When Nimi arrived at Dapo’s place on Saturday, she had mixed feelings. This was the first time she would be visiting him at home and though her spirit fought against the thought, her mind fought for what was hers and how she wanted things to be the way it was between them before the whole scandal happened. She’d talked to Arike, her spiritual sister and she’d advised her to be wise and thread softly as she sensed something tricky ahead. She had also advised her to pray and be watchful so her mind would not take over God’s leading.
The last thing she wanted to do was build her relationship on the wrong foundation when it was still growing. And it had been growing so well so to say.
She had found her way to his place and though there was slight traffic, she had gotten to his place by 11a.m and even brought peace offering of soup and somethings she made for him. At least everyone could eat and cooking made her calm down at least. She kept telling herself she trusted her Dapo even though within two weeks he had made her doubt but she was holding on. He had not come over to pick her from home but she ignored that and came by herself. Earlier, he would find his way to her place as early as 10a.m but she understood that Lara needed Him.
But she needed him too. She wasn’t asking for too much. They both lived in Lagos and so she would appreciate if he took time to talk to her the way he used to and not like he was in a hurry to get off the phone from her. All her life, she had always fought against the insecurity beast and never saw herself as someone who would see herself as not good enough. She was quiet and humble but God had been her confidence because her father had built her confidence right from childhood though Lara had managed to break through. Now, her boyfriend who had made her feel secure and special for the first time in her life was almost doing the same to her.
A thought came that she should tell him how she felt. There was no harm in doing so when they were alone. Politely. Hopefully he would understand. He’d always understood and he would find a way to balance all of this.
The guard opened up for her and she found her way inside as he described since she was lost as to how to get in. The front or the back door. He had a beautiful place and though not as huge as his parents’, it had its own charm. A duplex with a garden obviously tended regularly and the colour looked like what Dapo would settle for. She saw a purple car which she recognized as Lara’s and her boyfriend’s car just behind his sister’s. When she got to the other side of the house, she was about knocking when Dapo opened the door and smiled into her face.
He spread his arms to receive her.
“I’ve missed you baby.”
She forgot every word she’d crammed and allowed herself bask in his embrace. “Me too.”
He released her and smiled into her eyes, touching her cheek fondly. That was when she noticed he was still in sweats and a nice aroma permeated the kitchen. When she looked into his face, she saw traces of white powder and wondered what it was.
Her questions were answered immediately when a familiar face interrupted their moment.
“Hi, I’m Jibola. Nice to finally meet you.” She rubbed her hands on her slacks and that was when Nimi noticed the girl was also in sweats as well. A brief assessment revealed the girl obviously slept over, was already familiar with spending nights here and seemed to have made herself at home. She was beautiful no doubt, no make up on, her hair was tied in a bun and she had white powder on her face as well.
“Hi, nice to meet you too.” She managed and received the girl’s hand.
“Dapo has told me so much about you, it’s amazing to finally see you in flesh.”
She glanced at her boyfriend. “It’s amazing Dapo has not told me so much about you.”
“Oh I’m just a family friend. We’ve been friends for years and I’m here spending as much time as I can with them.”
She nodded forcing a smile. She turned to Dapo. “What’s that on your face?”
“Oh, flour…”
“Yea, I’m making pancakes, we got silly and threw flour at each other.” She giggled. Dapo told me you were coming over so I decided to make more.”
“Lara was the one who started the flour fight.” Dapo joined her giggle and helped Nimi with her bag. “Trust me, Jibola makes the best pancakes and you’re so going to enjoy having breakfast with us.” He reached for her hand leading her to the living room where she was quite stunned to see how large and inviting the room looked. His sitting room looked like a small cinema house while his dinning though plain and masculine still looked neat and beautiful. It was pretty obvious a bachelor lived here. He had a few potraits on the wall, especially black and white potraits but still beautiful.
He led her to the couch and settled beside her still holding her hands.
“You don’t know how much this means to me. You being here with my crazy schedule is like a dream come true.”
She swallowed. Maybe she was selfish wanting too much when he obviously had to work and look after his sister. He just had to look into her eyes and she forgot everything she wanted to tell him.
“Do you like it here or is it too early to ask?” His smile melted her heart
“It’s okay I guess…”
“I was thinking of selling the home theater recently but then Lara came in and she’s on Netflix throughout. She loves binge watching.”
