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It was a while before Dapo and Nimi stopped talking and realized that hours had passed and it was getting late already. He knew he would have to get her home soon and this wasn’t a place he wanted to be seen with his girlfriend to prevent further rumors from going around. They had been talking about everything from Jesus to work to school to the plans they were making to see his parents on Saturday. Dapo noticed Nimi had a worried look on her face whenever he talked about how he hoped she would feel at home with his mom, his father and Lara.

“Baby are you alright?”

“Why do you ask?”

“You don’t seem too happy to be coming with me for dinner with my parents during the weekend. They’re not going to ask you to sleep over y’know.”

She smiled knowing he wanted to make her laugh. “I’m alright. Just a bit tired. I’ve been trying to read but you keep coming to my mind and my head. The way this masters program is going, I’m scared I might fail and you would be the one responsible.”

He grinned happy to be responsible for how she felt, but he didn’t want her to fail and if she wanted him to cut down the distraction, he would try. He wasn’t promising anything but he could compromise for her. He just wasn’t sure how he would survive without seeing her everyday or even call her or send her those texts that had her smiling and she sending him lovely emojis.

Goodness, the girl made him feel and act like a teenager in love and he was far from it. He’d always felt old, felt he had seen so much in life and had experienced so much in his lifetime.

But Nimi proved different, and she was different than any other girl he’d been with.

“I’m sorry that you’re getting addicted to me, I should have come with a label I know.”

She smacked him playfully and he stood up laughing and helping her to her feet so she could join him. The strength it was taking him not to swing her into his arms and allow him melt into him as his kisses expressed what he was feeling at the moment.

Pushing his thoughts away, he reached for his phone. “I was thinking you could go shopping and get yourself and Tolani something nice. You look tired and I want you to look dashing on Saturday. What do you say? There’s this spa a friend recommended on the island, since it’s not legal for me to offer you a massage, I think her recommendation will come in handy.”

“Dapo, I don’t even have time for a spa or shopping. I’m going to work tomorrow and Friday. Don’t worry about buying me clothes and stuff. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

He expected that answer.

“Even if I need you to do it for me?” He pleaded with his eyes. “C’mon baby, for once let me treat you nice, let me buy you things.”

She shook her head smiling. “You say it like you don’t buy me things already.”

If only she knew what he’d bought for his past girlfriends and she was more than that.

“Roses and chocolates is child’s play. I want to be your prince.”

“Jesus is my prince.” She laughed out loud and he joined her.

“Okay, so where do I stand?”

She sighed. “I get you. But just this once okay?” She reached for his arm and he smiled into his eyes.

“I wouldn’t settle for once if I were you. Card or cheque?”

“And would you give me your PIN?”

“If I don’t give you my PIN, who would I give? Lara?” He smiled heading to his table to check his wallet. “You’re the only one besides me who has access to my phone and that’s because we are of the same mind and we’re going somewhere. Oh and by the way, I need to call her. You won’t be going to work tomorrow since you wouldn’t be available.”

He saw her eyes shift again.

That was when he knew something was wrong. He’d learned to know her face and what she was feeling over time.


Nimi was scared. She didn’t want to do this, but Dapo was looking at her with those probing eyes of his and she wasn’t sure how she was going to tell him if he asked her anything relating to his sister.

“I don’t think you should call her.”

“Why? Did something happen between you two?” He wasn’t backing down and she could see him watching her closely, a frown already forming on his face.

She swallowed. “You mentioned you wanted to tell her on Saturday with everybody present. I was thinking it might ruin it.” Oh how she hated sounding like a liar.

He shrugged, the frown disappearing. “Well, it appears plans change don’t they. I can’t have you looking stressed. She’s my sister. She should understand. Besides, I’ll just tell her you need time off because I need you to work on something for me.”

Oh that was worse. Lara would think up several things.

She closed her eyes. Maybe she should tell him already.

“She knows about us Dapo. I don’t know what happened but she wasn’t happy with it, with us. Her friends…” She stopped as the memories came up and she suddenly recoiled.

“What did she say?”

She looked up and saw his face had hardened, his eyes cold. She’d never seen this side of him before. Shaking her head, she retreated. “I shouldn’t have said anything”

He came to her side instantly reaching for her arm with one hand and lifting her chin with another hand so she could look into his eyes.

