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Episode 26

The Colonel woke up slowly, stretching his
arms and trying to stifle a yawn. It had been a
long night. He had driven for hours and his
back was beginning to ache. He was now in
Akure, hours after driving nonstop from Benin
City, Edo State. He had booked and paid for
the hotel reservation online using a fake ID
and money from one of his alias bank
accounts. Hiding was easy but expensive. He
was glad that the country had gotten to the
stage where everything was done almost
paperless. The hotel sent him a 4 pin code
that served as his suite key. He arrived at the
hotel in the dead of night, punched in the 4
pin code and got to his suite. He landed on
the bed fully clothed sleeping off almost
immediately. Ahmed however was more alert.
Over the years he had now become very
vigilant. He suspected everything. He even
suspected the air he breathed sometimes.
Ahmed did not sleep. He went from the toilet,
to the bathroom, to the living room and then
into the bedroom, looking carefully and
searching for anything remotely suspicious
and out of place. He lifted vases, opened
covers, searched the wall for bugs, ran the
taps, and checked the furniture. He was
extremely thorough. They had been to half the
states in the country in the space of 35
months. They never stayed in one place for
too long. That was the price they had to pay
for pitching their tent against the Ghost’s
The Colonel looked round the huge bedroom of
the five- star hotel they had lodged in. Ahmed
was nowhere to be found. Throwing the duvet
aside, he climbed out of bed, and walked into
the living room. Ahmed stood arms akimbo
facing the wall. Newspaper clippings in
different shapes and sizes were pinned to the
wall. For three years Ahmed had been
carefully observing perfectly orchestrated
assassinations, high profile murders and
unexplainable disappearances of political
hotshots. Every morning when he got the daily
newspaper, he cut out parts that caught his
fancy and kept them. Wherever they set up
camp, he took the clippings out and studied
them. He tried to find a pattern. He
desperately wanted to understand the motive
behind the killings. Every day at dawn, he
painstakingly scrutinized the clippings looking
for any form of clue. And every time he ended
up angry and frustrated. He got more
confused by the day. He had no doubts in his
mind that the Ghosts were behind these
murders. They were efficient and invisible. Yet,
he strongly believed that there had to be a
weak spot. There had to be a slight loop hole.
And it was that loop hole he sought to find.
Two days earlier, the Chief of army staff had
died in a hotel in Lagos. Autopsy reports had
it that he suffered a strong heart attack.
Rumor had it that the woman who he had
intimate relations with was too hot for him to
handle. Others said that he loved to
ma5turbate and had done one too many, the
last one being his undoing. The official report
from the Army Barracks had it that he was
only resting after a long meeting when he died
in his sleep.
After Ahmed read the news, he cut it out and
added it to his collection of clippings. He
hacked into the hospital’s server to access the
Chief’s medical history. The Chief had no prior
heart issue, and for five years running had
never missed his appointment with the
doctors. The doctors passed him fit at the last
checkup two months back. His wife and four
children were based outside the country and
kept in touch regularly. He got an
unannounced promotion just recently and was
a very happy man.
Ahmed suspected foul play.
The Colonel walked up behind him, placing his
left hand on Ahmed’s right shoulder. Without
looking back, Ahmed greeted,
“Good Morning Uncle. Trust you are refreshed
after that irresistible nap?” Ahmed said.
“Yes boy. I am. What was it with the entire
search you were conducting last night? I was
too tired to get up and ask you. Do I sense
some form of paranoia boy?” The Colonel
sounded worried.
“Uncle, you have taught me a lot these few
years. Part of what I have learned from you is
to always be aware of my surroundings. One
can never be too certain of how safe he is.
Extra precaution has to be taken Uncle.”
Ahmed said, his eyes still fixed on the
newspaper clippings.
“Spoken like a true soldier. Any luck with
those?” The Colonel said pointing at the wall.
Ahmed shook his head.
“Uncle, do you know anyone in the late Chief
of Army Staff’s cabinet that we can coerce to
speak to us? I smell a rat in the stories going
round about the cause of death. Something is
not right.” Ahmed said facing his uncle.
“I actually do. I personally got Mustapha the
position of Chief of Army Staff six years ago.
And along with that, I planted my spies. One
of his security details is a trusted servant.
Hold on.” The Colonel said.
The Colonel got out his phone and inserted
the new sim card he got the day before. It was
registered to the Alias that paid for the hotel.
“Son, set your stop watch to 18 seconds. It
takes 20 minutes for a pro to trace a call. I do
not know if the mole has been compromised.
When I start talking, begin the countdown.
Stop me immediately the timer ends.” The
Colonel said and Ahmed nodded.
He dialed the number.
There was a click on the other end of the line
showing that the mole had picked the call.
The Colonel signaled to Ahmed to start the
timer. He obliged.
“Chameleon Brown. It’s Alpha speaking.” The
Colonel said
“Sorry. Wrong number please.” The voice at
the other end replied.
“What really happened to Strong Man?” The
Colonel persisted
“Baby, d–n. Did you see that? She just killed
that man and dived into the pool through the
window. Wow! She left her gown and that
rough bouncer has picked it up. Baby you are
missing! In fact it seems I am going to wait
for you to finish so you can join me o. This
movie is so interesting. I want…” The man was
saying but the Colonel cut in.
