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One and a half years later

“Love is not passive. It is a deliberate effort for those who have chosen to walk how Jesus walked on earth, for those who chose to grow into Sons and inherit the promises God wants to give his own, those whom He promised in the book of revelations chapter 3 to give an inheritance, for not all in the body of Christ will get to the Father’s heart, but those who sacrifice all, lay down their lives and chase Jesus as their ultimate treasure.” Dapo took a swig from his bottle and continued ministering to the youth “I was someone who had an intimate relationship with Jesus but there was no covenant, I felt I could stay with God through the good and the bad till trials came and I was ready to throw away what we had and return to my vomit.

“I was like Peter who denied Jesus due to the kind of love I had for God. The love with feelings and not the Love God wants. God wants the kind of love that through the good and bad times, you are there with Him, like a marriage covenant the agapus kind. Intimacy bound by blood, you’re in it never to return. Your life is no longer yours for you have been bought with a price. You live for your savior, your master who purchased you with His blood. Your choice belongs to One alone.

Your will has to be submitted because He submitted all of Himself to have all of you. So do you imagine a God who did something so priceless get something minor in return? No, he’s coming for precious stones, those who have been refined. It was a call for me and I believe it’s a call to each of you sitting right here with me, listening to all I have to say. Yes, you’ve been saved, but if God took away something from you today, if He doesn’t answer that prayer or asks you to lay your precious treasure, will you turn your back on Him, curse Him and leave or you’ll stay and work things out while seeking to lean into His grace and strength?”

They all stared at him quietly while a young lady sat wiping her face as her eyes were pooled.

“So I implore you today, you’ve been saved, but if that was all Jesus came to do on the cross, then we miss out on a lot of things and we will never see how much we could begin to look like Jesus and we can never compare this life to the eternity we will spend with God.

“I want you to pray with me today if you’re ready to go into depth with God, for deep calls unto deep in the roar of your waterfalls as David said. David was a man different from Saul and his God-chasing heart drew Him to God. He always sought God’s face before delving into anything while we can hardly say the same for Saul for Saul sought something else other than God’s heart and we can see how he ended. I pray we will not end up like Saul who was in a haste and ran ahead of God, but we will listen to the Father and allow Him guide us into more life in Him. Amen.”

After the ministration, Dapo excused himself and went to sit while praying quietly and thanking God for His grace to talk in the midst of the young people at the place He was currently worshiping. In the grace of 18 months, God had led him out of where he was formerly attending to a new place where God had been teaching him so many things. Today was his first time and he knew he wouldn’t be doing this soon till perhaps six months time when God wanted Him to. He’d learned to obey and trust God ever since Nimi left and he wasn’t about to ruin it anytime soon. Besides, God had given Him so much grace that the thought of Nimi had faded compared to the intense passion He had for God and spreading the great news of how God was raising up refined men as the days drew near. The word of God felt like a new book to Him once again and He found life and fed on it. He’d been teaching Lara so many things and Lara was already grasping how to pray and spend time with her bible and He was glad. She fed on it like a hungry babe and his mother wasn’t different.

He hadn’t heard from his father in a while but he didn’t stop praying for the man. Ever since the incident, Mr Olakitan had refused to set eyes on his wife and his child declaring that they would return and it would be his turn to gloat.

Dapo prayed God opened his eyes to see the truth and leave his diabolical life.

His mind flashed to Lara and how he was happy about the new life she was living. She’d done a quiet wedding with IK at Portharcourt some months ago and he called every week to check up on her, that was if she didn’t call first. She gave him updates on her new life and he liked that she was accountable to Him. She was like his sheep to look after though IK prided himself in caring for her physical, emotional and spiritual needs and so the calls were reducing. He was the first person to hear that she was pregnant and he was making arrangements to see her next week after he got back from his friend’s wedding at Abuja and take that cue to see his mother. His week looked booked already and he had to fly out tomorrow morning.

“I think you should be teaching more often.” The reverend smiled at him as they headed outside together after the logistics had packed up, waved their goodbyes and everyone had gone home. “Has God told you anything yet?”

He shook his head smiling at the older man. “No, he hasn’t.”

“And have you prayed about it?” He pursued.

