Episode 52
After checking on Mary he retired
back to his room to sleep.
“Segun! What is this?” his mother
called from the sitting room.
He immediately ran to the sitting
room where he saw his parents
“Daddy, you are back? Welcome
sir.” he greeted.
His father ignored and looked at
him with an “i will kill you look.”
which futher scared him.
“What is this?” his mother asked
pointing to the drops of bl0*d
on the tile.
“The bl0*d abi?” he asked
“And who drank this?” she asked
pointing to the bottle on the
“Talk now or never.” his father
Mary walked into the sitting
room holding the walls for
“The bl0*d is from me.” she said.
“How?” her mother asked.
“I’m seeing my period.” she lied.
Their parents bought the lies
foolishly as they dismissed them
after Segun had been ordered to
clean the bl0*d. They both left
the sitting room and Segun
followed Mary back to her room.
“Mary, thanks for saving me for
the second time today.” he said.
Mary was in pains as she couldn’t
Just then her phone ranged. It
was Mike. She looked at an angry
Segun who pretended not to be
“Hello, is this when you are
supposed to call me. As if you are
not the cause of all these. And i
was trying to stop him from
hitting you, that was how i got
injured. Now look at the time you
are calling me.” Mary lamented.
Segun couldn’t hear what Mike
was saying in the background.
He just heard Mary reply.
“How dare you call my brother an
animal?” she asked angrily.
Segun folded his fists like he
wants to punch Mary.
“Mike, so this is life? This is how
you want to repay me, despite
how much i have done for you.
Remember i love you with my
heart and body.” she lamented
Segun was confused as to what
she was saying.
She quickly got herself back as
she ended the call and removed
her battery.
Segun looked at her with an
askance look.
“He has broken up with me.” she
Segun told her to lower her voice
which she did to his relief.
“Thank God you have not
invested much in the
relationship.” Segun said happily
but faked sadness.
“How i wish i haven’t invested
heavily.” she said.
“What do you mean?” Segun
asked agitatedly.
Episode 53
“I had s-x with him.” she said
with a teary voice.
“Mary, why? I’m highly
disappointed in you. Why would
you allow such guy to take
advantage of you?” he asked in
“Please, its not my fault. I thought
that was the best way to seal our
love.” she explained.
Segun moved close to her and
held her shoulder.
“Mary, did he use protection?”
Segun asked.
“No.” she responded.
“Segun are you there with Mary?”
their father asked.
“Yes sir.” Segun replied as he
quickly composed himself and
cleaned the tears in Mary’s eyes.
Their father opened the door to
the room, checked on Mary,
prayed for her and left but not
after telling her, she would be
visiting the hospital the following
Mary knelt down before Segun
immediately their father left.
“Please lets keep this a secret.”
she said pleadingly.
Segun sighed and looked at her
“Mary, i don’t want to see you
with Mike again. But he will be
punished for this.” Segun said
“Bro please, if you attack him
people will know about us.” she
“Okay.” Segun said and left for
his room.
He got into his room filled with
rage and laid on his bed before
he drifted into a fitful sleep.
Segun was standing before the
“What is wrong with your sister?
I learnt she is not in school
today.” the principal asked.
“She’s not feeling fine.” he
“But i think i told you to come
with your father this morning.
Where is he now?” the man
“He took Mary to the hospital.” he
Just then there was a knock on
the door to the principal’s office.
“Yes come in.” Mr Hastrup said.
Mrs Akinola(Segun’s mum)
entered with Jummy following
closely behind her. Jummy was
dressed in a black knee-length
skirt and a purple top over a
multicoloured flip flop(slippers).
Mr Hastrup dismissed Segun
immediately he discovered that
Mrs Akinola was there for
Segun got outside and thought
to himself.
“Why on earth will this girl be
brought to this place? Imagine
how she was winking at me in
there. She’s gonna be a stalker
for sure.” he said and left for his
He got into the class and saw
some mathematics questions on
the board. He settled down and
solved them all to the amazement
of all other students who were
present when the teacher was
teaching them the topic. They(his
classmates) all agreed he is truely
a genius even though they were
mad at him because of the way
he insulted them the previous
day when they tried to preach to
Episode 54
“Good morning sir.” they all rose
up to greet Mr Adio(the vice
principal academics)who was
accopanied by Jummy.
