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πŸ‘πŸ†S3X SLAVEπŸ”ͺπŸ’°
             EPISODE 26
πŸ”ͺ Uncle Joe's POVπŸ”ͺ
I started racking my brain over the stature of the guy I saw under Princess's bed.He looked so familiar, I paced aroubg my living room until I remembered I have seen some one like him in that small boys house.
I need to ask him somethings, I hope it isn't what I am thinking. I pulled him into another warehouse of mine very far from the street.
He kept struggling with me but I didn't give a f**k. I sat him on the floor tieing his hands backwards.
"Uncle what did I do this time?" He asked fearfully.
"I am yet to know" I said when I noticed he wasn't wearing my bracelet anymore.
"Where is the bracelet I gave you?" I asked frowning.
"I am sorry.. I.. Removed it when I was about to sleep so I forgot to where it this morning" he said nodding.
"Who owns this wristwatch?" I asked raising it up. I saw a great shook on his face.
"I....i .. I don't know" he said stammering and I felt suspicious.
"Do you have an elder brother?" I asked sitting in front of him.
"Brother?? Errr... Rrrrnn No, no I don't" he said stammering.
"I saw a guy that looks so much like you yesterday and I have seen him in your house before" I said.
"My house? You.. You are mistaken." He said shaking his head.
"Don't fool my boy" I yelled standing from where I sat.
I started searching his body for any useful thing I may see. I touched his pocket and I felt something in his pockets.
I deeper my hands in it and I saw it was his phone. I took it out and pressed the power button, the phone had a password in it.
"Open it" I said pointing it to him.
"What?? That is my privacy" he exclaimed.
"Open it now!" I said bringing out a knife. I saw him swallow hard as he looked at me.
"My password is logical, I need to type it myself. Can you please release my hand?" He asked turning slightly showing me his hands.
"Fine" I said sighing as I released his hand. I released them and stretched the phone to him.
He collected it from me and looked at me.
"Be fast" I yelled and suddenly he sprang up and hit me on my torso. I groaned in pain and before I knew it he started running to the exit.
"Ryan!!!" I yelled in pains but he didn't listen. Shit! I made a mistake of not drugging him on our way down here.
I struggled to stand and started running after him. He is a kid I will catch up with him very soon.
     πŸ’‹ Ryan's POVπŸ’‹
I ran as fast as my leg could carry me. If I had opened my phone, he would have seen Eddie and I on my wallpaper and to worsen the case, check my call history.
I knew the way we came so it wasn't hard for me to know. I started dailing Eddie's number as I ran. It rang and he picked up immediately.
πŸ“² Eddie I was captured by Uncle Joe but I have escaped *panting*
πŸ“² What?? Captured? Where was dad?
πŸ“² I sat outside waiting for him but before he arrived I had been captured by him *still running*
πŸ“² Where are you now?
πŸ“² Royal palace *looking around*
πŸ“² Royal palace? It is very close to our house. Hold on and hide in a safe place, I will be there very soon. I will call papa too.
πŸ“² Okay, please make haste, I am so scared I had to hit him on his torso.
πŸ“² Oh God, I will be there right away.
He hung up and I kept running, I looked back abs I could see him closing up on me. I increased my pace but I was feeling very weak already.
"Eddie please come" I prayed silently has I kept running. My heart kept beating very fast and I felt I was going to breakdown soon.
I got to a turning and I rushed quickly into the back of a building hiding behind the wall. I heard foot steps approaching and I knew it was Uncle Joe.
I held my mouth with my hands so I won't make any noise. I could hear my own heartbeat. I was glued to the wall and I saw his shadow approaching slowly.
It didn't look like he was running anymore, it was like he was searching for me.
"Oh God help me I don't want to die" I prayed as my heart kept beating very fast. I felt sweat roll down my forehead and my tummy, my clothes were glued to my body because of my sweat.
I watched his shadow and I saw him stop, he was moving his head right and left, of course looking for me.
I saw him turn and started walking away. I sighed in relieve and then my phone rang, I quickly switched off my phone.
My eyes widened as I saw his shadow turn back to where I was.

