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Nigeria Immgration Service (NIS) Aptitude Test - We have made comprehensive compilations of Nigeria Immigration Service Aptitude Test Past Questions and Answers with other key information you should know in preparation for the Nigeria Immigration Service Exam.

Previously, the Nigeria Immigration Service Examination consisted of three basic parts which are:

i. English language
ii. Mathematics
iii. Current Affair

English language
The questions are usually GMAT types. They consist of opposite in meaning, nearest in meaning and filling the gap. There are usually 50 questions in all.

The questions are usually GMAT types. They consist of percentage, ratio, simple interest, sets, probability, sets, statistics, conversions, simple and compound interest, age and work, area and volumes, profits and loss e.t.c. In all there are usually 40 questions to answer.

Current Affair

The question usually covers a wide area including the history of Nigeria, Nigeria current affair, all about Nigeria Immigration Service, World organizations such as OPEC, UN, ECOWAS, OAU as well as knowledge of information technology e.t.c. In all there are usually 50 questions.

In this year's exam, we are not sure if they will maintain the format or change it.

We have compiled below past questions & answers, Likely questions and other necessary information you should know about the Aptitute Test.

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