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Episode 31

“Who is Eva?” Ahmed asked the Colonel
Ahmed had not seen his Uncle in this kind of
emotional state in a very long time. The last
time his Uncle was like this, was when he got
the news that Ahmed was shot in an operation
and would nearly not survive. Ahmed got out
of the coma and the first image his eyes fell
on was his Uncle’s sad face. It shattered his
heart that the only person who ever loved him
was going through such emotional torture just
because he did not want to lose him. That
was eight years ago.
The same countenance was now very visible
on his Uncle’s face. He was sure that whatever
it was, this Eva girl was behind it. He left the
computer and joined his Uncle on the couch.
“Uncle, can you please talk to me? Please?
Who is this girl?” Ahmed asked
The Colonel raised his head up. His eyes were
red. He was close to tears. Ahmed had NEVER
seen the Colonel shed a tear. A tiny little tear
drop fell from the Colonel’s eyes. It fell on his
right thigh. He cleared his throat and heaved
a very heavy sigh.
“Eva is my daughter.” The Colonel said.
Ahmed could not close his mouth.
Sean finished scoping the two exits and stood
by railings on the overflow inside the event
hall. There was one exit to the left of the small
stage at the far end of the hall, and another
exit by the door that led to the bathroom. All
he needed now was to see what the VVIP
Suite looked like and he then he would make
his move. As he descended the stairs, he
scanned the hall, trying to make out faces.
The hall was not at full capacity. He wondered
when the ‘Nigerian Time’ factor would come to
an end. Most of the people in the hall were
standing in little groups of twos and threes.
He guessed that they were greeting, making
acquaintances, getting business deals or
introducing proposals.
As he got to the last step he saw a lady who
looked familiar sitting at a table a few meters
to his right. Her back was turned to him as
she was bent typing away on her phone. She
wore a black sleeveless gown. Her exposed
shoulders glistened in the fluorescence emitted
by the chandelier in the hall. He had this
strong feeling that he knew her, that he had
seen her somewhere before. He approached
her and tapped her gently on the shoulder.
“Good Evening my lady.” Sean greeted,
flashing his most amazing smile.
She looked up from the phone in her hand to
see who had disturbed the game she was
playing. She looked so pretty. Her pretty eyes
lit up in recognition. She lips parted slowly as
she took in the handsome hunk before him in
one single gaze. Tall, broad shoulders, cute
dimples, well-built and a pretty smile.
“Evening” Eva replied
“May I sit down?” Sean asked.
“By all means.” Eva answered with a little
Sean positioned himself beside her, settling
his frame inside the chair adjacent her.
“You look very familiar. I think I have met you
somewhere before” Sean said.
Eva giggled.
“Are you for real? Don’t tell me that’s the best
pick up line you’ve got, handsome.” Eva said.
Although Sean did not mean it as a pick up
line, he laughed at the lady’s wit. She seemed
funny and very bold. He had not had a
relationship in years. She seemed a good
prospect. He was sure he had seen her or met
her somewhere before, but he could not really
remember where. He decided to relax and be
free with her.
“Oh dear, Silly me. Pardon me my lady. Pretty
ladies have a way of making me uneasy.”
Sean said laughing and continued,
“My name is Frank. My friends call me
Frankie.” Sean finished stretching his hand
across the table.
“I am Rebecca. You can call me Becky.” Eva
said, taking Sean’s hand.
Still holding Eva’s hand, Sean got up and bent
low, kissing the back of her hand lightly.
“It’s a pleasure to be acquainted with you
Beckilicious” Sean said, releasing her hand.
Eva put her free hand on her mouth as Sean
flattered her. She was wowed by this romantic
gesture from a total stranger. Butterflies
danced ‘skelewu’ in her belly.
“The pleasure is entirely mine, handsome.” Eva
They engaged in small talk for a while, talking
about similar interests, sports, politics, and
books. Eva was explaining why she loved
horse racing and preferred it to car racing
which Sean liked when the target walked into
the room. Sean noticed him immediately he
walked into the room. He made sure that Eva
did not notice him as he monitored the
Brigadier’s movements from the corner of his
eyes. Eva also noticed the Brigadier’s arrival.
She also noticed Sean’s sudden interest in the
man, but she continued the discussion like
nothing had happened.
Sean stopped her as she was gesticulating,
trying to demonstrate the way she handled the
reins during her first horse ride.
“So sorry to cut you short Becky but I have
got to go.” He said bringing out his phone.
“Can I have your number please?” He pleaded.
“Sure. Not a problem.” Eva replied taking the
phone and putting her number.
“Thank you very much. I hope we can continue
this conversation sometime soon?” Sean
asked getting up.
“Absolutely. Call me” Eva said and winked.
