Episode 32, Enjoy.
“Something is on your mind.” Nimi asked when she saw how quiet Lara had grown in the middle of their conversation. For the past few days, she’d been sharing God with her and telling her about Jesus and how he loved her and what he had willingly sacrificed to be with her. His fierce and compassionate love. At one point, it seemed as if she’d been swallowing everything she said and how she kept answering her questions. She was glad and her heart was hopeful that the seeds she was planting were growing on fertile soil hopefully.
She had not been home for a while except for weekends where her phone would keep ringing because Lara wanted to keep hearing her voice even as she slept. She knew she was scared of the oppression and sometimes, she wanted to shake her and tell her to come to Jesus and all the nightmares would cease. Why was she wasting time? Why was it taking her long to make a decision and accept Jesus as her Lord and saviour? God was really patient and kept encouraging her to keep fighting the good fight of faith and not give up. She kept on, hoping for the strength to continue.
She was glad Dapo had moved back to his apartment. Ever since their last kiss, he’d stayed away as far as possible and though she appreciated his stance, one part of her wanted them to get married already and start doing life together with Him. But the other part of her kept reminding her of Lara and how her purpose there had not come to the peak yet. These days when she thought of Lara, the thought of Dapo hardly stayed. He still called but their outings did not last long. Lara had told her about helping her to talk to her brother. She remembered their conversation the last time she brought it up on their way home from Sis Arike’s house.
He’d stopped to follow her inside when she rested her arm on his and smiled softly. He returned her smile and she was wondering if he was curious as to why she came unto him that way.
“Uh baby, there’s something important I would like to talk to you about.”
“Go on…”
She swallowed as she saw his gaze intense on hers. I hope this goes well.
“It’s about Lara.”
His countenance changed and he raised an eyebrow. “And what about her?”
She sighed. “Baby I think you need to give your sister a chance.”
“I don’t get your point.” He snapped almost irritated. “You talk like I’m holding her sin against her. Or is that what she’s telling you? That I am not giving her a chance? If I wasn’t giving her a chance, she would be in rehab right now where my father gets to pay his shrink to see to her. She was willing to cover up his acts, I’m sure he would do well to cover up his daughter too.”
Nimi sighed. “Dapo, why are you saying this? You say you’ve forgiven her and all I can see is your anger and resentment towards your father and sister. This was the young woman that you could stand up for and now, you just want to throw her away like she doesn’t mean that much to you? If there’s anyone who was hurt in the both of us, it’s me. I should be the one to take offense, I should be the one willing to let go but because of love, I’m hanging on. This is the time she needs us. She has no one else. Do you want her to go back to her old friends? She mentioned one of them came to see her yesterday when I followed the girls to the market. She didn’t reveal much and I didn’t want to pester her to talk about their conversation so it doesn’t look like I’m prying into her life. I can only reach where she gives me access to. If we don’t set up walls around her, the enemy will come and camp around her heart again. Is that what you want?”
Her fiance remained quiet staring at the windshield.
“Lara hurt me too. If I start counting all the things she did, I should be the one with the case here. She said words and pulled me down right in front of her friends, she hit me even when I tried coming to her, she tried to pull me away from you and kept at it. I don’t have amnesia. I remember all these things but I chose not to let them have their way when it comes to loving her. You were not perfect either y’know. I know the battle I fought when you told me about your past and how I doubted I could move on with you but God, the one that it hurts most doesn’t take it personal the way we do for other people’s sins. Do you blame Lara? She didn’t know God. She was crying to me last night when she talked about Aisha’s baby and betrayal.
She was a desperate godless woman who would do anything for the man she loved or thought she loved. She was selfish and the god of this world was in charge of her heart. Or do you want to blame her for her father’s abuse? Have you ever wondered perhaps she just couldn’t face what he did to her those years? What if she wanted to live in denial, what if she wasn’t ready to admit that her father had abused her and it was pure incest? What if she wanted to believe it was love because it felt safer to see it that way? It wasn’t so gory or hideous. Her father had called it love and she didn’t want to see it as less because it would ruin her completely.
That girl is broken Dapo and she needs Jesus. He’s the only one who can penetrate those crevices, give her a brand new life, a new slate and make her live life again. See what Jesus did for you? God’s love has made me fall madly in love with you. He has made me see a new Dapo and not the old Dapo. He has made me trust that you’ll lead me and guide me in our marriage journey together, doing life for his glory. If Jesus wasn’t involved here, then there’s nothing we are doing together. It’s because of him we are together.”
