When Dapo got home, he was upset and tried to keep his emotions in place. He could not remember the last time Nimi ignored him when he called out to her. He knew she was hurt but he was hurt too and so was Lara. He knew she wasn’t the kind to lash out, knew she was decent and had a good character but those words coming from her had shocked him. He had never imagined she would say such things.
And Jibola had heard everything.
He had heard Lara speaking but it was not audible. Jibola had glanced at him when they heard a response and so they knew she was talking to Nimi. And then they heard Lara say something again and the alarm in his head rang.
Oh no, not the two of them. He’d forgotten they were both like petrol and fire.
It was when he drew close he heard everything Nimi had said and it stung him. Even Jibola had been quite shocked that she would say such.
He knew Lara must have said something. But whatever she could have said, why couldn’t she just tell him and he would have handled it?
He’d handled it the last time and she’d been humble about it.
Was something happening to her he wasn’t aware about? Was she changing? She’d asked him to pick between her and Lara. How could she? That sounded selfish and arrogant. He loved her but he had to make her know she had boundaries. Lara was still his sister and asking him to choose was a wrong move to make.
Had he painted a different picture of Nimi in his mind? What if there was more she had hidden inside and they would only begin revealing itself as they continued their courtship and finally got married?
He sighed and was about heading to upstairs when he saw Jibola strolling downstairs already in her pyjamas.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
He nodded unable to express how bad he felt at the moment. Everything had gone so well today and now it was like their relationship was currently at a crossroad.
“I’ve tucked Lara in. She said she wants to see you when you get back.”
“Thanks Jibs.”
“I’m sorry about you and Nimi. I hope you two come to an understanding and sort out things.”
He swallowed. “I’ll go check on my sister.”
She stretched her arms. “Hug it out?”
He looked up and thought he saw something in her eyes. Thinking he was just being paranoid, he blinked and hugged her. He broke free almost immediately as if something tugged at his spirit like a warning.
“What’s wrong?” She asked looking into his eyes and he knew he felt something in his flesh.
It wasn’t a godly feeling.
Who hugged a girl in her pyjamas?
A man running on his emotions that’s who.
“Nothing, I’ll go check on Lara. Goodnight Jibs. Sleep tight. I’ll be leaving for the first service tomorrow. Will you be able to make it?”
She blinked and moved back almost as if she wasn’t expecting that “Uh, I’ll try I guess, or I’ll just opt for the second or third service.”
“Okay, cool.”
And he was gone.
When he got to Lara’s room, he saw her nicely tucked inbetween sheets and went to sit beside her. She smiled when he came to her.
“Hey sugar bunny.”
She rose and hugged him. “I’m sorry Bro Dapo. I didn’t mean it.”
“It’s okay baby girl. I’m sure Nimi didn’t mean it either.”
“She was so harsh to me…”
“Shhh…, it’s okay. She was just upset.”
She released him and reached for his hands. “I want you to believe me. I was just asking her about the office. I know how it was selfish but I just asked her and she went all out on me about her wanting to have her personal girl space time. I might have said words but I wasn’t expecting her to get all upset.”
Dapo looked into her eyes and squeezed her hands gently. Something told him she wasn’t saying the complete truth.
“Sweetheart, I need you to come clean. You know how much I love you right? Just do me a favour by telling me the truth. Did you say something? Anything at all…”
She looked into his eyes. “Well…I just said you and Jibola were pretty tight when she got all ‘this is my boyfriend’s house blab la bla.”
He closed his eyes and sighed.
You’re searching for answers from the wrong source.
“Try and go to bed.” Was all he said when he got another prompting from the HolySpirit.
“I love you Dapo and I don’t want anyone to come between us.”
“No one will.”
She kissed him on the cheeks and slipped back into the sheets. “Do you have to go to church tomorrow? Why don’t you stay home so we can watch spongebob in the morning while Jibs makes us oats and moin moin?”
He laughed. “I have the rest of the day to spend with you two so don’t steal my time with God.”
“Do you think he cares about how much time you spend with him?”
“Well, if you have a relationship with someone, you spend time with them don’t you? You tell them how much you love them and you show it. You spend time in their presence just listening to what they have to say to you. Sometimes you can’t look away because it’s just too good to be true. That’s what relationship with God feels like.”