“I sure will.” Sean said and walked away from
He walked across the hall, buttoning his
jacket as he moved. The target was
surrounded by three other men who looked like
they were important people. As he got to
where they were, he took out his phone and
began to type an imaginary message. He
bumped into the target and his phone fell on
the floor scattering into a few parts.
“I am so sorry,” Sean said as he bent to pick
the parts of the phone he could see.
“It’s okay. Did you pick up every part?” The
Brigadier said as Sean got up.
“Yes sir. Please forgive me.” Sean repeated.
“You can go. It is wrong to use your phones
while walking. Don’t let this happen again.”
The Brigadier scolded.
“Thank you sir. It won’t.” Sean said and
continued to the bathroom.
He entered a cubicle in the MENs toilet and
locked the door behind him.
He took out a tiny white wireless earplug from
his pant pocket and put it securely in his left
ear. From the pocket inside his jacket, he
brought out a small circular transmitter which
had a tiny screen. The screen fit perfectly in
the center of his palm. He pressed a button to
put it on . A red dot blinked on the screen.
“Austin can you hear me?” Sean whispered,
pressing the earplug in his ear
“Yes I can sir.” Austin replied through the
Austin had a similar transmitter designed as a
wristwatch. He looked at it as Sean spoke.
“Target is activated. I need my eyes.” Sean
“Your eyes are ready sir. Ready whenever you
are.” Austin replied.
“What is the target status?” Sean asked
“Target still in the hall. About 20 meters to
your 8’oclock.” Austin replied, watching his
“Right where I left him. Don’t go blind on me.”
Sean warned.
“I will not sir.” Austin replied.
Sean opened the cover of the water closet and
dropped his transmitter. It sank to the bottom
of the water closet.
He flushed and walked out of the toilet.
Someone was going to die tonight.
Eva watched as Sean walked across the room.
She saw him slip something up the Brigadier’s
sleeves just before he bumped him
deliberately. He was very good and executed
the move perfectly. But she had trained eyes.
She had spent 13 months watching and
learning different methods of bugging targets.
He was definitely a professional. She watched
him go into the bathroom. The Brigadier and
his pals continued their discussion oblivious
of what just happened.
Just then she received a text message. It was
from Shina.
“Is the rooster happy?”
She did not know if to inform him that there
was someone else involved in the whole
operation. Her instruction was to watch the
Brigadier and report any form of suspicion in
his behavior. She decided to take up her new
acquaintance on her own terrain.
She sent Shina a reply.
“Weather is as clear as the summer time.”
She got up and went towards the bathroom
determined to get to the bottom of whatever
Sean was planning.

Episode 32

Ahmed could not believe what he had just
heard. It seemed like he was in a dream. He
pinched himself to ascertain if truly he had
heard right. His uncle’s crest fallen face said
it all. But how was this possible? He had lived
with The Colonel since he was four years old.
He thought he knew everything. This did not
feel right.
“But how can this be? I have a sister? Please
explain to me Uncle.” Ahmed pleaded.
The Colonel sighed. He let out a gust of air
through his mouth, heaving heavily.
“Son, there is something I ought to have told
you. My plan was to wait till you finished
Military school and then I would tell you
everything. Unfortunately, I went undercover
and did not get to see you again. I had Eva
when I was twenty five. Her mother, my fiancée
got pregnant and desperately wanted to keep
the baby. I had already enrolled in the
battalion that was to fight in the 2015 West
African War and would not be there to support
her. I begged for Mary to reconsider. She said
she would have the baby and wait till I came
back. I was just a recruit but was placed in
the 16B Squadron, responsible for back up
attacks on the enemy. After the war ended in
2017, I came home with only one thing in my
mind; reuniting with Mary and the baby. It
was an effort in futility. I searched for months,
looking everywhere, calling friends, asking
families. I searched for her on the internet to
no avail. After three years of search, I
concluded that they were either dead or
missing. However, I met Mary five years ago
when I was still undercover. She was working
as a chef for the head of a rival gang. We
reconnected. As desperately as I wanted it, I
could not risk getting too close to her. I sent
her money regularly and got her a new
accommodation. I visited her only twice. I did
not want her in danger. In one of those visits, I
saw pictures of Eva. I desperately wanted to
talk to her but she was in school outside the
country. I haven’t spoken to Mary in two
years.” The Colonel finished.
“Wow. This is huge.” Ahmed replied getting
He went to the wall where he had his
newspaper clippings. He studied the different
headlines. Taking a red marker, he drew
circles on different perfectly carried out
As he did, he turned to his Uncle who was
looking very downcast.
“Uncle, I am beginning to feel that Eva carried
out these murders.” Ahmed finished.