“Excuse me? Please can I talk to Chameleon
Brown? It’s really urgent.” The colonel
“Oga, I said this is a wrong number. What is
your problem? Can’t I enjoy my movie in
peace? Can you…” He was saying angrily but
the Colonel dropped the call on him.
“How many seconds?” The Colonel asked
asked Ahmed
“16 seconds.” Ahmed replied and continued,
“Seems like you dialed the wrong number.”
The Colonel put off the phone, opened the
back cover and took out the sim card. He
scratched the gold area of the sim with the
back cover of the phone, and then broke the
sim in two.
“Actually, it was the correct number.” The
Colonel said, walking to a chair. He sat down
and crossed his legs smiling mischievously.
“I don’t understand Uncle” Ahmed said folding
his arms across his chest.
“Mustapha was killed by a female. She
escaped through the window, diving into the
pool below their hotel. She may have forgotten
to take a piece of clothing along. It’s with one
of the bouncers.” The Colonel said.
“Or Uncle, she may have left it deliberately to
set the police on the wrong track. The Ghosts
are very smart.” Ahmed said walking towards
his uncle. He continued.
“Can I access the internet from this building? I
want to dig into the hotel surveillance. I also
want to check the architectural design of the
hotels. Doors, windows, suites, corridors,
pathways, and everything that I can lay my
hands on.”
“I know some access codes and encrypted
hash tags you can use to override the Access
Control Protocols that protect the firewalls
you may encounter. However, I just made a
transmission from this location by calling my
informant. Making another transmission is
pushing it too far. I know a place where we
can go. We leave at dusk.” The Colonel said
with a tone of finality.
He picked up the Intercom and called kitchen.
Sean finished his early morning ritual drowned
in his own sweat. His muscles rippled under
his sleeveless shirt and his skin glowed under
his own perspiration. He was not satisfied
with the day’s work out. He still had more
energy to burn. He prostrated on the gym
floor, balanced himself on his hands and toes,
and began to do push-ups.
“1, 2, 3, 4…” he counted as he pumped. He
was feeling the strain and bulge in his biceps.
He loved it. He loved the pain. He had become
so accustomed to pain. In the previous year,
he had spent four months in interrogation by
the harshest standards.
“51, 52…” he counted as he pumped.
He switched to pumping with one hand.
“58, 59… 60.” He groaned the last number and
turned on his back. He was breathing hard
and fast, his heart trying to adjust to the huge
demand of bl0*d from his body.
As he breathed, he fell into revelry,
remembering all that happened eight months
8 months ago:
Sean hurried to the roof of the Civic Center. It
was 5am. He was disguised as a member of
the Lagos State Elite Sniper Team. It was
campaign season in the country and every
eligible candidate was flaunting posters,
carrying out different campaign strategies and
lobbying for voters’ support.
The governor was running for second term and
was scheduled to hold a campaign parade
later in the morning. The Governor and his
entourage would start their open air parade at
9am, starting off at Ajah, up until CMS bus
stop. Therefore the amount of security
provided was immense. There was a convoy of
police cars, a huge number of armed foot
soldiers and helicopters flying around. The
Ghosts had worked their magic and Sean had
been included in the Sniper team. There were
50 snipers in all. His designation was at the
top of the Civic center. Snipers lined almost
every high rise building on the Ozumba
Mbadiwe road. He was dressed in a police
uniform with “SNIPER” written boldly behind
and in front. He kept radio communication
with the rest of the team as he set up his
Sniper rifle adjusting the focus and scanning
other roof tops for similar weapons.
Earlier that morning just before the snipers
were dispatched, the Sniper Commander had
assembled them and gave them a harangue.
The order from the Sniper commander was:
“Make sure there are no infidels out there!” He
charged and continued
“The Governor is in full view of the public.
Make sure there are no smart as5es up on
that roof! You see a threat, you take it out!!!
Nothing and I repeat Nothing happens to the
governor on my watch! Copy that?!!!” The
Sniper commander yelled.
“Yes sir!!!” The snipers replied.
However, Sophia’s instructions were simpler:
“Take out the Governor”.


“I know you have been working hard. And I am
very glad that you are doing very well. Your
father would be very pleased with you. Only if
he were alive. I was at the window area
yesterday. I saw a number of men in black
suits and wearing dark shades. What was
happening?”– Eva’s Mum
“They are security details attached to my
boss, mummy. She came into town yesterday.”
– Eva
“Okay my daughter. God will bless her. I have
to thank her before I leave” – Eva’s mum
“I think someone should check that out. It
looks pretty messy” – Sophia
“No! I am fine” – Bruno.
“Steady boy. You are lucky son. The bullet
grazed your flesh. You lost quite some
amount of bl0*d. But you will be fine.” – The
“Did we get them uncle?” – Ahmed
“I think we did. But we were outnumbered. I
had to retreat.” – The Colonel
“Please sir, I am looking for one woman. She
said I should ask for Oga, and that you would
direct me. She gave me this card to give you.
Can I show myself out when I am done
please?” – The General
“Hello Agent S” – The General.
“Things are looking good. Sean is already on
his prerequisite professional training and Eva
has been emotionally stabilized for her role.
Getting her to give up her emotions, her loved
ones and her career was the tricky part, but
that has been done. She understands what
needs to be done and is ready to begin. I have
everything under control General.” – Sophia
“Wake boy. We have to move!” – The Colonel
“We have a tail Uncle.” – Ahmed
“Now, this is how you lose a tracker. Watch
me. Put on your seat belt Ahmed. It’s going to
be a very rough ride.”” – The Colonel
“We are here sir. This is a list of five star
hotels we have for you to choose from.