She was quiet. She hadn’t seen his sister. Was she home?
“How was your journey here? Was it okay? I’m sorry I couldn’t come over to pick you. Look at me, I just got back from the gym like an hour ago and I was about to go take a shower when I heard you were around.”
“It’s fine. I brought you some home made stew anyway since I was thinking you guys would need it.”
“You know I would do anything to get your food into my mouth. Thank you for thinking about me and everyone”
She nodded smiling.
“You can drop this in the kitchen for Jibola while I go upstairs. She made some watermelon smoothie which I think you’ll like. Do you want me to turn on the TV or you would like to look around?”
“I’ll help myself to the smoothie and look around.”
“Okay love. Don’t miss me too much.” And he was gone
She looked around once again and felt overwhelmed at first. His house was like a different world compared to hers and the couch was so comfortable she could almost sink in. Her mind suddenly flashed to the number of women he must have brought home in his past but she ignored it and stood up finding her way to the kitchen.
“Hi…” She greeted again wondering how a kitchen could be so large and well designed.
“Halos.” Jibola greeted cheerfully while dishing the first pair of pancakes.
“I was going to ask where I should put this?”
“Oh, what’s that?”
“I made soup since I thought you guys might need it.”
“Oh, that’s so thoughtful of you darling, please put it in the upper compartment where the freezer is. I’m sure it will come in handy.”
Nimi’s brows furrowed when she continued. “I made soup yesterday evening so I’m sure we would have something to use when we run out of mine.”
She nodded trying not to be offended by her statement.
“So, how long have you two been together?” She asked.
“We are in our fourth month.”
Nimi was quiet and kept looking around. Her eyes settled on the young lady at the gas but she did not want to be caught staring too long. She noticed the girl’s camisole and how her cleavage was slightly exposed while she moved around the house. There was no way she would bend and whatever was beneath won’t show. She was slightly robust but curvy.
“Do you have a family?”
“Yea, they’re in Atlanta.” She laughed. “If you’re asking about husband though, no. I’m not married and don’t have a family of my own yet.” She looked at her. “Why do you ask?”
“I was just curious. I mean I was worried if you had one if they would want to leave their mum alone or something.”
“Naa. Still trusting God for the right timing.”
“You’re a Christian?”
“Who isn’t?” She teased with a smile. “On a serious note, yes I am. Orthodox though.”
“Okay.” Nimi nodded trying to understand the truth in her banter. She was about to ask about the watermelon when Lara stepped in.
“I am hungry Jibs! Are the pancakes ready?” She stopped when she saw Nimi.
“Oh Hi Nimi, how are you, what a pleasant surprise.”
Nimi’s heart raced. “Hello Lara, I hope you’re good.”
She shrugged and did a little dance as if to mimic a popular artiste. “I feel good…”
Jibola laughed. “Lara is just the best. I have some pancakes ready sweetheart.”
“Thanks Jibs. You’re amazing, as always.” She planted a sloppy kiss on her cheeks and Jibola nudged her away.
“Ewww.., get off me you this minion. I don’t do girls and I definitely don’t taste like breakfast.”
Lara laughed. “Any man will be lucky to have you, y’know that right?”
“Of course I do boo. C’mon let’s stop making Nimi uncomfortable and talk like normal human beings.”
“It’s not like I was talking dirty.” She chuckled and faced Nimi winking at her. “You should try it sometime, it’s healthy.”
“Ignore her please.” Jibola shook her head. “Whatever works for you and Dapo, don’t listen to her.”
“Believe me those two act like prudes around each other. They don’t even share a kiss.”
Jibola did well in hiding her shock and glanced at Nimi who was embarrassed already.
Lara had still not changed.
“Pancake time!” Jibola cut in and passed a plate to Lara.
“Guess who’s on time.” Dapo found his way into the kitchen looking clean and nice in jeans and a polo tshirt. He smelled good too and for once, Nimi felt like giving in to her flesh to prove Lara wrong about them sharing a kiss.
Her spirit stopped her in time.
But that was before Dapo reached for a piece but Jibola smacked his hand and reached for a fork.
“What did I tell you about using a fork huh?” She cut through a piece and fed it to him.
“Umm, delicious.” He smiled at her.
