Episode 36
Segun got into his room,
undressed and went into the
bathroom to take his bath. He
came out, took his phone
opened his whatsapp and chat
with his online friends. As at the
time he logged out he had
another verbal combat with Mike.
He laid down to sleep but was
interrupted by a kock on his
door. He sluggishly stood up and
opened the door and their stood
his Father and mother.
He opened the door wider for
them and closed the door after
they entered.
He sensed he is in for hours of
“Segun, Segun, Segun. How many
times did i call you?” His mother
“Three times.” he replied.
“I am your mother and i don’t
want you to make mistakes.” she
He kept his face down.
“I want to ask you some
questions and i want nothing
but the truth.” she explained.
“Okay, go ahead ma.” he replied.
“Who is Jummy. I want nothing
but the truth.” she emphasized.
“She is my girlfriend.” he replied
looking at their faces to know
their reaction but was suprised
when he saw them smilling.
“How old are you?” she asked.
He already saw this coming.
“Am sixteen.” he replied.
His father stood up when he
became bored of the
“i want to see Jummy and
Olanike before this week runs
out.” she said.
He was wondering how his mum
got to know about Olanike.
“Don’t be suprised. I read
everything in your diary.” She
It was then it dawned on him
that he had been careless with
his things.
“Let them see me in my shop and
you must be there with them.”
she said standing up.
“Okay ma.” he replied.
His mother stood up and left his
room. He quickly picked up his
phone and informed Jummy
about the latest development.
Jummy was happy that she
would be meeting his
boyfriend’s mum.
His phone rang after the call then
he discovered it was Nike.
“Hello.” he greeted.
“Segun am very sorry about what
Emma did to you today.” she said.
“It’s nothing.” he replied.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Yes i am.” he replied.
“Thanks dear.” she responded.
“Nike, i want to tell you
something.” he said.
“Go on am listening.”
“My mum wants to see you in her
shop tomorrow.”
“Me? Hope no problem?”
“None at all.”
“How will i get the place?” she
“I will text the address to you.”
he replied.
He said and ended the call.
Immediately he dropped the call,
he text the address to her.
Episode 37
Mrs Akinola was seated in her
shop giving instructions to her
Jummy walked into the shop
dressed in a black mini skirt and
red top. She walked through the
sections of clothes, toys,
jewelleries, consumable products
and other varieties of goods
based on the cashier’s directives.
“Good afternoon ma.” she
greeted bending her knees.
“Good afternoon my dear.” The
woman replied giving her a
searching look.
“It is me, Jummy.”
“Oh! You are welcome my dear.”
Mrs Akinola instructed one of her
girls to give Jummy a bottle of
chilled drink.
“So you are my son’s girlfriend?”
she asked.
“Yes ma.” Jummy replied smiling.
“But don’t you think you are too
young for that?” she asked.
“Yes we are young but we are
not going too deep with the
relationship.” Jummy explained.
“Is it a must for you to have a
boyfriend now?”
“It’s not a must but so that we
don’t have problems with
relating in future and to know
ourselves better.” Jummy
“I see.” she replied.
Mrs Akinola and Jummy were
together in her shop talking
about relationships and their ups
and downs before Olanike
“Good afternoon ma.” Nike
greeted kneeling down.
“Oh! Nike right?”
“Yes ma.”
“you are such a beauty.” Mrs
Akinola complimented.
“Thank you Ma.” Nike said
kneeling down.
“Have your sit.” mrs Akinola said
pointing to a vacant seat beside
where Jummy sat.
“Good afternoon.” Nike said
greeting Jummy.
Jummy ignored her and
continued playing with her
Mrs Akinola noticed the cold
atmosphere between them and
the jealousy in Jummy’s face. She
“Do you know her?” Mrs Akinola
asked Nike.
“Yes ma.” Nike replied.
“Who is she to you?”
“She is my friend.” Nike replied.
Jummy raised her head up and
looked at Nike with an angry
“Who is she to Segun?” the
woman asked.
She never saw that coming.
“I don’t know but recently i
discovered they are much more
close.” Nike explained.
“So there is a possibility that they
are dating?”
“Yes ma.”
Jummy’s phone rang and she
picked it. She dropped the call
twenty seconds later.
“I have to go ma. My dad wants
to see me.”
“Okay.” mrs Akinola replied
handing a five hundred naira
note to her as transport fare.
Jummy left after showing
appreciation to segun’s mum
and ignored Nike’s greeting.
“That girl doesn’t fit my son.” Mrs
Akinola said to Nike.
Nike was suprised and did not
know how to reply the woman.
Mrs Akinola gave Nike her
number at the end of the day
after giving her her own
transport fare.
Episode 38
Segun got to the exam centre
very early in the morning on the
2nd of october (the last day of
the examination)
He sat down and did his last
minutes revision.
“Good morning.” Nike greeted.
“Good morning.” he replied.
“How was your night?” she
“It was fine.” he replied.
They chatted happily for like
twenty minutes before Jummy
entered the hall.
“I’ll see you later.” Nike said
immediately she sighted Jummy.
“But, nobody is sending you
away.” Segun replied.
“I know but i don’t want
trouble.” she explained.
Nike left for her seat. Jummy got
to Segun’s seat angrily.
“So you are still seeing this
useless girl?” Jummy asked.
“Keep your voice down and
moreso, am not seeing her.”
Segun defended.
“You finally allowed your mum to
make decisions for you.” Jummy
“Don’t bring my mum into this.”
Segun warned.
They stood up against
themselves before Olanike came
between them.