“How are you all?” he asked.
“We are fine sir.” they chorused.
The students started murmuring
some inaudible words. The guys
were busy admiring her beauty,
while the girls were accessing
her base on what she wore.
“Hello class, this is Olagunju
Olajumoke. A new student of this
school.” Mr Adio said calling the
attention of everybody.
“Good morning.” the whole class
greeted her excluding Segun.
“Good morning.” she replied
Mr Adio left her in the class to get
acquinted with her new
She left where she was standing
and walked to where Segun was
“Hi.” she greeted him.
“Hello.” he replied without raising
up his head.
“The serious student.” she said
“Oh! You are welcome to our
school.” Segun said standing up
to shake her hands like they
were meeting for the first time.
She took the handshake but not
after hitting him playfully. She left
Segun’s seat and went on to
introduce herself better to other
members of the class.
“Olagunju. The principal wants to
see you.” the secretary said
referring to Jummy.
Jummy followed the secretary
and off they went to the principal
“Segun, this girl makes sense o.”
Wilson said.
“I heard about it.” Segun replied
“Can i have her number?” Wilson
stressed further.
“You don’t know any other thing
than to toast girls.” Bolanle(a girl
sitting in the front said).
“Is it because he didn’t toast you,
now you are jealous.” Segun
chipped in and everybody
bursted into laughter.
“Segun, i don’t like it o.” she said
“Don’t mind me jare.” Segun
apologised mockingly.
Jummy came back into the class
and went straight to Segun’s
seat. They began gisting like new
Segun called all the members of
the school football team and
addressed them on behalf of the
games master. He reminded
them of the need to put more
seriousness in practice, so that
they can triumph over their
Segun left the school compound
and joined Jummy outside as
they both walked home.
“I never knew we could come
back together this soon.” Jummy
said happily.
Segun was shocked.
“What did you say?” he asked.
Episode 55
“I never knew we could be back
together this soon.” Jummy said.
“What did you say?” Segun asked.
“I said i never believed we could
get back this soon.” she said.
“Get back together where?” he
“Never mind.” she replied.
They continued walking until
they got to the bus/stop where
they boarded a bus home.
They arrived home fifteen
minutes later. They entered the
sitting room and saw a small
basket filled with drugs.
“I think Mary is at home.” Segun
“Lets check on her.” Jummy
They both walked towards
Mary’s room. They knocked on
the door and were told to enter.
“Mary, how you feeling now?”
Segun asked.
“Much better. Welcome.” she
greeted her brother.
“Have you eaten?” Jummy asked.
“Yes.” Mary replied.
“Do you mind if i get you an
energy drink?” Jummy asked.
“I don’t mind.” Mary replied.
“Segun where do i get the
drink?” she asked facing Segun.
“You first turning by the left in
the dining area is the kitchen. So
you check inside the fridge you
will see there.” Segun explained
in the best of his abilities.
“Okay.” Jummy said and went
“I’ll come back and check on
you.” Segun said and left.
He got into his room, changed
from his school uniform to his
house wears. He sat down on his
reading table and began reading
his biology textbook without
bothering to take his lunch.
An hour into his reading, his
phone ranged and checking the
caller, it was Nike.
“Hello.” he said smilling happily.
“hello. How are you.” she replied.
“Am not fine o.” he replied.
“Why?” she asked with audible
concern in her voice.
“You are yet to give me a reply
based on what i told you the last
time we spoke on phone.” he
“Oh that?” She asked rhetorically.
“Yeah and i have been having
headache since then.” he replied
which made her burst into
“You are not serious.” she said
“I am.” he replied.
“Really?” she asked.
“Nike, i love you what of you?” he
The line went silent on the other
end. Segun checked the phone to
confirm if he was still on call or
she had ended the call. He
confirmed it that it was Nike that
kept quiet.
“Nike, are you there?” he asked.
There was a sniff on Nike’s end.
“Are you crying?” he asked.
“No, am not. Its just that…..” Nike
said with a shaky voice.
–to be continued–
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