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Episode 46

7:45am monday 7th october.
The students of Brights
comprehensive college all lined
up according to their classes on
the assembly ground.
After the recitation of the
anthems(national & school) and
recitation of the pledge. Mr
Hastrup the principal climbed up
the podium to address the
He started by welcoming the
senior students who went for
the just concluded waec gce
back to school, he reminded
them of their school fee and
advised them. He concluded by
“All prefects, see me in my office.”
with this he walked back to his
office and the students marched
back to their various classes.
The senior secondary school 3
students got back in their class
shouting and arguing about
trival issues which is normal
among secondary school
“You guys are matured enough,
so stop making a noise.” Wilson,
the class monitor and the
punctuality prefect commanded.
The whole class bursted into
“So, in short you are trying to say
we are not matured?” Titi, the
senior girl asked.
“Exactly.” Wilson replied.
The class went into another
round of laughter.
“Let’s go and see the principal.”
Segun said immediately the noise
“Everybody?” Chioma, an igbo girl
in the class asked.
“Are you a prefect?” Segun asked
in a mocking manner which
caused another round of
Mr Ige the Biology teacher
walked into the class.
“And what is the noise all
about?” he asked no one in
“Goood mooorning sir.” the
whole class thundered.
Mr Ige walked to the chalkboard
and wrote the days topic. He
faced the class and saw about
fifteen students making their
way out of the class.
“To where?” he asked.
“The principal office.” Wilson
“Come back here, you have my
class. You can go and see him
later.” Mr Ige advised.
“Uncle forget joor.” Segun said as
the whole class bursted into
During the cause of their
laughter, the prefects including
Segun left the class and headed
to the principal’s office.
They got to the principal’s office
in no time and the principal
began his boring talks about
He ended by giving each prefect
a project to handle. Segun was
told to handle the practice for the
upcoming football match against
Steadfast comprehensive college
(Nike’s school).
The principal ended and
dismissed them. On getting back
to the class, Mr Ige had left the
class when the period ended.
“Segun, Mr Ige asked to see you
immediately you are back.” Peter
the shortest boy in the class said.
“Let him come and carry me.”
Segun said and went back to his
“I am here to carry you.” a thick
voice thundered through the
window. It was no other person
than the said Mr Ige.

Episode 47

“Follow me to the staff room.” Mr
Ige commanded.
Segun obeyed him and followed
him to the staff room.
They got to the enterance of the
staff room and Mr Ige went
inside. Segun surveyed the
teachers sitted in the staff room.
He discovered they were mostly
young teachers whom he had
good rapport with because most
of them are his friends on some
social network media. With this
he walked into the staff room
with confidence.
Mr Ige reported him to the
teachers present and seeked
their opinion on how to punish
him since the use of cane is
prohibited on the SS3 students.
The teachers turned the question
to a jovial matter as they all
laughed it of and they offered
Segun a seat as they began
discussing about sports, politics
(the minister who bought a car
worth about 225m naira for
security reasons. As if na inside
car she go sleep.)
He was released to go back to his
class as he ran back. He got back
to the class and found his
classmate dancing to a popular
song sang by a musician who
was 19yrs for three years. The
principal showed face from
nowhere and was watching the
dancers. Segun and his classmate
settled down and were laughing
at the dancers foolishness.
The principal cleared his throat
causing the three dancers to run
back to their seats. He entered
the class and seized the phone
with which they were playing the
music from.
“This is the time you need to face
your studies squarely. The fact
that you have written gce
doesn’t mean you are through
with your education.” he advised.
The students all mumured some
incoherent words.
“You keep on listening to worldly
songs that are of the devil. Tell
me what is the meaning of
‘skelewu’?” he complained.
“Mr principal is so on point. So
you know what is in town.”
Segun said loud enough for the
man to hear.
“Who said that? Before i punish
everyone of you.” the man asked.
“Mr man shaaaat up there and go
back to ya office.” Danjuma a
hausa boy in the class said.
The whole class bursted into
laughter as the principal looked
on foolishly. He walked out of the
class and went to his office.
Five men walked into ss3c class.
They were dressed in military
uniform, they were the student
disciplinary squad(SDS). They
marched the students to the
football field and ordered them
to do frog jump from a goal post
to another.
Segun stood his ground while
other began the frog jump as if
their life depended on it.
“Hey! Do what you are asked to
do.” the youngest among the five
men yelled at Segun.
“Am not doing any unecessary
stamina training.” Segun replied
and the students who were frog
jumping bursted into laughter.
The man closed the gap between
them and held Segun by his shirt
as he marched him to their
“Boy, i heard you decided not to
do what you were commanded
to do.” the man said.
“Yes.” Segun replied.
“But why?” the man asked.
“I know my rights and and you
can’t just come and deprive me
of my rights.” he defended.
“And what are your rights?” the
man asked.
“As stipulated in the constitution
of this country. It is wrong to
subject a citizen of a country to
arbitrary torture.” he explained.
By this time the other students
had stopped frog jumping.
“I need to teach this boy some
manners. He needs to visit the
barrack.” the man said as he
headed for the principal’s office.