He laughed this time. “I believe God will make it known when it’s right sir. I’ve learned that we do not hurry in these kind of things and we learn to follow God’s leading. It’s one thing to nominate myself, it’s another thing for God to say this is what he wants me to do. I really don’t want to take any step without his approval. The last time…”

“Ahh.., your last relationship and proposal that you told me about…”

Dapo smiled knowingly, the anxiety almost sinking in but this time, there was a flicker of hope at the back of his mind. This was the second year and he was glad that he was moving on.

“I just know everything will be fine my son, I sense it that God is going to make everything beautiful in His time and I’m glad you’re sensitive to His leading.”

He nodded. “How’s mummy and Cynthia? I didn’t see them tonight.”

“She had a cold and so Cynthia had to stay back and look after her. She’ll be fine, I think it’s just the stress from her last trip.”

“Please extend my greetings but I’ll try calling when I get home. I have an early morning flight to Abuja to catch sir.”

“Oh…I apologise for keeping you waiting. Safe journey and call me when you get there okay?”

He nodded and waved as he headed to his car. “I will.”


Nimi was nervous as she sat at a table with her boss who had invited her for his cousin’s wedding. She hardly knew anybody in this place but she had followed him due to courtesy since he’d made it mandatory and was being nice to her. She knew he had a soft spot for her…within a few months, he’d promoted her to be his P.A and they often worked late together. She knew he had a child from his previous marriage and she already made it clear that she wasn’t ready to enter a relationship anytime soon and she was standing by her decision. She had been reluctant to follow him but since he’d insisted and told her they would also need to work on somethings together, she had obliged-after praying and God told her she would be safe.

She just had to trust. She also had peace that all would be fine. Since her stay in Akure, though she missed home, home often came to her and soon she was beginning to enjoy the place that she often forgot her loneliness. Her relationship with God was blooming again unlike when she’d been in a relationship with Dapo and ninety percent of her thoughts were on Dapo and how she dreamt and thought of him everyday. She remembered the nights that she had already dreamed up the names of her children and so many other things when God had told her to put a check on her thoughts and she passively ignored Him.

Right now, she was glad and she would spend hours in His word and wisdom to live life and trust him. Their conversation became longer and frequent and she would worship for hours or be quiet and listen to God teaching her His word.

She was in awe. It was like her obedience transformed and altered something in her because even her present relationship with God was more intimate and felt deeper. She knew her obedience had a part to play and how she had overcome in her Love-walk because bible passages which had been locked and she couldn’t understand began to reveal itself before her and she would chew and chew till she got filled for the day. The next day she was feeding from the word again. God felt like a precious diamond to her, a rare treasure she had not really seen till she began to seek and she didn’t regret she had left all to follow Him. He was worth her every obedience and so much more. Her life was His for sure. Work was the only thing that took her time but she was fine and fulfilled till whenever God wanted her to return to Lagos.

God had healed her tremendously and she couldn’t recall the tears she cried and cringed that she had struggled to submit her will and open up to God.

“Enjoying yourself?” Kola asked bobbing his head to the band crooning some King Sunny Ade tunes and she smiled. It was obvious he loved to dance but she was partly ruining his night for him by choosing not to dance with him.

“I’m trying.” She shrugged and reached for her bag. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to use the rest-room.”

And she was gone.


Dapo planned to leave immediately he was able to see his friend face to face and greet him but the young man was hard to find. He had to keep hanging around while trying to engage in something else asides the jokes the young men shared on the table or give any attention to the lady sitting beside him and obviously trying to flirt with him and get his attention. It was when he looked around that he saw a familiar face that stood up from the chair and headed somewhere he couldn’t place.

His heart jumped.

She looks like Nimi.

No, it couldn’t be. Nimi was not here in Abuja but in Ondo, where she’d been for almost two years. Why was he suddenly imagining her to be the one here at this moment in this place? The feelings he had for her in the past rushed in at once and the memories came with it. Her smile, her gait, her hair, the way she walked. The girl he’d seen in a turquoise gown walked the way his ex-fiance walked and her complexion was still the same.

If only she’d turned. He’d heard each person in the world had a look-alike. Perhaps it was her look alike.

There was only way to find out.

Standing up immediately, he tried to follow her and realised she was heading to the rest room and entered before he had the chance to get a good view of her face. She had the same graceful walk too.

But if it was Nimi, what in the world was she doing here in Abuja? Was she with someone?

Or perhaps she had married and they’d moved here.