He looked at her then and she saw that his eyes had turned red. It was obvious he loved his sister and he had just been hurt that she hurt him and lied to him. He looked sober and she reached out to hug him.
“She needs us baby. Just keep seeing her through the eyes of Jesus and you’ll realize that all she needs is God’s love. I’m not saying all she did was right, I’m just saying to help her, we would have to look past that. Okay baby?” She rubbed his back soothingly.
He nodded and before releasing her, kissed her cheeks.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you baby.” He said looking into her eyes.
She grinned and quickly changed the topic before it led to something else. “Do you mind seeing me to the door?”
“Sure sweetheart.”
Lara’s voice jerked her to the present. “I don’t know what to believe about your God Nimi. That’s just the truth.”
She dropped the bible and moved closer to her on the bed. “Why? What’s wrong?”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to offend you.”
“C’mon, say what’s on your mind. What’s the problem?”
She inhaled deeply. “I don’t know. You claim God is so good and so kind and so holy and so loving and yet, look at me. Is my life even worth saving? I mean, if he wanted me to be good like you, he should have stopped my Dad from touching me that night. Y’know, send an angel, or do something. You talked about Jesus mentioning kids having angels who stand before God and where was my angel when I cried every night? Where was he when I couldn’t bare to see what my dad was doing to me and I buried my head in my pillow wishing I would just die or maybe I was someone else and the body being handled wasn’t my own. Or maybe it was some dream I would wake up from. I don’t understand how a good God allows men like my father do that to their children.
At least, I get the adult part and their choices, but what about those kids that don’t have choices, what about me who didn’t have a choice? What about me who had no one to tell or run to. Now you come and tell me a message on how such God is good and loving and kind. I just find it difficult to swallow trust me. It doesn’t make sense, it feels like you all are trying to paint some image of some God in your mind when the real one can’t do anything but just watch and judge from one big throne and perhaps one day throw all of us to hell because yep, we’ve been bad and we did not choose him. Yay!”
Nimi was hurt and did not know what to say at first. In all her life, she’d never been faced with such confrontation. She did not have a past like Lara so she didn’t know what to say neither could she express how she understood what the girl was feeling. There was nothing that could make her feel what Lara felt. Her own father had been godly and kind to her. He had loved her and told her bedtime stories. He had carried her and swung her around. She’d known a father’s love all her life. How could she let Lara see a father’s love when she never had any or rather it was perversion and not love?
And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”
She reached for her hand and squeezed gently. “God isn’t the one who allows those bad things happen Lara.” She swallowed praying for strength and glad that she’d received guidance from God. “And no, you didn’t have a choice then, your heartache was your father’s doing, but will you allow his act marr you for the rest of your life? Will you allow his decision to abuse you dictate how you live the rest of your life? God never promised a rosy and lovely world where everyone would love one another.
Only those of His kingdom love one another and have been indebted to do so. And so, you never had a good father, but God is ready to be your father. He is ready to give you a clean slate. He says he wants to be your Daddy. He says, behold if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, me inclusive. He knew all these would happen and so he came to a dying world to rescue us, to rescue you. None of us were good. We were all unworthy.
When your father hurt you, it hurt God that he would do that to you but people make choices and the innocent is involved. You hear of the killings and the bombings right? It is all as a result of people who have chosen to live outside of the life God has offered to mankind. And God doesn’t force anyone. Because he has given us free will.” She saw a tear stroll down her cheek and she reached to wipe it away. “God was willing to leave his throne and all that he had for you. He held nothing back, he was mocked, shamed and scorned. He put his love on the line.
He knew people would doubt or reject him but offered up himself for you and me. For all of those who would come to accept him. Do you know those scars on Jesus will be there for eternity? To remind us of the price that was paid. Sweetheart, this world is just a passage. I wish you could see how much God has in stock for those that love Him and live life for Him. Jesus makes all things brand new and gives you his righteousness. He knows you don’t have any of your own and he freely gives his. All He wants to do is be your friend and your father. Your savior, the one who saves you from your sins. He doesn’t require you to attain a certain height before you come to him. Just come as you are.”
