As I dipped my c**k into her wet sticky pussy, she grabbed me tight moaning, I started banging her (with the sounds coming out gradually till I got faster..yeas, feeling high and great, I kept on for about 7mins then I had to remove my cr*k as I poured it on her body, she didn't look satisfied yet,.."get that thing back up she said" what do I now? .. I excused myself and went into shower to freshen up to regain strength.
I was in bath wen she came in, she gave me a drug to use and top it with whisky. Dam! This worked magic and I was lost in sense. Energy fully restored.
I grabbed her rough in the bath, hands on d wall, she shoots out her ass, then I entered from behind, they say whites ain't busty but trust me, this one has ass,. I banged rough and hard, she lost control of her mind as he started letting out sounds of pleasure in high tone, doggy style doing the trick. Dam!!
I banged her for another 10mins, I didn't even know had released in her but my cr*k was still strong and running. (Now i discovered her pussy is getting wide).We switched style and styles, we changed to the room, she came on top, she's really a good rider, she rode till I took over position, then I heard " harder yes! Oh! She! Deeper, uhhh! Am cumin am cumin! I banged faster and finally she let out a loud sharp moan, yea she's finally released, that's d signal, I removed my cr*k, she grabbed it and started sucking the cap, swallowed d length and out dam! I moaned and I came in her mouth after 6minutes ...
Its been sixty minutes of mad rough drive. So many semens here and there, everywhere was messy, we slept off unclad as we ran out of strength. It was around 2350hrs wen we slept off.
I woke up with no sign of white around, I quickly checked all my stuffs to see if they were not missing, thank God I wasn't robbed after cross checking my stuffs.
I heard the voice "its time for breakfast"
I went out and they were all on table, alex, white and bright.
White:- hi, rise and shine.
I sat down to join d meal, as we started eating, we discussed a few things and among was getting me a new nickname. I finally told them to call me kuz remembering Jane had given me that. I asked where white got d gun she used in robbing me and she said its legal, they allow it there, for self defence. Wao! Nawa.
I was relaxing and chatting with my friends back home on WhatsApp telling them about my adventure so far when I received a call from Jane and we agreed on how to meet finally. That afternoon I set up and left for Jane's place. Taxi is also a very good means of transportation there, they take u directly to where u going, house exact.
She welcomed me, hugged and kissed me.
She was already preparing lunch in d kitchen, I joined her there and we started chatting until when I asked...
Me:- so do you live alone? Where is your man?.
Jane:- you must really be a dummy to think I would invite u into my home when I have a guy.( she said jestly)
Me:- hmmm, I see.
Jane:- (continued talking). I was married.
Me:- m..a..rri..ed?
Jane:- yes! Kuz, I caught him cheating on me with a lady.. She paused and continued as I watch silently. .. U know my job, we are always travelling so I don't spend much time at home.
Me:- hmmm, I can't blame him that much tho, he's a guy.
Jane:- I don't blame him and I blame him, (I asked why). U see he knew about my job program before we got married and he was okay with it. To worst it, he was seeing my friend.
Me:- that's pretty rough and bad so u don't have kids?
Jane:- no I don't,....enough of me.. Tell me about u now.. Why are u here?
Me:- oh! Am here on a work permit for two years.
Jane :- that's gonna be something big cos, u might not get a real good job.
Me:- I was invited by a company, I studied mechanical engineering and have been working on something new which I shared on net, that was how they discovered me and I got the invite, to come help and teach and work together.
Jane:- wao that's something big now, u would be well paid then.....So When Are U Starting?
Me:- Well Actually, I Came Before Schedule So I Will Be On My Own Till Next Week Wen Our Deal Officially Starts. U Know White People And Contracts.
Jane:- So How Have U Been Living?
Me:- Like I Told U, Am In A Hotel But I Will B Staying In My Friends Place Till Then. .. She Interrupted .."
Jane:- U Are Always Free To Come Here. (I Smiled).
"You Are Beautiful I Said" Yet She Smiled Again.
We Ate After She Finished Cooking, I Struggled To Eat It Cos Its One Of Their Dishes Here. Jane Was Caring And Loving, She Was Romantic And Naughty Too. She Taught Me How To Eat The Meal. After Meal She Says ..."Don't U Think It's High Time We Played Our Rematch? I Smiled And I Answered "I Hope I Won't Loose?.. "You? Loose? I Know U Can Handle Me" She Replied? We Started Laughing.