“Why do you say so?” The Colonel asked
walking up to Ahmed
“I just have a strong urge that she is. These
men all had one thing in common. They had
no history of heart disease, addiction to any
foreign substances. I checked the records of
the Ambassador to the USA. He changed his
flight plans at the last minute. He was
supposed to travel a day later. And guess who
his personal adviser was? A certain beautiful
lady who was redeployed two days after his
death.” Ahmed finished.
“This still is not conclusive son.” The Colonel
“I have a plan uncle. I know how much you
love Eva and don’t want her dead. There has
to be a motive behind the murders. The more I
think about it uncle, the more convinced I am.
She definitely is not working alone. Uncle, I
need your help now more than ever before.
Let’s get to her before someone else does. We
can help her. I can’t do this alone. I need you
Uncle. Are you with me?” Ahmed said, facing
the Colonel and shaking his shoulders.
The Colonel looked up at Ahmed with a
changed countenance. His sadness was gone.
His unhappiness disappeared. This was the
Colonel Ahmed knew.
“I am determined as an agent of the law to do
everything in my power against crime and
negative forces within and without. Eva may
be my daughter. She is also an enemy of the
state and has to be stopped. We leave for
Lagos at dusk.” The Colonel finished with a
tone of finality and walked to the bedroom.
For the first time in three decades, The
Colonel hurled himself face down on his bed
and cried like a baby.

Episode 33

Eva walked slowly towards the bathroom. She
walked past the Brigadier who was now with
only one man. As she turned right to enter the
bathroom, she bumped into Sean.
“Sorry” They both said at the same time.
Eva chuckled while Sean just smiled. She
looked so beautiful. Sean made a mental note
to ask her on a date.
“I’m sorry princess. I have to leave now. I’m in
a bit of a hurry” Sean said, side stepping her
and making to leave.
As he walked past, Eva caught him by the
hand and pulled him backwards towards her.
She shoved him towards the wall, pinning him
by the shoulders. She was strong. Sean did
not fight back. He was initially shocked at the
brute strength this seemingly gentle and frail
lady had. He smiled as she pinned him to the
wall, getting his tux a little rumpled.
“I saw what you did with the Brigadier a few
minutes ago. Who do you work for?” she
whispered into his ears.
“You are strong sweetheart, but not strong
enough. Watch your step my lady.” Sean
Eva looked confused. She wondered what he
meant by asking her to watch her step. She
had him where she wanted him, yet he was
acting very calm. She wondered what he was
up to.
In a matter of seconds, Sean clasped his
hands and put them in between Eva’s spread
arms which she used to pin him. He opened
his clasped hands with such force, hitting
Eva’s hands off his shoulders. Before she
could react, he bent low and with his right leg
hit her heels in a swift back slide motion. She
fell to the ground on her back on the clean,
tiled floor.
She had a surprised look on a face.
With a mock grin, Sean said
“I told you to watch your step my lady. I’ll see
you soon.” He finished and made to leave.
However, Eva was not done. Placing her
hands on the floor behind her head, she forced
her weight onto her hands and got back on
her feet acrobatically in a quick flip forward
motion. She made to grab Sean by the back of
his collar. He saw her just in time and moved
quickly to the left. Eva’s hand caught the air.
He faced her, his face now looking very
serious. He was beginning to get irritated at
this girl. He had a job to do. He did not want
to hurt her. But she was leaving him with no
choice at all. She wasn’t happy at how he had
just made her look like a rookie. She was not
going to let him leave. She needed him to at
least explain to her.
She moved two steps closer. She launched a
punch with her right arm to his belly. He
gently palmed the punch away. At the same
time she threw him an upper cut with her left.
He saw it quickly enough and blocked it with
his huge right palm, trapping the punch in his
palm. She struggled to get her hand out of his
but he held tight with a smile.
She tried to hit his face with her free left palm
but he blocked that too, trapping the hand
under his armpit. She winced and moved two
steps forward, launching a head butt. Sean
did not see that coming and the impact made
him stagger backwards, freeing her hands and
holding his head. He felt a little bump on his
forehead. He was now really angry.
She came closer and launched a high kick with
her right leg at his chest. He moved away just
in time, her wedged shoe denting the padded
wall. She went after him in the small corridor
to the bathroom, throwing punches and kicks.
He defended himself superbly, blocking her
every punch and predicting her every move. All
he wanted was to wear her down and possibly
get her to tire out. From the look of things,
she was not ready to give up.
Just them he heard Austin say,
“Target heading to execution area. Advance
now sir. Do you copy?”
With huffs and puffs in replies to Eva’s
punches and kicks, Sean asked,
“How much time have I got Robin? I’m held
up by a little lady here in the loo.”
“If you leave now, you have five minutes sir.”
Austin replied.
“Thank you Robin.” Sean finished.