WheatBaker Hotel, Ikoyi.” – Austin
“Take me there” – Sean
“How was it?” – Shina
“Piece of cake.” – Eva.
“Uncle, you have taught me a lot these few
years. One can never be too certain of how
safe he is. Extra precaution has to be taken.”
– Ahmed
“Spoken like a true soldier. Any luck with
those?” – The Colonel.
“Do you know anyone in the late Chief of Army
Staff’s cabinet that we can coerce to speak to
us? I smell a rat in the stories going round
about the cause of death. Something is not
right.” – Ahmed
“Actually, it was the correct number.
Mustapha was killed by a female. She escaped
through the window, diving into the pool
below their hotel. She may have forgotten to
take a piece of clothing along. It’s with one of
the bouncers.” – The Colonel.
“Make sure there are no infidels out there! The
Governor is in full view of the public. Make
sure there are no smart as5es up on that roof!
You see a threat, you take it out!!! Nothing
and I repeat NOTHING happens to the
governor on my watch! Copy that?!!!” – Sniper
“Take out the Governor” – Sophia

AND NOW. . . 27

Sean’s heartbeat rose as the seconds grew
closer. It was a few minutes to 9am. The
Sniper commander had just radioed, saying
that the Governor and his convoy were very
close and would pass by any moment. He
demanded sharpness now more than ever.
Beads of sweat broke out on Sean’s forehead.
He was nervous. Who wouldn’t be? Asides the
fact that he had to take out the number one
citizen of the state, this was his final test. His
performance would determine the next thing
that happened to him. Still sprawled on the
roof top he looked through the lens of the
sniper rifle positioned on a small tripod stand.
The street beneath him was free of cars but
filled with armed police men who were
desperately trying to control the teeming
crowd and still watch out for strays. He
slotted in the only available single long silver
bullet and snapped the bullet chamber shut.
He needed only one shot. He closed his eyes
and waited. Closing his eyes always helped
him gather his thoughts. It made him focus on
the task at hand and helped block out any
form of distractions.
A few minutes later, he heard sounds of
drumming and fanfare. The trumpets blared at
heightened tempo while the drummers
desperately tried to match the intensity of the
blasts. They were close by. He opened his
eyes. His heartbeat was intense. But he had to
do it. He had come too far to stop now. He
could not help it. He put his left eye on the
lens and closed his right eye. The Governor
was about 5 knots to his left, standing
through the open roof of his car and waving to
the ecstatic crowd who chanted his name. He
waited as the Governor’s car moved slowly
into the target zone. Sean’s hands were
sweaty under his black cotton gloves. He
suddenly felt the need to ease himself. He
fought it. Sophia’s words rang in his head:
“Take out the Governor”.
He put his right forefinger in the trigger hole.
As the Governor’s car moved, slowly entering
the target zone, Sean’s finger slowly grabbed
the trigger. The Governor was finally in the
zone. The target mark was on his head. Sean
pulled the trigger. 20 meters to his left, the
Governor fell on his head. Dead.
There was commotion everywhere as the
crowd scattered in different directions. The
Campaign carnival had suddenly turned into a
bl0*d bath. The Governor was immediately
pulled inside the car. The once slow cars that
moved at snail pace during the parade now
sped dangerously through Ozumba Mbadiwe,
rushing to get the Governor medical attention.
The armed police men were confused and
surprised at the same time. Nobody envisaged
this. Nobody knew what to do.
From his ground position the Sniper
Commander stood perplexed. He looked
through his highly powered ultra-binoculars at
the rooftops of the nearest buildings.
He spoke into his radio:
“Snipers! Maintain your positions! No body
moves! I repeat, NOBODY MOVES!” He
As he spoke, he scanned the entire sky rise
buildings, making sure that each sniper was in
place as commanded. As he radioed the
choppers for a head count, whilst scanning
the rooftops with his binoculars, he noticed
one of the sniper posts without a sniper.
“Code Red. Track down Sniper 038 now!” He
Sean got up very quickly, moving away from
the edge of the roof. There was a small door
on the roof which also served as a fire escape.
He opened the door, revealing a stairwell that
led to the ground floor. As he hurried down
the stairs, he took off this sniper uniform. He
had another uniform underneath which had
RRS written back and front. He was on the
third floor when he heard the radio call from
the Sniper commander. There was a gun and a
helmet by the landing of the second floor. He
wore the helmet and took the gun. He got out
through the back door looking very smart. He
saw a team of RRS soldiers and joined them.
They nodded at him as they walked in a
group. They had walked for fifteen minutes,
searching every nook and cranny when a grey
Peugeot car pulled over. A man opened the
door and called to him.
“Hey you. Come in here.” The man pointed to
Everything was going according to plan. This
was the exact way Sophia had said he would
be extracted. He felt relieved.
Immediately he got into the car and shut the
door, he knew he was in trouble.
There was no one he recognized in the bus.
As he calculated his options on how to
escape, a punch hit him on the face from
nowhere. He felt bl0*d trickle from his nose.
Before he could react, someone put a wet
handkerchief on his nose. He could not
breathe. There was some form of liquid on the
handkerchief. It smelt like sulfur.
Sean passed out.