We Started From Dirty Talks To Pillow Throwing, It Was Fun Till We Got To That Part And We Sexed, Turns By Turn, She Was Really Tough This Time, I Could Say It Was A Draw But She Gave Me Real Big One. We Slept Woke Up And She Demanded More, We Did And All She Was Saying Is Its Been A While She Was Touched.
Later That Evening, I Got Back To Bright's Place, I Decided To Go Get My Stuffs From The Hotel Had Booked Back In Manchester. Seems I Won't B Using There Anymore. I Can Hook Up With Brighton Till The Monday Which Was Just 72hrs Away. I Was Beginning To Have A New Family And A New Home.
Watch Out For The Next Episode.
Finally it was Monday, time for the main purpose of trip. I made it to the company, well dressed on my grey suit, the atmosphere was cold and welcoming. I made it to the secretary and in no time I met with my employer...
Employer:- Hello Mr chuks am Andrew and welcome to B.S Tech Company.
Me:- thank you sir,
Andrew:- we saw something in u, u have a talent and we would like u to come on board, marge our potentials together to make the world a better place.
Me:- thank u sir.
Andrew:- just as you can see, we are a mini company and we have had a few breakthroughs in the physics world. We would be in charge of your feeding, housing and transport and also we shall be paying you annually just as the letter of agreement had stated.
Me:- its an honor for you to believe in me and I promised we would have a great work partnership.
Andrew:- we resume by 8a.m and close by 4pm, we will show u your apartment at the closing of d day's activities, paid and furnished. let me take u downstairs to meet the team. .let's do some introduction.
He lead the way and we got to a large room where mechanical parts, equipments and people where busy working. .
Andrew:- (with a loud voice, in a British accent). Alright team!!, gather up, let's pause for a moment...
(There were five of them in number, 3 ladies and 2 males, they were young too)..this is our new recruit, and he will be working with u all.........(skip).
Meet chuks ...chucks...this is Michael, Kyra, Bella, John, Carrie as he points to indicate them respectively. We shook hands and I felt most d soft palm of Carrie.
Andrew:- alright let's get back to work...(facing me). . Michael is the team leader and the most experienced man on the team, feel free to work with him.
[Andrew left, while I remained in the room with the team] Michael came up to me and we had a few conversation which led to him asking me few questions relating to the course and I was able to answer him to the extent he was amused.
The day went by in d company of my new team, they were working on a project which they were putting me into what dey have done/achieved so far, we also had a bit of personal chat during lunch and I find them really fascinating. I tried getting close to Carrie, my mind was really on her all was about closing of the day when a call came in, it was from Jane,
Jane:- hello kuz
Me:- hi
Jane:- so how is your day going?
Me:- very fine bae, in fact I am about closing.
Jane:- really? So I will be seeing u very soon? I can't wait to see my kuz. (She was happy by her tone).
Me:- yes, I will drop by. Later. ......I dropped the call and went straight to Andrew's office.
(Come in).
"So how was your first day at work, how would u rate our environment and the team"??. "Its really great sir", I replied, there are more advance equipments here for me and the team are welcoming so I believe we can work well together to the growth of the company.
Andrew:- am glad we are not disappointing.
Now go downstairs. A car awaits you there, u will be taken to your apartment. Alright sir.... I went back to the workshop room and saw just Michael and Carrie were still around, I didnt have time to study the situation as i bade goodnight in a hurry just to catch the car waiting for me downstairs.
[ still to come....THE BACHELORS]
The driver drove me to the apartment, it was really furnished as said, I was overwhelmed. I got the key and went off to Jane's place after inspecting the whole place.
It was just 10mins drive away. Jane has really been expecting me, she jumped on me as I entered and we locked our lips.. I den unlock my lips as I ask how her day has been.. "Fine but not fun, I was home alone, I miss your touch" she replied why didn't u go out, see your friends or sometime, I quizzed her more.."I don't have much friends due to d nature of my job and d only friend I had betrayed me" she answered.
I sat on the chair as we ate some snacks she had kept.
Jane:- so how was work ? Gimme some gist.
Me:- (I narrated almost everything, including d apartment that wasnt far away from her place, ##she was happy to hear that ##) but do u know something was off today?
Jane:-( smiling as she was enjoying the conversation). And what was that?