He now spoke to Eva,
“I am really enjoying this my lady, but I am
afraid I have to leave now.”
As Eva attacked again with a high kick, Sean
was already anticipating it. He had been
studying the patterns of her punches and
kicks, observing that she launched a right kick
after four successive punches. So as she
kicked high, he went low, splitting on his legs.
He caught her flailing leg, and hit a punch
under her thigh. She yelped. He quickly went
to her as she limped, took her hands and
turned them behind her back. She let out a
soft cry.
He whispered to her ears,
“Sorry my lady, but I really have to go. Sleep
He found the artery on her neck and squeezed
it gently. She passed out.
He dragged her gently into one of the male
cubicles, closed the toilet seat and had her sit
on the floor. He put her arm on the toilet seat,
acting as a pillow for her head on the closed
toilet seat. He closed the cubicle and went to
the mirror.
He adjusted his clothes as he looked at the
mirror. His forehead had a small bump.
“How much more time do I have Austin?” He
spoke softly, putting his hand in his ear.
“Three minutes sir. Target is mobile in the
execution area.” Austin replied.
“Copy that. I’m en route.” Sean finished.
He closed the bathroom door and headed for
the VVIP suite.
Tawo was obsessed with finding the Colonel.
He saw himself as the smartest man in this
part of the world. He did not think that
anyone could beat his level of intelligence.
However, the Colonel was proving him wrong.
He was the only person in his entire career
that Tawo had a hard time tracking and
finding. He hated to admit it. But deep down
he knew the Colonel was good. Very good.
And that fueled his desire to get him at all
Three years and counting, Tawo never lost his
desire to bring down The Colonel. His father,
the General had warned him to stay off the
Colonel’s track. He despised his father. Hated
his guts. He never listened to his father. He
was always delinquent. He kept tabs on Eva
even though the mission was entire Sophia’s.
He did not care. His ultimate aim was to find
the Colonel. And he was not going to rest
until he did.
Tawo was streaming the online security
footage of Eva’s last mission when he got
blocked out suddenly. He had been overridden
by another access from an unknown node. He
tried to trace the access codes from the new
intruder but he got blocked by the firewalls of
the new hacker.
Tawo loved a challenge. He smiled. It would
take the smartest intruder approximately three
minutes to get access into the security
footage. However, he had recently developed a
new algorithm to hack into any security
surveillance in 90 seconds. He had enough
time to trace the intruder.
He got up and duplicated the screen from his
notebook to the large screen on the wall. The
screen was black with a single cursor blinking.
He touched a button at the edge of the screen
and a keypad appeared on the screen. He
began to type code after code, writing his
newly developed algorithm and inserting the
coordinates of the intruding transmission.
Sixty three seconds later he got a hit. The
screen displayed the coordinates of the
intruder’s location and the ip address after
bouncing off different routers and virtual LANs
Luckily, Tawo found another surveillance
camera in the building where the transmission
was coming from. He still had 40 seconds.
That was enough time for him to do what he
had to do. He redirected the camera to face
the gate’s exit. Then he waited patiently.
Two hours later, he saw Ahmed and the
Colonel leave the compound. His joy knew no
Sean walked towards the VVIP slowly,
surveying the door’s entrance. There was only
one escort at the door. The door to the VVIP
was hidden inside a short corridor, with
another door opposite it. It was the janitor’s
room and was meant to be Sean’s escape
route. He walked into the small corridor and
went right, making for the Janitor’s room. He
looked drunk.
“Hey. You are not allowed in here. Please go
back into the hall” The escort said in his very
thick Igbo accent.
“I need to use the toilet.” Sean spoke in a very
slurred voice.
Sean tried to force the janitor’s door open. He
spoke incoherently as he turned the door
knob, acting drunk. The Escort left the door he
was guarding, and came towards Sean. Sean
waited for the escort to get within reach. As
the escort grabbed Sean’s left arm, Sean
turned very quickly and landed a very heavy
and precise punch on the escort’s throat. The
escort tried to swallow saliva. Before he could
regain himself, Sean was behind him. He
snapped the escort’s neck. He fell in a heap.
Sean entered the VVIP suite, closing the door
behind him gently. He heard moans of
pleasure from the master bedroom and
intervals of soft grunts. He checked the two
remaining rooms. There was no one else
asides the Brigadier and the woman giving
him so much pleasure. He went back outside,
dragged the escort into the room and shut the
door again quietly. He got out his
handkerchief and took the escort’s pistol from
his jacket making sure that his hands did not
touch the gun.
He picked a throw pillow and went to the
bedroom door. He listened and waited.
“Ahhh…yeeaahhh..i’m coooommiiiing” the girl
“Me too. Hmmmphhh. Argghhh..grrrrr” The
brigadier replied
That was the cue that Sean was waiting for.