Episode 28

Two men walked into a huge bakery. One of
them was tall dark and huge. He looked like a
thug. His biceps and chest rippled and
struggled against his tight black body
hugging t-shirt. He walked behind the other
man who was plump, had a bulging stomach
and was dressed in a suit. He was below
average height and smoked a cigarette. Smoke
filled the whole atmosphere as sweaty workers
mixed flour. They divided the mixed flour,
cutting it into different sizes and panning it.
They did not bother to acknowledge the men
as they walked past them, opening a small
door that led into a corridor. One of the men
was the Boss and had previously warned that
the workers always carry on with their work
anytime he came by. He detested recognition.
They closed the door behind them. There were
in another room now. It was a very tiny room
with pipes carrying water lining the walls on
both sides. They walked quietly for a while till
they got to the end of the room.
There was yet another man sitting on a chair
by the wall. Bloodied face, swollen lips and
one black eye that was now temporarily half
closed. The man looked up at his visitors, his
hands tied to his sides on the metal chair he
sat on.
“Water. Wa..tttt..ee..rrrrrrrr” The man muttered
almost out of breath. He was barely audible.
One of the two men, who was the Boss,
brought out a plastic bottle of water from his
jacket and handed it to his partner.
“He want’s water. Shark, Let’s give him some
water.” The boss said.
“Yes Boss.” Shark said.
Shark opened the water and approached Sean.
As Sean opened his mouth, Shark bent the
bottle in a vertical position and began to
gently pour. As Sean began to gulp, Shark
moved the bottle away from his mouth. He
slowly and deliberately poured the water on
the floor beside Sean, laughing wickedly as
the contents of the bottle emptied on the dirty
floor. Sean almost cried. He leaned his head
backwards and closed his eyes. He knew he
was going to die there. When it would
eventually happen, he had no idea. But he was
very convinced it would happen pretty soon.
The room was very small, cramped with pipes
on the walls on both sides. The only source of
light was a small bulb on the ceiling that
came on only when he had visitors. There was
a fan on the ceiling that croaked and worked
at an agonizingly slow pace. He was sweaty
most of the time. The whizzing of the pipes
when water passed through them was now
music to his ears. His only companion was
his thoughts.
He had lost track of day and time and had no
idea where he was. A very frail old man who
seemed in his late 70’s had brought him food
before his current visitors arrived. He did not
know if it was twice a day or once a day. The
last time the Old man visited seemed like an
eternity. He had tried to converse with the
man. The old man did not speak English or
any of the languages Sean had mastered. It
sounded to Sean like he spoke Tiv. The Old
man eventually managed a little, “me don’t
hear. Me speak” before feeding Sean with the
usual meager bowl of tasteless rice just
enough to sustain him. He was not even
strong enough to question the old man or to
strain his brain, so he let the Old man be. He
knew they were keeping him alive for a
reason. Maybe these two men were going to
tell him.
Shark dropped the bottle of water, squatting in
front of Sean.
“Did you kill the Governor?” The Boss asked
just behind Shark
“Who? What Governor? Is he dead?” Sean said
Shark landed a heavy punch to Sean’s
stomach just below his rib cage. Sean yelped
in pain as spurts of bl0*d escaped his mouth.
He tried desperately to catch his breath.
They waited for Sean to get himself together.
“I am going to ask you one more time Sean.
Did you kill the Governor?” The Boss queried.
Sean looked up at the man. He was feeling
faint. He just wanted to die and give
everything up. It was not worth it. He wanted
to just spill everything but he thought about
his mother. She had done nothing and she did
not deserve to die for his crimes. He was
going to do this on his own. The Ghosts
always keep their word. As long as he kept
mute, his mother would be safe. They had
honor. These men interrogating him did not.
He had no doubts about that. He was ready to
“I..do… not… know… what…you… are… talking
about.” Sean said very slowly.
“Are you crazy? You are talking back at the
Boss like that? What the fvck is wrong with
you boy?” Shark said irritated at Sean.
He made to hit Sean again but the Boss
stopped him.
“Stop. Easy Shark, easy.” The Boss said.
Shark moved away for the Boss, going farther
away from Sean. The Boss now took Shark’s
position. Only he did not squat.
“Sean, you are within an inch of your life right
now. We can protect you. Change your life.
Give you a new identity. Anything you want,
just name it. It would be documented and
signed. Its full proof, fail safe and very
genuine. We need people like you on our side
Sean. But first we need to bring down the bad
guys. And we need your help. We will make
you disappear. The whole government is
behind you on this one. You can disappear
anywhere in the world. It’s totally your choice.
The man you killed had a family. A wife, kids.
A duty. He was loved by everyone. The
Government is working at super speed. We
have a lot of good clues. The people won’t
rest till they have the killer’s head on full
display. That head doesn’t have to be yours
Sean. Do you understand me?” The Boss
Sean nodded.
Sean closed his eyes. He smiled within him.
These men were very good, but not good
enough. If he was a rookie, he might have
been bought over. He knew this routine the
way he knew his name. Good cop, bad cop.
The bad cop comes first, threatening and
abusing. Tries to scare the living daylight out
of the suspect. Then when that doesn’t work
out, then the good cop comes in. He acts like
he really cares, tries to be reasonable. Offers a
bottle of water, coffee or food. He tries to
warm up to you. He is the deadliest.
“Are you with me Sean?” The Boss asked.
Sean opened his eyes. Slowly he said “Yes, I
“Good boy. Now who sent you to kill the
Governor?” The Boss asked.