“Segun. What’s the matter?” Nike
“s–t. What’s yours in this?”
Jummy asked.
Nike walked away with tears in
her eyes.
“How dare you call her s–t?”
Segun asked but waited for no
reply as he ran after Nike.
Jummy walked to her seat
angrily. Segun apologised to Nike
before the invigillator came in
and distributed the question
paper and the answer booklet.
After the paper.
Candidates were seen loitering
outside jubilating on the
completion of the exam.
Some were taking pictures while
other were exchanging contacts.
Segun snapped Nike’s pictures
and vice versa. Jummy was
looking at them from afar with a
very angry face.
Segun chilled with Nike for some
minutes before Emma and his
boys numbering up to fourteen
showed face.
They dragged them to a lonely
part of the school.
Segun’s phone was seized, his
wristwatch and his chain. Nike
was begging for their safety but
the guys ignored her and
warned Segun not to move close
to Olanike for the rest of his life.
Segun voiced out angrily and
requested for a man to man
combat between him and Emma.
They accepted the contest and
they were left to battle it out.
Segun succeeded in pushing
Emma to the ground and was
raining lots of punches on him
before the other guys joined in
support of Emma. Nike seeing
that they had dropped the things
they seized from them picked it
up and took to her heels.
Segun managed to stand up and
ran away with a series of cuts on
him. He took the school’s back
gate and walked towards the
bus-stop where he saw Olanike
waiting for him. Seeing him in
his injured state. She quickly
called a taxi and off they went to
her house in the GRA.
Episode 39
“Did they hurt you?” Nike asked
with concern written all over her
“Not really. I just had some minor
cuts.” He replied.
Nike left him in the sitting room
and went into the kitchen to boil
water for him so as to press his
swollen head.
“Ouch.” he whinced in pain.
“Is it painful?” she asked.
“Should i test it on you?” Segun
asked scooping water with his
hand pouring it on her.
“Oh my God! This thing is
painful.” She said laughing.
“So you don’t know before.”
Segun teased her.
She gave him some painkillers
against his wish but he took
them to please her.
There was a horn outside the
gate. Segun was startled.
“Who could that be?” he thought.
“That should be my dad.” Nike
said heading outside to welcome
her father.
“Welcome dad.” Nike said
hugging her father.
“How are you my princess?” he
“Am fine. Hope you bought what
i asked for?” she asked.
“don’t you know i came home
because of your birthday?” he
“I trust you.” she replied smiling.
“Daddy’s girl.” Joe the gateman
“Thank you.” she replied playfully.
Father and daughter both went
inside and met Segun sitting
Sighting her father, Segun stood
“Good afternoon sir.” Segun
“Oh! How are you?” he asked.
“Am fine sir.” Segun replied.
“So you are Segun right?” he
“Yes sir.” Segun replied suprised.
He looked at Nike for an answer
but got a smile in return.
“Enjoy yourself and make
yourself comfortable.” the man
said and headed for his room.
“I’ll be right back.” Nike said
following her father.
“Okay.” Segun replied and sat
Nike came back and they
continued talking about stuffs
such as their schools, friends and
Emma and Jummy.
At exactly 4 o’clock Segun stood
up and announced his departure.
“Wait and let me tell daddy.” Nike
said and went back inside.
Nike came back and handed one
thousand naira to Segun.
As Segun was about stepping
out of the house Nike’s father
came to the sitting room.
“Hope to see you on thursday.”
The man said.
“Definitely sir.” Segun replied.
Nike escourted him back to the
bus-stop where he’ll board a bus
to his house.
“Take care of your wounds.” She
“Okay, i will.” he answered.
“Bye. I’ll call you.” she said.
“Bye.” he replied hopping into a
Segun got home thirty five
minutes later but got the shocker
of his life immediately he got into
the sitting room.
Seated in the sitting room was
his mother and Jummy.
Episode 40
Segun entered the sitting room
and met his mother and Jummy
seated discussing only God
knows what.
“Good afternoon mum.” he
“Welcome. How was your
paper?” she asked.
“It was fine. You didn’t go to
shop?” he asked.
“I had to come back to attend to
somethings.” she explained.
“Okay ma.” he said leaving the
sitting room.
“Segun.” his mother called him
He face her waiting for what she
had to say.
“Are you blind or you don’t see
your girlfriend?” she asked.
“Girlfriend? I don’t think i have
one at the moment.” he said.
“So who is she?” she asked
pointing to Jummy.
“She is one of those girls i met
during the exam.” he explained.
“Are you alright? So you have
started changing girls like you
are changing clothes?” she
“I am okay.” he replied.
“Okay. As your mother i hereby
command you that you should
continue your relationship with
Jummy with immediate alacrity.”
she said angrily.
“That’s not possible. I own my
life and i know what is good for
me.” he said angrily.
“Are you a b—–d?” she asked.
“That a question for you.” he
His mother frowned her face.
And stood up angrily moving
towards him.
“Am i the one you are talking to?”
she asked.
He kept mute to the question.
His mother angrily picked up a
mug and threw it at him. He
quickly dodged it and the mug
came crashing on the wall.
He quickly ran to his room and
shut the door. His mother ran
after him and knocked on his
door angrily.
She walked back to meet Jummy
in the sitting room.
“Don’t worry my dear. He will
surely become yours. Tell your
mum that everything will be
settled.” She consoled jummy.
“Okay ma.” Jummy said and left.
Segun overheard all what his
mum said to Jummy.
“Does that mean that her parents
are connected to mine. No way
am gonna date such girl. Nike is
the right person for me.” he said
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