I woke up to the soft embrace of Kofo’s arms wrapped around me on the bed, the night had taken an unexpected turn as we began making out from the living room till we got to my room. The images flashed in my head as I took off every piece of clothing on her and planted wet kisses on her body. She had a perfect body; I knew I had to take my time so I could pleasure her properly. I pushed her bare naked body on the bed and began to work on her starting with her lips then to her neck and down to her breasts, I continued my journey down as I kissed her abdomen before I finally got to the awesomeness between her legs. I spread her legs wide open and made her box my ambrosia. It drove her crazy, she grabbed on to the bed sheets and moaned softly. She gasped as my fingers entered her and moaned loudly, I enjoyed every bit of this adventure I was having between her legs. I finally got up to pull off my jeans then I got on top of her and a night of hot and intense sex began.
It was an awesome night and now I was lying next to her, trying to piece my thoughts together. I got off the bed to dress up and met 10 missed calls on my phone from Brenda, she was expecting me back at her place last night and I’m sure she must have been so worried. I came up with different lies in my head before I decided to call her and the best one I came up with was the fact that I couldn’t leave Kofo alone in the house and my phone was on silent and I also slept off quite early due to how tired I was. I couldn’t make the call until I made up my mind about what to do with Kofo as she slept comfortably. Things might get awkward now but I didn’t really care about that at the moment. I walked to the living room and made the call to Brenda, she sounded really anxious as she called my name on the phone, and I told her the lie I already contorted. She didn’t make a fuss about it but she told me that I was going to make it up to her later that weekend; I agreed and told her I was looking forward to spending time with her again.
Minutes after I dropped the call, Kofo walked into the living room dressed up. She had a beautiful smile on her face as she walked towards me and gave me a big hug before planting a kiss on my lips. Everything seemed perfect but I couldn’t get too comfortable because I was about to get myself into a complicated situation. We didn’t talk about the previous night and decided to just take what the day had to offer one step at a time, as we sat down talking; she received a phone call that brought a serious look to her face, after some few minutes on the phone, I discovered it was her aunty who had travelled outside the state on business that owned the apartment she was staying in and she was checking up on her. She said she had to leave soon because she didn’t want her aunty to get home to an empty house. I had no objections towards that but I made it clear that we both had to have breakfast before going anywhere and she agreed with a smile on her face. I had a loaf of bread in my fridge so I whipped up some eggs and sausages for breakfast and before long we were on our way back to her apartment.
On the drive back to her place, I decided I was going to make a stop at Brenda’s after I dropped Kofo off. As we arrived back at her place, there was a car parked in the driveway that wasn’t there the night before, at first I thought it might have been her ex but with the look on her face and the gasp that followed, I was able to deduce that it was her aunt’s. She got out of the car quickly as I parked and ran to the door which opened as she approached it. Her aunt was standing there looking at her inquisitively, I maintained a safe distance as Kofo explained why she didn’t stay the night at the apartment. After some minutes of convincing, Kofo beckoned to me to come closer, as I moved closer to say hello to her aunty, I noticed that the face looked familiar but it was hard to place but I wasn’t so bothered. I finally got to where Kofo’s aunty was standing and her reaction shocked me.
“You?!” She exclaimed, with so much intensity and anger in her eye. Now the face was easy for me to place, her aunty was the woman I yelled at some months back when I went to fix some network devices at a nearby branch, the same person that got me a query. I knew I had no choice but to apologize now and offer a reasonable explanation for my outrageous behavior that day, Kofo just stood there with so much confusion on her face. After some minutes of explaining myself, she told me my reaction wasn’t necessary and she was going to overlook it because of how good I treated her niece the previous night. She invited me in to have breakfast but I refused politely because I had to be somewhere else. I told Kofo I was going to call her later in the day then rushed off to my car and drove off, next stop; Brenda’s apartment for some good loving.
I wanted to call her as I approached her apartment but I wanted to surprise her plus it was a weekend so I knew she would be around, as I parked my car, I noticed there was another car apart from hers parked in the driveway, I wasn’t so bothered and I walked to her door. I spent some few minutes knocking but there was no reply then I decided to call her cell phone but no reply as well. I could hear her phone ringing through the door so I decided to open the door and to my surprise it was unlocked. Her phone was placed on the table but she was nowhere to be found but as I paid close attention, I could hear soft moaning coming from upstairs, I didn’t want to believe my ears but I had to see with my eyes to believe. I walked stealthily as I approached her room and opened the door, the moaning got louder, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets with what I saw, I was speechless. I couldn’t think for a second with the sight in front of me; there was another woman in between Brenda’s legs making her moan really loud.
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