“I know right.” Lara cut in. “It’s like Jibola should just be here forever.”
“Wishful thinking.” Dapo kept chewing and headed for the fridge. “She has a life babe. We can’t be selfish.”
It was like they had forgotten she was even there. How could a woman just feed him now and he didn’t think it was offensive? And Lara just made an absurd statement and he just went with it?
She wanted to leave. Yell at Lara, shout at Dapo and leave with her sanity. But she endured it all and excused herself to the living room.
Dapo followed behind. She was surprised he did. He should have stayed there and allowed Jibola keep feeding him like she was his wife already.
How would he feel if some guy was in her home as a family friend and was feeding her? Would he take it lightly? He’d been the one to ask her about Dare in the past when he had come to pick her from school and he had seen them together. He sure knew how to give but couldn’t take.
She pretended not to hear and headed to the couch but he pulled her to face him on time.
“You’re upset.”
She raised a brow. So he realized she was upset.
“What are you upset about? Talk to me.”
He was too close to her and she was beginning to feel uncomfortable with how close they stood to each other.
“Nothing.” She pulled away and went to the couch while reaching for a magazine to glance through.
He was beside her within seconds and reached for the magazine. “Is this what we’re turning to now?”
“This…, you acting up all of a sudden and using me to read a magazine?”
She sighed. “Look, I came here thinking we could spend time alone and together but all of this happening is like I’m not even wanted here at all. I get that you would like to spend time with Lara and all but what about us Dapo, what about my needs? If you need me in your life, then show me how much you need me. I just feel like a stranger here.”
She shook her head and continued. “And you feeding from Jibola…”
“She’s just a friend Nimi…”
“Well, it didn’t look like that to me babe and it makes me wonder how much you’re willing to reveal to me.”
Dapo was staring at her and she stopped.
“Did you actually just use ‘babe’ for me?” There was a smile tugging at his lips. She didn’t want him to infect her but it was too late as he had infected her already and she was smiling as well.
“I think getting you angry brings out the best in you. Do you know how long I’ve been dying to hear those words from you?”
He reached for her hands and squeezed gently. “I’m sorry you felt that way. Jibola is here because I see her as family, nothing else. I can’t have you in my house because my feelings for you could drive me crazy and I’ve vowed to God to honour Him first, then you and our bodies till our wedding night. I know what can happen if we get close and if I’m getting all lovey dovey with you in that kitchen or anywhere else in my house. It’s one reason I have not invited you here before. If I’m eating from your hands, trust me the next thing I would want to do is ravish you. I do it with Jibola because there’s this sister image in my head when I see her and I wouldn’t want anyone to change that.”
Nimi swallowed. “I’m sorry I…”
“Hey, it’s okay.” He touched her cheeks. “But she’s going to leave in about two weeks time so you my princess can rest assure that I’m here all by myself…” He tried crooning Celine Dion’s All by myself but failed at the attempt only to make Nimi laugh out loud.
“You’re amazing.” She told him
“Sometimes I wonder how I’m so blessed to have you in my life. I feel it’s like a dream someone is going to wake me up from and I’ll never want to wake up.”
“Let me show you how real this is.” And she reached to hug him.
She looked up and saw Lara and Jibola looking at them. Jibola smiled warmly while heading to the dinning table with two plates of pancakes while Lara blinked and looked away, her face not giving anything away.
She released him and smiled into his eyes, for him alone. “Let’s have breakfast already.”
“That’s my girl.”
“So let me tell you how movie night works.” Dapo handed over the blankets to Jibola and Lara while Nimi sat beside him on the couch listening to what he had to say.
“First, we are starting early by the way because I have to get you home before 10 so you can get to church on time tomorrow.” He explained. “Secondly, we eat lots of popcorn and soda and candy. Lara likes to call it sugar binge. Third, if it’s horror or romance, we cuddle because yea, Lara can be a chicken sometimes…”
“No I’m not!” She retorted and Nimi thought she was cute.
“Whatever. So, yea, we also turn off the lights and pull the curtains so it has the cinema effect. There’s a standby generator just in case PHCN or whatever pulls a fast one on us.”
Nimi nodded excited already. She imagined doing future movie nights alone with Dapo when they were married. He would be able to hold her and cuddle her and kiss her all he wanted, perhaps even forgetting the movie and just exploring each other would do just fine.