“I do not know what you are talking about.”
Sean repeated.
The Boss kept his cool and walked to Shark.
He whispered something in his ears. Shark
gave Sean another trademark punch. Sean’s
chair rocked. They left him there and closed
the door.
The visits continued and the torture increased.
The food reduced and he hardly got enough
water for a day. Every time, they asked him
the same question. Every time they got the
same answer. He had emaciated so much.
The sixth day came. They visited him as
usual. He had sores on his skin. He could
barely talk. His breathing was labored.
He could not open his eyes.
They met a pool of vomit and bl0*d by his
“He won’t make it. He can’t die here. Take
him to the electric room. Let’s end his
miserable life there. What a waste!” The Boss
said to Shark spitting beside Sean.
Shark untied Sean and carried him like a
groom lifting his wife for bedding.
Sean said a short prayer in his mind.
The end had finallly come.

Episode 29

Sean woke up in a very comfortable bed. He
felt the drip in his right hand as he shifted on
his side. He closed his eyes and opened it
again. He was not dead after all. He was not
in a hospital. That much he knew. He was in a
prepared room. The walls were padded with
white wallpapers. He needed to ease himself of
the pee that now filled his bladder. He felt
stronger than he ever been a few days ago. He
got up slowly from the bed and grabbed the
iron stand that held his drip steady. He
opened the bathroom, eased himself and came
back on the bed. He closed his eyes and slept
As the days went by he got stronger and his
bruises healed. He got back a lot of lost
weight and looked as handsome as he once
was. He had begun doing exercises now. On
the eight day he started doing ten push-ups.
He gradually increased to twenty and then
fifty. He thrived in the pain. He loved the
strain in his muscles. In his entire life he never
really exercised. He was just a computer geek
who loved the keyboard. Now he added a little
muscle in his game.
A pretty nurse came to the room twice daily.
She was his gossip companion. She brought
him food, checked his vitals and made sure he
was okay. He had tried without any luck to get
her to tell him how he got there. He asked her
who employed her and where he was. She had
told him that she did not know anything and
was just a nurse. Every day she was picked
from home, blindfolded in a car and the
blindfold was taken off only when she was in
the flat. She was being paid handsomely for
her job and she did not mind the blindfold.
Her father needed the money for the treatment
of his arthritis. She was blindfolded on the
way home too and released at her door step.
“How did you get the job?” Sean asked.
“I got a call from a strange number telling me
about a job offer. It was too good to be true
so the man planned a meeting. We met at
KFC Yaba and reached an agreement about
the fee. He told me about the blindfold. I did
not hesitate. I have not seen the man since
then” The nurse said
“How many men pick you from your house and
drop you off every day?” Sean had asked on
the eleventh day.
“A black Mercedes E Series pulls up outside
my gate every morning. I go in the back seat
and have small talk with the three men in the
car. I get blindfolded till we enter a
compound. I am guided into a living room by
one of the men and then the blindfold is taken
off. When I am done with you, I walk back into
the sitting room and knock on door that leads
outside. Someone comes in, blindfolds me and
leads me to the car. I have never seen the
same person twice. Why do you ask?” She
“Nothing really, I was just curious.” Sean
Sean had previously wandered out of the room
he was in. The house was a mini flat which
had just a single bedroom that served as his
‘hospital’, and the living room. The door that
led out of the living room was securely locked
from the outside. He had been carefully
planning his escape. But he needed the girl.
He had developed a soft spot for the nurse.
She was intelligent, pretty and s#xy. He had
always dreamed of dating a nurse. No matter
how hard he tried, he could not get her off his
mind. She was the only person he had contact
with for about two weeks. Their conversations
had gotten more personal and he was freer
around her. He was no longer on drips so she
only brought him food and kept him company.
On the sixteenth day, Sean had just finished
working out and decided to have a shower. He
got out of the shower and came into his room
clad only in a towel to meet Bimbo the nurse
in his bed. She turned as he closed the
bathroom door. Her jaw dropped when she
saw his wet body, his muscular chest and his
tight six packs. She almost wanted to run her
hands around his torso. He looked so fit and
“Ehmmm…Ehmmm… I did not know you were
going to be ehmmm… wow” Bimpe said.
“It’s okay jor. It is not like I am totally nak3d
or something.” Sean replied and continued
“What brings you here so early?”
“I just came to inform you that I would not be
coming here after today. I came to say
goodbye.” Bimbo said.
Sean sat beside her and took the card she
gave him. It was a very pretty card which
described how much she was going to miss
He took her hands and looked into her eyes.
“Thank you so much for everything Bimbo. I
will never forget you.” Sean said.
As Sean finished his statement Bimbo leaned
forwards and kissed him lightly on the lips.
The kiss lasted for a little less than five
seconds. Sean looked pleasantly surprised. He
broke the kiss and eyed her suspiciously.
“I have been dying to do that for a very long
time.” She said and blushed.
“And I have been dying to do this…” Sean
He leaned forwards and kissed her lips. He
held her face in his hands as her lips
swallowed his. They rolled on the bed, their
bodies intertwined; their lips still locked in a
kiss and proceeded to take themselves to
heights of unimaginable ecstasy.
Three hours later, Bimbo was dressed and
ready to leave. She smiled at Sean as though
acknowledging that she had a wonderful time.
As she made her way to the sitting room, she
noticed footsteps behind her. She turned and
saw Sean following her.