A few minutes later and the young woman stepped out. He mumbled a short prayer, threw caution to the wind and decided to stand in her way so he could bump into him. There and then, she would get a chance to look up and into his face.


Nimi wasn’t looking up as she struggled with something in her bag. The zip to her bag was beginning to misbehave again and she wondered if it was a cue to get a new bag. There had to be a way out…

She saw her bag flying and she almost tripped when she bumped into a solid chest that caught her on time before she went crashing on the floor together with the bag. When she looked up, her heart stopped and she could only stare open-mouthed.


She was at a loss for words, taking her back in time to the moment when she’d first seen him and he had left her speechless. Shaking her head, she tried to adjust and closed her eyes.

Was this real?

“Dapo?” She finally found her tongue when she realised he was real. “Oh my goodness, Dapo…”

“Nimi…, wow, w-what a pleasant surprise.” She found him stuttering and was surprised that he could when he’d always been the composed one. She couldn’t help but stare. He hadn’t changed much but it was obvious he had kept his beards for a long time and it fitted him. Shaven or unshaven, he looked great as always. Even his Guinea fitted nicely on his broad shoulders and he still had his usual aura around him, that build that exuded confidence and if she didn’t know him, would have thought he was only proud. The times spent with him had swept away her first impression thoughts.

“I’m surprised myself.”

He hugged her and she couldn’t help hugging him too. They were like that for a while before they broke free and looked at each other again.

“You look great.” She managed as the tears welled up in her eyes. How could it be so good to see him when she’d moved on, her heart had moved on and she had accepted her fate. Perhaps he was married to some young pretty girl by now. They’d been going out when he was 35. He was going to be turning 37 soon so he must have moved on with life while seeing him brought back so many memories she’d thought were long gone.

“And you’re not so bad yourself.” He smiled and she saw his eyes go to her fingers.

She did the same and by the time she looked up, she saw him staring at her. It was obvious they were both thinking the same thing.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were in Ondo?”

“The bride is my Boss’s cousin. I had to follow him as part of office duties.”

“Oh I see…”

“What about you?”

“Uh, friend of the groom. We were classmates in Uni and I was invited.” He nodded, his hands in his pockets and she wondered if he was nervous or scared as she was.

“How’s everyone? Lara, Mum…”

He smiled at her and she could tell that smile carried so much he wasn’t going to stand here and tell her everything.

Her heart raced faster.

Oh God…, is it what I think it is?

“Uh, perhaps we could get away from here and I’ll tell you everything. Are you free for lunch tomorrow? Mum stays in Abuja now so I think it would be great if you come see her with me after our lunch tomorrow.”

She nodded eagerly and wondered at the back of her mind if she was too eager for her own good. She hadn’t even asked God if the lunch was going to be a good idea and the thought of seeing his mother, they hadn’t parted on friendly terms and she was frightened by what the woman would say to her if she set eyes on her. Not that she was ready to come into Dapo’s life once again, but she didn’t want the woman to lash her with words if Dapo took her to see her.

She couldn’t believe she was loosing all her composure she’d gained when she was away from him and was acting like a child again but she felt His peace surround her.

Father help me.

“What hotel are you staying?”

She blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Wouldn’t you like me to come pick you for lunch or you would rather come all the way?”

“Oh…” She swallowed already embarrassed. “I’m sorry I didn’t…, I-“

“It’s fine Nimi.” He smiled understanding her predicament. “I’m sure you get asked out a lot and you forgot we had history.”

She shook her head. “I just wasn’t listening. I apologise Dapo.” She didn’t want to tell him her boss had made similar suggestions and so that was responsible for her hyper-active imaginations. She looked into his eyes and knew something had changed within him. His response and understanding had increased. She liked the new him.

When she was by herself later at night as she was about sleeping, she stared at the ceiling and touched the left side of her chest.

“I’d vowed that this heart would beat for you father, but to be honest, I saw Dapo once more and I almost forgot all you’ve taught me and how your love should be the ultimate. Why do I feel this way? Why did it feel like all my senses just flew out of the window when I looked into his eyes again. I felt so vulnerable and scared and in that split second when I looked at his fingers for a wedding band to confirm he was married, I became anxious and sad and that loneliness came again to remind me of that desire I submitted to you.”