Episode 48

“Jude please let the boy go.” the
principal begged the military
“You mean he will go
unpunished?” Jude asked.
“I have a reason for that.” the
principal explained.
“Your wish is my command.”
Jude replied.
“Thank you.” the principal
thanked him.
Jude walked out of the office
leaving Segun behind.
“Akinola what’s your problem?”
the principal asked.
He kept mute with his head bent
“You have grown wings abi?
Despite the likeness i have for
you.” the principal lamented.
“No sir.” Segun defended.
The bell was jingled which
signified break time.
“Sir, can i go? It is break time.”
Segun asked.
“Are you serious at all? You are
under punishment and you are
telling me it is break time.” the
principal said banging his fist on
the desk before him.
“Am sorry sir.” he replied.
“Tell your father to see me
tomorrow morning.” the
principal said as he dismissed
him with a wave of hand.
Segun walked out of the
principal’s office, got outside,
adjusted his uniform and walked
back to his class.
“Shegzy. Aren’t you playing
football today?” Wilson asked.
“Am not jare.” he replied.
He sat down and brought out his
government textbook. He read
through the topics he had
missed while he was away
writing exam.
Mary entered the class and
walked towards Segun’s seat.
“Bro how far?” she asked.
“I dey o.” he replied.
“What happened between you
and officer Jude?” she asked
with concern.
“Nothing much. Just a little burst
up.” he replied non chalantly.
“Bro, i think you should try and
work on your temper.” she
“Are you here to preach?” he
asked already loosing his temper.
“Am sorry o.” she apologised.
“Mary i want to see you.” Mike
called through the window.
Mary made to leave to join her
boyfriend but Segun held her
roughly on her hands.
“Don’t dare leave my presence
while am still talking to you.”
Segun said angrily.
“Man leave the girl alone, she is
through with you.” Mike said
entering the class.
“She is my sister and i have every
right to tell he what to do.”
Segun said advancing towards
an oncoming Mike.
Oblivious of the fact that
members of Segun’s class had
turned them to a movie. Mary
quickly got in between the and
stopped them from hitting
Mike tried leaving the class with
Mary but she angrily left through
the other exit which led to the
school playing ground.
Segun angrily sat down and
closed his textbook. He removed
a small hand towel from his bag
and wiped his face with it. He
stood up checked his wallet, he
headed for the school’s snacks
“If i should meet this mad boy on
my way, one of us must visit the
hospital.” Segun said to himself
as he headed for the snacks