“What do you think you are doing Sean? You
cannot be seen with me!” Bimbo whispered
Sean walked up to her.
“Do you trust me?” He asked holding her
“I do but…” Bimbo started but Sean cut her
“Then please believe in me. Go ahead. Knock
on the door.” Sean urged her.
“Are you sure about this?” Bimbo asked, fear
in her eyes.
“Yes baby. I am sure. Now go.”
Sean sandwiched himself beside the door.
Bimbo composed herself and knocked twice on
the door. He heard a lock open and then the
gate squeaked as the door opened. A man
stepped into the room. He saw Sean. Before
he could react, Sean hit the light switch. The
room went dark. With lightning speed, he
dashed to where the man was. He disarmed
the man and twisted his neck from behind.
Sean went back and flipped on the lights.
What he saw scared him.
Bimbo held the man’s gun and pointed it at
“We have been waiting for you to make this
move for days now. What took you so long?”
Bimbo said.
Sean was dumbfounded. He was sure that
there was something else at play here.
Bimbo picked the man’s phone and dialed a
“This is Brenda. Yes. He has made the move.
He is ready.”
She dropped the phone and lowered the gun.
Sean did not move.
“What the hell is going on Bimbo?” Sean
“You just passed your test Sean. We are on
the same side. Let’s get out of here.”Episode 29

Sean woke up in a very comfortable bed. He
felt the drip in his right hand as he shifted on
his side. He closed his eyes and opened it
again. He was not dead after all. He was not
in a hospital. That much he knew. He was in a
prepared room. The walls were padded with
white wallpapers. He needed to ease himself of
the pee that now filled his bladder. He felt
stronger than he ever been a few days ago. He
got up slowly from the bed and grabbed the
iron stand that held his drip steady. He
opened the bathroom, eased himself and came
back on the bed. He closed his eyes and slept
As the days went by he got stronger and his
bruises healed. He got back a lot of lost
weight and looked as handsome as he once
was. He had begun doing exercises now. On
the eight day he started doing ten push-ups.
He gradually increased to twenty and then
fifty. He thrived in the pain. He loved the
strain in his muscles. In his entire life he never
really exercised. He was just a computer geek
who loved the keyboard. Now he added a little
muscle in his game.
A pretty nurse came to the room twice daily.
She was his gossip companion. She brought
him food, checked his vitals and made sure he
was okay. He had tried without any luck to get
her to tell him how he got there. He asked her
who employed her and where he was. She had
told him that she did not know anything and
was just a nurse. Every day she was picked
from home, blindfolded in a car and the
blindfold was taken off only when she was in
the flat. She was being paid handsomely for
her job and she did not mind the blindfold.
Her father needed the money for the treatment
of his arthritis. She was blindfolded on the
way home too and released at her door step.
“How did you get the job?” Sean asked.
“I got a call from a strange number telling me
about a job offer. It was too good to be true
so the man planned a meeting. We met at
KFC Yaba and reached an agreement about
the fee. He told me about the blindfold. I did
not hesitate. I have not seen the man since
then” The nurse said
“How many men pick you from your house and
drop you off every day?” Sean had asked on
the eleventh day.
“A black Mercedes E Series pulls up outside
my gate every morning. I go in the back seat
and have small talk with the three men in the
car. I get blindfolded till we enter a
compound. I am guided into a living room by
one of the men and then the blindfold is taken
off. When I am done with you, I walk back into
the sitting room and knock on door that leads
outside. Someone comes in, blindfolds me and
leads me to the car. I have never seen the
same person twice. Why do you ask?” She
“Nothing really, I was just curious.” Sean
Sean had previously wandered out of the room
he was in. The house was a mini flat which
had just a single bedroom that served as his
‘hospital’, and the living room. The door that
led out of the living room was securely locked
from the outside. He had been carefully
planning his escape. But he needed the girl.
He had developed a soft spot for the nurse.
She was intelligent, pretty and s#xy. He had
always dreamed of dating a nurse. No matter
how hard he tried, he could not get her off his
mind. She was the only person he had contact
with for about two weeks. Their conversations
had gotten more personal and he was freer
around her. He was no longer on drips so she
only brought him food and kept him company.
On the sixteenth day, Sean had just finished
working out and decided to have a shower. He
got out of the shower and came into his room
clad only in a towel to meet Bimbo the nurse
in his bed. She turned as he closed the
bathroom door. Her jaw dropped when she
saw his wet body, his muscular chest and his
tight six packs. She almost wanted to run her
hands around his torso. He looked so fit and
“Ehmmm…Ehmmm… I did not know you were
going to be ehmmm… wow” Bimpe said.
“It’s okay jor. It is not like I am totally nak3d
or something.” Sean replied and continued
“What brings you here so early?”
“I just came to inform you that I would not be
coming here after today. I came to say
goodbye.” Bimbo said.
Sean sat beside her and took the card she
gave him. It was a very pretty card which
described how much she was going to miss
He took her hands and looked into her eyes.
“Thank you so much for everything Bimbo. I
will never forget you.” Sean said.
As Sean finished his statement Bimbo leaned
forwards and kissed him lightly on the lips.
The kiss lasted for a little less than five
seconds. Sean looked pleasantly surprised. He
broke the kiss and eyed her suspiciously.
“I have been dying to do that for a very long
time.” She said and blushed.