Turning to her side, she closed her eyes. “If it’s your will for me to remain this way Daddy, then I ask that after our lunch together tomorrow, I never see him again, I ask that you grant me the grace and strength and help me channel my desires into you but if you will be more glorified if Dapo and I become One, then let your will be done, help me to love him rightly, teach me not to idolise him but to love him enough to give you glory, for this is your purpose and your will for us who chase you and want you that my life might be pleasing to you and give you glory. In Jesus name. Amen.

She yawned as she began to feel sleepy and she pulled the sheets closer to herself. Soon, she was fast asleep.


Tarry a little longer and make plans for two

Dapo nodded as if he understood what God was telling him. He’d made lunch reservations for two tomorrow and perhaps God was giving him a go-ahead to have lunch with Nimi. He kept working on his laptop and was reminiscing on a few appointments he would have to make up for when he arrived in Lagos. Bibi had called him a few minutes ago to update him on what he missed on Friday. He wondered when he was going to have a long vacation. He might have to spend about a month by himself surfing and relaxing or whatever plans God intended but he needed the break. Nimi suddenly dropped into his heart and he blinked.

Tarry a little longer and make plans for two

He sat up this time. Make plans for two? How, why? For how long would he tarry or wait?

I don’t understand. Lord are you telling me to stay behind when I plan to go back on Monday morning?

No response.

Is this about Nimi?

No response.

He sighed and continued with his work. Perhaps God would make it clear as time goes on. He had learned to trust God with his dealings and so just relaxed. There was one thing that made him happy. He sensed his lunch with Nimi would be beautiful and he looked forward to it.


A week after Nimi got back to work at Akure, she couldn’t stop thinking back to the lunch she had with Dapo which turned out beautiful, way more beautiful than she’d anticipated. The luxurious lunch and dinner she’d eaten was the last thing on her mind as she reminisced on Dapo’s story of Lara and Mrs Kitan’s salvation and how God had brought great deliverance on the family. Lara’s hunger for the word was increasing each day and IK was doing a good job feeding her as they were married now. God wanted it that way. Mrs Kitan was so happy to see her and she looked a bit different. The aura around her was different too and she welcomed her and chatted with her. She made dinner and they all ate that it felt so much like a family. She suddenly felt welcome in a home that was far away from home. She looked around and saw it was less than their mansion in Lagos but that couldn’t compare to the beauty she saw Mrs Kitan radiating within. The past felt forgotten, the tears, the anger, the hurt and how it felt at the time she obeyed God.

This felt so much like home. Was God giving his approval? She would be patient to see how things turned out.

There was a way Dapo looked at her and she suspected he knew something, probably something God revealed to him but was unwilling to share. They talked a bit more and she had to remind him that there was a plane for her to catch with her boss the next morning. Though her boss had acted cold towards her and still did recently, she didn’t let that soil her joy. The news was too much to ruin things for her, not even the rumor that was going on that they might retrench soon. She was tempted to call Lara but she was thinking it would be better to see her in flesh whenever she had the chance to go to Lagos.

She was working on organizing her boss’s appointments when he stepped out of his office to call her in. He had plans to travel out of Nigeria this time for a business trip and she prayed he wasn’t going to invite her this time. The last one had been because God gave her a go-ahead and she was glad she did. As for this one, she could handle him within Nigeria but she might have to say no if he suggested it.

When she stepped into his office, she greeted him politely and that was when she realised they were not alone. A young petite looking girl in high heels and a very short skirt sat cross-legged on one of his chaise lounge in the office and she wondered how she didn’t even see the girl go in since she booked his office appointments as well. Perhaps his secretary had allowed her in or she was an acquaintance of his.

“Uh.., please have a seat Miss Adeyemi.” He said quite politely and she glanced from the girl to him wondering what was going on and why her boss was being extra-ordinarily nice when he’d been cold for days.

She sensed something immediately.

“You’ve worked for me for more than a year and I believe within that period, you’ve been of a great help to me. You’ve been efficient, competent and you do your job quite well as my P.A. A professional one by the way. Unfortunately, I just don’t think we are capable of taking more than what we can handle at the moment. As you’ve heard, the company is undergoing a great shift and there has to be a great adjustment and during this period, I’m sorry I would have to relieve you of your job.”

Her heart dropped.