“You make it sound interesting.”
“Of course it’s interesting.” He reached to caress her cheeks. “And He’s waiting for you. The moment reach out.”
“I don’t think He’s gonna like what I have to give.”
“And who says He’s interested in what you have to give? Look at me, I was a mess before Jesus. We can’t give anything. He gives us new life and takes away the filth and everything we are. His love is unconditional. You knew about my past. You know what happened between your friend and I back then, how I was reckless and hurt others, and look at me now, I’m a happy and free man. I’m no longer a slave to my fears or past atrocities. Jesus wipes the slate clean.”
He saw how fear clouded her eyes at the mention of her friend back in secondary school whose child he had aborted and he thought she was worried about that.
“Hey, I’m sorry, did I upset you?”
She shook her head suddenly looking normal again. “No, I’m fine.” She looked at him. “So God forgives murder just like that? He doesn’t seek revenge and send people to hell the way those preachers yell on the road?”
“Of course He forgives all kinds of sins once you acknowledge how much you’ve done and how you’re willing to come to Him.”
She nodded almost as if she didn’t believe him completely. “Soji has not called me Bro Dapo. Ever since that thing happened. I felt I was going to forgive him if he came looking for me, but I don’t know what I’m capable of right now.”
“Stop thinking about him. He’s not worth your time baby. Look, you’re going to find someone who loves you irrespective of your past. But truth is, God is the only one who can love you regardless. He carries your burden so you don’t have to carry it anymore. He then gives you someone who loves you like he does and the guy does not judge you or care about your past because you become a new creation in Christ.”
“I don’t think anyone is willing to love me that way.”
“There is. God first, then the mystery guy will show.” He said to console her.
What if there is no mystery guy? What if I’m the Only one she needs right now?
He inhaled deeply. “Remember that bible I bought for you when we went to church together weeks ago? The pink one with the buttons and all?”
She nodded.
“Did you read 1Corinthians 13 that talked about God’s love and the way he wants us to love as I asked you to?”
She balked.
“Lara…, I can’t help you if you keep choosing to do things your own way.”
“It was boring. I’m sorry I said it but it just feels hard and so ughhh… I just don’t think I’m cut up for stuff like that. Nimi is better at things like that. She’s the good girl. She’s the virgin girl who got the perfect guy and doesn’t have a body count. She’s the kind of girl God would want to listen to. Not me.”
“See why we fight? Because you just dig up facts from all those stupid shows and books you spend time binging.” He sighed. “Look, God is not Godzilla, or some white beardy guy who is waiting to punish you. And Nimi before Christ stood on the same grounds you stand right now. Myself included. All sinned Lara. No one was better than the other. Even if you were a virgin and did not know Christ, it doesn’t matter to God. We were all weighed on the same scale and found wanting. No one had the ‘better’ sin. Sin is sin. The moment you acknowledge that you need Him, he makes the slate clean. Nimi is righteous because of Jesus. She has no righteousness of her own. She is human and fell short of God’s glory. So did we all. She accepted Christ and she became clean. Stop looking at her that she’s clean because of something she did. She chose to honour God with her body and so she stayed away from sex because sex outside marriage isn’t God’s will for mankind. Sex is something beautiful and sacred that should be between man and wife and enjoyed between them alone. No one else.”
She watched him and couldn’t say a word.
“Rahab was a woman in the bible through whom Jesus came. She was in the lineage of Christ the Messiah. And guess what…”
“She was like virgin Mary?”
“Opposite. She was a prostitute. She wasn’t even a Jew.”
Lara looked on.
“Heard of Tamar? Well her father in law slept with her. She was the first woman in the lineage of Jesus Christ. And what about Bathsheba? The woman who commited adultery with David? These women had no qualifications and yet God took them in and made them something. He gave them beauty for ashes.”
“How do I know you’re not making all these things up?”
“Pass me your bible please…”
She reached for the book she’d ignored for weeks and passed it to him. He opened to show her parts of the Bible that indicated their life story and picked her highlighter so he could mark the places and she could go back to read their stories in full when she was alone.
When they were done, she shook her head. “That was some messed up lineage.”