Sean entered the bedroom noiselessly and
stood behind the brigadier who was moving
his hips in very quick motion in and out of the
lady who was on all fours on the bed.
He put the throw pillow at the back of the
Brigadier’s head and pulled the trigger. There
was no sound. Blood splattered on the girls
back as pieces of cotton scattered all over the
room. He pushed the Brigadier’s lifeless body
away from the girl’s body as she turned,
curling up on the bed with her hands
embracing her knees.
She saw the emotionless, cold bl0*ded killer
look in his eyes. He did not look like someone
who would show mercy. The Brigadier’s bl0*d
tricked down her shoulder and chest. She
pleaded with Sean to spare her life.
Just then he remembered Sophia’s first
“Be Ruthless. Be very very ruthless. Be as
gentle as a dove and as dangerous as a
The lifeless body of Thomas flashed before his
eyes. He remembered dismembering his limbs
and head.
There could be no witnesses. No compassion.
She was collateral damage. She had to be
taken out.
“Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. Just close your
eyes.” Sean said.
For some strange reason she obeyed.
That was her last moment on the face of the

Episode 34

Eva squinted as her eyes opened to the nearly
blinding light from the fluorescent above her
which illuminated every part of the room. Her
head ached. She managed to sit up. She tried
to remember where she was and how she got
to this room. She looked around the large
bedroom. Every single item had an accent of
pink. The sheets, the walls, the furniture and
the blinds. She remembered the room. It was
Sophia’s. How did she get to the mansion?
She had not been here in two years. She
recollected the only time she had been in the
room. She had explored her deepest fantasies
and satisfied her lust with Sophia. It seemed
like only yesterday. She got up slowly, putting
her feet in the ready sleek slip on that was
waiting on the floor.
She opened the door that led into the living
room and walked in. What she saw almost
made her jump out of her skin.
Sitting in the living room on the single couch
was Sophia. She turned to look at Eva as the
door opened. But Sophia was not alone.
Sitting on the long three-seater couch
opposite Sophia was Bruno, Shina and
The last person she saw was the source of her
discomfort. Seated adjacent Ambrose on a
small reclining chair was Sean.
“Frank? You!” She shouted, pointing at Sean
and walking towards him.
Sean got up, buttoning the only button on his
“Nice to meet you again, Eva.” Sean replied, a
grin on his face.
Eva stopped dead in her tracks.
“How? Who? What?” She began to say
obviously confused.
She looked around the room for some sort of
“Sit down Eva. It’s time for you to officially
meet Sean, your anchor.” Sophia said
motioning for her to take the empty seat to
her left.
Eva just looked dazed and confused. She tried
to piece the pieces together but her brain was
just refusing to cooperate. Shina got up,
holding Eva by the waist and supporting her
frame on his body, led her to an empty settee.
“Relax dear. You will get the whole picture
soon” Shina said patting her back and
touching the hair on her face.
Shina had been her mentor for three years and
had developed a soft spot for her over the
years. Watching her metamorphose from a
good homely girl to the ultimate weapon had
made him fall in love with her. He hid his
feelings from her, always acting like the big
Sophia cleared her throat.
“We have gotten to the final stage of this
operation. This final mission is the most
difficult and tasking this Corporation has ever
dared to embark on. However, as long as we
stick together and act as a body, a family, a
unit which is close knit and compact, we will
achieve a code green. You my friends, will
never need to do anything anymore. And with
the General at the helm of affairs, nothing can
go wrong. For the first time ever, the Deadly
Quartet will be involved in the same mission
including Bruno, Eva and Sean.” Sophia said
and paused.
She looked at the faces of the agents in the
room. They all looked indifferent. She knew
they wanted details. She smiled.
“I wish I could tell you more, but I can’t. But I
can tell you this much: Eva and Sean are the
pole archers. An encrypted email will be sent
to your individual accounts at 14:00hrs. It
would self-delete fifteen minutes after delivery.
In your own interests, be with your various
devices. We reconvene tomorrow at mission
time.” Sophia finished.
Sean was the first to get up.
“I guess my business here is done then. I am
leaving.” He said, moving to where Sophia sat.
He got behind Sophia, bent low and kissed
both cheeks gently. He picked the half-filled
glass of vodka on the drinking table besides
her, finishing the contents in one gulp.
“I’ll see you soon S.” Sean said walking away
towards the door.
He shut the door behind him without looking
Tawo got down from the commercial plane
looking very angry. He hated flying, especially
within the Nigerian Airspace. He had had two
near death experiences flying locally. He
avoided it if he could. He had not travelled by
air in seven years. If it were possible, he would
send Ope to do his bidding. But this was a
case he had to tackle head on. There was no
time for delay. Speed was of the essence. So,
twenty minutes after he had deciphered the
location of the intruding transmission, he was
on the next available flight to Akure.
