I told you guys a few weeks ago that actress and TV personality Moet
Abebe wasn't really engaged despite showing off an engagement ring on
instagram and insinuating that she was. (read
here). In an interview with Sunday
Vanguard, she admitted she's still single. Excerpts from the interview below..
Are you in a relationship at the moment?
What’s your kind of man?
Hardworking. I don’t necessarily want to date anyone in the industry. I
don’t judge people that do. But for me and the type of commitment I’m
looking for, if I’m to get into a relationship, I’m intending to get
married to the person.
So I need someone that’s really focused and fully
committed. I’m not really about the physical appearance, I’m more
concerned about what you’re bringing to the table as regards my future,
children’s future and all. Basically, I want someone who’s hardworking,
has his head screwed up properly, who’s making his money and is
basically responsible.
You don’t think you can find him in the industry?
I didn’t say I can’t, but I’m not looking in the industry.