“So if you can call it messed up, why do you think God is not ready to deal with your mess? These were women who had no one, no hope to be called into God’s family and yet God’s mercy still found a way to call them his people. He’s not looking for the good people or the perfect people. He’s looking for people who are willing. People who are ready to rise from the dust like the prodigal son…”
“Is that another story?”
He sighed and opened the bible to show her where it was, marking it so she could read it.
“Yes. But baby, all these things won’t appear if you don’t open your bible to read it. The bible is for reading and studying, not for decoration.”
She swallowed nodding.
“So I want you to do me a favour. Read these things before bed or tomorrow morning while I’m away at church. When I get back, I want you to share what you’ve read with me and I’m going to give you a big surprise.”
Her eyes brightened. “What?”
“Not telling. That’s why it’s a surprise.”
She giggled jumping to kiss him. “I’m going to read it. I promise.”
“I love you sweetheart.”
She hugged him and let him go.
It was when he left her room the atmosphere changed and her eyes settled on the bible.
Picking it up, she glanced at it and flipped through it.
What are you doing?
She ignored the usual thoughts in her head that had been leading her for years.
Oh, so you’re suddenly going to become a reverend sister because your brother has given you some bullshit talk about Jesus and the yada that goes with it.
Well, it sounded good.
All bullshit. You better do what you do best. You think God is really like that? You allow him into your life and he makes life miserable for you. That’s who he is, not what your brother just told you.
She remembered her brother’s surprise gift for her and struggled to concentrate.
Didn’t you see Nimi? Did you see how she was dying to sleep with your brother but she couldn’t? She didn’t deny it when you even asked her. But this ‘God’…, some God that a bunch of people just make up to feel good restrains them from showing love to a man or woman they love. You’ve known sex as love all your life, why change now? Why make life difficult for yourself?”
Dapo told me about God who is ready to receive me. I think I would like to find out about Him and He said the only way I can do that is the bible.
The voice in her mind laughed and she grew scared.
“Oh, so you think God will forgive you? After what you did…”
Stop. Please stop.
After killing your bestfriend’s baby
I didn’t. Soji did.
Oh but you pushed him. And now you’re pushing the blame on Him. Very typical of you darling. So typical.
What do you think Dapo will do when he finds out the whole truth?
He can’t find out
She felt the tears burning already. He’s the only one I have right now. He can’t find out.
Oh if you keep going this way with this bible thing, then be rest assured He will. He will find out about Aisha’s baby you killed in cold blood, he will find out about the incest game you and your father played, the lies you told to cover up and you know what’s going to be the major touchdown? He’s going to find out about how Nimi was right afterall and He’s going to hate you for it. That you tried to come between them and he was only defending a liar, a murderer and a freaking lunatic brazen enough to cover up her father’s sin.
She dropped the upturned bible on the bed and sobbed.
“What am I going to do?”
“Shhh…, everything will be alright. Just do what you’ve been doing. And we will play this game all well and good. As for that bible, drop it somewhere. It’s going to ruin things for us.”
She dabbed her face and picked the bible to drop it back on her bedside table when she saw the part Dapo had marked.
And just for a moment she froze as the words reached out to her.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
Her brother’s voice echoed in her head and she read it again. It was like the voice in her head had gone silent as she read.
“Did you read 1Corinthians 13 that talked about God’s love and the way he wants us to love as I asked you to?”
God’s love is patient. God’s love is kind. It keeps no record of wrongs.
The voice in her head was not kind. It was not patient. But that same voice had led her through life and brought her this far. She couldn’t just jump into this God’s love train that wasn’t familiar.
What if she couldn’t keep up.
God, are you real? Are you here? Did you want me to read this? I don’t know what to do. I’m confused and there’s a war going on inside me. Her mind cried.
No answer.
She inhaled. She should have known. What was she expecting. A voice to thunder from heaven telling her what to do?
‘I told you he doesn’t care for people like you’ The voice came again.
She turned on her ipod to play classical music plugging her ear-pods in. Maybe that would drown out the voice and make her sleep on time.
When Dapo had prayed and was about settling into bed and picked his bible, the spirit led him to Proverbs 31v10
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
He knew God knew Him. Knew his thoughts and everything that had gone through his mind tonight. The doubt of Nimi’s character and how he’d made some insinuations about her because of her outburst.