He got a taxi from the airport heading
straight to Hawk Eye’s residence. He paid the
cab driver when they arrived and knocked on
the gate.
“Who be that wey wan break my gate? U no
get respect?” The Gateman screamed, opening
a small rectangular space on the gate wide
enough for only his face.
“Please I have a delivery for your Oga. Can I
drop it here?” Tawo asked, shoving a paper
bag in the man’s face
“Wetin dey inside the envelope?” The gateman
“Would you like me to drop it? Or you want
me to go with it? I don’t have time for your
nonsense this man.” Tawo said, sounding
The gateman scrutinized Tawo again,
assessing him carefully. Satisfied, he opened
the gate to allow Tawo walk in.
That was his mistake.
As Tawo entered the compound, the gate man
turned his back at him to lock the gate. Tawo
brought out a handkerchief he had prepared
specially for this purpose from the pocket
inside his jacket. He moved quickly, covering
the man’s nose with the treated handkerchief.
The struggle was very minimal. The gateman
passed out. He dragged him into the small
room beside the gate Tawo knew served as his
He shut the door and went inside the house.
The Colonel sat in a chair in the living room of
the hotel, his right leg crossed over his left
knee, arms folded across his chest and a grim
look on his face. He checked his wristwatch
for the umpteenth time. It was now 6:45pm.
He had been waiting for Ahmed for fifteen
minutes now. He hated working behind time.
Now he was beginning to boil. He just could
not afford to leave his nephew behind.
Otherwise, he would have checked out long
before then.
Ahmed walked slowly to the sitting room,
holding his stomach. He sat heavily in the
long couch and sighed. He breathed like a
woman in labor.
“Uncle, I think you have to go without me. My
stomach really hurts. And very little poo
comes out when I go to the toilet. I think I
have diarrhea.”
The Colonel looked at Ahmed with scorn.
“Can you make it at least outside Akure? We
can lodge at Ore, then continue the trip to
Lagos tomorrow.” The Colonel said.
“I can try. Let’s go” Ahmed replied.
As he picked his bag and got to the door
behind the Colonel, he immediately dropped
them and ran to the toilet. The Colonel could
hear his grunts from where he stood.
After a few minutes, he walked to the toilet
holding his nose.
“I warned you not to eat that whatever you
saw on the menu, Bujunoir means boiled
octopus. Now, you are shitting your intestines
out. How do you feel?” The Colonel inquired.
“Not good Uncle, Not…
hhmpphh….not..good… at… all ooooo” Ahmed
“Alright then, we leave in the morning.” The
Colonel replied.
He dropped the bags in the living room and
went into the bed room to rest his head.
Tawo opened the door and walked into the
house. As he moved into the waiting area, he
brought out a silenced .45 semi-automatic
from a holster strapped to his back. He saw
movement in the brightly lit study ahead of
him. Hawk Eyes was deeply engrossed in
whatever he was reading, his back to Tawo.
Gun in one hand and the parcel in another,
Tawo sneaked into the study tapping Hawk
Eyes on the shoulder.
Upon seeing the gun, Hawk Eye shrieked in
fear. He made to move to the table to his right
but Tawo pointed the gun at his head.
“Tsk tsk tsk tsk. I would not do that if I were
you. I have limited time on my hands. I am
going to ask you this question only once. The
life of your wife on holiday in PortHarrcourt
and that of your three children in Ghana
depend on what comes out of your mouth.
What is the location of Colonel Giwa Haruna?”
Tawo said.
Upon disclosure of the location of his family,
Hawk Eyes spilled everything he knew,
including the hotel where the Colonel now
“Thank you Abel. You are Hawk Eyes but you
never saw this coming did you?” Tawo asked.
Before Hawk Eyes could plead for dear life,
Tawo pulled the trigger. Two bullets lodged
themselves precisely in the eyes of Abel. He
fell backwards, scattering chairs as he
screamed. Tawo waited till he lost
As Tawo left the compound he hoped that the
gateman would come to quickly enough to
save his master’s life. If not for anything, for
Hawk Eyes’ own good.
Tawo got to the hotel the Colonel lodged in
dressed in a flowing white Agbada. He smelled
good and looked important. He went straight
to the reception. There was a pretty petite lady
on duty.
“Good Evening Dear. Did anyone lodge here
recently? Two men? They are my brothers and
I want to pay them a surprise visit.” He spoke
“What are their names please?” The
receptionist asked.
“We are the Harunas. But I am sure they did
not use Haruna to register.” Tawo replied.
“Are they expecting you sir?” The girl asked.