“And I have been dying to do this…” Sean
He leaned forwards and kissed her lips. He
held her face in his hands as her lips
swallowed his. They rolled on the bed, their
bodies intertwined; their lips still locked in a
kiss and proceeded to take themselves to
heights of unimaginable ecstasy.
Three hours later, Bimbo was dressed and
ready to leave. She smiled at Sean as though
acknowledging that she had a wonderful time.
As she made her way to the sitting room, she
noticed footsteps behind her. She turned and
saw Sean following her.
“What do you think you are doing Sean? You
cannot be seen with me!” Bimbo whispered
Sean walked up to her.
“Do you trust me?” He asked holding her
“I do but…” Bimbo started but Sean cut her
“Then please believe in me. Go ahead. Knock
on the door.” Sean urged her.
“Are you sure about this?” Bimbo asked, fear
in her eyes.
“Yes baby. I am sure. Now go.”
Sean sandwiched himself beside the door.
Bimbo composed herself and knocked twice on
the door. He heard a lock open and then the
gate squeaked as the door opened. A man
stepped into the room. He saw Sean. Before
he could react, Sean hit the light switch. The
room went dark. With lightning speed, he
dashed to where the man was. He disarmed
the man and twisted his neck from behind.
Sean went back and flipped on the lights.
What he saw scared him.
Bimbo held the man’s gun and pointed it at
“We have been waiting for you to make this
move for days now. What took you so long?”
Bimbo said.
Sean was dumbfounded. He was sure that
there was something else at play here.
Bimbo picked the man’s phone and dialed a
“This is Brenda. Yes. He has made the move.
He is ready.”
She dropped the phone and lowered the gun.
Sean did not move.
“What the hell is going on Bimbo?” Sean
“You just passed your test Sean. We are on
the same side. Let’s get out of here.”

Episode 30

Present Day:naijacard. com

Sean was jolted out of his revelry by the
persistent knock on the gym door. He got up
and walked to the door to find Austin smiling
coyly behind the door.
“Good Morning sir.” Austin greeted, still
standing behind the transparent door. He held
an Ipad close to his chest while his other hand
had a small briefcase.
“Morning Austin. What is it with your smile?
Out with it.” Sean demanded, unlocking and
opening the door for him.
Austin entered.
They walked together into the gym and Sean
lay on a small bench which had weights
attached to it.
“I know how much you hate being interrupted
during your session sir, but this is really
urgent. Corporation just sent you an email.
You are supposed to respond before 10am.
You are to be present in a dinner party
organized and hosted by TDA Oil and Gas to
celebrate their 5th year annivesary.” Austin
“Where is it holding?” Sean asked carrying the
weights as he lay down, and pushing up and
down to his chest and then up again,
Austin flipped through the slides on his Ipad.
“Lekki Astoria Event Center. Red carpet is at
7pm.” Austin replied.
Sean struggled to push the weight up at the
20th count. Austin dropped his Ipad and tried
to help his Boss lift the weight from his chest.
With clenched teeth and a very squeezed face
Sean warned Austin not to help him.
Sean grudgingly but painfully managed to lift
the weight and put it in its holder. He got up
from the padded bench, breathing heavily. His
eyes watered and his biceps bulged. After
catching his breath, he looked at Austin.
“Skip the red carpet. When is the programme
kicking off?” Sean asked.
“8pm.” Austin replied.
“Any notes from Corporation?”
Austin smiled. This was the part he loved the
most. He stood up and made to perform like
he was the chief performer in an orchestra.
“Sit, Austin. And cut to the chase. I have other
things to attend to” Sean ordered.
Austin’s face fell. He obeyed his Boss and
read the Corporation’s notes for the dinner,
sitting down.
“Target is Rtd Brigadier Kehinde Braihmoh
Ibikunle. Military commander, Business Mogul
and Entrepreneur. He owns chains of
businesses and sits on the board of the
Nigerian Stock Exchange. He is the Chief Host
and is to be watched throughout the duration
of the dinner. He must be taken out before he
gets to his home. Modus Operandi is Stealth.
We will be watching you. Good luck Agent
Bravo.” Austin finished.
Sean cracked his fingers and turned his neck
both sides. He paced the gym, deep in
thought. He had been out of action for a
while. He needed the adrenalin rush. He
contemplated dropping the job. It seemed a
very easy take out. However, experience had
taught him that the easiest of missions were
always the most complicated. Little things
were usually taken for granted and there was
a tendency to flop.
He walked back to where Austin sat.
“Do you have the blueprints of the Hall?” Sean
“Yes sir. Just a minute.” Austin said.
Austin walked to the wall and flipped the
screen on his Ipad unto the cream colored
wall of the gym. He swiped and flipped the 3D
images that now appeared on the wall. Sean
stood behind him as he watche Austin bring
out the blueprint design of the event hall.
“These are the exits, here and here,” Austin
said pointing to some images on the wall and
“There are three different entrances. Here, here
and here. You can decide to exit through the
balcony. There’s a ladder that leads from the
first floor to the fire escape below. It is here,
behind the building and not readily accessible,
unless you are inside the Janitor’s room. The
hall seats 200 guests comfortably and your
seat is just by the exit door here.” Austin said,
looking at his Boss.
Sean was looking at the images now on the
wall. Something caught his attention. He was
trying to figure out what it was.
“What does this place do?” Sean asked
pointing to a small door in the 3D display on
the wall.