“You’re going to tell me whatever my sister said to you Nimi or I’m going to drive down to the house tonight and demand she repeats every word she ever said to you.”

Her heart raced. “She might have slept…”

“I’ll pull her out. I don’t care if she’s in her boyfriend’s house or back home. She should know better than interfere in my life with her good for nothing friends.”

“Dapo, please I beg you, don’t take it hard on her.”

He closed his eyes, almost as if he was inpatient. “Nimi, tell me what she said to you. I could see it in your eyes anytime I mentioned her. I suspected it had to do with her but for her to call her friends…”

“I didn’t say her friends…”

“I know my sister, and I know what she’s capable of. You mentioned friends so I figured.” He released her when he realized she wasn’t going to say anything. He saw the tears pooling in her eyes and he got angry.

“I need you to hand in your resignation letter to her. Y’know what, I’ll do it on your behalf. The last thing I need is you defending her. I’ve defended her my whole life and she kept growing worse. So worse she came back to bite me. If she can hurt you, then it means she can hurt me and I’m disappointed.”

“God doesn’t want me to leave her yet.” She panicked when she saw him raising his phone to his ears. “Dapo please…”

“Hey, are you asleep?” He placed the phone on speaker and on the table so that they could both hear Lara on the phone. He didn’t even pay her the usual pleasantries.

“Not really, was about to go to bed soon anyways. Why are you calling me at this time of the day? Is something wrong?”

“Uh, nothing really. I was just thinking if you could speak to my girlfriend. She’s here and I thought you should say Hi.”

He could hear her laughter at the other end. “Dapo are you actually serious? You called me at this time so I could talk to your girlfriend?”

“So you’re aware I’m dating someone at the moment?”

She was quiet.

“Then let me get to the point. Nimi won’t be coming to the office tomorrow and the day after. Or let me make it clear. She won’t be working for you again. I’ll hand in a resignation letter on her behalf if you’re really intent on going by protocol.”

She scoffed. “You can’t be serious.”

“I would like to make something clear to you Lara. The day I want you to become my mouthpiece, that day I’ll let you know. The day I decide to include you into my love life, I’ll let you know. What are you trying to do? Put my girlfriend’s life at stake here? Is it because there’s no law against verbal abuse in this country? If there’s anyone I’ve always tried to protect all my life, it’s you and this is how you treat me? This is how you pay me back? Let this be a warning. The next time you ever hurt Nimi, forget about me being called your brother. Goodnight.”

And he hung up.

She could only stare at him as more tears rolled down her eyes. Why was he bent on having his way? Why did he have to talk to his sister that way?

“I’m sorry…” He sighed running a hand on his head. “I know you’re trying to walk in love but sometimes it’s love to let people know they’ve hurt you. Do you know how I felt? Seeing you cry because she must have said words to you? Did Kemi ever tell you what…” he shook his head not wanting to open a can of worms. “Let bygones be bygones. It’s over and this is over between us.”

Nimi still couldn’t look at him till he came to touch her and pull her into himself.

“I’m sorry. C’mon don’t tell me you’re now seeing me as a monster because of what just happened.”

She shook her head allowing her hands slide around him so she could pull him close.

“I love you. I doubt I can ever stop loving you.” Kemi had told her what Nimi did to her in undergrad so it shouldn’t have been surprising. She had just never seen Lara do the same to her, or her boyfriend getting mad at what his sister must have done.

He stood up for her, and that was what she wanted. Someone to stand up for her when she couldn’t.

She had no doubt the family dinner was going to be great afterall.


“Uncle Dapo is going to go wawuuuuuuu when he sees you I’m sure.” Tolani giggled as she rounded up her finishing touches on her sister’s face. “See me doing make-up as if you’re about to get married.”

Nimi giggled. “I believe we’re heading towards that so…”

“Hmmn, I like your relationship o. At least it has head and tail. There’s no speculation or beating around the bush. You know why you two are together. It’s going to 3 months now right?”

“Yea, time is so slow. It feels like 3 years to me.” Nimi frowned.

Tolani chuckled mischievously. “ Don’t worry, you were built to last.”

She slapped her playfully.

“Do you ever get tempted to y’know…” She asked dabbing her face with the brush.