“You ready?” He broke into her thoughts.
“You get to pick a movie for us. You’re our guest so you’ll do the honours.” He presented her with a choice of movies in his DVD rack.
“I do hope it’s not some lousy drama where there’s no romance.” Lara mumbled.
“Ignore her. She’s a hopeless romantic. Anything you pick will be just fine.”
Dapo smiled at her. “I had an inkling you would choose Cinderella.”
“I want Titanic.” Lara protested
“Sorry love, your dvds are not an option tonight.”
“I know it’s about the love scenes in the movie. I was meant to continue watching vampire diaries but you think it’s inappropriate because Nimi is here.”
“Lara, let Nimi have her night. You can always watch Titanic and twilight or whatever blood drinking series you want to watch with Jibola everyday if you want.”
Jibola chuckled and grabbed the blanket. “Don’t mind baby Lara. Oya scoot over.”
“To where?”
“You stay with Dapo and Nimi stays with me?” She looked at her like she should understand why her brother wanted it that way.
“But what’s wrong with them staying together? That’s what couples do. They cuddle, kiss and watch movies together.”
Nimi blinked. Lara always found a way to dampen her mood.
“Lara…” Her brother spoke up.
“Fine.” She picked the blanket and went over to join her brother while Nimi went to join Jibola who was welcoming already. She placed the popcorn bowl in her laps and smiled at her. “I love Cinderella by the way.” Jibola whispered.
“Thank you.” She smiled and turned to face the screen as the movie came on.
The day was finally turning out for her good afterall.
When the movie ended, Nimi sighed with satisfaction and smiled at Dapo when he looked at her from Lara’s head.
Nimi excused herself to the bathroom while Jibola and Dapo cleared up. She thanked God that it had not turned out disastrous as she’d been scared it would when they had the slight argument in the morning. She liked that Dapo was humble enough to make her understand and his servant’s heart made her marvel. She’d told God the kind of man she wanted and he just surpassed her expectations. He was kind and considerate and brought God into everything even to his movie choice. He understood boundaries and he had not made her uncomfortable by allowing them cuddle together even when Lara had brought it up.
She flushed and opened the door just to see the object of her thoughts standing before her.
“Hi.” She greeted.
“Hello.” She replied and was about stepping out of the way when she stood in the way.
She looked up then. The way the Lara girl acted at times almost convinced her that she was possessed with some kind of spirit that antagonized hers.
“You didn’t tell me anything about the office today?”
“You mentioned you were coming back this week to sort out somethings so I was going to give you the report on Monday.”
“And what stops you from giving me the report now?”
“Now?” Nimi’s eyes were wide open wondering how ridiculous the girl got day by day.
She shrugged. “Is there a problem?”
Nimi’s tolerance was starting to decline. “I came to see my boyfriend Lara, give me a break please.”
“Oh so that’s how you play now isn’t it?”
“I’m not playing at anything. You’re demanding something impossible of me and I gave you a reasonable answer. I came as Dapo’s girlfriend, not your PA. Now if you’ll excuse me…”
But she pushed her away making Nimi stagger.
“You enjoy this don’t you. You enjoy shinning like the goody two shoes who gets to impress everyone with her ‘questionable’ character. You think I don’t know your type? You see class and you dash for it. Ohh I saw you pretty well. I saw how you kept looking around his house and I’m sure you can’t wait to hop into his bedroom when you two are alone. How you kept ogling my brother when he asked you to join Jibola. You wanted so bad to make him touch you and want you. But you’re scared aren’t you. You’re scared I’ll see you for the kind of girl you are and realize that you have it in you as well. You’re scared that you’re just like me. Only you’re just afraid to take that liberty because you don’t want him to see you as a bad girl.”
Nimi wanted to hit her. For the first time in her life, she wanted to pull at her hair and keep smacking her till she shut her mouth. Maybe if she did, Dapo would be the one to separate them. She wasn’t even repentant. She took and kept taking till she left everyone empty.
Even with her state she still found a way to hurt others.
“Did he tell you Jibola was his childhood crush?” She taunted further
Nimi swallowed.
“Oh, don’t worry. When he gets horny, he has someone to satisfy his needs, definitely not some church girl who thinks she’s the best thing that ever happened to any man.”