Me:- I was on suit while others were on simple clothing. *we both laughed*
Jane:- tomorrow is a day u correct that.
Me:- yes! For sure.
We were watching a comedy while she sat near me placing her head on my shoulder. It wasn't long we got in d mood and we started kissing so passionately. She has a sweet lips with long hair.
She sat on my laps facing me as we continued romancing. I removed her top, no bra for sure, I started rubbing it with my hands, pressing and squeezing. I started kissing her neck, boobs, and body, dam! She was flying already. She quickly removed my cloth as she wasn't getting into me that much. She started rubbing my chest and body, she got my weak point now, I was so lost and my c**k was up and strong, d foreplay was getting enough wen we both went completely unclad.
Still seated on d couch, she robbed my c**k that it was over stretched and very hard( it could break an egg with one snatch at this point). She was wet already and was dipping out of her p**y fluids.
Immediately she dipped my c*rk inside her wet vir***a.! We both exclaimed sexily.
She started bouncing and she felt felt my c*rk just as I felt deeply the walls in her v****a,. She was just making different sounds, we den switch position to doggy, she lie with her stomach facing ground, she shoots out her ass, I grabbed it, squeezed it as I entered from behind. She moans, loudly, after a while, she bends to suck my c*rk. I moaned at each stroke, she was really good at it, we went back to the missionary style and she was just uttering, harder!!, faster!!!. I was beginning to run out of strength, wen I came after 12mins.. I had to withdraw to regain some strength, I den used my two middle fingers to penetrate her p**sy. She was more than wet in there, doing d sign of come! Come! With my fingers as I go in and out after some minutes, she exclaimed sharply as she came, and d whole fluid poured on my fingers. We were weak to clean up so we slept off.....
We woke up, cleaned up and had another round of sex. She was really a sex freak.
It was now around 2000hrs GMT when I receive a call from......
To be continued in Episode 9.
It was a call from bright asking me when am coming over. I dressed up and gave Jane a good night kiss, "I thought u are staying over for the night" she asked wearing a sad face. "I didn't plan on that tonight, don't worry maybe tomorrow" I replied.
"But....okay...can I go with u to see this friend of yours ??" She asked..
Me:- no, am not sure he's planning on that either, but don't worry, sonner before later u will meet with him.
She wasn't happy but after some yes and no argument, she finally gave up and I left for Bright's place.
I got to Bright's place and I saw them in a party mood,
Me:- what's the party about?
Chorus answer:- a party for u!!!
Me:- what's up with it?
Chorus answer:- on your new job.
Oh!! I was caught awe. We popped some wine and snacks as we gist about the new job and how d whole day went.
White:- how is the apartment given to u? Which area?
Me:- its not far from here, let's say 15mins drive from here and from there to my place of work is about 5mins drive.
Bright:- cool! Man! Keep it cool and rocky.
(Alex in her beginner pidgin tone):- se u no go take us go see your place?
Me:- we can do that tomorrow, during lunch, I will come here so u guys can assist me in packing my bags and also help me do some designs to the walls. #smiles
All:- just call us wen u need us, we are here.
Alex:- whitty come up lemme show u something in my room, as the ladies left, it was now myself and bright alone in the sitting room, now I have a good time to chat one on one with bright.
Me:- Bright what do u guys do? And u told me about Alex being your wife.
Bright laughed before he then replied.." I do double jobs man, "I work in a delivery company, we delivery items, anything, for people and also the club we went on the night u got here, Alex owns it, I help her manage it ... *at this point I opened my mouth
Me:- so u mean Alex owns it?
Bright:- yes, yes, and she also owns other places too, and that's how have been able to establish myself here, at first I wanted using her to collect a stay, and also to outsmart her materially (u grab wat I mean) but I later fell in love with her for real and she's been good, and she's also into me. She even asked me to teach her pidgin cos she would like to come down to Nigeria with me soon.
(At this point I was lost in thoughts on how Bright's luck has shown and approached him graciously. She's really his angel). The only problem is she loves sex too much. Its a most common thing in this part of d world anyways.
Me:- hmmmmmm. What about white??
Bright:- white is Alex's friend, she works with a modelling company, tho she's still an upcoming model, also she's good in marketing, she helps us have more people patronize the club a lot In her way.
By this time, the ladies walks back in,
White:- so what have u both been discussing while we were away?
Bright:- I guess you should tell us what u both were doing indoor since..