“Of course, plenty times sef. Some days when we’re holding hands and I feel something I take a chill pill and remove my hand. Sometimes he does it first. Sometimes we don’t even hug for too long because it tends to send funny feelings which I didn’t know existed before I met him sef.”

“Oh wow.”

“How long are you two looking at?”

“We agreed to getting to know each other for about 8 months to 1 year thereabout. I think it all depends.”

“Don’t you wish you should just get married already.”

“I know right. The thoughts that go through my mind some days are crazy I have to bind them out sometimes. But please don’t open your big mouth and tell him o. I’m sure he is also battling his own.”

Tolani chuckled. “How can? You two are my mentors so that when boo comes, I can emulate you guys.”

Nimi smiled.

“I’m going to thank him for the clothes and the shoes. I don’t remember the last time I had the luxury of buying 2 nice pair of heels and my choice of dress without thinking about the price tag.” Tolani said

“Better don’t get too used to it.”

She frowned. “Why not? It’s not like he wants to sleep with you after giving you the money.”

“He begged me to even accept the cheque. I know he’s different but wisdom is applicable.”

“It is well.”

Nimi rolled her eyes at her sister’s sarcasm and shook her head. Looking into the mirror, she smiled and picked up her earrings and wrist-watch. She liked the wrap dress she picked and it was in one of Dapo’s favorite colour. She’d fallen in love with the wine dress the moment she set eyes on it. The store called it ‘Ariella stella’ and it lived up to it’s name. It had gathers from the waist and the side was trimly embellished that gave her a flattering and feminine look. She was pleased with the asymmetric neckline that added a modern finish to the dress that stopped just below her knee. She had loosened her braids and had her hair neatly tied into a bun.

Her phone rang and she hurriedly picked it.

“Hey princess.”

“Hey you, are you close?”

“I’m downstairs already. Is mum home so I can quickly say hello before we leave?”

“No, she’s not. I’ll be on my way downstairs.”

“Uh baby, I would like you to do something for me. Are you wearing heels?”

She looked at her feet. Oh no, didn’t Dapo like heels? She thought it gave women a classy look and Tolani had advised it made her dress look elegant.


“Don’t wear them. Wear something else and come downstairs bringing your heels with you.”

She was uncertain about his request and wondered what he was up to. She wore her slipper downstairs carrying her bag and her heels with her. She caught a glimpse of Him as he drew closer and he didn’t look bad in his nicely fitted blue blazer and a pair of black pants. He made every thing look good and she was glad she hadn’t disappointed in wearing something less either. He was leaning against his car by the time she got to him and he smiled when he saw her.

“You just keep blowing my mind away every single time princess.”

She beamed. “I wanted to let you know that you’re not the only one who comes with a label of addiction.”

He laughed out loud and opened the passenger door for her ordering her to sit. It was when she sat and she saw him bending low to squat that she saw why he wanted her to come without the heels.

She shook her head when she saw him reaching for her feet and placing it on his thigh so he could slip it into her feet.

“You’re so unbelievable.” She smiled loving every minute of it.

“I told God something before you came. Let me get the chance to be a prince to the princess you’re going to send my way and here you are, making each day of my life worthwhile.” He reached for the second leg and slipped her feet into her shoes. “And here you are, sitting like a dream come true, even more. It’s so much I can’t even believe it sometimes. So enjoy this moment cos it’s ours.”

She nodded, her eyes pooling already. Why did he have to say those words, carry out such beautiful gesture and make her cry. She didn’t want to ruin her make-up.

“Does the shoe fit princess?”

She smiled holding the tears back. “I don’t know if I should be saying this but you make me feel like Cinderella.”

He smiled raising her hands to plant a kiss on each one. “Is that a good thing?”

She was only able to nod.


When they got to the house, Mrs Kitan was already waiting for her son at the door. She embraced him warmly before turning to Nimi.

There was a sudden look of surprise on her face but it was gone immediately. Nimi knew she must have wondered how her daughter’s PA had captured her son’s heart so soon.

She knelt down to greet her and she managed a smile. “Welcome dear, and you must be Nimi. My daughter has told me lots about you.”