Lara leaned close and buried her face in her neck sobbing. “I just wish I could see it but I can’t Nimi. I can’t. Sometimes I feel like I’m hopeless. I feel like maybe I’m cursed and I’m just one of those people who are meant for hell…”
“Shhh, dont say that. Christ became a curse for you. You are not cursed when you come into Christ.”
“I really want to see God the way you talk about Him, but I don’t know. It’s not working for me. I feel bad only because my friend is hurt but not because God said it’s wrong. I feel bad because it’s morally wrong and not because your bible talks about it being wrong. I don’t know Nimi, maybe you should keep praying for me. Is it me? Is it my heart? Maybe it refuses to see God as good and true.”
“I’ll pray for you dear. Just keep your heart open as I said.” Nimi replied feeling a little disappointed.
She nodded and rested on the bed looking at her still clinging to her hand like a lifeline. She knew the girl was becoming really attached to her and she was scared what it might lead to. God wasn’t saying anything about it yet or so it seemed. “Do you want to read me one more before I go to bed?”
Nimi nodded eagerly even as tears stung her eyes. For some strange reason, she couldn’t tell why her heart broke. Lara’s delay in salvation was not the only problem this time, something was hurting her. “Sure.”
“Have you two set a date yet?” Mrs Kitan asked as Nimi settled on the couch opposite her mother-in-law to be and was in awe at the wedding magazines displayed on the coffee table.
“We were thinking November 13. 4 months from now. Dapo and I suggested it as a date by proxy but we wanted to tell you about it first and my mum thinks it’s a lovely day as well.”
“Oh that reminds me, I will have to come visit your mum so we can talk about the clothes and colours and venue. I’ll have to book tickets ahead and take down the flower arrangements. I was thinking you two might prefer somewhere outside the country for the English while we do the traditional wedding here. Wow, 4 months isn’t far away anymore. Congrats once again dear.”
“Thank you Ma.”
“Your dress is going to be so fine I’m sure even Lara will envy you.” She giggled. “It’s Vera Wang and you my dear have the best shape to fit into that dress. Just let me know if there’s any bun in the oven so it won’t soil your shape for the perfect dress.”
Nimi was aware of her intelligent tactic to see if she and Dapo were intimate already but she chose to respond politely. “I guess I’ll fit into that dress as perfect as my body says.”
Mrs Kitan smiled and kept on talking about the wedding invites and people she wanted to invite for the wedding. They kept scrolling through the magazines together and the older woman talked about her wedding planner and how Lara could be her maid of honour if she didn’t have anyone in mind yet.
Just then, the subject of their conversation peeped in.
“Hey” Nimi waved though she felt a little uncomfortable due to Lara’s presence as she was unsure as to what the girl might feel since she was meant to be getting married too.
She beamed and pushed the door wider. “What’s going on?”
“We were talking of how Nimi wanted you to be her maid of honour.” Mrs Kitan chiped in immediately and Nimi found it hard to pull herself out of the tangle. She’d promised Tolani and the girl had been pretty excited and had been raving on and on about it. Now that her mother in law wanted Lara, she couldn’t say otherwise, and she was scared of breaking the girl’s heart.
“Oh really? You would? Oh my goodness.” She hurriedly went to join them and Nimi had to scoot for her to sit beside her. She suddenly threw herself on her and planted a wet sloppy kiss on her cheeks. “Thank you! Thank you. You’re amazing Nimi. I can choose the perfect dress for you babe. Trust me on this one. You want my brother to have eyes only for you and your assets on that day.”
“Lara…, I-”
“What? You two are going to do it anyway so let’s get you something really nice and beautiful. Like my own.” She went on reaching for another magazine that had ‘fall weddings’ by Vera wang. “You should have told me this so that I would have pinned them all for you. Wow, I love getting busy. Your dress is going to be amazing my friend.”
“No Lara, you and Nimi have different body shapes and I would like her to wear something of her choice. Besides, your brother might take offense if he sees the woman he loves in something revealing. Dapo really does not like to share y’know and I believe that applies to what Nimi wears too.”
Lara squinted playfully. “Has he been talking to you?”
Mrs Kitan chuckled. “I’m sure he knew what we could do with Nimi and he laid a few points down on how he wanted her dress to be. Elegant and exotic but he was specific on moderation too.”