“No, I said it’s a surprise my dear.” Tawo
“Sorry sir, the hotel policy does not allow us
reveal the identity of our guests unless they
request it. I am sorry sir, but I cannot help
you.” She replied.
“But are they here?” Tawo asked.
“Maybe, maybe not.” The girl replied.
Tawo smiled.
He reached into his agbada and pulled out a
bundle of 5000 naira notes. He threw it to her
and she quickly grabbed it put inside her bra.
“I have two men here that came in two days
ago. They are the only ones that have been
here a while. All our other guests are married
couples. They are in room 013 but are
checking out tomorrow morning. Would you
like me to take you there?” The girl asked.
“You have done enough my dear. Thank you.”
Tawo said and left the hotel.
He went to the car he hired for the night and
took off his agbada. He repositioned the car
to face the hotel exit and waited.
Finally, the time had come.

Episode 35

At the instructed time, Shina was in his home
waiting for his email. He played Solitaire on
his computer while he waited. He was yawning
when he heard the email alert sound.
He quickly opened the email, eager to see its
“Agent Shina. You are required to pick up Eva
at noon tomorrow and drop her off at a
location she would disclose to you. Thereafter,
she will give you the destination you should
head to next. That would be all. Thank you.”
Below the email content were two buttons.
He clicked on the ACCEPT button. Seconds
after, the email vanished from his inbox. He
did not panic. He was already used to it. He
put on his jacket and went outside. He needed
a drink.
Ambrose was pounding away on his new chick,
her legs on his shoulders. They had taken a
lot of alcohol and were now supercharged and
over excited. The bed croaked under their
weight as they unleashed pent up desires in
pure unadulterated lust. The girl was moaning
softly, urging him to go deeper and faster. He
felt himself reaching the peak. An alarm rang
somewhere in the sitting area of the house. He
looked up at the wall clock while he satisfied
himself. The alarm was to let him know that
the email had arrived. He poured his essence
into the girl and withdrew, from her.
He walked nak3d into his sitting room and
picked his tablet. He had an email. He opened
“Agent Ambrose. You are to infiltrate the
presidential security detail. Your ultimate
target is to stall any move by the presidency
on his travel plans to the United Arab
Emirates. We will send you the full plans
Ambrose clicked on the ACCEPT button and
went back to the bedroom to continue his
Bruno was making orders online from the
newest online mega store. He had bought a
new 5D Tv, a 38mega pixel camera and was
ordering for a pair of gold cufflinks when he
got the email.
He opened it.
“Agent Bruno. You have been assigned as the
Personal Assistant and guard of Agent Bravo.
You are to do whatever he tells you. He will
contact you.”
Tawo opened the car and got out. He sat on
the bonnet, smoking a white London. Smoking
cigarettes had a way of clearing his mind and
making him think deeply. He had discarded
the flowing Agbada he wore a few hours
earlier, now wearing a short sleeved shirt and
jean trousers on top of a pair of white
sneakers. He looked very simple and
inconspicuous. He felt uneasy.
He had received an email from Corporation
earlier asking him to be at the Mansion at
noon the next day. He was not bothered about
what the corporation had to say. He was on
his own mission and settling this vendetta
with the colonel superseded anything the
Corporation wanted him for. He was so close
to having the colonel now, he could not go
For the first time since he graduated from the
Spy Academy, Tawo was nervous. He was so
close to having the Colonel in his grasp. The
Colonel had killed Francis and Marshal, very
fine agents whom he had personally recruited.
Although the death of the men did not directly
affect him, that was enough reason for him to
want a pound of flesh. The Colonel was a
threat to his intelligence and to the
Corporation. His father had promised to deal
with the situation. Three years and counting,
nothing was yet to be done.
“What has he done? What?” Tawo said to
himself, blowing smoke from his nostrils. He
“If I had not tracked the Colonel now and even
taken drastic steps, I would not have gotten
this far. For three years, he has done nothing.
Nothing is going stop me. Nothing!” Tawo
He threw the butt of the finished cigarette on
the asphalt, stepping on it.
It was dark now. He opened the back seat of
the car, got in and closed the door. He put on
the Air Conditioner and closed his eyes as the
cold air cooled his skin.
He put his arms behind his head and relaxed.
Nothing was going to go wrong.
He had barely closed his eyes for twenty
minutes when he heard a gentle tap on the
window glass. He ignored the intrusion into
his quiet time. Whoever it was would leave
when he was tired. The knocking on the glass
continued. This was beginning to get
He opened his eyes. There was a man
standing outside the car, smiling. It was pitch
black and Tawo could not see the man’s face.
He had a feeling this was a familiar person.
He pushed a button by the door handle and
the window wound down slowly. As the glass
went in, he could not believe his eyes.
“Hello son. Warm night don’t you say?” the
man greeted.
It was his father, The General.