He sighed. “I’m sorry Lord, but she…”
“No buts. You were wrong.”
“So what do you want me to do? Call her tonight and say sorry?”
“No, do things the right way. First take care of your own household before anything else.”
He remained quiet.
Jibola has to leave.
He swallowed. He’d suspected something could happen if he let down his guards around her next time and God had been the one to save him tonight.
I never told you to bring her in the first place but I just allowed it.
I’m sorry.
He was glad God had his back and sent the alarm bells off in his head or his emotions could have gotten the best of him the way it did in the car. He couldn’t even imagine himself and Jibola. It would make things worse and complicated.
He shook away the thoughts immediately.
Keep praying for your sister. Nimi’s outburst had a negative impact on her tonight but it’s something I can work on. I will make myself known to her at the right time.
He kept writing down as the Spirit led him to.
Forgive Nimi, mend your relationship and stop taking her for granted.
He inhaled. He realized he was missing her already as the spirit began working on his heart and ministered to him.
But you will have to thread softly with her this time while praying against the trick of the enemy. She’s still licking her wounds and so she might give a bit of struggle but just trust me. She’s my child so she’ll yield to me.
Thank you Father.
One part of his mind was already thinking of how to tell Jibola to go home without being rude about it.
Just then, his phone rang and he saw his mum’s caller ID.
He fought against picking it since he felt God was still talking to him but when he felt led to pick it, he did.
“Mum? Is everything alright? This is 11p.m”
“Can’t I call my son again?” She chuckled.
“I’m sorry Mum. How are you? I’m glad you called.” He joined her laughter.
“Yea, I just thought I should say Hi and check on you and the women of your household.” She teased. “By the way, tell Jibola I want to see her o. Ahnahn, since she came to Lagos, she hasn’t even been to see me. Are we fighting? Tell her she should pack her things and come and spend the remaining weeks with me or I’ll come there and drag her myself. There are so many things I would like to show her and it’s been a while.”
Dapo blinked.
Oh my God. Father, is this you?
“Oh that’s…, that’s good. I’ll tell her tomorrow morning or when I get back.” He could not contain His joy.
“Yea, I tried calling her but the network wasn’t cooperating with her phone. I tried yours instead and I’m glad it went.”
“I’m glad too.”
“Okay my prince. Let me not keep you awake for too long. How’s my baby Lara doing? I was also thinking I would like to see her, if she could come home sometime next week or thereabout?”
“Do you think it’s wise and safe for her?”
“Dapo, I told you, your father said he didn’t do all those things. Lara has told us her side of the story too. Wont you believe them?”
“I want to believe them, but maybe Lara is scared Mum.”
“But young man, the way you’re being protective over Lara, I hope it’s not affecting your relationship o.”
Did God send this woman to him too?
“If there’s any woman that should be there in that house with you, it’s Nimi. I know you’ve told me you two don’t do stuff like that in Christianity but you know the two of them are not very friendly. You just need to make sure Lara knows her place in your life and Nimi is not threatened by it. If there’s something that turns a woman off, it’s when a man is too attached to his family. I’m not saying you should not love us o, but I’m a woman and I’m just saying how women feel when they see some signs.”
“Mum you know I love Nimi and I’ll stand up for her anytime…”
“When last did you call her?”
He decided to come clean. “She came over today…”
“Oh…” She was quiet. “With Jibola and Lara in your house?”
It was then Dapo realized how unreasonable he had been.
“Your being quiet tells me a lot already. I hope she went out of your house the same way she came in?”
“We haven’t broken up if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Okay o. Just give me feedback on whatever happens between you two. Hopefully she still sees you the same way.”
“Ah Mum, do you know Nimi more than I do?”
“Sorry o. I may not know her the way you do, Mr Kitan Junior” She emphasized as if to drive the nail deeper. “But I saw that girl’s eyes the day you brought her home and I could detect one or two things about her.”
The conversation was getting interesting. His mum had never told him this before. He’d heard older people saw things younger people did not.
“What did you see?” He probed further.