“Oh…, I’m sure we will find something that suits your body frame Nimi.” Lara reached to touch her and slid her arms around her waist. “Or do you have something in mind?”
Nimi felt uncomfortable with that gesture but tried not to let her hyperactive imagination get the best of her. Touch was Lara’s love language. She was becoming aware to it ever since they started sharing the same room. For Lara, maybe it wasn’t new to her, but for her, it was especially since they were of the same sex.
“I would like something beautiful. Something exciting, elegant and that fits my body frame perfectly. I want Dapo to see me and go ‘whoa!” I want it to just be perfect.”
Mother and daughter chuckled. “Don’t worry, we will find perfect for you. Uh Lara, so now that you’ll be getting busy, I’m going to hand over the invites to you. Everything we will be doing here, you can get someone to assist you with the colours and the lace and food…”
“My sister…, Tolani and I have a few friends from church. I was thinking they would love to be involved.” Her mind flashed to her spiritual sister Arike and how she’d talked about checking her colour catalogue. The way the Kitans were going, her sister and Arike might not have a part to play in her wedding anymore.
“Oh.., I see. But I think Lara can handle it trust me. She’s a pro with things like that.”
“But you can ask them to come over if you want.” Lara chiped in obviously when she saw Nimi wasn’t too happy with the decision they were making and excluding her family and friends. “It’s to make you happy right? Anything to make you happy because you deserve happiness baby” Her hands went to her hair and she kept stroking it affectionately.
“Thank you.” She nodded. “It would really mean a lot to me if they join in. They’ve been part of my life for so long.”
“I understand.” Lara smiled softly and went back to the magazines. A few minutes later, she got up and went to get them iced tea. When she returned, she came back with two tall glasses and Nimi wondered if her mum was not going to have any.
“Here’s one for us and that’s for you mum.” She beamed and settled back in beside them.
“Oh thank you honey.” Mrs Kitan looked up and saw that Lara had included two straws into the cup. She shook her head laughing. “You didn’t even ask Nimi if she would mind you two drinking from the same glass.”
“I knew she wouldn’t mind.” She shrugged and reached for her straw sipping slowly. She passed it to Nimi so she could also help herself to it. “C’mon, it’s great, you’ll love it.”
Nimi sipped and managed a smile. “It is.”
“Told you!”
“Uh Lara, can you get your organiser so you can take down the details and the numbers. We don’t have much time anymore. It’s four months and before you know it, it’s here. If you can book your flight early so you can help with the arrangements in Paris. I’ve called some of my friends already and they will be expecting you. Let Nimi, myself and her family work out the ones here. The earlier we split this thing and begin working, the better. Okay honey?”
And she hurried upstairs. Nimi looked back at Mrs Kitan and smiled. “Thank you.”
Lara got off the phone and sank into her bed with a smile. Her brother had just called her and spoke to her lovingly. She could feel his emotion as he spoke with her and she couldn’t hold back the tears when he said he would always love her and he’d only been upset because he felt betrayed and was hurt. He also wanted to take her and Nimi to dinner tonight and she couldn’t be more excited.
Oh Nimi. The girl was wonderful. Everything she touched came to life. The girl must have spoken to her brother for her. She wished she was a guy. Maybe she would have married her immediately. She had a beautiful heart and her character was just out of this world. She was so loving. She wished she could love her the way her brother loved her.
And who says you can’t?
She blinked. Where did that thought come from
No, She’s my brother’s fiance, and eww, it’s just wrong.
And who says it’s wrong? Nimi’s God or you?
She sighed. Nimi can’t love me that way. She’s engaged to my brother. Besides, I don’t think it’s the right thing to do now. She’s going to run away from me if I go beyond normal affection for her.
Maybe something was messing up with her brain. Nimi had been her friend and she was already having improper thoughts towards her.
She’s going to get married soon. Who will be there to love you? Who will be there to hold your hand and pray with you? Who will there to tell you your precious bible stories and watch you sleep off. Just you sweetheart. So why don’t you take your chances now and test the waters. Do you want to be alone for the rest of your life? You never know if Nimi loves you the way you do.
Can she?
Just then, the door burst open and Nimi strolled in smiling. “Hey dear, have you picked a dinner dress yet? Dapo told me we’re going out together. Maybe you could pick a dress for me and I’ll pick yours.”
She suddenly looked so beautiful.
She shook her head. Don’t do this Lara.
