel his heart racing faster.

“Baby…”, She swallowed wondering how her heart was beating wildly as well. “I’m scared we might get carried away and I—“

“Dapo dear have you…” Mrs Kitan blinked when she saw how close they were and they broke free immediately. Nimi felt worse.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.” She gave them a knowing smile. “I just wanted to be sure Dapo had served himself.”

“No, you didn’t.” He replied and Nimi managed to sneak away from him hoping tonight’s incident would not repeat itself.

She was here to help Lara but why did she keep finding it hard to resist Dapo whenever he was close to her. She’d prayed, she’d repented, she’d gone back to being sensitive to God’s Spirit. She even felt better. But right now, she felt as if she was back to square one.

Father, what is going on with me?

Much love. xo!

Original story by ITUNU TAIWO owner of http://myglowingscenes.com

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