Alex:- we are planning on u guys. (She said laughing)
Me:- (one eye opened) planning what?
(The ladies burst into laughter)...
Bright:- and we were deploying strategies on how to breach your walls ..
This time we all started laughing.**.The conversation went on until around 2305hrs wen are almost getting drunk
Alex:- its time to hit the room, come on love.
They walked into their room as I and white stayed behind stirring at each other.
Are u not going to bed yet? I asked.
White:- my day is not yet complete...don't u miss me?
Me:-.em..emmm.emmm. Don't get what u mean?
White:- u really can't b serious now are u?
(this time i was beginning to understand where this will end so I changed everything to a joking matter).
Me:- I gotta sleep now, I need to leave early for work tomorrow..
White:- oh! That's true, almost forgot.
As I stood up to walk to my room, white pulled me back and forced a kiss on my lips, as she looked into my eyes and say "I love u kuz" she planted d kiss back ...oh! No not now, I just had an encounter with Jane and now u?
I fell for the seduction but trust me, if u are in my shoes u would have done the same, I can really now see why She is a model, she has d curves and moves. I and white had sex right there in d sitting room from the chair to the ground. I went into my room and bade good night.
I woke up next morning, tho a bit late, but I made it to work, we had a project to work on, we are trying to build a device that can control any kind of switch.
During working hours my eyes were fixed on Carrie, and I still was wondering what could be the connection between Michael and her and also d word "I love u" from white keeps banging in my brains.
During Lunch I went back to Bright's place to pack my stuffs, Alex and white also joined in the packing and in no time, we got to my place, bright helped with d arrangement while white designed d walls and Alex did some cooking. ..
After an hour, we were all set and done. We ate and I was beginning to feel home with them. We left d apartment as I went back to work.
(Had collected some time to had me move my stuffs to my new place).
From work to Jane's place, then a visit to Bright's place and then back to my abode.
That's how have lived on same routine for over 6weeks.
After work one evening I was at my place, relaxing. I decided to check my social media, replied some comments on fb and on WhatsApp, I also did some uploading on Instagram.
I called home(Nigeria) talked to my people and also with my 3 forever niggas. I gist them about everything here so far and they also updated me on whats been going on there...
James told me Biodun and Emeka has finally decided they wanna retire from the street and wants to settle down now, I laughed at the joke cos I know them well but James insisted it was true and they are printing out I.vs soon. I hmmmmmed
continued the conversation. After the call, i saw a msg on WhatsApp from Cynti, wao! The lady I had last before I left Nigeria, I couldn't chat much with her. I was now beginning to think of having a lady in my life for real this time. White told me directly she loves me, (tho after the night she told me that, had told her we should keep it cool for now and nothing serious yet, it dented our communication cos she wasn't happy hearing that and I don't stay long like I used to at Bright's place any longer). Jane is showing it that she loves and wants me, and I have an eye on Carrie my colleague, what do I do???.
Story continues in the episode 10.
Its been over 3months now, Jane has resumed back to work after two months leave (tho we keep in touch very often), white is very much around and we are making great achievements each week at work, had fully settled down. The snow has started dominating the atmosphere, no doubt, u don't need to be told we are now in winter period, neck warmers, jeans, jackets, sweaters, and even caps are the dresses in vogue.
I got back from work one evening to meet white at my door,
Me:- hey! What's up?
White :- hie ai kuz (as she hugs me.) Been bored all day, so I came here to invite u to d cinema, I don't like going alone.
Me:- its been a long day, I can use that.
We set off to the cinema. The film we watched was titled "bluemoon" it was a nice movie, I really enjoyed d company of white. It was late in the night when the film ended, we decided to take a walk in d cold as we held hands walking by the beautiful sights of the streets; we hugged, kissed along the way, we had a stop by at a restaurant to have something into our stomach. I was now in love, not thinking of anyone else but white, I never
Knew when I told her "I love u" we got home that night and we had a very one night stand sex like never before..uhhh!!! U f**ked me really well tonight..
Me:- would u b my girl? I asked as we lay on the bed tired and panting,.
White:- had been expecting that for ages, yes yes, she said happily and joyfully as she hit my chest with her soft fist. "I had to take my time" I replied as we both laughed, u are naughty she said. I promise to be d best lady u have ever had. U know there is something about me u don't know? What is that I inquired,. My actual name is not white but Rebecca, white is just my social status name.