“Are you alright?”
She raised her head and managed a smile. “I’m alright. I was just thinking.”
“Uh, I don’t think you would like to know…”
Don’t say it Lara
“Tell me. I’m sure we tell each other everything now.”
She sighed. “I was just wondering what would happen to me when you get married. I don’t mean to sound selfish or anything. I just don’t want to be alone.”
Nimi looked at her and reached for her hands. “You’re not alone. God is with you. With me. You’ve got to start seeing past me and see who I’m pointing to. Jesus. If you see me loving you this way, it’s because of Jesus. If you see me holding your hands this way, it’s because of Jesus, if you see me hugging and praying for you, it’s because of Jesus. Everything you see me do sweetheart, it’s only Jesus and that’s whom I want you to see.”
She nodded and the creepy thoughts dissolved immediately. She sighed with relief and embraced her. “I love you Nimi and if Jesus is the one making you do all this for me, then I do hope I get to know him soon. I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
Nimi reached out to embrace her and they were like that for a while.
“Oh, and speaking of alone, Dapo didn’t want me to tell you, but I couldn’t hold it in. IK is coming over.” Nimi cried excitedly.
She swallowed. “IK?”
“Yea, the same one. Why, what’s wrong?”
She retreated and went to settle on the bed wrapping her arms around herself. She hadn’t spoken to him ever since the incident. Did he even hear of her attempted suicide? He had not even returned her calls and she knew she’d broken his heart when Soji explicitly narrated what had happened between them. She’d seen IK’s heart and hers broke that day. It was there and then she knew he had loved her and she had just ruined what they could have. He was a good man and had been her bestfriend who would go miles for her and had wanted her then. What would his kind want to do with her kind? He knew she killed another woman’s baby, knew she had been molested by her father and knew she’d been sleeping with other men and her fiance. No one would want a left-over or someone they could not trust their life with.
“I don’t think IK coming would be a good idea.”
“But Dapo sounded pretty excited about it.”
She shook her head. “I don’t think I want to see him. Really Nimi, maybe you should just tell Dapo I would stay home. I thought it was just the three of us. I’m not ready to go on any dates.”
“But darling…”
“No Nimi! Don’t tell me how God is going to make everything okay because I don’t feel okay! I don’t know how to feel that my friends even think me a whore. Mabel came here the other day and she talked about how everyone had moved on and how she heard Aisha and Soji were getting married on some private island. I don’t even want to look at the tabloids for fear of what they might say about me. What kind of relationship am I going to groom with IK? Am I just going to waltz into his arms and pretend as if everything is okay and those things never happened? I am just scared that people are going to associate him with something filthy and I don’t want that. I really just want to be here and…”
“And brood?” Nimi began and she could tell she had upset her friend. “And think about what everybody is going to say about you while ignoring what God is saying about you? If you know this is how you want to keep acting, then maybe I can’t do enough for you.”
“Don’t say that! You and I know you’ve been the only one who’s been here for me.”
Nimi sighed and went to crouch beside her. “Then do this for me would you? Come out with us tonight, smile, have fun, dance and talk with IK. Don’t run away from the battle, run towards it instead. Stop imagining these things, just let life happen and stand your ground. And what if Soji and Aisha got married, well, good riddance to bad rubbish right?”
A smile broke through her face and she nodded.
“Stop thinking about other people’s future. Think about yours and how you need to grab the wheels of your life. Think about the new life you want. Think about what God would want for you and let go. I’ll be there with you, every step of the way okay?”
She nodded again as tears flowed down her cheeks but Nimi reached to wipe them away.
“Now, c’mon let’s get dressed before the men in our lives come and turn back when they see us.”
Lara watched the two lovebirds as they showed affection to each other and wished it was the same for her. Though they tried to curb it, she could tell that they held hands under the table and would often giggle when they glanced at each other. Her mind flashed back to when herself and Soji would make out unashamedly in restaurants or in his car and how he’d whisper that he loved her and would do anything for her. Nights when he’d made her feel like a special woman. Nights when he would love her and tell her she was the only woman in his life.
She remembered when she started cheating. She remembered how it had been one of those nights when they had fought and she’d been to see her family doctor for counsel because she liked him and he was gentle and kind to her in the past and had often teased her. He’d been in his office that day and one thing had led to another. Soji had called her that morning to ask where she was and she’d lied that she was at the hospital because she just wasn’t feeling too well after their fight. Soji had come to pick her and apologised.