           EPISODE 27
   πŸ’ž Eddie's POVπŸ’ž
I rushed out from the house in search of Ryan. Princess wished she could follow, but I said no. It will only worsen the issue.
I called father telling him Ryan has been captured and this is the time the intervention of the cops are needed.
I moved out of the house holding Joe's knife as my only weapon of defence. I rushed to where he told me he was but I couldn't find him anywhere close to the place.
I called out his name but I hears no response, I became scared all of a sudden. Ryan please be safe, Oh God help my baby brother I prayed as I kept searching for him.
I called his number again ,it rang but he didn't pick up. I tried the second time and this time it was switched off.
"Shit, Joe has gotten him" I thought as I started running through possible paths Ryan could have ran. He is my brother so I his actions could be predictable sometimes.
I kept running until I got to a turning, I ran into the turning still searching for him. I looked at my side and I saw a leg been dragged on the floor.
"Ryan" I thought and started trailing the path. It was like a stairs and I kept moving, I brought out the knife with me holding it with great boldness.
I got to the top floor and there was Ryan laying on the floor in tears. "Ryan" I called running to his place, I almost got to him when I felt someone hit me with a stick behind me.
"Arrrghh" I yelled in pain as I fell to the ground right in front of Ryan. "Eddie" Ryan called crying, I tried looking at him but I couldn't raise up my head, it was hurting so greatly.
I held unto the knife with me tightly as I tried standing up. I was almost standing when he kicked me again making me land on my butts.
He walked up to me grinning wickedly. He had a cloth covering his wounded eye. He stood in front of my placing his leg on my knee and hitting it making me scream.
"You thought you could ran from me??" He yelled in anger, he squatted before me looking into my eyes. I spat the blood in my mouth right on his face.
He lifted up his hand hitting me hard on the mouth making me fall to the ground again. "Daddy please come fast" I prayed silently.
"No one will save you from me today. Not after you did this!!" He yelled removing the cloth that covered his eyes, revealing his ugly cut eye.
"You even had the the guts to barge into my house to steal some evidences. I never knew you really liked her" he added grinning. His did he know I was the one?
He took the knife from my hand hitting it on his palm has be paced in front of me. "This knife took one of the previous things I need" he said.
"Please don't hurt my brother" Ryan said crying.
"Ohh no, I shouldn't hurt him after what he and Princess did to me!!! Maybe I should just kill you first" He said walking briskly to where Ryan sat.
"No!" I yelled standing up and running to him. I jumped on his neck making his stagger, I struggled with him fastening my grip on his neck hoping he was going to shoke to death.
"Run Ryan!!" I yelled still struggling with him. He stood up reluctantly looking at me, I knew he wouldn't want to leave me but he has no choice now.
"Run!!!!" I yelled again as I felt a sharp pain on my arm. Joe pierced my arm with the knife,I groaned in pain as i fell to the ground releasing my grip on him.
     😘 Princess's POV😘
I wasn't comfortable staying home knowing Eddie was going to face Uncle Joe. I can't just sit here doing nothing, he is in all this mess because of me.
I went into the kitchen in search for a knife. I need to defend myself once I get there. I saw a sharp small knife and I attached it to my panties.
Eddie's father came shortly, with some police cars. He met me in front of house and he ran to me asif he knew what I was up to.
"Princess you need to stay here. I will go search for him and Ryan, the cops will support" he said.
"No, I won't just stay here doing nothing. I am going with you" I said adamantly.
"You will be in the car while the operation is on" he said starting the car. "I pray I can" I mumbled avoiding his gaze.
He picked up something like a radio and placed it on his mouth.
πŸ“² Have you tracked the number?
πŸ“² Yes Sir, we gave found the location.
πŸ“² Good, take the lead. We are right behind you.
He said and hung up. I saw the police cars move immediately and we trailed behind them.
"You are really powerful" I said smiling.
"Maybe" he said concentrating on his driving. "I can't wait to get to Uncle joe and slit his throat with this knife" I thought touching the knife I kept right under my gown.
We kept moving and I kept hoping I am able to kill Uncle Joe myself. Jail won't be the best for him, he has to suffer for all he did to me and my family.

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