Eva was listening to music on her iphone X
when she got her own email. She clicked on it.
“Agent Eva. Agent Shina would pick you up at
noon tomorrow. You are expected to be at
Hotel Paradise at 15:00 hours. A suite on the
west wing has been prepared for you. You are
to lodge in the hotel and await further
Eva accepted the mission. She walked to the
bathroom and posed in front of the huge
mirror on the wall. She needed a makeover.
Going back into the sitting room, she called
her stylist.
“Afternoon jare. I need a new hairdo. Can you
be here in two hours? Thank you.” She said
and hung up.
She plugged the earphones back into her ears
and resumed listening to the music on her
Sean was reading the latest edition of Style
magazine. He had a bad taste when it came
to mixing colors. If not for Austin, he would
look terrible each time he was at a ball, a
dinner or any event. Now, Austin had been
redeployed and until he got another
handyman, he was on his own. He had a date
in the evening with Brenda, the pretty nurse he
met when recovering. He had not seen or
spoken to her in months. She had been in an
operation in the Northern part of the country
and just arrived in Lagos. They had quickly
arranged to meet at the movies. He frowned
as he could not make up his mind as to what
he would wear. He was still flipping the pages
of the magazine when his Ipad beep and
“Email from Corporation.”
“Message content please.” Sean said.
The Ipad recognized his voice command and
read out the message.
“Agent Bravo. Agent Shina has been
compromised. Take him out. Leave no trace.
He would be at Hotel Paradise. Arrive at noon
and wait for him. Leave no trace. When
mission is accomplished, return to the Hotel
and ask for a room key in the name of
Alexander Bashorun. It is a suite in the west
wing of the hotel. Further instructions will be
given to you later. Good luck.”
Sean was not the least surprised. His time
with the Ghosts had prepared him for
anything. He only wondered what Shina had
done to deserve death. It was not in his place
to ask questions.
He picked his ipad and accepted the mission.
Shina was a member of the Deadly Quartet.
Taking him out was not going to be an easy
job. But Sean relished the challenge. This was
the ultimate test of his capabilities.
He dropped the Ipad and climbed the stairs to
the roof of his one story duplex.
He lay on his stomach watching the flowing
water in the lagoon below him. He needed a
plan. A very good plan.
Tawo was shocked to the bones. How in the
world did the General get here? The General
interrupted his thoughts.
“Tawo, come. We have a little catching up to
do.” The General said, pointing to his car.
There was a black shiny BMW XIV jeep behind
him and two armed fierce looking thugs on
guard. Tawo did not argue. He came down
from his rented car, shut the door and walked
past the General heading for the car.
“Tawo, you will not be coming back here. Is
there nothing you want to take from that
thing?” The General said, pointing to the
rented car.
Tawo stopped walking and turned.
“Nothing General.” He replied angrily.
“Perhaps the white agbada you wore earlier?
What about the parcel you have with you? Are
you forgetting the treated handkerchief and
the syringe in the car?” The General called
after him.
Tawo was pissed. He was angry that his father
knew everything. He had not spoken to
anyone. He had done everything himself. The
General was denting his ego and he knew it.
There was nothing he could do now. He just
had to obey. Sometimes, you could not afford
to disobey the General, even if you are his
Tawo picked every exhibit from his car, put
them in a small knapsack and sat with his
father at the back of the car. The driver
started the ignition but did not move the car.
The Air Conditioning blew mildly.
“Tawo, you are my son. However, you are also
a Super-Agent accountable to me, The
General. I will forgive this indiscretion of yours
one final time. I have been tracking the
Colonel. I know everything he has been up to. I
monitor all my Super-Agents, you inclusive. I
do not want you to do something silly like you
have already done today. Are you listening to
me?” The General barked.
“Yes sir.” Tawo replied meekly.
“Good. I intend to go into that hotel. I do not
trust you enough to go back to base and be a
good boy. And I don’t want you guarded. You
will come with me. I want no incidence. I want
no trigger happy actions from you. Understand
me?” The General warned.
“Yes sir.” Tawo replied, with his head bent. He
could not afford to look at his father in the
“If you disobey me, I will kill you myself.
Follow me” The General said.
They got out of the car.
The General nodded at one of his thugs. He
understood the sign and immediately entered
the jeep with his partner and drove off.
Tawo and his father entered the hotel. There
was a middle aged man at the reception,
behind a long desk. Immediately he saw the
General he got up and saluted.
“Welcome sir!” he said.
“Easy Lukman. Are they still there?” The
General asked.
“Yes sir.” Lukman replied.
“Good. Thank you.” The General replied.
He went into the elevator with Tawo closely
“What just happened there?” Tawo asked as
the elevator passed the second floor.
“I am the General.” His father replied.

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