She had told him she was sorry and she loved him too. She remembered the nights when she had to travel away on business trips and one of her board executives who had been eyeing her had suggested he keep her company since her boyfriend was away. He seemed like a nice man and it was just a fling, nothing serious. And the nights Soji would leave her to travel, she couldn’t bear being lonely.
But what she had fought so hard against was coming to slap her in the face. Sex did not satify. Love did not satisfy. It was that obvious. She had a big void in her heart and she wondered how Nimi’s God could fit into that void and fill her up. If Nimi had satisfaction in God, then why was she planning to get married? Why couldn’t she do life alone? Why did she and her brother look at one another in a way that she was tempted to tell them to get a room. She’d longed for men to look at her that way and what did she get? Burnt and hurt.
She doubted love would find her anytime soon. She glanced at IK and saw he was paying more attention to his phone than he did to her. Maybe she wasn’t worth his time afterall.
She picked her clutch and announced. “I think I have to go home. I don’t feel too well.” She smiled at her brother and Nimi and stood. “Have an amazing night you two. IK, it was nice seeing you again.”
And she hurriedly left the table for fear that they might see her pathetic tears and try to console her.
She ran out in time hoping she would get a cab and hurry off immediately when she felt someone grab her arm. She relaxed when she saw it was IK but her guards were still up.
“Lara, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Like I said, I don’t feel too well. I’ll go home, take some aspirin and lie down.”
“I’m sorry about what went on in there.” He began. “It’s my sister. She’s been trying to settle into the University and so she buzzes me about almost everything. I told her I’m on a date and she doesn’t think it’s inappropraite to still disturb me. I’m sorry I looked like an idiot back there. Y’know what, I’m even going to switch off my phone right now.”
And before she could say anything, he switched it off and slid it into his pocket. He reached for her hand and pulled her close to himself. “I’ve missed you and your trouble-making skills.”
She tried to smile without crying. “Yea, me too.”
“Do you want to get out of here and go someplace else? Those two are making me wish I was married already. I know this great place where we can eat with our bare hands and have fun decorating each other’s faces with the soup if we don’t like it.”
She chuckled. “I don’t think I’m cut out for that tonight IK.”
“Okay, so you are going to pick one, go home and feel bored and alone, or stay with me and have the best night of your life. Though it’s obvious which the best decision should be, I trust you to make the wise decision.”
She giggled again and her spirit was revived again. She still loved him. She doubted she could ever stop. He was her favorite person from day one.
“Okay, I’ll be wise and choose to go with you.”
“That’s the spirit!” He hi-fived her and they strolled away together.
Nimi wanted to go and check on Lara and IK when Dapo pulled her back. She suddenly sighed and wondered why she was also getting attached to the girl that way. It was so evident she loved her. She just prayed she would get to know Christ soon and everything would work out fine for her.
She turned to her beau and saw him grinning boyishly and she suspected he had some mischief rolled up his sleeves. She pushed him away playfully and smiled when he wrapped his hands around her planting a kiss on her cheeks.
“Did I tell you you look like a queen this night? Right now, I feel like a subject standing close to you. Queen of my heart.”
She blushed. “Thank you. If you keep praising me like this Dapo, you’ll make me fall hard o.”
“Of course I want you to fall into my arms but when it’s right. In a few months time, you’ll be in my arms just the way it’s meant to be and I’ll love you the way I’m supposed to.”
She looked into his eyes then and suddenly she saw something she couldn’t explain. She blinked and looked away immediately.
Something was wrong and her heart raced. God was trying to tell her something but she was scared it had to do with the wedding.
Her fiance noticed her countenance and asked. “Baby, are you alright?
She managed a smile. “Of course. I just thought of something. Uh, can you excuse me for one moment while I go to the restroom.”
She hurried inside and swallowed as the fear gripped her again. Was it Lara? Was it Dapo? Was it her family God was trying to warn her against.
It’s You
She swallowed pensive of the outcome as she could sense it already.
Oh God, Oh God, Oh God…, please not Dapo. Please not us.
Let go Nimi.
Oh God no!
And she burst into tears.
Much love. xo!
Original story by ITUNU TAIWO owner of http://myglowingscenes.com
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