Episode 49
Segun went to the snacks shop
to buy something to quench his
“Good morning sister Joy.” he
greeted the attendant in the
“Good morning my brother, how
you dey ?.” she asked.
“I dey o.” he replied.
He bought two packs of
cupcakes and a vanilla flavoured
yoghourt. He started a
conversation with Joy as he
munched his food.
“Senior…senior Segun…..” a junior
student greeted kneeling down.
“How are you?” Segun asked.
“Am fine sir.” the girl replied.
Segun finished what he was
eating and left for his class. He
got out of the mart and met Mike.
Mike blocked the way.
“Hey, leave the way let me pass.”
Segun warned.
“What if i don’t leave the way?”
Mike dared him.
Segun moved close to Mike and
held him by his collar causing
him to whince in pain.
“Segun, what’s going on there?”
Peace(an asthmatic patient) a girl
in SS3A(the science class)asked
walking close to them.
Segun left his collar and walked
angrily back to his class to avoid
listening to unecessary
preachings from her. As he got
to the door of his class, a junior
student ran to him.
“Senior please, i misplaced my
snacksmoney and i am hungry.”
the girl said.
Segun looked at her for some
“Go and meet sister Joy. Pick
what you want in my name.”
Segun told her.
“Thank you sir.” the girl said as
she ran towards the direction of
the snacks shop.
Segun got into the class and was
suprised to see the whole class
facing the direction where
Wilson the class monitor was
“Segun come here and lets talk as
brothers.” Wilson spoke to him.
Segun walked to him and the
whole class began talking at the
same time advising him to
change and reduce his temper.
He was infuriated by this and
angrily yelled at them.
“You all must be crazy. Are you
sent to school to advise me?” he
asked as every member of the
class started dispersing one by
one back to their seats.
Segun sat down and laid his
head on his locker waiting for
the next teacher.
“Hypocrites.” he said and hissed
loudly for them to hear.

Episode 50

At the sound of the closing bell,
Segun hurriedly walked to the
SS1, SS2 class to inform the
members of the football team to
wait behind for practice. After
that he went to the snacks shop
where he paid for the snacks he
bought for the junior student
during the long break.
He got back changed his school
uniform, put on his football kits
(all provided by the school) and
got on the pitch of play.
They did some exercise before
they played a short match
against themselves to regain
their pattern of play.
After one hour, they left the
school after they had achieved
their set goal.
Segun walked out of the school
compound and headed for the
bus/stop. Just then his phone
It was his mother.
“Hello mum.” he said.
“Are you at home?” she asked.
“Not yet, but am on my way.” he
“Okay, i just want you to meet me
in the shop.” she explained.
“Hope no problem?” he asked.
“When you come.” she replied.
Segun returned his phone back
to his pocket and increased his
pace. He got home fifteen
minutes later.
He knocked on the gate but the
gate was opened five minutes
later by Mary.
“What kept you long?” he asked.
“I I I I….erm….i was….busy.” she
Segun hissed and walked to the
sitting room where he met Mike
sitting down comfortably with a
bottle of Maltina on a stool
before him. Segun looked at him
with hatred before walking
towards him.
“What are you doing here?”
Segun asked angrily.
“Are you quarelling with google.”
Mike replied amidst laughter.
Segun angrily launched an attack
hitting him on his nose.
Immediately he began bleeding
from the nose. Mary quickly held
Segun from behind and in anger
Segun swung his hand, he hit
Mary on the head causing her to
loose balance. She fell down and
hit her head on the pointed edge
of the chair. She lost
consciousness immediately.
Seeing this Mike ran away
immediately with a bleeding
nose. Segun went into the
kitchen and returned with a first
aid box and a bowl of water. He
applied his first aid knowledge of
reviving a fainted victim.
Twenty minutes later Mary came
back to life which relieved Segun.
Her vision was blur and she was
dazed, she requested to be taken
to her room to sleep. Segun
obliged her, he sat down on the
edge of the bed watching her
closely. This time he was yet to
remove his school uniform.
Mary slept off some minutes later,
Segun left for his room.
“Mary… Segun.” she called from
the sitting room.
Segun answered her and ran to
meet her in the sitting room.
“Where is your sister?” she
“She is not feeling fine, she is
sleeping.” He explained.
She stood up and headed for
Mary’s room.
She barged into the room and
woke her up in the process.
“Mummy welcome.” Mary
Her mother sat down on the
edge of the bed and touched her
body, she touched her head and
felt the swollen part of her head.
“What happened to your head?”
she asked.
Mary looked at her mother and
then looked at Segun.
She cleared her throat to talk.
–to be continued–
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