Lol. Every day, another weird story. Trained lawyer Cherrelle Campbell (pictured above before and after her procedure) paid $2,500 to under
go dimpleplasty on both cheeks to get the dimples she's always wanted.
'I've always loved dimples but I wasn't blessed to be given big ones.When God was giving out dimples I was at the back of the queue. I find myself on the street or watching TV and anyone with dimples stands out to me. I was online with my friend and we were basically having a joke as to what procedures you could do and you couldn't do, and I was like: "wow, I didn't know you could have your dimples done. I gave it a bit of thought, contacted them and here I am. I wanted really deep ones so every time I smile, they're there and I'm glad it's for life as well. It's not something I'm going to have to repeat which is good.'
Cherrelle sai
d she didn't expect such deep holes but knows she will love them
"I was impressed as I didn't think they were going to be that deep, it's mixed feelings. Once it has healed, I know I will love it.'