“Number 1, She’s madly in love with you. I could sense that she’s someone that could go lengths for you if you tell her to without blinking twice. Number 2, she looks like someone whose jealousy is not very pretty and she craves your attention. I saw the way you two were all lovey dovey when you came but I could see she enjoyed the attention you showered on her. She’s quiet I know but when she gets jealous, hmmn, you won’t like it. And she looks like someone who is quite stubborn too. Not too much but she has it. The same like you too. So let’s hope her love is enough to wipe away every form of jealousy or you’d be attending classes to learn how to make your future wife ‘unjealous‘.” His mother chuckled.
“Very funny.” He replied and a smile tugged at his lips. He’d prayed and Nimi would yield to God as He had said.
But he’d told him to pray and thread softly as well. Was there something ahead?
“We’ll be fine.” He assured her feeling confident in his wooing skills. Nimi had not been able to resist him in the past. So why now?
“Thank you Mummy.. We’ll talk later. Kisses.”
“Goodnight my son. Later.”
And she hung up.
“Oh God, you have to grant me strength for whatever is coming up.” He prayed before drowsing off to sleep.
Nimi found herself in the Children’s department when Ebele who took the children classes had not been able to make it to church today because she’d been sick. She was the last person that she felt they could call to attend to the kids but as a worker in church and it was only for one day, there was no harm in trying.
She was glad for the distraction though. Maybe it was God that had made it happen that way so she wouldn’t be so engrossed in her situation while sorting out the books in the Library and how she would need to smile and briefly summarize the book in question to whoever was interested in borrowing or buying. She had never complained about her work in church. She believed it was God who led her to do it. She wasn’t certain where he wanted to take her from a small place of recommending books to people but she trusted Him. It was in the same place she’d met her spiritual sister Arike who counseled and advised her often. It was the same place she’d have people come back to share testimony of how she’d recommended a book for their situation and they were blessed. All they had to do was tell them the kind of book they wanted or summarize what they were currently battling with and she would ask God to lead and she would tell them about the book but making sure that they weighed it against the bible which was God’s word.
Some simply came to buy or rent a book without asking questions.
Through her simple position as a worker who did that, a few people had come to love her and trust her since they never heard anything they told her on someone else’s lips. Rather than do that, she prayed for them when she spent her quiet time with God.
She also never forgot about them and sent them cards during seasons. That simple yet she was content till God intended to take her higher which she was already praying about.
Her mind briefly flashed back to what happened on Saturday and though she was upset that she disobeyed God in the first place by going to Dapo’s house, she still felt justified to take a break from all the drama in her life. She’d given him a choice and he had balled out.
It was obvious she wasn’t important to him as she’d thought she was. She was right to take a break from the relationship.
And the Jibola lady…, she just couldn’t get that fork incident out of her mind. So what if she wasn’t there? He could have as well be eating from her palms and allowing her eat him with her eyes.
She shook her head. Where did those crazy thoughts come from?
She had never thought like this before. All her life she’d never felt this anger or jealousy over someone she loved. Maybe it was because she had never been in a relationship. But was this what a relationship did?
Expose who she really was?
And who was she? Was this a journey to discover who she was? She had thought relationships hid things like that but it was the opposite. Every feeling, every emotion she had ignored in the past when she was single just came out of nowhere and took over her senses making her feel less spiritual and less godly.
Her mum wasn’t aware of their break up yet and she hadn’t told anyone. Even Dapo had not called her as she had hoped he would. That night perhaps. Maybe if he’d called that night and followed her into the house, she might have changed her mind.
But maybe she wasn’t worth much to him afterall.
She attended to a little girl with curly hair that was dragging a pencil with a boy and smiled at her hoping to work things out between them. She was pretty and had pretty ribbons. She’d imagined having a girl. Some nights when she was alone after speaking with Dapo at the time their relationship was still blooming and he called her almost every night, she would stand in front of her mirror and place her hand on her stomach wondering how and when a child will disfigure her shape and her stomach and how she was going to cherish every minute of it. How she would watch her child grow inside of her. The image of Dapo standing behind her while his hands covered hers as he kissed her would suddenly take over her mind and she would blush and cover up immediately.
Was she capable of so much in her heart and yet it wasn’t showing till now?