“But I’ll be happy to provide you with a recommendation letter if you need one. I wish I could let you stay but unfortunately, some rash decisions have to be taken. I do hope you understand. I’ve spoken to the Human Resources and they’ll be giving you your salary for this month since it was within a short notice…”

She found it hard to speak as he stretched the letter towards her. She received it and stared at it, her excitement of Lara’s news wearing off and suddenly fear and sadness enveloped her.

Where are you going to stay now? They will need to claim their accommodation too.

“I assume you know the Kitans?”

She looked up then with shock in her eyes and she knew there was more to this. Her head spinned. Had Dapo done this to her or was the man just driven by his lust?

“Chief Olakitan…, I saw you speaking to his son while we were at Abuja for the weekend. Chief is a very good friend of mine but doesn’t treat his enemies nicely. I saw you with the young man and I added two and two together. I wasn’t aware you were the girl who turned his family upside down. If I had known, perhaps things might have been different.” His eyes strolled down and settled on her chest before drifting away.

He gave her a sad smile. “Sometimes you can’t be too good for your own good y’know.” She was tempted to cry but she knew the enemy just wanted to find a way to steal her joy and she wouldn’t allow them. God was going to turn it out for good. She could feel the peace and joy that bubbled within already.

It was probably her cue to go back to Lagos. There was nothing she was doing here anyway. She nodded as she recalled why God had led her here in the first place and managed a smile. She’d prayed afterall for God’s will. Perhaps God was letting His will be done by going back home.

“Thank you sir.”

He looked surprised.

She stood up, wished him the best and left his office to clear her desk. Though she had every reason to feel bad especially with what her boss just revealed, something told her everything would be alright.

And she believed. She’d come too far to stop believing and recognising God when he assured her that He had it all under control.


Tolani jumped on her sister when she arrived home and her mum came to embrace her before she could kneel to greet her. It felt so good to be home again. All the warmth, the joy, the life in this place, it suddenly felt like it’d been more than 18 months she left them to travel to Ondo. Even her siblings looked taller and home smelled of cooked food and spicy herbs. She couldn’t contain the tears when they strolled down as the chats continued. The last time she saw them was 6 months ago as they’d been planning on coming to see her later in the year but after her letter, this was more than enough for them.

After she had settled in, eaten and cleaned up, she sat telling them all that had happened and how she’d seen Dapo and the good news that came with him. Her mum was so excited she literally jumped out of her seat as she narrated the whole ordeal. Tolani did a little dance and kept listening as they were in awe of what God had done within that period of her obedience and sacrifice.

Before Nimi retired to bed, her mother reached for her hand and smiled. “You came in through that door my darling and you looked like a different woman. I think that’s part of what your boss saw and relieved you. After a while, not many people can handle a woman who dares to abide in God because your life begins to judge them and the enemy looks for all means to add fire to the flame. But God, who owns the universe and does not operate the way man does has gone before you to show you the path to life. You my dear one chose that path to love and to life the day you left all and chose Jesus.”

A tear strolled down Nimi’s cheeks and she reached to wipe it away.

“Your life challenged me I won’t lie.” She said. “You had everything at your fingertips and you had a choice. You chose to let nothing have a hold on you in this world and trusted God when everyone else thought you were foolish, when it seemed God had brought you together in the beginning, you had Him to constantly lead you and direct you. I’m proud of you my darling. I’m sure God can look down on your life and say you’re his daughter whom He has found pleasure in.”

“Thank you Mummy.”

“I know there’s still a great road ahead, there are still more challenges to come, but I know the One who began a good work in you will bring it to completion. Tolani sees you as her role model and you don’t know how your life has challenged that girl. I see a new hunger for God’s word in her that I haven’t seen in years since we lived together as a family. Your obedience spurned a whole lots of things and caused a chain reaction which you were probably unaware of but God sees and rewards your obedience. Imagine if Eve had not disobeyed. The same way our obedience spurns a reaction, the saw way disobedience. You will keep overcoming because your Lord and savior overcame.”

“Amen ma.”

“So, I don’t know if this has crossed your mind, but I just have a feeling you need to tell Dapo and let him know you’re back in Lagos for good. You said you both parted without him knowing this would happen. I believe it’s even a beginning of great things to come. Just watch and see.”

Nimi smiled knowingly. “I sensed it too as we spoke. I just want God to lead me.”

“You might not know it, but I believe he was the one leading you out of that man’s office. When the time is set, God always comes on time and he aligns everything like the master planner that he is.”