She swallowed and her eyes went to Dapo who obviously ignored his mother’s last comments. “She’s Oluwalonimi Adeyemi and was working for Lara for a while. It wasn’t something permanent since she’s currently running a master’s program.”

“Impressive.” She allowed her eyes stroll down her figure and raised an eyebrow, a stiff and suggestive smile was plastered on her face. “My son told me you were perfection in flesh. I guess he was right afterall.”

“Dapo has told me lots about you Ma and how amazing you are.”

“I bet he has.”

“Hello gorgeous.”

Nimi and Dapo looked up to see a voluptuous and beautifully looking woman standing with a glass of wine in hand smiling at Dapo like they had known each other for years. Nimi raised an eyebrow. This was definitely not a family member if she could be sending him looks that way. She looked sophisticated too, her dark hair, her cleavage and blood red lips standing out. Her dress suddenly felt drab compared to what the girl had on.

“Toke.., Hi. What a surprise…” He looked at his mum as if to ask her why she would cancel out on inviting his ex like she promised but she was obviously confused as well.

“It’s been a long time.” She strolled towards him giving him a side hug enough to press herself into him while consciously planting a kiss on his cheeks. “It’s been years and it’s like you’ve grown taller or what?”

“I doubt that. Uh, Toke, this is Nimi, my girlfriend. Nimi, uh, this is Toke—“

“Toke Owoyomi, we were close friends back then in Uni.” She cut in and smiled at Nimi with a playful grin. “Nice to meet you Nimi.”

Nimi wasn’t happy to see her and so couldn’t say anything. She was still trying to wrap everything around her head.

Dapo turned to face his girlfriend. “Baby, I just need a second with my mother. Can you do me a favour and wait while I sort out somethings?”

“Sure.” She managed hoping she wouldn’t fall apart. Asides from the fact that Mrs Kitan did not seem to give her approval with the look on her face, there was a lipstick stain on the side of her boyfriend’s cheeks and the Toke girl seemed to be familiar with the house the way she moved around like she felt confident with whatever hold she’d had on Dapo and the Kitans in general.

This dinner was supposed to be great and now this?

Was she one of his exes? She’d said close friend and she had felt Dapo tense the moment he set eyes on her.

It was obvious they’d had something in the past.

She could hear Dapo’s voice rising. “I told you I was bringing my girlfriend home all for me to see Toke. I told you mum.., I can’t believe this.”

“Dapo, I’m so sorry. Believe me, I was surprised as well. She just came here this morning and I couldn’t send her away. She said Lara…”

“Lara invited her after you canceled?” She could hear his words laced with anger reminding her of last night’s incident.

Mrs Kitan sighed. “I thought your sister would do the needful. I’m sorry but this is as a result of some misunderstanding. I’m sure Lara forgot or mistakenly did this…”

“Stop defending her Mum. Just stop it. We’ve been defending her for years and it only turned her into a spoilt brat. So she wants to gain a upper hand in this thing right? She wants to despise me. Where’s she?”

“Dapo, please keep your voice down…, take it easy.”

“It’s either you ask Toke to leave or I leave. I didn’t ask for a crowd. I asked for dinner with my family.”

Nimi was uncomfortable with the exchange between mother and son. So Lara had done it again. Why did the girl hate her so much?

Just then the object of her thoughts strolled outside and stopped when she saw her. Nimi’s heart raced as Lara’s eyes bore into hers almost as if she would shoot her if she had a gun. She picked up pace and was about reaching for her when Dapo came and stopped her before she got any close to Nimi.

“Lay one hand on her and I’ll remind you of the years between us.”

“Let go off me.” She struggled.

“You and I need to have a word. Now.” When she kept struggling, he warned. “If you want me to air your dirty laundry out here, then fine.”

She relaxed when he said so and jerked away from him her eyes pooling already. “Do you see what she’s doing? Do you see how she enjoys watching us fight?”

“A word.” He repeated leading her out of the room.

Toke shook her head sipping her wine comfortably “Siblings, it’s amazing the way they can be fighting one minute and start laughing the next minute.”

Nimi inhaled deeply glad that Dapo had saved her from Lara’s hands on her face or whatever she planned doing. She just hoped Toke was right. She wanted everything to be right between them.

Much love. Xo!

Original story by ITUNU TAIWO owner of http://myglowingscenes.com

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