Me:- huuu! U have a nice name really. We laughed, cracked jokes till we fell asleep.
¶ The next morning, I woke up light, happy like never before, its really a beauty and a great peace to have a lady in ur life. I bade white as I left her for work. At work I was more happy and focused, I decided to forget about Carrie since I now have white fully in my life. White was now staying more in my place and we having good times together.
It was one Friday night, we all decided to relax after a long week of work, we went to join bright and his friend and from there we all went to Alex's club house down town.
Me:-(facing Rebecca,) remember the last time I was here? Someone robbed me.
White:- oh! I remember that story well, by some British girl right?
Me:- yes! The girl robbed me and few months later she robbed my heart.
White:- I feel for u now, let's cry for kuz.
We all bursted into laugher.
Alex:- lovers!!! Lol.
We sat at the same table as the first time here, we continued discussing, drinking and eating some meats in sticks. When Alex yells! Come on guys! "Let's get on the dance floor!" Alex loves dancing and so is white(trust models they love fun) bright responded by standing up (d.j now playing rain over me by pitbull) white was really so sexy this night, I don't think have seen her in such hot clothing before. She pulled me up and invited me to the dance floor. We started dancing! Alex was good she backs me as she rubs her ass around my c**rk, she saw the movement of my d**k and gave a smile. She twisted and turned. She's really a sexy dancer.
I excused myself to go get a sip of drink and before I came back I saw some guys trying to harass her, (taping her ass and trying to press her body, she tried resisting but strength wasn't there) I lost temper and bursted the guys down. They were 3 rugged looking guys, tho I got some bruises on my face before the bouncers came and tried to calm the situation, they made them feel sorry for causing trouble as dey were sent out humiliated.
Me:- (facing white) are u okay? Did dey hurt u?
White:-( sounding angry and a bit beaten down) not too much, just didn't like d way dey touched me.
Me:- u should have shouted so everyone would know.
White:- sorry kuz, I thought I could handle them
Me:- angrily.... where were u (facing bright and Alex) to have allowed this??. They both looked sorry as dey tried defending their selves, "we were indoor trying to run some account balance with d accounts manager"
After enough of sympathy talks, begs, we decided
to call it a night.
Alex:- we still have some balancing to do here, u guys go up ahead we see tomorrow.
Bright:- hey! Kuz treat yourself bro, stitch your bruises and take care of your angel. I and white both voiced thanks and good night as we left.
We were just some meters away wen, a car ran purposely straight at us, hit our car, I fell unconscious but before then I blurry saw a man drag white and took her away.
I woke up the next morning to find myself in an hospital, with bright and Alex near my bed.
Me:- where is Alex?( I asked sharply as I struggled through pains to sit up.
Alex:- we don't know but we believe she's been kidnapped. (She replied as her eyes were red and tears beclouds her eyes)... I tried tearing up but...
Bright:- keep cool man, we thank God we still have u and together we can find her, we have reported to the cops already and they are investigating it. We glad u didn't have any deep cut and the doctor says u will be fine soon. U just gotta try and rest.
Me:- no need to look far, it must be those guys from the bar last night yes! Yes! ( I said angrily and conclusively)
Alex:- we though so too, they have been tracked down and as we speak they are in the police custody.
Me:- justice must be done, they must bring her out!! (I yelled).
Alex:- don't worry dey will find her. Even her manager has called me today, he's worried too cos she has an appointment today, her lines switched off and not traceable.
Carrie and Michael came to check me in the hospital after hearing of the incident ..
Later that evening I was discharged tho still had some bandages on. we were at Bright's place when a detective came in, "we did every interrogation and investigation, they didn't do it, our kidnappers or kidnapper is still out there" so tell me what u know, her movements and anyone she's had any issues with in the last few days " ... What? We were all furious hearing that cos its gonna be one hell of a long search.
We told the detective the few we could tell and he left. We felt restless, disturbed worried and troubled as we cracked our heads for options and loops. I couldn't concentrate and I was gracefully given a free hand for a week at work, meaning I can come in anytime and leave.
One afternoon after about 3 days of white's disappearance, a call came in and what came from the other side of the call was, "I have here with me the lady u seek for, u will have to do something to get her back, I will call u later on how, do not call the cops" the call hangs and so was my heartbeat for seconds. Who is this person?? If its not those guys from the club that night who could it be?
Watch out for the next episode.
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