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The sight that was rendered in front of me left me completely speechless, I stood in awe as this mysterious woman made love to Brenda with her tongue and finger, Brenda was in a complete state of ecstasy and didn’t notice my presence till she opened her eyes and saw me standing and looking like a confused puppy. I walked away as she jumped off the bed to dress up then try and chase me down to explain herself but there was nothing she could say to make me feel better.

I didn’t feel so bad because we weren’t exclusive yet and I had sex with a different woman the previous night. She caught up with me as I walked down the stairs and as I stared at her, I could see she was sincere about the apologies coming out of her mouth, she went on and on about how she didn’t know how to break it down to me about her bisexuality and she really hates the fact that I had to find out this way. She held on to me and begged me not to leave, she was close to tears and I didn’t want to be the reason to make her cry, we moved to the living room to sit then she told me she had to go back upstairs in order to settle things with her “female partner”.

I just sat on her sofa thinking about all what I just saw and heard, it was a huge shock to me but I was also contemplating if I should tell her I had sex with Kofo the previous night. I wasn’t sure I wanted to date a woman that is confused about her sexuality, there was a lot going on in my head but I just decided to watch how things play out, over thinking everything wasn’t going to lead to anything good at the moment.

After some few minutes, the mysterious female partner walked down the stairs and gave me this spiteful look as she stepped out, Brenda came down not so long after and sat with me, we spoke about where this leaves our premature relationship and if it was going to lead anywhere, I told her I had a lot to think about so for now we should take some time apart, I really felt she was the one but the series of event that occurred the previous night till now made me have a change of heart. I walked out of her apartment leaving her in tears and began a really sad drive back home, the events that took place this weekend went from bad to good then back to bad, and I couldn’t think straight, all I wanted to do was sleep. There was a little bit of traffic as I drove home and before long I was home, I went straight to my bed and had a really long nap.

After what seemed to be an eternity, I finally woke up from my slumber. I checked on my phone and saw different missed calls from Kofo, Brenda and Cynthia. I was so confused and didn’t know if I wanted to return any of the calls, I knew Kofo was calling to find out how my day went and wanted to know what was going to happen now between me and her, Brenda probably still wants to apologize and make things right and Cynthia is definitely calling so I could come over and keep her bed warm. Returning Kofo and Brenda’s calls meant drama will definitely be involved so I decided to call Cynthia instead, it was the usual “if you’re free come over” conversation so before long I was on my way to her apartment.

Got to her place on time and after some rounds of hot steamy sex that scattered her room, we laid on her bed and she noticed that I seemed troubled, she asked me if there was anything wrong but I was reluctant to answer her, I finally turned to face her and narrated how my weekend had been, she watched and listened with rapt attention, she seemed so concerned as I spoke, she didn’t make any snide comment about anything and that made me feel more comfortable to tell her I was completely clueless about what to do. For the first time, Cynthia acted like a human and gave me a really good advice, she told me according to all what I told her, I was more concerned about how Kofo was going to be affected by all these and this means I care for her than any other girl in my life. I knew this was true but I have been trying to tell myself otherwise because I didn’t want to hurt her. Now I had to figure out how to end things with Brenda and Cynthia then focus on Kofo. It was going to be hard with Brenda but I knew Cynthia would understand since she was the one giving me the idea, she can always find another "fuckboy" to keep her bed warm. I got up and got dressed and decided to take a drive to Kofo’s place so we could talk, I tried calling as I drove there but my battery was too low to make any calls thanks to the numerous calls I got from the different women in my life.

After a long drive thanks to the horrible traffic at night, I got to her apartment and went to knock on the door, It was opened for me by Kofo’s aunty who greeted me with a smile on her face, I guess this meant she and I were now cool. As I walked into the apartment, I was met by a surprise; Bayo, Kofo’s ex sitting with an elder woman beside him, as I stood there astounded, Kofo’s aunty introduced me to the woman as Kofo’s friend. Apparently the woman was Bayo’s mother and she came over to apologize for her son’s actions, as I sat there and wondered what was going on, I realized Kofo had been betrothed to him and their affair was a family thing, Kofo’s aunty pleaded with me to go and beg Kofo to come down and talk to their visitors. I was reluctant at first but decided to go to her room just to avoid the atmosphere of awkwardness in the living room.

Kofo was excited to see me as I knocked on her door; she jumped on me and gave me a tight hug, I was also happy to see her but I wasn’t sure I could fulfill my mission of telling her how I really felt about her. I sat her down and tried my best to convince her to go down to talk to Bayo and his mother, she didn’t like the idea but only decided to go because I was the one pleading with her to go. She got dressed up properly then followed me downstairs, Bayo got up immediately he saw her and walked up to her hurriedly to apologize for his actions and told her how much he loved her and couldn’t live without her. My heart was too fragile to stand there and witness the woman I was falling in love with get taken away from me by another man.

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