Austin touched the spot where the door was
on the wall and expanded it. The spot
revealed a door with VVIP written on it.
“This suite was not in the original design. I
think it was a last minute inclusion by the
owners. It serves as a getaway for anyone who
wants to have a really good time and has
what it takes financially.” Austin replied.
After thinking for a few minutes, he made his
“Accept the mission. It should be fun.” Sean
“I took the liberty of ordering a tux sir.
Versace custom designed.” Austin finished
“Anything Austin. Just make me look good.”
Sean replied, turning and walking towards the
door. He picked his towel and went out of the
Austin shut down the 3D presentation which
he had projected on the wall and closed the
cover of his Ipad. He was very excited. He had
not seen his Boss in action for a long time.
Tonight he was going to be Sean’s Robin.
Eva was up early the morning after her
mission, waiting for the 7am news. She had
waited up throught the night up until the very
early hours of the morning trying to get
information of the mission she just completed.
She was on every social media and popular
blog, keeping her ears on the ground for any
breaking news. The military was doing a very
good job of covering up what happened. She
threw popcorn in her mouth as the clocked
ticked. She needed to know what the media
had to say about the death of the Chief of
Army Staff and what special cover up story
they had cooked up. Finally the news came
on. As expected the news broke the
information that the Chief of Army Staff was
dead. Cause of death was tagged at Heart
Attack. She smiled. The military was doing the
exact thing she hoped they would.
She had wanted them to cover up the story.
That was her original plan. Such a scandal
would put the military at such a huge
discredit and paint them in a very bad light.
She deliberately left her gown in the hotel
room, hoping that someone would stumble on
it and try to trace it. So far the gown had not
been mentioned. That meant that someone
had found it and was probably searching for
prints and trying to trace its owner. She
She changed the station and settled on
SonyMax. She got out her phone. She had an
e-mail. It was from Corporation .She opened
it. A box popped up asking for a password.
She paused for a while. It was a one-time
entry password. Enter the wrong password
and the email and its content would be
She entered her password.
The email opened and she read the contents of
the email:
“Dinner party at 7pm. Lekki Astoria Event
Center. Dress to turn heads. Details later.
She smiled.
She stretched her legs on the long couch and
called her stylist.
Heads were going to turn.
“Park here” The Colonel instructed, pointing at
a part of the busy road which had a very
conspicuous ‘NO PARKING’ sign.
“But there’s a no parking sign here uncle. I
can’t…” Ahmed started but the look his uncle
gave him made him shut up.
He obediently parked the car near the gutter
in front of the no parking sign. There were
parked besides a white one storey building. As
they alighted from the car, a gateman
approached them.
“Oga, you no fit park for here. You go carry
your car comot for here. I say you no fit park
here.” He said facing Ahmed and blocking the
entrance into the building.
“Hey you. Better mind yourself! Who you think
say you dey follow talk?” Ahmed quizzed
walking to meet the gateman. He towered
above the gateman and could easily beat him
to a pulp if the situation warranted it.
The gateman did not look intimidated.
“Oga, I no know who you be but you no go
enter this place until you comot your car for
here. You no dey read? You no see no
parking?” He was determined. He stood his
As Ahmed made to rough handle the gateman
the Colonel stopped him.
“Please we are looking for your Boss. Just go
inside and tell him that DaVinci is outside. If
he says I should go, we will leave. Please.”
The Colonel pleaded with the gateman.
The gateman eyed Ahmed a few times and left
to inform his Boss, locking the gate firmly
behind him. He came back three minutes later
looking like he just got scolded.
“Oga say make una enter.” He said very
The Colonel entered the gate first, followed by
Ahmed who nudged the gateman with his
elbow as he passed him. They went in the
house and sat in the waiting area.
A bald man in his early 50’s came out from a
room around the corner. He wore a sweatshirt
on top of a jean shorts. He had glasses on
and smiled as he approached them.
“Da Vinci!!! It has been years. You look good.”
He said opening his arms for an embrace.
The Colonel got up and accepted the man’s
“It is so good to see you again, Hawk Eyes.”
The Colonel said releasing himself from the
hug and continued.
“Meet my nephew, Ahmed.”
Ahmed shook the man. They all moved into
the man’s study and were treated to cups of
“Hawk Eyes, I do not have much time. Can you
help retrieve the blueprint of Hotel Domino,
where the Chief of Army Staff was killed? I
also want the security footage from 48 hours
before he died and 12 hours after.” The
Colonel demanded.
“Right on it Vinci.” The man responded.
Two hours later, Ahmed and the Colonel were
back in their hotel going through the tapes
when they got to the part where Eva had just
hit the receptionist with the tray and was
smiling at the Cameras.
“Pause that. Right there.” He screamed at
Ahmed obeyed him.
“Rewind slowly. Slowly. Wait!” He ordered.
Eva was posed for the cameras. With her lips
“Do you know this girl, Uncle?” Ahmed asked.
“She looks very familiar. Take off her hair and
run a match with all available hair styles on
the database” The Colonel asked.
Three minutes later the computer beeped.
There was Eva’s image on the left and another
very identical Eva look-alike on the right, only
that she had braids on and wore a drawn
“She doesn’t look familiar to me. Do you know
her Uncle?” Ahmed asked.
The Colonel rubbed his forehead with his
palm. He was uncomfortable.
He turned to face the window, backing Ahmed.
“I know this girl. This is Eva.”
To be continued.

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