She nodded. Her spirit confirmed that her mother was speaking the truth. No wonder she’d felt peace and joy within when she was loosing her job as a normal person would have been devastated.

Mrs Adeyemi stood up and kissed her daughter’s head. “It’s time for bed my darling. God keep you safe and sound.”

“I love you Mum.”

“I love you too.”


Nimi tried to calm her racing heart as Dapo drew closer to Lara’s new home though her excitement often took advantage of her and made her squeeze Dapo’s hands tighter and he chuckled. He pulled her close to himself as they walked quietly and she remembered how God had confirmed it a few days ago that it was time. They were courting again and this time it felt so purposeful and beautiful than she’d ever dreamed. There was nothing to be scared of anymore and they were more intentional about their lives pleasing God than they wanted to please themselves.

Even Dapo prayed often with her than he did in the past and she felt him leading her in future and being the priest in the home they would be building together. She was surprised by how much God had worked in him and on him. They attended more edifying programs and talked about God more often than they talked about themselves when they spent time talking into the night. They talked about the number of kids they wanted to have and finance. Nimi wasn’t yet settled into a job and they were praying to know what God wanted and if he had plans for her staying home to work or a 9-5 office job.

When they got to the door, they knocked and she heard someone yell. “I’m coming…who is it?”

“Your one and only brother.” Dapo signaled for Nimi to hide behind him so he could surprise her.

He heard someone squeal excitedly and run to the door. When his sister opened the door, he was in awe as he stared down at her. Her bump was really growing big within 5 months they sent him news.

“I have a surprise for you.”

“I’m getting too old for flowers. Just ask IK.” She teased wanting to pull him close to hug him when she saw Nimi grinning from ear to ear behind him.

She literally screamed this time and IK had to run out to see if everything was alright. Raising her hands to her mouth, she pushed her brother aside and went to embrace her friend and wouldn’t release her. By the time she broke free, there were tears in her eyes.

“Come in…, please come in. My goodness Bro Dapo!” She smacked him with her napkin while grabbing Nimi’s hands. “You don’t play fair o. How can you bring this kind of surprise for me and expect me to remain normal.” She looked behind them to check for any sign of bags. “I hope you’re sleeping over.”

Nimi giggled with tears of joy strolling down her cheeks. “I’m assuming that’s a yes.” Lara said as a matter of factly. My brother can sleep anywhere he likes but you my sweetheart are spending the whole weekend with me whether you like it or not. My days! Look at you!”

“And look at you Lara…, a baby looks good on you. You’re literally blooming sunshine.”

“It’s a girl…” She shrugged and caressed Nimi’s face lovingly while reaching for her hands. Turning to face IK as he watched them, she continued. “There’s so much to say, so many places to begin but let me start by saying we’ve been thinking of naming our baby girl after you for a while now.”

Nimi looked up at husband and wife in shock and they nodded their approval. IK spoke up. “We talked about it only once but Lara won’t stop calling your name whenever she strokes her bump. I had to give in and we hope she lives up to her godmother and aunt.”

“I’m going to tell her the story when she comes out…of how God used you for me, your love and sacrifice will not be forgotten baby” Lara smiled and they joined her. “Look at me, I didn’t even entertain my special guest and here I am blabbing my life out. Can I get you anything? Malt, smoothie, soft drinks.., IK and I were making dinner for only Dapo but I believe the spirit of God told me we might need to make extra and I’m glad I obeyed.”

Nimi was too speechless to say anything as Lara headed back into the kitchen. In all her years she didn’t imagine God would make her life so beautiful, even beyond words. He had surpassed her expectations and even more. She felt like a movie was playing before her and she could do little about it. Dapo’s arms came to rest on her shoulder and she realised this was real afterall.

Resting into him, she didn’t know when the tears came again and he comforted her rubbing her back soothingly. Sliding her hands into his, she looked up into his face and realised there were tears in his eyes as well. The last time they’d been this way, it was when she contemplated on letting go because God wanted her to, but he had only parted them to bring them together and make it so glorious and beautiful, more than she could have imagined.

Life with Dapo was going to be beautiful and she couldn’t wait to spend it with him, this time with God at the center, holding them and perfecting their bond till when they would spend eternity with Him. Forever and for always.

Epilogue comes soon.

Much love. xo!

Original story by ITUNU TAIWO owner of http://myglowingscenes.com

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