The Delta State Poly Ozoro Post-UTME 2015/2016 Examination Date, Cut-off Mark, Eligibility And Registration Details Has been announced!
Latest report reaching the news desk has it that the school management of Delta State Polytechnic Ozoro has announced the sales of the application form for 2015/2016 post-UTME Screening Exercise.
(1) Candidates who chose Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro as their first and/or second choice and scored 150 and above in the UTME for the 2015 Admission Exercise are eligible to participate in the screening exercise.(2) Candidates who did not choose the Polytechnic but wish to be considered for admissions and scored 150 and above in the 2015 UTME are also eligible to apply for the post utme screening.
Method of Application:
(i) The Delta State Poly. 2015 Post UTME Screening application form can be obtained at the sum of Five thousand naira, (N5,000.00) only.All eligible applicants should pay the aforementioned Screening Fee in favour of Delta State Polytechnic, Ozoro in any branch of First Bank of Nigeria PLC or IC Global Bank Ozoro branch only.
NOTE: You are expected to purchase scratch card from the same bank.
(ii) After you must have obtained the Delta Polytechnic P-UTME scratch card, proceed to the college portal at:, when the page loads up, login and click on admission, then click on “Post UTME” on the drop down menu.
(iii) When the page reload- Type in your JAMB registration number as your Username and put in your Voucher Card Pin Code as your Password in the fields provided and click on “login”.
Note: Your application form must be completed ONLINE.
DeltaPoly Ozoro Post Utme Screening Dates and Venues:
The Delta State Poly. Ozoro Post UTME Screening has been scheduled to hold on Friday 25th September and Saturday 26th September, 2015.Venue: School/Departmental Screening Halls.
The grouping of courses, days and time for the screening exercise are as indicated below:
DAY AND DATE: Day One- Friday, 25th September, 2015
TIME:10.00 a.m GROUPING A. School of Agriculture |
(i) ND Agricultural Technology (ii) ND Fisheries Technology |
B. School of Engineering |
(i) ND Agric. & Bio-Environmental Engineering Tech. (ii) ND Civil Engineering Technology (iii) ND Computer Engineering Tech (iv) ND Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology (v) ND Mechanical Engineering Technology |
C. School of Environmental Studies |
(i) ND Building Technology (ii) ND Quantity Surveying Technology |
D. School of Science & Technology |
(i) ND Computer Science (ii) ND Statistics (iii) ND Science Laboratory Technology (iv) ND Food Science and TechnologyDAY AND DATE: Day Two- Saturday, 26th September, 2015 TIME:10.00 a.m GROUPING |
A. School of Business Studies |
(i) ND Accountancy (ii) ND Banking & Finance (iii) ND Business Administration (iv) ND Office Technology & Management |
Material Required for the Screening
(i) Original and one photocopy of Acknowledgement Card.(ii) Original of Payment Receipt.
(iii) Four Figure Table, where applicable.
(iv) Writing materials (HB pencil and eraser).
(v) UTME Original Result Slip with your passport on it.
Mode of Dressing Corporate.
NOTE: successful candidates at the Post-UTME screening, will be required to submit the following documents to the Admission Officer:→ Five (5) recent passport photographs.
→ Photocopy of UTME Score slip.
→ Examination result listed in the Application Form.
→ Certificate of Local Government of Origin.
→ Birth Certificate or Declaration of Age.
→ Teller for the purchase of Post-UTME Application Form.
→ Two copies of your on-line Application Form.