“You need help.” Nimi replied.
No father let me talk. Let me talk sense into her stupid vulgar brain.
Nimi, ignore her and leave….
No Lord, she needs to get it from me tonight so that she knows I’m not some mumu girl whom she can dump her trashy words into. She keeps doing this and she needs someone to put her right.
“You know what, I feel sorry for you.” Nimi began allowing her eyes settle on her like someone who needed sympathy. “I feel sorry that my boyfriend is wasting time on you when you should be in rehab. Look at you, just look at you. Are you not even ashamed of yourself? I used to think you are a poor child who needs help but all you are is just some attention starved little girl who would do anything to get her name out there, even when it’s obvious your time is over. So what, what if I want Dapo, what if your brother wants me, at least we have a boundary unlike you who would would settle for anything and anyone who doesn’t even respect you or gives a hoot about you. I used to wonder what you saw in your so called fiance but now I see it clearly. You two deserve each other.”
Lara raised her hand but that was before Dapo stopped her and pulled her away when she started kicking and crying.
Dapo looked into her eyes then and she knew he’d heard every single word she said. He looked hurt and looked away while Jibola assisted him with keeping Lara from plucking her eyes out.
Oh my God…, what have I done?
Did he hear what his sister had said to her? Lara had done worse and now she looked like the bad person in all of this.
“Lara, it’s okay…”
“Did you hear what she said?” Lara protested in between sobs.
“Jibola take her to her room while I take Nimi home.” Was all Dapo could say.
For a while no one said anything to each other and Nimi was torn.
Oh God why didn’t I listen. Why was I bent on having my own way. Will Dapo even forgive me?
She had to tell him what happened. She had to make him see that she wouldn’t have said so much if Lara had not pushed and provoked her.
There was no response.
“Baby…, I didn’t mean to. Whatever you heard, I was really upset. Lara said words…”
“I would like to concentrate on my driving please.” Was all he said and she felt hurt.
Was he not even going to hear her own side of the story? So just because his sister had cried some crocodile tears now meant she was the evil one in all of this? So he was choosing his sister over her?
What happened to ‘I would never let anyone hurt you?’ And about Jibola being his childhood crush. Did he not think she had a right to know? When it got to his things, she understood, but the tables were turned and he choose to go quiet on her.
When they finally arrived at the house, she spoke up. “So is this how we are going to say goodnight to each other?”
He sighed. “Nimi don’t make this worse.”
“Oh, so it’s Nimi now.”
He remained quiet.
“I think I’m going to make things easy for you Dapo.” She felt the anger rising again. She’d endured everything they threw at her. It got to their turn and they took it personal. How could he be quiet when she needed him to say something, defend her or understand her side of the story.
“You would have to choose between me and your sister.”
“What?” Dapo looked at her like she had gone crazy. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh damn right I am.”
“So is this what it has come to? Choosing? You’re going to take this road out because you had a row with my sister?”
“I’m not taking any road Dapo. I’m wondering where you stand in all of this.” She felt the tears burning and did her best to hold it back.
“What do you expect me to do. You told my sister she needs rehab. You told her she deserves a man like Soji and other men that took advantage of her…, No man deserves that bastard Nimi, I wouldn’t pray a sane girl ends up with him.”
“So that automatically makes me a bad person?”
“Lara was hurt…”
“So was I Dapo. Nights when you won’t call or days when you two would leave me in that office working my ass out when I have a life. Do you even think about me? Do you? Do you think of how much I need you to tell me you still love me and I’m not wondering if I’m some girl you’re going to dump somewhere when the pressure rises? I have done everything I can do for you and your family. I’ve been there for you, I’ve encouraged you, I’ve prayed for you and I’ve been the best PA I can ever be to your sister and this is what I get.” She shook her head as the tears were already strolling down. “You can marry your sister for all I care. I’m tired of running errands.”
And she stepped out of the car.
“Nimi!” He called but she ignored him and found her way inside. It was when she closed the door behind her she broke down into tears.
“I was wondering what…” Tolani was already talking before she saw her face. “Sis Nimi, are you alright?”
She shook her head running to her room as the tears refused to stop. “Dapo and I just broke up.”
Much love. xo!
Original story by ITUNU TAIWO owner of http://myglowingscenes.com
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