Was Lara right afterall? Was she no different from her? Did she enjoy the attention too? Dapo’s attention on her had declined for just two weeks and she’d gone nuts. She imagined if she’d had a childhood like the girl. Would she have been the same? Seeking love in the arms of every man who professed love? Would someone like Soji had attracted her too? Would she have done all she could because she didn’t want to end up alone and unwanted?
“Whose pencil is it?” She snapped out of her thoughts trying to settle things between them.
“It’s mine.” The boy said still struggling for it.
“Thomas, stop it. What does Jesus say about being kind?” Her conscience pricked her when she said those words.She had not been kind to Lara with her words on Saturday and she chose not to admit it still. Even God had given her a verse that night to tell her what she was wrestling with.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. -Eph 6v12
She had been fighting against the wrong person when it was obvious who the enemy was.
She tried to pull away the pencil from his hand before it injured anyone. “You know what, I’m going to give you a beautiful pencil that looks like your hair ribbon if you give this back to Thomas okay?”
The girl relaxed.
“What’s your name?”
“That’s a lovely name.” She reached for her hand and the girl received it. She was glad that the fight had ended soon enough and she had made a new friend.
She was tidying up after service when she felt someone tug at her skirt. She turned to see it was Andrea, her new friend.
She beamed waving.
It was when she looked up that she saw a young man that looked quite like her except he had masculine features and dark eyes. He was good-looking, had boyish features that made him look like he was in his early twenties.
So young and he already had a kid. How come she’d never seen him in church before?
Maybe she never paid attention.
“Hi..” He greeted and his voice sounded like something smooth. She wondered why he was staring at her in a funny way. “When my niece told me about the amazing aunty who gave her a Barbie pen, never did I stop to think I must be meeting with someone this beautiful.”
She swallowed. No one had ever called her beautiful except for Dapo.
“I’m so sorry. Forgive me for my manners. My name is Eric but my friends call me Ricky for short.” He extended his hands.
She received it and managed a smile. He was quite forward but she didn’t seem to mind.
“Nice to meet you Eric.”
He smiled and kept staring at her. He had a nice accent too. Not sure where he hailed from but his English was quite clean and he had a beautiful smile. He was not too dark but his skin tone was well blended.
Why in the world am I noticing all of this?
“Your Name?”
“Lovely name. It means my own or something like that right?”
“Uh, the full name is Oluwalonimi or Jesulonimi. It means God owns me.” She smiled when he nodded like he was enraptured by her explanation.
“Oh wow, makes it much better. Lovely name, lovely face, lovely smile and lovely heart. Andrea won’t stop talking about how kind you were.” He continued. “Do you work here? I’ve never seen you before.”
She blushed. “I work in the church Library and I’m just taking Ebele’s place today.”
“Oh I see where they hid such beauty, such royalty. Why do they do that?”
“I don’t know.” She chuckled wondering why he was making her feel she was some kind of Miss Universe that had been hidden in some hole.
“Okay forgive me for sounding like Shakespare but thanks for helping this little minion here.” He pulled at the child’s hair and grinned when she reached to retaliate.
“Are you leaving? Andrea and I are on our way home and we can drop you off at the closest bus top while I get to know you.”
“Uh, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” She tried to cut him off when she saw where it was going. She hadn’t known it would turn out that way.
How could she be so ignorant. Maybe because no one had ever asked her out this way before.
“Why?” He asked innocently.
“Uh, I still have to wrap up a few things and so I have to check out the library since I’m done here and everything else I have to work on.”
“Oh okay. So you don’t mind giving me your number do you?”
She hesitated. She knew she wasn’t meant to. But she shrugged. Was there any harm in giving the guy her number? They were just acquaintances and that was all.
He typed it in and buzzed her smiling when it rang and she showed him she had his as well.
“I would really love to see you again Nimi.”
She nodded without saying a word watching him as he left with his niece and the girl waved while she waved back.
She felt a warning in her spirit but ignored it.
I’m sure he’s going to forget me once he gets home so don’t worry about it. She consoled herself and relaxed.
But why did she still feel she had made a wrong move?
Much love. xo!
Original story by ITUNU TAIWO owner of http://myglowingscenes.com
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